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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 12:32:15 小学作文

篇一:as you wish

As You Wish

The Miracle of Love

Do you know the world “as you wish” means “I love you”? When our male protagonist Westly lived in the farm, he is hard –working and strong. He just did the work silently. He fell in love with a beautiful girl called Buttercup. But he dared not tell the girl. Buttercup called him farm boy and always asked Westly do something. Every time Westly finished the thing which the girl asked him to do, he always said “as you wish”. Finally Buttercup realized that as you wish means I love you and they were together. Unfortunately Buttercup was told that Westly was caught by pirates and died.

In the scene 2, Westly showed up again with the identity of a pirate to save Buttercup. He became stronger and skilled. He climbed the mountain crest and defeated Inigo. When he fought with Inigo, he respected opponent and showed the perfect fencing skills. When he met Inigo?s leader, he was smart and spoke too much to confuse the leader to drink the poisonous wine. At first, he wore a mask and even everybody thought that he was the Pirate Roberts. He thought Buttercup betrayed him and loved others. At that time, his heart is floundering, he wanted to revenge

Buttercup but in his heart he still loved Buttercup. So when Buttercup pushed him down the slope, he said ?as you wish? and admitted his identity. In the fire swamp, he overcame the monster and protected his lover bravely. He firmly stuck to the belief of true love even though he faced danger and the king. He was changing and becoming a real man.

The way of happiness is always full of bumpy and you must make the effort. Of course, Westly is no exception. He was caught by the king after they escaped from the fire swamp. In the secret room, he suffered a lot of pain and almost to die. Before he fell into a coma, he still insisted true love. How amazing and moving! In the last scene, he was saved by his companions. This resurgence changed Westly into a real man. He became smarter and braver. He used his clever brain make a perfect plan and lead his companions to beat the king? army. When he met the king, he was calm and composed. He defeated the king without using his sword. At least, Westly and Buttercup were together forever and lived happily.

This is a beautiful story which is about true love. Westly is a real man. He

adhered to the

as you wish

belief of love and made all his efforts to protect his lover and their love. Let us remember that death cannot stop true love, all it can do is delay it for a while.

篇二:as you wish(如意)

"As You Wish" (Ruyi)

based on material offered by Mr.Du Feibao

Visitors to Beijing's Forbidden City will notice a valuable exhibit called ruyi (formerly spelt as juyi) with a head like a shred of cloud and a long body or handle in the shape of a flat S. It may be made of any of a wide range of valuable materials: gold, jade, jadeite, crystal, agate, coral, agolloch eaglewood, bamboo, bone and what not. And the workmanship is often quite meticulous: it is carved with patterns in incision, low-relief or openwork and sometimes inlaid with silver, gold and gems. The designs may be simple or very elaborate but invariably convey messages of good wishes, such as "pine and crane" (standing for vigorous old age), "immortals wishing you longevity", "phoenix and peony" (standing for wealth, happiness and prosperity), and the like.

The ruyi, it is said, was born out of a common Chinese article of household use- the itch-cratcher. This is a stick about 1.5 feet long, with one end in the form of a miniature hand with bent fingers. Holding it, a man can scratch the itches on his own back and thus get a feeling of well-being. It is still used by some people in China today. Usually made of commonplace wood or bamboo, it is popularly called by the descriptive name laotoule ("old man's joy").

The itch-scratcher, being a joy, began to be made of more valuable materials for those who could afford it. But apart from being an art object, it continued to be used for its original purpose until sometime during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It gradually became a pure ornamental object called ruyi ("as you wish"). The right place for the elevated and transformed itch-scratcher was now on the bedside table of the imperial sleeping chamber, by the side of the throne. . . to be appreciated daily by the emperor and his numerous wives. On every occasion of court celebrations, such as enthronement, royal wedding or birthday, the nobles and courtiers would be busy raising money and ordering whole sets of ruyi for presentation. On the 60th birthday of Emperor Qianlong (1700), for instance, the ministers presented to him 60 ruyi of gold filigree. Likewise, on the 60th birthday of the Empress Dowager Cixi (1894), she got 9 times 9 or 81 ruyi. (The number 9 X 9 symbolizes infinity or an endless long life.) The ruyi was also used by the emperor, when he chose a concubine out of a number of candidates, to point at the one catching his fancy.

The presentation of ruyi was not a one-way affair: it was often bestowed by the emperor upon his ministers or subjects. There is still a valuable collection of them in the Mansion of Confucius in Qufu, Shandong. They were given by various emperors to the

descendants of the great sage.

It is still difficult to pinpoint the time of the first emergence of the ruyi, although no archaeological finds of them date from before the Qing Dynasty. They are much valued but commonly seen objects of decoration in the old Qing palaces, but outside of Beijing one rarely comes across them in provincial museums.

篇三:Ruyi,As You Wish.doc

Ruyi,As You Wish



Visitors to Beijing’s Forbidden City will notice a valuable exhibit called ruyi (formerly spelt as juyi) with a head like a shred of cloud and a long body or handle in the shape of a flat S. It may be made of any of a wide range of valuable materials: gold, jade, jadeite, crystal, agate, coral, agolloch eaglewood, bamboo, bone and what not. And the workmanship is often quite meticulous: it is carved with patterns in incision, low-relief or openwork and sometimes inlaid with silver, gold and gems. The designs may be simple or very elaborate but invariably convey messages of good wishes, such as “pine and crane” (standing for vigorous old age), “immortals wishing you longevity”, “phoenix and peony” (standing for wealth, happiness and prosperity), and the like.

The ruyi, it is said, was born out of a common Chinese article of household use- the itch-cratcher. This is a stick about 1.5 feet long, with one end in the form of a miniature hand with bent fingers. Holding it, a man can scratch the itches on his own back and thus get a feeling of well-being. It is still used by some people in China today. Usually made of commonplace wood or bamboo, it is popularly called by the descriptive name laotoule (“old man’s joy”).

The itch-scratcher, being a joy, began to be made of more valuable materials for those who could afford it. But apart from being an art object, it continued to be used for its original purpose until sometime during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It gradually became a pure ornamental object called ruyi (“as you wish”). The right place for the elevated and transformed itch-scratchier was now on the bedside table of the imperial sleeping chamber, by the side of the throne to be appreciated daily by the emperor and his numerous wives. On every occasion of court celebrations, such as enthronement, royal wedding or birthday, the nobles and courtiers would be busy raising money and ordering whole sets of ruyi for presentation. On the 60th birthday of Emperor Qianlong (1700), for instance, the ministers presented to him 60 ruyi of gold filigree. Likewise, on the 60th birthday of the Empress Dowager Cixi (1894), she got 9 times 9 or 81 ruyi. (The number 9 X 9 symbolizes infinity or an

endless long life.) The ruyi was also used by the emperor, when he chose a concubine out of a number of candidates, to point at the one catching his fancy.

The presentation of ruyi was not a one-way affair: it was often bestowed by the emperor upon his ministers or subjects. There is still a valuable collection of them in the Mansion of Confucius in Qufu, Shandong. They were given by various emperors to the descendants of the great sage.

It is still difficult to pinpoint the time of the first emergence of the ruyi, although no

archaeological finds of them date from before the Qing Dynasty. They are much valued but commonly seen objects of decoration in the old Qing palaces, but outside of Beijing one rarely comes across them in provincial museums.



主句 从句

从句动作先于主句动词动作(be的过去式为 were) 现在时 过去时 从句动作与主句动作同时发生(had + 过去分词) 过去时 过去完成时 将来不大可能实现的愿望 将来时 would/could +动词原形

例如:I wish I were as tall as you. 我希望和你一样高。

He wished he hadn't said that. 他希望他没讲过那样的话。

I wish it would rain tomorrow. 我希望明天下雨就好了。

2)wish to do;wish sb / sth to do.例如:

I wish to see the manager. = I want to see the manager. 我希望见一见经理。 I wish the manager to be informed at once. (= I want the manager to be informed at once.)我希望经理能马上得到消息。


wish 不是中文的“希望”。 wish 常被错用为“hope”,而 wish 的英文文法最难搞(对学外语者来说。)。我在这里尽量以浅白的口语方式去举几个例子。文法细节说多反而会把初学者给吓跑。只要暂时记住以下几点。 wish 有两个意思。“期望”和“祝福”。一个是负面,另一个是正面。正面的“祝福”用於生日和过年过节的“祝福”,祝人好运等。大多数都用在“负面的期望”;一个无法实现的“期望”。所以如果你希望再见某人时。应说成 I hope to see you again 。不该说 I wish to see you again 。初学者暂时记住除了过年过节外,平时想说“希望”就用英文的

“hope”。英文的“wish”相当於中文口语的“如果什么什么…就好了”。是一种“无法实现的期望”。 I wish I had the money “我如果有钱就好了。”。 I wish I were you 。“我如果是你就好了”。 I wish you were there 。“如果你在场就好了。”。 I wish I knew 。“如果我知道就好了。”。为了方便初学者记。既然是“不可实现”的期望,过了就算了。所以在 wish 后面跟着的动词是“过去式”而不用“现在式”(这里是为了方便大家记,我自己说的。正式的文法不是这么讲。)。既然是不可实现的期望。正确的说法是 I was ,大家把 was 改写成 were (这里的解式是方便大家记我自己说的。以后大家基础打好后慢慢去细查 wish 的文法规则。)。说了这么多,希望初学者只要记住,暂时除了过年过节外,平时就用 hope 。大家很明显看到 wish 一般都用在负面上,连它的形容词 wishful 也是负面。 wishful thinking 是“一厢情愿的想法”,“空想”。

Never say goodbye if you still want to try...

Never give up if you still feel you can go on...

Never say you don't love a person anymore if you can't let go...

16.6 wish的用法


真实状况 wish后

从句动作先于主句动词动作 现在时 过去时

(be的过去式为 were)

从句动作与主句动作同时发生 过去时 过去完成时

(had + 过去分词)

将来不大可能实现的愿望 将来时 would/could +


I wish I were as tall as you. 我希望和你一样高。

He wished he hadn't said that. 他希望他没讲那样的话。

I wish it would rain tomorrow. 我希望明天下雨就好了。

2)Wish to do表达法。

Wish sb / sth to do

I wish to see the manager. = I want to see the manager.

I wish the manager to be informed at once. (= I want the manager to be informed at once.)


1)用于wish后面的从句,表示与事实相反的情况,或表示将来 不太可能实现的愿望。其宾语从句的动词形式为:

真实状况 wish后

从句动作先于主句动词动作 现在时 过去时

(be的过去式为 were)

从句动作与主句动作同时发生 过去时 过去完成时

(had + 过去分词)

将来不大可能实现的愿望 将来时 would/could +动词原形

I wish I were as tall as you. 我希望和你一样高。

He wished he hadn't said that. 他希望他没讲那样的话。

I wish it would rain tomorrow. 我希望明天下雨就好了。

2)Wish to do表达法。

Wish sb / sth to do

I wish to see the manager. = I want to see the manager.

I wish the manager to be informed at once. (= I want the manager to be informed at once.)

篇五:外贸函电练习题 (含答案)

1、承蒙新加坡商会告知贵公司名址, 并获悉贵号拟进口中国生产的电器用品.

We owe your name and address to Singapore Chamber of Commerce who have told us that you wish to import electric goods manufactured in China.


We are pleased to received your enquiry of 25th October for our Washing Machines.


Thank you for your enquiry of 22nd March and are pleased to know that you are interested in our products.


We would appreciate it if you could give prompt and careful attention to our enquiry for Sewing Machines.

5、 你方所需的200台洗衣机目前都有现货可供。

The 200 sets of Washing Machines you want are available from stock.


Upon receipt of your specific enquiry, we will quote you our best price CIF Shanghai immediately.


As requested, we are making you an offer for 300 Flying Pigeon Bicycles as follows.


We would appreciate it if you could cable us an offer for 900 sets of Electric Fans on CIF Shanghai basis.


If you find the offer acceptable, please cable us for our confirmation.


As the price quoted by us is reasonable, we trust the above will be acceptable to you.


As requested, we are making you a firm offer for 50 M/T of Soy Beans, subject to your reply reaching us within one week.


We confirm having making you a firm offer for 50 metric tons of groundnuts by cable, which is subject to your reply reaching us within a week.

13、滋答复你方信函, 我方认为你们的价格与市场行情不一致。

In reply to your letter, we find your price out of line with the present market.


As wages and prices of materials have risen considerably, we regret we are not in a position to accept the order at the prices we quoted half a year ago.


Owing to heavy orders, we can accept orders for shipment in November only.


We find both the price and the quality satisfactory and are pleased to send you an order for the following goods.

17、滋谈及你放一十月四日的来信,很高兴通知你方我们已接受你方1000台闹钟的订单。 We refer to your letter of the 4th November and have pleasure in informing you that we have accepted your order for 1,000 Alarm Clocks.


1. We confirm having accepted your order for 5 M/T Drie\d Chillis, New Crop at 80 per M/T C&F London for shipment in May.


We are enclosing our S/C No. 123 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file

20. 我们男衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。 Our men’s shirts are packed one piece to a plastic bag and five dozen to a carton lined with waterproof paper and bound with two iron straps.


Green tea is packed 100 grams to a tin and 50 tins to a carton.


Pens are packed 10 pieces to a box and 50 boxes to a carton.


Men’s shirts are packed in cartons lined with damp-resisting paper.

25、很高兴通知你方货物已装东风轮,希望该货物能完好无损的抵达目的地/预计明日驶往你方港口。We are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered have been shipped on board s.s. East wind and hope the shipment will reach you in perfect condition / which is due to sail for your port tomorrow.

26、请你方注意: 直到现在,我们仍未收到你们的装运指示。

Please note that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipping instructions. / we have not received your shipping instructions.


We will arrange for shipment by the first available steamer on receipt of your L/C.

28、我们的客户催促我们将交货期提前到10?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路荨?/p>

Our customers is pressing us to advance the time of shipment to October.


We have instructed our bank to open a irrevocable credit for USD1257 in your favor which is confirmed by our correspondent bank in London.


Our bank will accept your draft on them at 60 days after sight for the amount of the invoice value.


According to the stipulations in our Sales Confirmation NO. 222, you should send us your letter of credit one-month proceeding the date of shipment.


As there is no direct steamer sailing to your port next month, please amend the relative L/C to read as partial shipment allowed


Please cover the goods against All Risks and War Risk for 150% of the invoice value according to the buyer’s request.


As we understand that as per your customary practice you only insure the shipments for 10% above the invoice value, the extra premium for additional coverage shall be borne by us.

__Referring__ to our previous letters and cables, we wish to call your _attention_____ to the fact that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment _under___ the captioned contract.

As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent __need___ of goods contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of early ___delivery___.

Under the circumstances, it is obviously impossible for us to again _extend_____ L/C No. 2450, which expires on 10th August, and we feel it our duty to remind you _of_____ this matter again.

As your ____prompt__ attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned, we hope you will let us have your telegraphic shipping ___advice____ without _further______ delay.

We wish to thank you for your letter of 20th inst, offering us 5,000 kilograms of walnut meat at the price of USD5 per kilogram.

We regret to say that we find you price rather high and we believe we’ll have a hard time convincing our clients at your price.

Besides, there’s been competition from suppliers in South Korea and Thailand. You cannot very well ignore that. Should you be ready to your price by 5%, we might come to Considering the long-standing business between us, we make you such a most favorably and cable us as soon as possible.

No. 5623 covering 50 tons of Walnutmeat we have booked with you. please find the duplicate with our Thanks to mutual efforts, we were able to the price gap and put the deal(5) .

The relative L/C has been (6) with the Bank of China, London, in your Regarding further quantities (8) we hope you will see your way clear to make us an offer to order 80 tons.

having cabled you today in reply, as per confirmation copy enclosed. You will note from our cable that we are in a position to you 50 tons of copper at the attractive of Stg. 600 per ton C&F Shanghai for within one month after your placing an with us. Payment of the purchase is to be effected by an irrevocable letter of credit in our payable against draft at in Pounds Sterling in London.

This offer is firm to your immediate reply which should reach us not later of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.

to the 3,000 cases of Iron Nails Sales Contract No. 123, we are pleased to inform you that we have established with the Bank of China, London, the confirmed, irrevocable L/C No.973 for the Please see it that the above mentioned goods are shipped before May 15th and the insurance is covered for 150% of the invoice against all risk.

As we understand that as per your customary practice you only the shipments for 10% above the invoice value, the extra for additional coverage shall be by us.

Please arrange insurance Yours faithfully

We acknowledge with thanks _receipt of your e-mail of May, 15 for 300 sets of Butterfly Brand Sewing Machines at $55 per _set_ CIF Lagos.

In reply, we _regret_ to state that your price has been found too high_ to be acceptable. As you know, the price of sewing machines has gone _down__ since last year. Some countries are actually lowering their_price_

Under such circumstance, it is __impossible__ for us to accept your price, as the goods of similar quality is easily obtainable at a lower figure. If you can make a _reduction_ in your price, say, 8%, there is a possibility of getting _business_ done.

We expect your early _reply_.

We have obtained your _name__ and address from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade who told us that you are a dealer in the __eoport_business of electric gadgets in your country.

We are sending this e-mail to you to express our _desire_ to set up business _relations_ with you.

Being one of the leading importer of light industrial products, at present we are _interested_ in your Microwave ovens.

We should be __obliged_ if you could quote us your lowest price on CIF Basis for 1000 set of the above-mentioned goods. It would also be _appreciated_ if you could send us your latest illustrated catalogue.

When _reply_, please state clearly the price terms, payment terms, time of shipment, packing conditions.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

你方十月一日有关上述商品的邮件已收到,我们感到十分遗憾你们没有接受我们的报盘. 我们必须指出,你们的还价明显偏低,我们所报给你们的价格完全符合当前的行市,并且已被许多客户所接受.为了你们的利益(in your interest),我们同意把我们的报盘延长到本月底止,并建议你们立即来电确认。

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your e-mail of Oct. 1 for the above goods, we regret that our offer is not accepted (by you).

It must be pointed out that your counteroffer is obviously on the lower side. Our quoted price is completely in line with the present market and has been accepted by many clients. In your interest, we agree to extend our offer to the end of this month and suggest you cable us your confirmation.

Yours faithfully

要求1) 引述对方来函 2) 表示同意对方报价并准备试购一定数量的某商品 3) 强调第一批到货的好坏与今后的业务有密切的关系4) 希望对方用电报确认这批订货 5) 说明信用证将于得到确认后立即开出

6) 盼望取得对方的进一步合作。 Dear Sirs, We acknowledge with receipts of your e-mail of October 1st. We agree to accept your offer and prepare to give order of your product. We have to emphasize that the quality of your goods that we receive in the first time is in connection with future business. We hope that you cable us for confirmation of the order. The relative L/C will be established after confirmation. We are looking forward to further cooperation.

Yours faithfully, . .. .. .


Dear sirs,

Referring to the 3000 cases of Iron Nails under Sales Contract No.123, we are pleased to inform you that we have established with the Bank of China, London, the confirmed, irrevocable L/C No.973, in the amount os $1200, valid up to May 15th. Please bear it in mind that the above-mentioned goods are shipped before May 15th and the insurance is covered for 150% of the invoice value against all risks. As we understand that with the view of your usual practice you only insure the shipments for 10% above the invoice value, the extra premium for additional coverage shall be borne by us.

Please arrange the insurance to be in accordance with our request and meantime, we are looking forward to receiving your advice.

We have received the contract No.5623 covering 50 tones of walnutmeat we ordered from you. Enclosed please find the contract in duplicate with our countersignature. Owing to mutual efforts, we can bridge the prcie gap and conclude the business.

The relatvie L/C in your favor has been opened throug Bank of China, London, which will reach you on time.

As regards additional quantities, we hope that you will make us an offer soon. As an indication, we are prepared to order 80 tones.



Thank you for your e-mail of April 1, from which we learn that you wish to have a better idea of our packing for the women’s leather shoes.

In reply (to your letters) / As requested, we are making our packing arrangements as follows:

Women’s leather shoes are packed one pair to a paper box and 12 paper boxes to a carton lined with water-proof paper and bound with straps outside.

You may be assured that our cartons are strong enough and seaworthy.

We hope that the above arrangements will turn out to your satisfaction and are looking forward to your early confirmation.

We are looking forward to your reply

你方六月十七日邮件收到,关于第4567号购货合同项下的300箱铁钉,我们函告如下: 按合约规定上述货物应在四月、六月和八月分三批等量装运,但直到现在第一批货物还没有装。我们客户正在等着货物。请尽力在六月底前把第一批和第二批货一起装来,否则我们客户对你方延迟装运将感到不满,以后可能撤销订单。


Dear Sirs,

We have received your e-mail of June 17. With regard to 3,000 sets of Double Offset Ring Spanners under our Purchase Contract No. 8061, we wish to inform you as follows: According to the contract’s terms, the above goods should be shipped in three equal lots in April, June and August, but up to the present moment even the first lot has not been shipped. Our customers are waiting for the goods.

Please do your utmost to ship the first and second lots together by the end of June, otherwise our clients would feel dissatisfied with your delay in shipment, and would probably cancel the order.

Upon receipt of this e-mail, please let us know the exact date of shipment.\



Thank you for your letter of May 4th ordering 1,000 kegs of Iron Nails.

We regret to inform you that your proposal of payment by L/C at 30 days is unacceptable to us, as we have to adhere to our usual practice of payment by L/C at sight. If it is agreeable to you, please let us know by cable so that we may send you our Sales Contract.

Please do not think us unaccommodating.


1. Could you quote us your lowest price for the following goods _available_ from stock?

2. We are willing to _establish_ business relations with you.

3. We are convinced that with joint efforts business between us will be developed to our _mutual_ benefit.

4. As requested, we are airmailing to you, under separate _cover_, a sample each of Art. Nos. 1025 and 1026 for your reference.

5. Should you be ready to reduce your price by 3%, we might come to _business_.

6. _Considering_ the long-standing business relationship between us, we make you such a counter-offer.

7. We expect to find a good _market_ for the above goods and hope to place further and large orders with you in the near future.

8. Your prompt _attention_ to this order will be highly appreciated.
