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泰 山 之 旅

当天下午在济南火车站乘坐火车来泰安,坐汽车要2个小时左右呢,而火车只用50多分钟左右,票价汽车20元左右,火车只要13块左右,最低时才5.5元,真便宜~~ 下车之后打车到岱庙或者红门,起步价就到了(6元),岱庙是以前历代皇帝来泰山时先在山下祭祀泰山神的地方,始建于宋代,票价20元。如果不想看岱庙的话,可以从红门徒步登山(票价80元,2元保险自愿),沿途景点有:关帝庙、一天门、孔子登临处、红门宫、万仙楼、革命烈士纪念碑、 风月无边刻石、三观庙、斗母宫、元君庙、经石峪、柏洞、壶天阁、回马岭、中天门、快活三里、云步桥、五大夫松、望人松、朝阳洞、十八盘、升仙坊、南天门、天街、碧霞祠、唐摩崖、玉皇顶、日观峰。 其中有几个地方你一定要留影和仔细游览: 1、孔子登临处(“孔子登泰山而小天下”就是说的这里) 2、经石峪(北魏年间的佛经石刻,据说是唐僧取经路过此地晾晒佛经石留下的,十分壮观) 3、中天门(泰山的半山腰,海拔860多米) 4、云步桥(瀑布和石刻十分壮观) 5、五大夫松(为秦始皇避雨护驾有功) 6、十八盘(泰山的标志性景观,也是泰山最难攀登的地方) 7、南天门(传说中天宫的入口,由二郎神把守) 8、天街(天上的街市,仿佛置身云霄) 9、碧霞祠(供奉泰山老奶奶天仙玉女碧霞元君的庙宇,泰山顶最完美的一处古建筑群,一定要在这里为老奶奶烧一炷香,将烦恼与心愿向老奶奶倾诉,有求必应!) 10、唐摩崖(摩崖时刻群,最著名的是唐玄宗所刻) 11、玉皇顶(泰山极顶,海拔1545米,内供奉玉皇大帝)

12、日观峰(观赏泰山日出最好的地方) 这样登到泰山顶-玉皇顶差不多要5-6个小时,天色也就已经黑下来了,爬山中一定要注意不要心急,慢慢爬慢慢看,细细体味泰山文化。同时不要过于负重,带两瓶水和一些吃的就可以了,登山过程中会冷,山顶可以租大衣20元/件。 到了山顶之后找家小旅馆住下来,淡季时差不多20元一个床位,不要五一或十一来,到时候可能上百(或者直接席地而坐,找块石头等到天亮),宾馆里早上会有人叫醒看日出(一般时间都很早,每个季节日出时间不同,5点左右),一定要去日观峰看,不过如果天气不好是肯定看不到的。 看完日出可以再回宾馆休息一下,之后收拾行李下山,建议你坐南天门缆车下山,因为徒步登上山顶是在太累,缆车45元/位(保险2元自愿购买),缆车十分钟可到达中天门,之后坐景区小车(下行18元/位)到达天外村停车场,也可步行下山(差不多一个半小时),行程圆满结束!













上山速度普通,路途中没有长时间休息:万仙楼——中天门 100分钟

中天门——南天门 140分钟

南天门——日观峰 25分钟



后石坞(我们从这里才开始下山吧)——元君庙 60分钟

元君庙——山呼门 140分钟

山呼门——声声亭 80分钟

声声亭——山门 30分钟





苦味很轻,后味甘甜,很令人回味。现在想想都好喝啊。 泰山旅行小贴士,

1.怕泰山不用背太多吃的,泰山一行,让我感觉山东人确实朴实,泰山从山下到山顶,所有的东西都卖一个价,尽管把东西运上去的价格是不一样的。所以还不如轻松上山,也能把更多的精力用在观赏泰山的美色上;泡面都是8元(含热水); 矿泉水都是2元,说实话真的不贵;军大衣都是10元的租金




篇二:心灵之旅 初二时的一次旅游

心灵之旅 初二时的一次旅游




2013年8月13日 第一次去鼓浪屿









泰山游记作文900字 自从升入高中之后,学业紧、时间紧,别说是出去旅游了,几乎整年都是两点一线的跑来跑去,不亦累乎。所以只能在闲暇之中回想回想曾经旅游的经历,其中,给我印象最深的就是我们一家的泰山之旅。


十月一日,我们准时出发,目的地是临省山东的泰安市。路途不是很遥远,不到半天就到了。因为路途劳顿,我们就先找个旅馆住下了,准备第二天一登顶峰。和很多人一样,晚上在旅馆里我久久都睡不着,心中的兴奋之情难以抑制,恨不得能有一把时间剪子把这个夜晚剪去,也让我免去这一夜失眠的痛苦。 终于把夜晚熬了过去。虽然睡眠严重不足,我今天仍然精神百倍,斗志满满的出发了。






初 二 英 语 作 文练习

一、 写出你上周末做的事情。要具体,不少于60个单词。

My Weekend / A Busy Day / A Happy Day /

How did I Spend My Weekend?

How was your weekend? Did you have fun at your weekend?

I had a happy and busy weekend. On Sunday morning, I did my homework. Then I played basketball with my good friend. In the afternoon, I went to visit my grandmother in the country. We had some delicious food there and I went fishing in the river, I had a good time. In the evening, I watched TV for an hour then I went to bed at about 9:00.

It was my weekend. It was a mixture of fun and work. It was really a happy day.

二、为你们的学校图书馆写一篇规定,要包括以下内容;1,不准说话。 2,不准吃东西。 3,不准听音乐,唱歌。 4,不准吸烟。 5,要爱护书籍。 6,要按时还书。

Library Rules

1. Don’t speak in the library 2. Don’t eat anything in the library. 3. Don’t listen to music and sing. 4. No smoking. 5. Please take good care of the books.

6. Please give back the books on time.

三、My Good Friend

Amy is my good friend. She is an American girl. She is 14 years old.

Amy is a tall girl. She has a medium build. She has long blonde curly hair. She always wears glasses. She is easygoing and very friendly. Everyone loves her.

She likes reading and writing. She wants to be a writer. She also likes music. She likes classical music, country, pop, and so on. She is a pop music fan.

She often helps us with our English. And we often help her with her Chinese. We all like her.

四、My Friend’s Party

I have a good friend. His name is ? We are very friendly. Yesterday was his thirteenth birthday. His friends and his parents held a party for him.

In the evening, all his friends came to ?’s home. Each had a very nice present for him. At that moment, ??felt very happy. And so were his parents and friends. Look! The meal was on the table. How delicious they were! There were all kinds of food: egg, fish, fried chicken, dumplings, pork, beef, tomatoes, cabbages, sugar, sandwiches, rice and some fruits.

After supper, ??sang a song ??Happy Birthday to You!??. He has a nice voice. Everyone said that he was a good singer. Then we sang this song together. After that,

his mother took a birthday cake to ??. Everybody was very delighted.

At last, we watched cartoon. What a good, nice party!

五.、A Letter to A Friend

Dear ?,

I was very happy to hear from you. I have never visited your country but I should be very happy to write to you. Let me first introduce myself.

I am thirteen years old. I study in a junior school. I go to school by bike every day. My favorite subject is English. I hope to go to Beijing University and become a good college student.

My favorite sport is volleyball. I also like flying a kite. And so does my brother. I often fly a kite with him. He is only ten. His favorite sport is basketball.

My father is a doctor. He works in a children??s hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school.

Please write to me soon and tell me about yourself. I am very much looking forward to reading your letter.

Yours Sincerely, xxx

六、以“My Family”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你的家庭。

I am a Chinese school girl. My name is xxx. I have an English name. It isxxx. I am thirteen. I study at a Middle School. I like the school. I go to school from Monday to Friday. But I have night classes on Sunday evening. I have a very happy family.

There are four people in my family. My father is a bus driver. He is tall. My mother is a worker. She is forty-five. They work hard. I have a brother. His name isxxx. He is ten years old. He is a student, too. We are very friendly.

What a good family! I like this family.

七、 Our School

Our school is in the northeast of the town. There are twelve classes, less than five hundred students and more than fifty teachers in our school. Many students in our school have to live in the school because their houses are very far from our school. A lot of students go to school by bike or by bus. It takes me half an hour to go to school on foot. I usually ride a bike to school. But if the weather is not fine, I??ll walk to school.

The school building has three floors. One is for the teachers?? offices, the other two are classrooms. We have quite a big playground and around it, there are a lot of trees. They were planted sixteen years ago. They are very tall. We also have a sound lab and a computer lab at the back of our school.

Our school is very beautiful, so I enjoy it very much. I??ll never forget it

all my life.

八、请根据下面的材料写一则日记。2005年3月12日那天(星期六)是植树节。你们8点在大门口集合骑车去山上植树。劳动一天大家都很累,但大家都十分愉快。 词数:80-100词。

Saturday March 12, 2005 Sunny

Today is Tree Planting Day. All the students in our school went to Shifan Farm to plant trees. We had a good time.

We met at the school gate at 8 o??clock. We all rode bikes. After about forty minutes we got there. We had a little rest and then began to work. Some students dug holes, some carried the young trees. We were all busy working hard.

At 11 o??clock we finished our work. We were all very tired, but we felt very happy. I think if everyone plants trees, our country will become a beautiful green country.

九、What will your life be like in ten years? Write a conversation about this.

My Future life/My Future/My Life in Ten Years

In ten years, I think I’ll be a . I’ll live in , because I went to there last year and fell in love with it. I think it’s really a beautiful city. As a , I think I will . I think I??ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don??t like living alone. I??ll have pets. I might even keep a pet ! I??ll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the week I??ll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. At the weekends, I??ll be able to dress more casually. I think I??ll go to on vacation, and one day I might even visit .

十、My Favorite Sport

Many people like having sports because sports are good for one’s health. I think sports do not only keep us healthy but also excite us. I like having some sports after school, such as table tennis,


basketball, and so on. But my favorite sport is table tennis.

Table tennis is quite a popular game in China. It is very popular in our school. I like playing it with my friends after school. Sometimes we have a table tennis match and I often get first place. I am very proud when my classmates say to me, ??You are great!?? This makes me play even better. In my heart, the table tennis player, Wang Nan, is the best player. When I grow up, I want to be a player like her because she will always be a super star.

十一、 Wilson is Canadian boy who has come to live in China with his parents. He thwants to practice his Chinese, but he is very shy. What should Wilson do? Please write him a letter to give some good advice.

Dear Wilson,

You don’t need to worry about your Chinese. I think it??s a good idea that you listen to Chinese programs on the radio. You can talk to your neighbors or your classmates because Chinese people are really friendly. And it??s useful to watch Chinese films to improve your Chinese. If you feel tired, you can listen to Chinese songs at home. Believe me! Don??t be shy! Just try! If you can do some of these, you can speak Chinese well.



十二、 I Love you, China

I am proud of my motherland. When I stand on the Great Wall and walk along the Yellow River. I can’t help shouting happily, “I love you, China!”

China is third largest country in the world. Her population is over1.3 billion. She has a long history of more than 5,000 years. So she is an old country with many beautiful stories.

As we all know, China is a developing country, but she is getting stronger and stronger. Chinese people are brave and kind. They are able to make her stand with the rest of the world and become a rich country.

We have duties to build our motherland. To make our motherland stronger and more beautiful, we should study hard from now on. No matter what happens, China will be my great motherland forever.


Dear Adam,

I have received my repot card just now. I got different reports from my teachers. The most exciting news was from my math teacher. He said I was hard-working. My English teacher said I was good at grammar and reading. But my Chinese teacher said I could do better. She is right, I think. My science teacher said I was lazy! In fact, science is not an easy subject for me. I think my science report won’t get any changes even if I study harder, but I will try. Could you please help me? By the way, what about your report card? I hope you can enjoy your report card.

Best wishes,


十四、“五.一”长假就要到了,假如你和你的家人想出去旅游,请你根据以下提示写一篇100词左右的短文。你家住在北方,“五.一”时那儿还冷。你们全家想去一个比较暖和的海滨城市,在那儿可以游泳、享受温暖的阳光??(My May Day Holiday Plan)

The May Day Holiday is coming. If we have one week off, my family will travel to Xiamen, a city in the south of china. Xiamen is a beautiful city. It’s warm all year round. You can see colorful flowers, green grass and trees. You can swim in the sea and play on the beach. You don’t need to wear too much there. But our city is in the north of China. It’s still cold now. We can’t see any flowers or green grass or trees. It’s too boring.

Tomorrow my parents will go to the travel agency to buy the tickets for the trip. I think it’s really wonderful. My heart has flown to Xiamen already.

十五、春游(Spring Outing) Last Sunday, we had a spring outing. We went to the park. All of us had a good time.

We started at 8 o’clock in the morning. We went there by bus. On the way to the park, we talked, sang songs, and played cards. About one hour later, we got to the park.

The park is very big and beautiful. First, we visited the zoo in the park. There were many animals in the zoo. We watched a seal show. The seals were interesting and funny. Then we saw some monkeys in the cages. Some of them were eating apples, some were playing, and some were resting. After that, we saw some beautiful peacocks. After lunch, we went to the amusement park. We took the rides. They were exciting. We saw many boats on the lake and we went boating. We took many pictures. Then we left the park. What a great day we had!

十六、My School life/Life in our school My name is . I am in Grade Eight at a middle school. Many students from different places come here to study and most of us are far from our home. Boys and girls can have lesson together. We are all very kind to each other. We often have many tests and lots of homework to do. They are very difficult for us sometimes. Some students hate homework very much, but most of us never give up.

During lunchtime, we can talk with our friends. We always have a good rest after lunch. We can also sit in the playground or lie on the grass to enjoy the sunshine. We often borrow books from the school library and read them after school. The library is free and everyone can go there. It’s wonderful to study in our school. 十七、My English Teacher I am in Class , Grade 2 now. I have a new English teacher. He is much taller than the first English teacher. He speaks English fast but clearly. I can understand what he says in English. He is very humorous and always makes us laugh. He is so interesting that most of us like him.

He often helps me with my English. When I have questions, I often ask him. He always tells me the right answers and the reason why they are the right answers.











仁者乐山。此次泰山之行,?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路鹁拖裨谠亩烈徊坎┐缶畹慕炭剖椋?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人寻味。那泰山的一花一草,一树一石,一虫一水,一碑一字,一石阶一担夫,一佛音一香火,都是那么的令人难以忘怀,回味无穷
