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篇一:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures


单 元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures

板 块:词汇



1. defend

vt. 保护,保卫

defend one’s country against enemies 卫国抗敌

When the dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick.



defence n. 保护,保卫

They planned defence of the country.


in defence of

They fight the enemies in defence of the country.


2. register

vi. & vt.登记,注册

register at a hotel 登记入住旅馆; register for a new school year 新学年开始注册

register the birth of a child 登记小孩的出生

n. 登记,注册

a register office 登记处;注册处

3. owe v. 欠 owe sth to sb. / sth

owe sb sth

①归因于……; 归功于……

I owe it to you that I finished my work in time.



We owe him 30 yuan for the ticket.


I owe an apology to you.



owing to 因为

Owing to the rain, the match was cancelled.


4. equip

v. 配备,装备

equip sb./ sth. with sth.

be equipped with sth. 装备有……

The soldiers were well equipped with the latest weapons.



equipment [U] n. 设备,装备

There is a lot of modern equipment in our school. 我们学校有许多现代化的装备。

5. grasp

v. 抓住;全面理解

He grasped her firmly by the arm.


I don’t think you’ve quite grasped the seriousness of the situation.


【谚语】Grasp all, lose all. 样样都要,全数失掉。(意指:贪多必失。)


1. waste

n. 浪费;废物,垃圾;荒地

Industrial waste must be prevented from polluting our rivers.


a waste of

In his opinion, it is a waste of time and money to have holidays.



v. 浪费

waste sth. on sth. 浪费时间在……上

waste sth in doing sth. 浪费时间做某事

I’m not going to waste any more words on the subject.


Don’t waste your time doing nothing. 不要无所事事。

adj. 废弃的,荒芜的

a waste product 废品 waste water 废水

【谚语】Waste not, want not. 不浪费,不愁缺。

2. sheet

n. 薄片,被单,纸张

Mother is putting a clean sheet on the bed. 妈妈正在铺干净的床单。

a sheet of paper 一张纸

The book is in sheets. 这本书尚未装订。

3. settlement

n. 解决,处理

The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers.




vt. & vi. 定居;停留;解决,处理

After years of travel, we decided to settle here.


It’s time you settled your dispute with him.


settle down 安定/安顿下来

It’s terrible. I can’t settle down to anything today. 真糟糕,我今天无法安下心来做任何事。

4. immigration n. 移民

an immigration office 移民局


immigrate v. 移入(外国定居)

His grandfather immigrated from Italy to Ameirca in the 1930s.


immigrant n. 移民者

Early immigrants from Europe lived a hard life in America at that time.


5. preference n. 偏爱

have a preference for sth. 对……有偏爱

He has a preference for blue.



prefer v. 选择,更喜欢

prefer A to B

prefer doing A to doing B

prefer to do A rather than do B 选择做A而非做B

I prefer walking to cycling.


6. devotion n. 献身,忠心,深爱

devotion to sb./ sth.

His devotion to his work was beyond words. 他对工作的热诚是无法用语言来表达的。


devote v. 为……付出/奉献(时间,精力等),献身于……

devote oneself/ sth. to sb./ sth./ doing sth.

= be devoted to sb./ sth./ doing sth.

Tom devotes all his efforts to his task.


devoted adj. 热爱的,忠诚的,全心全意的

He is a devoted husband.


7. patience n. 耐心

He has no patience with people who are always grumbling.



patient adj. 耐心的

be patient with 对……有耐心

My English teacher is always patient with us. 我们的英语老师总是很耐心地对我们。

8. percentage n. 百分比,百分率;好处; 佣金

The salesmen get a percentage on everything they sell.



percent (per cent) n. 百分之……

Over 80 percent of families in our village own a car.


30 percent of work has been finished. 百分之三十的活已完成。


1. minus prep. 减; 零下

Seven minus three equals four.


The temperature today is minus ten degrees centigrade. 今天的温度是零下十摄氏度。

2. content adj. 满足的 with sth.

to do 满足于……

He is content with the present life. 他安于现状。

The old man is well content to live alone in his small house.



vt. content oneself with 满足于……,对……感到满足

He contents himself with the present life.


As there is no sugar, we have to content ourselves with black coffee.


n. 里面的东西,内容;目录

Please show me the contents of your suitcase. 请把你箱子里的东西拿给我看看。

3. unfit adj. 不合适的

fit adj. 合适的

for sth./ sb.

to do sth.

The food was unfit for the Chinese.



1. be located in 坐落于……

locate vt. 使坐落于

The information office is located in the city center.


n. location 地方,位置

2. A is short for B ―A是B的缩写(简称)‖。

Tom is short for Thomas.



for short是固定搭配,意为―简称;缩写‖,常放在句末。

People usually call me Tom for short.


be short of 缺乏……

I’m a little short (= I do not have much money) this week — could you lend me ten dollars? 我手头紧, 你能不能借我10美元。

We’re short of coffee — I must get some more.


The bill comes to $85, but we’re $15 short.


in short 简言之

He’s disorganized, inefficient, never there when you want him — in short, the man’s hopeless.

3. be home to 是……的家园,是……的所在地

China is home to giant pandas. 中国是熊猫的家园。

4. cater to 满足某种需要或要求

TV caters to people’s different tastes.


5. be bound to do sth. 一定做某事

The weather is bound to get better tomorrow.


6. put aside 把……放到一边;储存;忽视,不顾

She put the newspaper aside and picked up a book.


She has put aside a sum of money for her retirement.


They decided to put aside their differences.


7. in total 总共

Our school have 500 students in total.

我们学校总共有500个学生。 8. be worthy of sth

of being done

to be done 做……是值得的

The great Wall of China is worthy of a visit.

=The great Wall of China is worthy of being visited.

=The great Wall of China is worthy to be visited. 中国的长城很值得一看。


be worth sth (可以跟价格之类的名词)

doing sth

The book is worth 20 yuan. 这本书20元。

The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一看。

9. as far as … is / are concerned 就……而言

As far as I’m concerned, I strongly support your view.




1. The PLA men were ______ to fulfill the task even at the risk of their lives.

A. abundant B. fond C. bound D. acute

2. Zhongguancun is ______ the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities.

篇二:模块九第一单元 Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures 导学案 (译林牛津版英语高三)

模块九第一单元 Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures 导学案 (译林牛津版英语高三)

Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures

学习目标Learning aims

1. Language skills: Talk and write about a country or a place of interest

2. Language knowledge: Dip into words and expressions to prepare for better understanding in the following class

3. Learning strategies: Master the reading strategy of sorting out information

4. Cultural awareness: Be aware of the existence of cultural differences

5. Affect: Take correct attitudes towards cultural differences

Period 1 Reading I

Step 1课前自学Pre-class

Words and expressions:

1. Write out the required form of the given words

1) wild (adj. 野生的) ______________ (n. 荒原,荒野)

2) defence (n. 防卫) ______________ (v. 防御)

3) count (v. 数数) ______________ (adj. 数不尽的)

4) seem (v. 似乎,好像) ______________ (adv. 似乎,好像)

5) freeze (v. 结冰) ______________ (adj. 严寒的)

6) culture (n. 文化) ______________ (adj. 多文化的)

7) locate (v. 坐落于) ______________(n. 位置)

8) circle (n. 圆) ______________ (n. 半圆)

9) settle (v. 定居) ______________(n. 定居点)

10) immigrate (v. 移居) _______________(n. 移民)

2. Search the text for the following phrases

1) 仅次于 __________________________

2) 在……充足 _________________________

3) 户外运动 _________________________

4) 喜欢 _________________________

5) 大量的 ______________

6) 因……而兴奋 ________________________

7) 加拿大第二大城市 ____________

8) 坐落于 _________________________

9) 失去,感觉不到. _____________

10) 是……的原产的,栖息地 __________________________

11) 占地 _________________________

12) 由……组成

13) 水上乐园 ________________________

14) 最广为人知的自然景观 __________________________

15) 碰运气 __________________________

16) 少数人 __________________________

17) 除了做……之外 _________________________

18) 和……非常相配 __________________________

3. Reading comprehension

Look through the text and answer the following questions.

1) What other aspects are mentioned in the passage?



2) What is the population of Canada?

3) Which Canadian cities are mentioned?

4) How wide is Niagara Falls?

Step 2课内探究During –class

1. Check the answers in groups

2. Listen to the tape recording and find out the structure of the article

P1 Size, location, temperature, border Brief (1)_______

P2 Natural resources

P3—7 Major cities and their attractions

P8 Niagara Falls (2)_______ of Canada

P9 History

P10 Symbol

P11 The best country to live in (3)_______

3. Do the multiple choices for further understanding

1) Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to China.

B. Toronto is the largest city in Canada.

C. Maple syrup is Canada’s most famous food.

D. Canada was named the best country in the world to live in by the UN in 1996.

2) In which city is the tallest tower in the world located?

A. Montreal B. Toronto C. Vancouver D. Edmonton

3) What’s the purpose of writing the passage?

A. To tell us that the maple leaf is the symbol of Canada.

B. To introduce the four major cities of Canada.

C. To attract people from all over the world to visit Canada.

D. To tell us some information about Canada.

4) What can we infer from the passage?

A. City citizens make up the majority of Canadian population.

B. The West Edmonton Hall is an underground city.

C. The border between Canada and the United States is the longest undefended border in the world.

D. More Chinese live in Vancouver than in any other city in North America.

4. Fill in the chart according to the contents of the text

Category Description

Population about (1)_______ million

(2)_______ The Arctic is to the north, the USA is to the south, the Atlantic Ocean is to the east and the Pacific to the west.

Size (3)_______ largest country in the world

Geography (4)_______ wastes; vast mountain ranges; enormous open plains; countless rivers; endless forests

Landscape spectacular


cities Toronto (5)_______ in Canada; most multicultural; famous for the CN Tower Montreal second largest in Canada; second largest (6) city in the world; wonderful mix of Old World and New World architecture and culture

Vancouver Smaller in (7) but equally famous; multicultural; has the biggest Chinese population in Canada; close to the ski resorts

Edmonton a city in the province of Alberta; (8)_______ to the west Edmonton Mall, the largest pedestrian mall in the world

Other places of interest Niagara Falls

(9)_______ Quebec —— originally a French colony, gold rush in 1896

(10)_______ maple leaf

5. Work in pairs

Talk about our country China, trying to give as much information as you can. Hints: size, geography, population, educational system, major cities…

Step 3课后提升post-class

1. Read the text again and underline the sentences with which you have some problems.

2. Complete the passage with proper words according to the contents of the text. Canada is the (1)______ largest country in the world and it is famous for its fantastic natural scenery. The Arctic lies to the north of the country and south of it is the USA. On the eastern and western boundaries, the country (2)______ the two great oceans —— the Atlantic and the Pacific.

The country has frozen wastes, huge mountains, open plains, rivers and forests. It is a good place for (3)_______ of outdoor activities. Wildlife photographers and hunters are fond of this wilderness, too.

Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton are the (4)______ cities of Canada. They are all (5) ______ famous for their metropolitan lifestyle. Toronto is the largest city in Canada. It is said to be the most (6) _______ city in the world. The Canadian National Tower is (7)______ in the heart of Toronto. Montreal is the second largest city in Canada. Many restaurants and clubs, as well as cultural and street festivals make its nightlife colorful, which (8)______ that no visitors will be bored. Vancouver has one of the largest Chinese populations in North America. Apart (9)______ being close to the

most popular wilderness and ski areas, Vancouver has superb scenery, a beautiful harbor and all the comforts of modern life and international cuisine. Edmonton is (10)_______ to the West Edmonton Hall, which is said to be the largest pedestrian mall in the world. Over 55,000 customers are (11)______ here every day.

The most widely (12)______ natural phenomenon in Canada is Niagara Falls. Millions of visitors from all over the world come here every day.

There are many maple trees in Canada. Therefore, the maple leaf is Canada’s national

(13) ______ and a maple leaf is featured on the Canadian flag.

Owing to all these (14)_______, the UN (15)_______Canada the best country in the world to live in in 1996.

3. Write a short article according to the hints

我们的祖国—中国是世界上第三大国家,仅次于加拿大,处于世界的东方。拥有13亿人口,面积达960万平方公里。拥有许多迷人的自然风景和丰富的自然资源。北京、上海、南京等是我们的重要城市。长城和天安门等是我们祖国的象征。 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Period 2 Reading II

Step1. 课前自学Pre-class

1. Memorize all the new words and expressions in the text.

2. Learn the following language points.

Important words and phrases

1) defend vt. 防御,保护;为……辩护

练:They _______________________ the enemy. 他们保护国家不受敌人的侵犯。 in defence of 为了保卫,辩护

注:defense / defence n. defendant n. 被告

2) second (only) to 仅次于

练:(1) In terms of scoring goals, he ______________(仅次于) Yao Min.

(2) We provide a service second to none. 译: ______________________________。

3) freezing adj. 极冷的,严寒的

练:It’s freezing in here. 译: _______________________________。 freezing cold 极为寒冷

The temperature remained _______________all day. 温度整天都在冰点以下。

注:frozen adj. 冰冻的;frozen food 冰冻食品

The seedling was frozen to death. 幼苗被冻死了。

4) abundant adj. 丰富的;充裕的

练:We have ______________ to prove his guilt. 我们有充足的证据证明他有罪。 注:abundance n. a year of abundance 丰年

5) be located in / at 位于;坐落于

练:The chemical works is located in the east of the city. 那家化工厂位于城市的东部。

_______________(坐落于森林中),the house is invisible from the main road. 注:location n.

6) for short 简称

练:People usually ____________________. 人们通常简称我为吉姆。 注:short for是形容词短语,常与be一起构成系表结构,意为―是.……的缩写(简称)‖。

Tom is short for Thomas. Tom是Thomas的简称。

in short 总之;简言之

7) be home to / be the home of 为……的所在地,栖息地

练:India _____________ tigers. 印度是老虎的栖息地。 = India _________________ tigers.

8) awesome adj. 令人惊叹的;引起敬畏的;可怕的

练:The view of the skyline is at once awesome, grand, and disappointing.

译:__________________________________________________________。 注:n. + some→adj. troublesome, tiresome…

9) cater to / for sb. / sth. 迎合;满足

练:TV must ____________________________. 电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好.

He has to cater to his boss. 他得迎合他的老板。

10) enthusiast n. 热衷于……的人;爱好者

练:He is _____________________. 他是爵士乐爱好者。

注:enthusiasm n.; enthusiastic adj.

have enthusiasm for sth. 对……热心

He has a real enthusiasm for teaching. 他的确热心于教学。

11) permanent adj. 永久的;永恒的

练:permanent peace / happiness 永久的和平 / 幸福

注:permanence n.

12) owing to 由于,因为

练:______________, the match was cancelled. 由于下雨,比赛被取消了。 注:表示 ―因为‖ 的常用短语:

due to; owing to; thanks to; on account of; because of

owe v. 欠 (债等);归功于;应感谢

owe sb. sth.= owe sth. to sb.

(1) I owe a lot to my wife and children. 我很感激我妻子和孩子。

(2) He owes his success more to luck than to ability.

译: __________________________________________________。

篇三:Unit 3 Friends from other countries

Unit 3 Friends from other countries

一、Teaching Objectives:

1. Knowledge objectives: listen for specific information; open and maintain an

interaction by asking and answering questions; scan a text to locate specific information; plan and organize information by deciding on the sequence of content

2. Skill objectives: read and write bout different nationalities in Garden City

3. Emotional objectives: co-operate with others

二、Teaching Key Points: use nouns to refer to people; use preposition to indicate place; use adjectives to show quantity; ask Wh- questions to find out specific information; ask How questions to find out quantity

三、Teaching Difficult Points:

a crowded city; many people from other countries; for example; more than; call sb. sth./ sb.

四、Teaching Procedures:

1. Pre-task preparation:

Ask the students about people from other countries who live in Shanghai. With the help of students draw up a list of countries and nationalities on the board.

2. While-task procedure:

① Give the students time to read the text silently.

② Play the cassette. The students follow in their books.

③ Select individual students to read a sentence each.

④ Ask questions about the text:

e.g. How many people live in Garden City?

Are they all Chinese?

Which countries do other people come from?

⑤ In pairs, students ask and answer about the table. Ask a few individual students the questions.

⑥ Workbook 7A page 18

1) Play the recording. The students listen, tick and write.

2) Check the answers with the students.

五、Consolidation: workbook 7A pages 15



一、Teaching Objectives:

1. Knowledge objectives: listen for specific information; open and maintain an

interaction by asking and answering questions; skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas; gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as questioning and brainstorming.

2. Skill objectives: talk about visiting other countries

3. Emotional objectives: co-operate with others

二、Teaching Key Points: ask Wh- questions to find out specific information; use the present perfect tense to relate past events to the present; use prepositions to indicate position

三、Teaching Difficult Points:

Penfriend from different countries; near; far away from; read about; in magazines;

四、Teaching Procedures:

1. Pre-task preparation:

Display a large map of the world. Invite volunteers to come out, point to a country and say the name of the country. List the names on the blackboard.

2. While-task procedure:

① Play the cassette for Listen and say. The students listen and repeat with their books closed.

② Select a group of five to read the dialogue.

③ Ask individual students: Which country have you visited or read about in magazines and newspapers?

④ In groups, students take turns to ask the student on their left the questions in A survey.

The groups write the name, country and near / far away from China in the table. (One country for each member of the group.)

五、Consolidation: workbook 7A pages 16



一、Teaching Objectives:

1. Knowledge objectives: listen for specific information; maintain an interaction by

replying; skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas; gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as brainstorming

2. Skill objectives: find a penfriend and write a letter to a penfriend.

3. Emotional objecti

other countries

ves: co-operate with others

二、Teaching Key Points: use modal verbs to make an invitation

三、Teaching Difficult Points:

Would like to do sth.; write to sb.; another country; know about; age and interests; favourite subjects at school; nationality

四、Teaching Procedures:

1. Pre-task preparation:

Review: penfriend. Display a map of the world.

Ask: Would you like a penfriend?

Get the students to come out and point to the country on the map.

2. While-task procedure:

① Give the students time to look at Listen and say.

② Play the cassette. The students listen.

③ Select groups of four to read the dialogue.

④ Look at Read, write and say. Ask: What would Kitty like to know about her


⑤ The students tick the table for themselves. In pairs, students practice the dialogue. ⑥ You may also make use of Photocopiable page 2 for the students to write their answers.

五、Consolidation: workbook 7A pages 17



一、Teaching Objectives:

1. Knowledge objectives: listen for specific information; open and maintain an

interaction by asking and answering questions; recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative texts; develop written texts by using appropriate format, conventions and language features when writing non-narrative texts.

2. Skill objectives: read and write bout different nationalities in Garden City

3. Emotional objectives: co-operate with others

二、Teaching Key Points: use modal verbs to express wishes; use prepositions to indicate place; use formulaic expressions to begin and end a letter

三、Teaching Difficult Points:

International; send… to…; go to school; go to the school; in Grade 7; like doing sth.; a photo of my family

四、Teaching Procedures:

1. Pre-task preparation:

Say: Imagine you have a penfriend. Tell your penfriend about yourself.

What is your nationality?

How old are you?

How many people are there in your family?

Do you have any pets?

Which school do you go to?

What are your favourite subjects?

What do you like doing after school?

2. While-task procedure:

① Give the students time to look at Read. Ask questions about the list:

e.g. Is Connie Marks a boy or a girl?

Where does she live?

② Play the cassette for the dialogue. The students listen.

③ Ask individual students: Who would you like to write a letter to?

④ Play the cassette for the letter in Read. The students follow in their books.

⑤ Give the students time to read the letter silently. Then ask individual students ot read a sentence each.

⑥ Ask questions about the letter:

e.g. Where is Kitty from?

What is her nationality?

How old is she?

How many people are there in her family?

Does she have a pet?

Which school does she go to?

Which grade is she in?

What are her favourite subjects?

What does she like doing?

⑦ Workbook 7A page 19

1) Give the students time to read the letter

2) The students complete the table

3) Select individual students to read out their answers.

五、Consolidation: memorize the text.



篇四:英语:Unit1《Other countries, other cultures》Task教案(1)(译林牛津版选修9)

英语:Unit1《Other countries, other cultures》Task教案(1)


篇五:M9 Unit1 Other countries

M9 Unit 1 Other countries,other cultures

I 高频单词必记

1.__________adj.无数的,数不清的 2.___________n.娱乐,消遣

3.__________adj.多元文化的 4.___________adj.充满活力的;动态的

5.__________n.菜肴;烹饪 6.concrete____________________________

7.rank__________________________ 8.____________n.定居;定居点;解决

9.___________n.场合 10.___________n.移民,移居

11.____________adj.喜爱运动的 12.___________adj.模棱两可的

13.____________adj.完全的,绝对的 14.____________adj.强制的;义务的

15.thrill__________________________ 16.____________n.联赛;联盟


18.___________prep.&conj.考虑到,鉴于→________vt.考虑;认为→_________n.考虑 →___________adj.考虑周到的,体贴的→____________adj.数量相当大的

II 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空

1.The parents were ____________to hear about the missing baby. (thrill)

2.A lot of money is spent on the ____________of the new hospital. (equip)

3.They are trying to find out the ____________background of the event. (history)

4.All the ___________to the country are warmly welcomed. (travel)

5. ____________to Canada has increased in recent years, giving many cities a more international feel. (immigrant)

6.The ___________set several traps for the bear. (hunt)

7.With the roof leaking, the house is ________for people to live in. (fit)

8.It was ____________cold in the tent last night. (freeze)

9.He is a professional fashion _________, whose job is to take

10.The village is a __________of just 50 houses. (settle)

11.He drew a __________of coins from his pocket. (hand)

12.There are few people on the frozen ___________of Siberia (西伯利亚). (waste)

13.—Do you let your kids travel alone at night?— ___________not. (absolute)

14.The end of World War II was a ______event, which has been written in

15.The family _________came from Germany. (origin)


1.______________仅次于 2.________________迷人的自然风景


5.______________简称 6._______________是...的所在地

7._______________覆盖...的面积 8.________________形状像...

9.______________吸引 10.________________优缺点

11._______________对体育的热爱 12.________________满足于做某事

13._______________装备有... 14.________________把..归因于...

15._______________区别A与B 16.________________被指控...

IV 用以上的短语填空

1.Though in the photos the restaurant looked quite grand, when we arrived it proved to be _____________a coffee shop.

2.Young as/though she is, she can _________right _________wrong.

3.Kate is very modest, always saying that she _______her success _______teamwork.

4.The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in China, _________ the Changjiang River.

5.The government spent a lot of money _______every school _______new computers.

6.The name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but we usually call it the UK, or Great Britain, or England________. .

7.Sport has become an important form of entertainment, ________both men and women. V 同义表达,每空一词

1. Only the capital's population is larger than that of the seaside city.

=This seaside city is the capital in of population.

2. Although he is young, he can tell right from wrong.

=Young he is, he can between right and wrong.

He is young, he can make a between right and wrong.

3. The country is rich in natural resources.

Natural resources are in this country.

4. Parents and teacher encourage children to take part in team sports.

Children are to in team sports.

5. How many countries is the UK made up of?

How many countries does the UK of?

VI 单项选择

1. ________with a new type of machine, the explorers went into a cave, hoping to find some _________treasure.

A. Equipping; buried B. Equipped; buried

C. Being equipped; being buried D. Equipped; being buried

2. I you an apology for what I said this morning. Anyway I meant no offence.

A. owe B. make C. demand D. accept

3. his age, he was considered well in the play.

A. Considering; acting B. Considering; to have acted

C. Considered; acting D. To consider; to act

4. It was quite for Tom that he passed the driving test though he didn’t practice very hard.

A. thrill B. a thrill C. thrilled D. thrilling

5. When asked if she was coming to the party, Sandy gave a(n) answer, so no one knew whether she was coming or not.

A. content B. concrete C. ambiguous D. compulsory

6. After each examination, the teacher her students according to their grades.

A. distinguished B. equipped C. thrilled D. ranked

7. Since my brother Jim was studying to be a dentist, one of his classes was medicine.

A. merry B. dynamic C. oral D. unique

8. Patience is a to play chess.

A. need B. request C. will D. must

9. Elbert Einstein, for life had once been very hard, was successful later in science.

A. whom B. whose C. which D. his

10. I wish to thank Professor Smith, without _______help I would never have got this far.

A. who B. whose C. whom D. which
