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少女时代(Girls' Generation)是韩国著名的女子流行演唱组合,由金泰妍、郑秀妍、李顺圭、黄美英、金孝渊、权侑莉、崔秀英、林允儿、徐珠贤9名成员组成。2007年8月初凭借首个团综(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:sisters组合)《少女上学去》和出道单曲《再次重逢的世界》开始进入大家的视野,并迅速走红。其后更凭借《Gee》《Genie》《Oh!》《Hoot》等多首热门歌曲风靡大街小巷。2010年9月以一首《GENIE》进军日本乐坛。2011年10月中旬又以一首《The Boys》进军美国乐坛。自出道以来,少女时代就以优异的成绩改写了韩国女子组合乐坛在历史上的强大气势,并在中国、日本、泰国等亚洲国家和欧美等国家都累积出一定的知名度。她们除了作为歌手外,还以电视剧和音乐剧演员、电台DJ、节目MC和平面模特等身份活跃在演艺圈其他领域。曾连续两年被选入韩国福布斯名人榜首位,2009-2011连续3年韩国唱片总销量第一,在韩国乃至亚洲都拥有着超高的人气。





2NE1是韩国女子流行演唱团体,隶属于YG Entertainment公司,亦是经过4年时间准备的女子组合,被称为“女子bigbang”,是韩国年轻一代的潮流坐标。该组合由李彩琳(CL),朴春(Park Bom),朴山多拉(Sandara Park),孔敏智(Minzy )。组成。组合名字借用21数字的英文发音,其中NE是New Evolution的英文缩写,象征着2NE1这个组合在21世纪为韩国音乐带来新的进化。2009年5月6日以单曲《Fire》宣布正式出道,歌曲MV推出后仅一天的点击率就达到100万次,并迅速席卷各大音源排行榜的第一,成为韩国走红速度最快的女子组合。代表作品有《I Don?t Care》《Go Away》《Lonely》《Ugly》等。2013年7月8日,2NE1发行了最新单曲《Falling In Love》,华丽回归乐坛。


A pink

A Pink,是韩国CUBE Entertainment的子公司A CUBE Entertainment于2011年推出的女子组合,成员由朴初珑、尹普美、郑恩地、孙娜恩、金南珠、吴夏荣组成,以清新自然的风格为主。Apink的粉丝们被称为Panda of Apink,团名A Pink是从网上征选到的,代表“开始时任何东西都没有的纯白画布慢慢的我们会亲手绘上我们的愿望”的意思。因成员孙娜恩出演《我们结婚了》使得A Pink人气迅速上升,赢得了不少粉丝的一致好评。



4MINUTE,韩国CUBE Entertainment公司于2009年推出的女子组合,成员由南智贤、许嘉允、全智允、金泫雅、权昭贤组成,风格以糖果朋克风为主。4MINUTE是在舞台上的4分内展示她们每个人的不同魅力的意思,另外,“For (a) Minute”也包含了她们希望 在每个瞬间都会努力做到最好的意思。4MINUTE出道后凭借自身鲜明强势的风格,迅速挤身韩国歌坛主流团体。2013年5月,4MINUTE携带第四张迷你专辑《Name is 4minute》火热回归,主打曲《What's Your Name》节奏感强烈且旋律轻快,更凸显了4MINUTE的独特魅力。


NO18:Hello Venus(维纳斯女神)

经纪公司:Pledis Entertainment与Fantagio共同打造





推荐曲目:《Venus》《要喝茶吗》《Kiss me》


NO17:Rainbow 经纪公司:





推荐曲目:《sunshine》《catch therainbow》《tellme tell me》



"Ace Of Angels"的简写)

经济公司:FNC Music


成员:申知敏(Jiminel/???)、朴草娥(Choaya/???)、徐宥那(Yunaria/???? )、徐有庆(Y/??)、申惠晶(Hyejeong. Linus/?????)、权玟娥(Minaring/???)、金雪炫(Seolhyunari/????)、金灿美(Chanmi T.T/????)

AOA Black成员:知敏,草娥,宥那,有庆,玟娥

AOA White成员:知敏,草娥,宥那,惠晶,玟娥,雪炫,灿美




NO15:Nine muses 经济公司:

Star Empire Entertainment



现成员:文玄雅、李欧艾琳、表惠美、朴敏荷、朴景丽、孙成雅、赵素珍、金祖 退出成员:金罗娜、李暳彬、郑在景、柳世罗



推荐曲目:《wild》《No Playboy》《,Figaro》

九女神身高很高平均身高172 身材没的说

NO14:Secret 经纪公司:





推荐曲目:《shy boy》《POISON》《YooHoo》

秘密团在韩国还不错吧 12年的时候出了次车祸风格我还比较喜欢





单元音共十二,四二六前中后。 双元音也好背,合口集中八个。 辅音共计二十八,八对一清又七浊, 四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音, 有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。

[?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o a o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long

a: watch

[u:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo ui o: do who whose oo: food moon too ui: fruit juice u: ruler rude

[u]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo u o:woman wolf

oo:look good book foot wood u:bull bullet

[a:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a ar au ear a: grass glass class plant dance fast father last

ar: car star arm March garden dark scarf au: laugh aunt ear: heart

[Λ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o u oo ou o: son come colour love money u: sun nut jump gum bus brush supper us

ou: touch cousin country [?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a

a: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag

hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map

[e] 发这个音的字母和字母组合e ea

e: egg bell desk leg pet ten pen ea: bread head breakfast

[ei] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a ai ay

a: cake make name game snake gate lazy ai: rain train wait

ay:day May play taday way

[ai] 发这个音的字母和字母组合i y ie uy i: kite bike nice tiger write knife y: by cry fly my sky try why ie:tie pie uy:buy

[?i] 发这个音的字母和字母组合oi oy oi: oil boil coin oy: boy toy

[au] 发这个音的字母和字母组合ou ow ou: house mouse mouth trousers ow: flower cow how now down [?u] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o oa ow o: nose rose poen over oa: boat coat soap goat ow:show window snow bowl [i?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合ear eer ear: ear hear tear eer: deer beer

[e?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合air ear air: hair chair pair ear:pear bear wear

[u?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合oor our ure oor: poor our: tour ure: sure pure 辅音

[p] 发这个音的字母和字母组合p pp

p: piano panda parrot pet ship sheep pig stop pp: apple happy

[b] 发这个音的字母和字母组合b bb b: book ball bird big boy bag banana

bb:rubber rabbit cabbage

[t] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 t tt

t: table tea taxi cat rat fat ticket Tt: butter matter

[d] 发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed

d: duck seed door desk day red head bed read cold ed: smiled opened played

[k]发这个音的字母和字母组合c k ck c: cap cook cup car can class k: cook milk key desk kite cake ck: clock sock cock neck [g]发这个音的字母和字母组合g gg

g: glass golf get girl bag goat flag gg: egg

[s]发这个音的字母和字母组合s c ss ce s: star sun snake sea see

c: pencil city cedar ceiling celebrate ss: grass glass class boss ce: face race rice nice

[z]发这个音的字母和字母组合z s se z: zero zebra zoo s: bags photos sisters se: nose rose

[∫] 发这个音的字母和字母组合s sh s: sugar sure

sh: ship sheep wash cash shop she [?]发这个音的字母和字母组合s s: television, usually, Asia measure a garage,

an unusual collision; a great decision; my pleasure

[ t? ]发这个音的字母和字母组合ch tch ch: teacher peach cherry chair tch: watch match

[d?]发这个音的字母和字母组合g j dge

g: ginger giraffe j: jump job jam ge: orange cabbage cage

[f]发这个音的字母和字母组合f ff ph gh

f: five fan flower fish four leaf ff: giraffe

ph: phone elephant photo gh: laugh

[v]发这个音的字母和字母组合v ve v: video vase vest ve: five love violin [θ]发这个音的字母和字母组合th

th: three thin third teeth mouth [e]发这个音的字母和字母组合th

th: father mother brother clothes weather [ts] 发这个音的字母和字母组合ts tes

ts: seats goats coats cats pets eats tes: gates kites dates tastes [dz] 发这个音的字母和字母组合ds des

ds: seeds woods friends birds beds des: rides

[tr] 发这个音的字母和字母组合tr

tr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick [dr] 发这个音的字母和字母组合dr

dr: draw drink driver dragon dry [h]发这个音的字母和字母组合h wh

h: he her head heart hair ham wh: who whose

[r] 发这个音的字母和字母组合r rr wr r: rice room ride road rose rr: mirror carrot parrot wr: write wrong wrap

[l] 发这个音的字母和字母组合l ll

l: look light lock lucky lion tail ll: ball pull dollar tell [m] 发这个音的字母和字母组合m mb m: mouth mouse milk monkey moon money mum

mb: climb comb thumb

[n]发这个音的字母和字母组合n kn gn

n: nose net nut banana noodles train rain plane down kn: knee knife knock gn: sign

[η]发这个音的字母和字母组合n ng n: ink bank tank finger

ng: sing hang song king reading Running


w: winter window watch water well would wh: white where which when why wheel whale [j]发这个音的字母和字母组合y

y: yo-yo yogurt yard yes you your


Best Friends Test

YOU: “OK, I have to ask: how long have you guys known each other for?


(If you think they’re sisters ask: “Are you guys sisters or best friends?”)


THEM: “Blah blah blah?”


YOU: “See, I knew that”


THEM: “How could you know that?”


YOU: “I’ll show you. In fact, I’ll give you the best friends test”


THEM: (Gets all excited)


YOU: “OK? (pretend you’re just about to ask a serious question)


“Do you both use the same shampoo?”


THEM: (Look at each other and then open their mouths to answer)


YOU: “OK, the answer doesn’t matter- you already passed.”


THEM: “Huh?!”


YOU: “See, if you weren’t so close to each other, you’d have kept eye contact with me as you answered.

But when two people have a connection, they look at each other first- kind of like you’re doing right now.”


THEM: (Laugh)


YOU: “See, you don’t even need to say anything to each other. It’s like you just communicate telepathically.”





1. 同汉语位置相同的短语

aches and pains痛苦 affable and kind和善

ancient and modern古今 arts and science文理

bag and baggage提包和行李 black and white黑白

bucket and spade 桶和锹 brothers and sisters兄妹

bow and arrow弓和箭, bread and butter面包和黄油

crack and roar咆哮 cup and saucer杯子碟子

drunk and sober酒汉与清醒者 fair and square公正

far and away远离 far and near远近

fire and sword火与箭 first and foremost首先

first and last先后 fish and chips炸鱼和薯条

free and easy轻松自在 friend and foe朋友和敌人

forward and backward 前后 fun and pleasure娱乐

wife and children妻子和儿童 good or ill好歹(善恶)

great and small大小 hale and hearty健壮

ham and egg火腿鸡蛋 hammer and sickle锤子与镰刀

hand an foot手脚 head and shoulder头与肩

heart and soul心灵 heaven and earth天地

heavy and light重轻 high and low高低

hill and dale山谷 home and abroad 国内外

horse and cart马车 house and home家居

hue and cry喊叫 husband and wife夫妻

hustle and bustle熙熙攘攘, ifs and buts假设和转折

in and out进出 whole and all全体

import and export进出口 internal and external内外

judge and jury法官与陪审团, king and queen国王与皇后

ladies and gentlemen女士与先生 knife and pork刀叉

kith and kin亲戚 land and sea陆海

law and order治安 lean and lanky瘦长

leaps and bounds跳跃 light and shade光阴

long and short长短 lord and lady贵族与小姐 male and female男女 man and beast人与兽

man and woman男女 meek and mild温和

sweet and sour糖醋 more or less或多或少

mother and child母子 null and void无效

odds and ends零碎 officers and soldiers官与兵

old and trial久经考验 Oxford and Cambridge牛津剑桥 out and away出走 past and present过去与现在

weight and measures重量与尺寸 pick and choose选择 pots and pans坛坛罐罐 puffing and blowing吐烟吹气气 profit and loss盈亏 pros and cons正反

rack and ruin损坏 right and wrong正误

rough and tumble杂乱 rules and regulations规章制度 true or false真假 safe and sound安全

short and sweet少而精 skin and bone皮包骨 slow and sure慢而准 sooner and later早晚

sports and games运动与游戏 stocks and shares股票 stuff and nonsense胡说八道 tea and coffee清茶和咖啡 then and there当时当地 thick and thin厚薄 this and that这那 thunder and light雷电

time and tide岁月 to and fro来回

town and country乡村 twists and turns曲折 up and down上下 ups and downs盛衰

vice and virtue罪恶与美德 ways and means方法 wear and tear磨损 wind and weather风与天

come and go 来去 poems and essays 诗文

2. 同汉语的位置不相同的短语

back and forth前后 bed and breakfast食宿

cap and gown(coat)衣帽 fire and water水火

flesh and blood骨肉 heat and cold冷热 heavy and light轻重 iron and steel钢铁

land and water水陆 love and money金钱与爱情 might and main主力 night and day白昼

north and south南北 off and on开关

old and grey苍老 old and new新旧

one and only唯一 pen and paper纸和笔

rain or shine阴晴 rich and poor,穷富

right and left左右 sword and shield剑与盾 twos and threes三三两两 you and I你我 young and old老少 pin and needle针毯

part and parcel重要部分 give and take合作与让步 mock and satire 讽刺嘲笑 rain and wind 风雨
