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Animals - Maroon 5

Baby I'm preying on you tonight 宝贝 今晚等着被我捕猎

Hunt you down eat you alive 捕获你的真心 吞噬你的生命 Just like animals




Like animals


Maybe you think that you can hide 或许你认为自己能躲避我的追缉 I can smell your scent for miles 但我能从几里外 嗅出你的气味 Just like animals




Like animals


Baby I'm

宝贝 我

So what you trying to do to me 所以你会拿我怎么办

It's like we can't stop we're enemies 现在 猎食游戏无法中止

But we get along when I'm inside you 我们互为敌人

You're like a drug that's killing me 你就像毒品 一点一滴吞噬残害我 I cut you out entirely


But I get so high when I'm inside you 但我们亲热时 感觉又是如此兴奋 Yeah you can start over you can run free 你可以重头开始 可以奔向自由 You can find other fish in the sea 你能在汪汪大海中 重寻另一条鱼 You can pretend it's meant to be 你可以装作我们是命中注定分离 But you can't stay away from me 但你无法避我于千里之外

I can still hear you making that sound


Taking me down rolling on the ground 你撕裂我之声 蠕动于地面之声 You can pretend that it was me

你能继续假装 假装你身边男人是我 But no


Baby I'm preying on you tonight 宝贝 今晚等着被我捕猎

Hunt you down eat you alive 捕获你的真心 吞噬你的生命 Just like animals




Like animals


Maybe you think that you can hide 或许你认为自己能躲避我的追缉 I can smell your scent for miles 但我能从几里外 嗅出你的气味 Just like animals




Like animals


Baby I'm

宝贝 我

So if I run it's not enough

就算你逃跑 也不够逃离我手掌 You're still in my head forever stuck 你依旧长存我脑海 永远纠缠不清 So you can do what you wanna do 所以 你就继续做你渴望的吧 I love your lies I'll eat 'em up

我爱死你的谎言了 我要把他吞下肚 But don't deny the animal

但別抗拒 猎食动物的侵蚀

That comes alive when I'm inside you 当你猎入我心 我感到活力无比

Yeah you can start over you can run free 你可以重头开始 可以奔向自由 You can find other fish in the sea

你能在汪汪大海中 重寻另一条魚 You can pretend it's meant to be 你可以装作我们是命中注定分离 But you can't stay away from me 但你无法避我于千里之外

I can still hear you making that sound 我依旧能听问那些声响

Taking me down rolling on the ground 你撕裂我之声 蠕动于地面之声 You can pretend that it was me

你能继续假装 假装你身边男人是我 But no


Baby I'm preying on you tonight 宝贝 今晚等着被我捕猎

Hunt you down eat you alive 捕获你的真心 吞噬你的生命 Just like animals




Like animals


Maybe you think that you can hide 或许你认为自己能躲避我的追缉 I can smell your scent for miles 但我能从几里外 嗅出你的气味 Just like animals




Like animals


Baby I'm

宝贝 我

Don't tell no lie, lie lie lie

不要太城市说谎吧 说谎吧 You can't deny, ny ny ny

你不能抗拒 抗拒

The beast inside, side side side 內心真实的野兽

Yeah yeah yeah


No girl don't lie, lie lie lie


You can't deny, ny ny ny 你不能抗拒 抗拒

The beast inside, side side side 內心真实的野兽

Yeah yeah yeah





Just like animals




Like animals


Just like animals (yeahh...) 就像动物

Animals (yeahh...)


Like animals (yeahh...) 就像只猎食动物



Baby I'm preying on you tonight 宝贝 今晚等着被我捕猎 Hunt you down eat you alive 捕获你的真心 吞噬你的生命 Just like animals




Like animals


Maybe you think that you can hide 或许你认为自己能躲避我的追缉 I can smell your scent for miles 但我能从几里外 嗅出你的气味 Just like animals




Like animals


Baby I'm

宝贝 我

Don't tell no lie, lie lie lie 不要太城市说谎吧 说谎吧 You can't deny, ny ny ny 你不能抗拒 抗拒

The beast inside, side side side 內心真实的野兽

Yeah yeah yeah


No girl don't lie, lie lie lie 沒有女孩不说谎的 You can't deny, ny ny ny 你不能抗拒 抗拒

The beast inside, side side side 内心真实的野兽

Yeah yeah yeah


篇二:listen to the animals 歌词

Listen to the elephant Listen to the hippo

Listen to the monkey Listen to the snake

What a wonderful song

One, two, three

Come on Sing and dance with me

What a wonderful song

One, two, three

Come on Sing and dance with me

Listen to the elephant Listen to the hippo

Listen to the monkey Listen to the snake

What a wonderful song

One, two, three

Come on Sing and dance with me

What a wonderful song

One, two, three

Come on Sing and dance with me

篇三:animal instinct 歌词

小红莓乐队本首歌曲的MV描述的故事有个背景知识,就是美国的未成年人保护法 ,当美国的地方法院认为孩子的父母没有能力或者不能正确抚养孩子时就可以做出裁决把孩子送到儿童福利院(Children Aid视频里面会出现),这种法律有时候会保护孩子不受到家长虐待,但有时候也造成了家庭的悲剧,故事的标题就是




从此,就开着一辆随时会抛锚的破车,与她的两个孩子,四处流浪。 她在饭店里,看着孩子们吃饭。孩子们很兴奋,吃饱了,很满足地拍着肚皮。她高兴地笑着,比自己吃饱了还高兴。她偷偷检查口袋,只有寥寥几个硬币。她很惶恐,没有钱为孩子们付帐??孩子们很满足。只要跟母亲一起,流浪也是快乐的。她和孩子们就在车里睡觉。(事实是在美国北部的一些州在车里睡觉是违法的,公民有义务向警方举报。所以才有她们在车里睡觉时有两个人看了她们好几眼。)在车里一起读书。在车里快乐地打闹。车行在没有方向没有目的的公路上。在海滩上玩耍,吹着美丽的肥皂泡。孩子们在廉价的旅馆睡觉。她守在门口的台阶上,啃着冷硬的食物。

最后的一幕:汽车抛锚了。她怀里抱着一个,手里牵着一个,在向过路的卡车打手势请求搭车,三个人上车之后卡车远去。背景声音说“MORE SUN SHINE”也表明未来会更加美好。而最后场景的“SOUTH”也是美国法律决定的,南方要比北方制度宽松,所以母亲才会带着孩子去南方。这时画面暗了下来,全曲完。美国北方地区对于失业时间超过规定时间的母亲有一项很残酷的规定--将其子女送到儿童救治中心抚养,而南方没有此项规定,所以mv结尾的南方地区是他们的安全地带。

Suddenly something has happened to me 突然有件事让我心里咯噔一下 As I was having my cup of tea 而那时,我正与爱人共渡美好时光 (熟悉英语的人应知道cup of tea此处指爱人而非茶,如陈奕迅的《浮夸》里亦曾唱到“我非你杯茶/也可尽情地喝吧”。头两句歌词描写的是一女子正当与爱人享受着甜蜜的二人世界时,却意外的搞出了人命--怀上了小宝宝)

Suddenly I was feeling depressed 突然,我觉得沮丧

I was utterly and totally stressed 也感到彻头彻尾的紧张


Do you know you made me cry 你是否知道,你曾使我哭泣

Do you know you made me die 你是否知道,你曾使我窒息



And the thing that gets to me 触动我心弦的事 Is you'll never really see 你永远也不会得知 (从怀孕到临盆,自然是彼时仍未出世的小孩子不得而知的) And the thing that freaks me out 而让我恐慌的事情 Is I'll always be in doubt 是我始终在怀疑

(多谢JuneW 及 ????·eyofoaix的意见,已经修改了这两句翻译。这里歌者所想表达的应该初为人母是忐忑不安的心情)

It is a lovely thing that we have 我们所拥有的是最美好的事情 It is a lovely thing that we最美好的事情

It is a lovely thing, the animal最美好的事情,是那动物的本性 The animal instinct 是那动物的本性

So take my hands and come with me 那么,牵着我的手,跟我来 We will change reality 我们能把现实更改

So take my hands and we will pray 那么,牵着我的手,跟我祈求 They won't take you away 他们不会把你带走

They will never make me cry, no 他们不会让我哭泣

They will never make me die 他们不会让我窒息

(这一段描述的是母亲有了孩子后坚强美好的心态以及对孩子的美好祝愿。此处的“他们”,自然是指可能带给小孩子厄运的事物,如疾病、战争等。事实上,历史上的英国和爱尔兰共和军的战争一直是爱尔兰人的心头之痛。反战也是包括the cranberries 在内的很多爱尔兰音乐天才如Sinead O'Conner等人很多歌曲的主题)

出了的第四张专辑, 名为“Bury The Hatchet”(和解)。《Dying In The Sun》、《Promises》等经典歌曲都出自这张专辑

来自爱尔兰的四人团体,爱情、背叛、政治一直是the cranberries音乐的主题,主唱Dolores独特的唱腔,有时柔弱轻快,有时强力的呐喊,吸引了世界无数的乐迷,他们以爱尔兰式neo-folk 的音乐风格,细腻的舒情歌,忧虑愁怅的旋律,唱出他们崇尚和平,关怀世界的理念。

Cranberry:一种微酸的小浆果,中文称为“越橘”,更亲切地称呼是小红莓。来自爱尔兰的四人摇滚乐队以此为名 The Carnberries,并成长为世界顶级乐队。

The Carnberries 与 U2 、Sinead O’Connor 、Enya 等一样,都是带领爱尔兰音乐走向世界的重要力量。在 The Carnberries 乐队成立以前,三个主要成员 Noel 、 Mike 和 Fergal 都在一个名叫 TheCranberry Saw Us 的乐队中干了大约半年,后来,这个乐队的主唱 Nial 因为个人的原因决定退出,为了不影响乐队的正常发展,他把他的一个好朋友推荐给了乐队,这个人后来成了卡百利乐队最重要的人物—— Dolores Mary Eileen O’Riordan (德洛丽丝·玛丽·艾琳·奥里奥丹),在嫁给巡回演出经纪人 Don Burton 后,改名为Dolores Mary O’Riordan 2

Burton (德洛丽丝·玛丽·奥里奥丹·伯顿)。

The Cranberries 受到人们喜爱与女主音 Dolores 是分不开的。Dolores 出身于一个天主教家庭,三岁起开始唱歌,从小练就了一副天使般的嗓子, 尤其是她独特的咽音发声,更是受到后来的一些女歌手相继的模仿,如王菲


、辛晓琪等。Dolores 十几岁的时候已开始弹钢琴并且自己作曲,有了组建乐队的一些想法,机缘巧合使 Dolores 与这帮急于找到一个新搭档的家伙走到了一起,她一流的演唱水平很快就得到了另外三人的认同。为了有个新的开始,他们一起组建了新的乐队,取名就叫 The Cranberries ,时间是在1990年5月。

爱情、背叛、政治一直是 The Cranberries 音乐的主题,主唱 Dolores 独特的唱腔,时而柔弱轻快,时而强力呐喊,吸引了世界无数的乐迷,他们以爱尔兰式 neo-folk 的音乐风格,可以歌颂爱情,可以庭院深深,可以幽怨曲曲,可以关注不幸,可以指责战争,可以呼唤和平,细腻的舒情歌,忧虑愁怅的旋律,唱出他们崇尚和平,关怀世界的理念。


“ Animal Instinct ”收录于 The Cranberries 第四张专辑《 Bury The Hatchet 和解》,中文翻译是《母亲之爱》,字面意思是动物本能,即父母之爱乃生物本能的注解。MV大致讲的是在美国政府的黑暗制度下,政府机构强行带走一个没有工作的单身女性的孩子,母亲又把两个孩子借出来逃跑的故事。在北美被认为没有能力抚养孩子的单亲母亲会遭遇到这样的情况,政府只是愚蠢的认为他们会给孩子找到一个更好的生存环境,却忽略了一个母亲母爱的天性,和孩子对母爱的需要。这首MV还被一些人列入 “史上十大最佳MV”。


篇四:Animals.Maroon 5


Baby I'm preying on you tonight Hunt you down eat you alive Just like animals


Like animals

Maybe you think that you can hide I can smell your scent for miles Just like animals


Like animals

Baby I'm

So what you trying to do to me

It's like we can't stop we're enemies But we get along when I'm inside you You're like a drug that's killing me I cut you out entirely

But I get so high when I'm inside you Yeah you can start over you can run free You can find other fish in the sea You can pretend it's meant to be But you can't stay away from me I can still hear you making that sound Taking me down rolling on the ground You can pretend that it was me But no

Baby I'm preying on you tonight Hunt you down eat you alive Just like animals


Like animals

Maybe you think that you can hide I can smell your scent for miles Just like animals


Like animals

Baby I'm

So if I run it's not enough

You're still in my head forever stuck So you can do what you wanna do I love your lies I'll eat 'em up But don't deny the animal

That comes alive when I'm inside you

Yeah you can start over you can run free You can find other fish in the sea You can pretend it's meant to be But you can't stay away from me I can still hear you making that sound Taking me down rolling on the ground You can pretend that it was me But no

Baby I'm preying on you tonight Hunt you down eat you alive Just like animals


Like animals

Maybe you think that you can hide I can smell your scent for miles Just like animals


Like animals

Baby I'm

Don't tell no lie, lie lie lie

You can't deny, ny ny ny

The beast inside, side side side Yeah yeah yeah

No girl don't lie, lie lie lie

You can't deny, ny ny ny

The beast inside, side side side Yeah yeah yeah




Just like animals


Like animals

Just like animals (yeahh...)

Animals (yeahh...)

Like animals (yeahh...)


Baby I'm preying on you tonight Hunt you down eat you alive Just like animals


Like animals

Maybe you think that you can hide I can smell your scent for miles

Just like animals


Like animals

Baby I'm

Don't tell no lie, lie lie lie You can't deny, ny ny ny

The beast inside, side side side Yeah yeah yeah

No girl don't lie, lie lie lie You can't deny, ny ny ny

The beast inside, side side side Yeah yeah yeah



Five Little Monkeys

Five little monkeys jumped on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mom called the doctor and the doctor said.

No more monkeys jump on the bed.

Four little monkeys jumped on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mom called the doctor and the doctor said.

No more monkeys jump on the bed.

Three little monkeys jumped on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mom called the doctor and the doctor said.

No more monkeys jump on the bed.

Three little monkeys jumped on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mom called the doctor and the doctor said.

No more monkeys jump on the bed.

Two little monkeys jumped on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mom called the doctor and the doctor said.

No more monkeys jump on the bed.

One little monkey jumped on the bed.

He fell off and bumped his head.

Mom called the doctor and the doctor said.

No more monkeys jump on the bed.

No more monkeys jump on the bed.

Here we go around the Mulberry bush

Here we go around the Mulberry bush, the Mulberry bush, the Mulberry bush. Here we go around the Mulberry bush,

On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face.

This is the way we wash our face,

On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair, comb our hair.

This is the way we comb our hair,

On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth, This is the way we brush our teeth,

On a cold and frosty morning.

Here we go around the Mulberry bush, the Mulberry bush, the Mulberry bush. Here we go around the Mulberry bush,

On a cold and frosty morning.

The skeleton dance

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Doing skeleton dance.

The foot bone’s connected to the leg bone. The leg bone’s connected to the knee bone. The knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone. Doing skeleton dance.

The thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone. The hip bone’s connected to the backbone. The backbone’s connected to the neck bone. Doing skeleton dance.

Shake your hands to the left.

Shake your hands to the right.

Put your hands in the air.

Put your hands out of sight.

Shake your hands to the left.

Shake your hands to the right.

Put your hands in the air.

Put your hands out of sight.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle… wiggle your knees.

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Doing skeleton dance.

The animal sounds song

The dog goes woof, woof, woof, woof. The cow goes moo, moo, mo, moo.

The duck goes quack, quack, quack, quack. And the owl says to whit to whooo.

The cat goes meow, meow, meow.

The bird goes tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet. The pig goes oink, oink, oink, oink. And the little mouse says squeak

These are the sounds that the animals make. These are the sounds that the animals make.

The horse goes neigh,neigh, neigh, neigh The sheep goes baa, baa, baa, baa.

The rabbit goes thump, thumpety, thump. People they say bla, bla, bla.bla.

The snake goes hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss

The chicken goes cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck. The frog goes ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. The bee says buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

These are the sounds that the animals make. These are the sounds that the animals make.

The donkey goes haw hee, haw hee, haw hee. The elephant goes pawooo

The bear growls grrr, grrr

The lion roars raaar.

These are the sounds that the animals make. These are the sounds that the animals make. These are the sounds that the animals make. These are the sounds that the animals make.

How are you

Today is Monday. Today is Monday. Today I’m sleepy. Today I’m sleepy. How are you? How are you? I’m sleepy too.

Today is Tuesday. Today is Tuesday. Today I’m OK. Today I’m OK. How are you? How are you? I’m OK too.

Today I feel, today I feel. Happy! Not angry.

Today is Wednesday. Today is Wednesday. Today I’m bored. Today I’m bored. How are you? How are you? I’m bored too.

Today is Thursday. Today is Thursday. Today I’m hungry. Today I’m hungry. How are you? How are you? I’m hungry too.

Today I feel, today I feel. Happy! Not angry.

Today is Friday. Today is Friday. Today I’m thirsty. Today I’m thirsty. How are you? How are you? I’m thirsty too.

Today is Saturday. Today is Saturday. Today I’m hot. Today I’m hot. How are you? How are you? I’m hot too.

Today is Sunday. Today is Sunday. Today I’m happy. Today I’m happy. How are you? How are you? I’m happy too.

Today I feel, today I feel. Happy! Not angry.
