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How to write (话题:世界文化遗产)






中国万里长城所熟悉所崇仰的建筑,可根据自己的知识储备和万里长城的了解来进行写作,本模块的话题为The World’s Heritage,为中国长城这个话题储备了大量的词汇。




absence 、advocate、 at the mercy of、 awareness 、be honored for、diplomacy、 enlarge 、delegate、 existence、 fund 、go through、 length、 marvelous、 limestone、 prehistoric 、span、 undertake等




Four sites where Beijing Man and his relations lived were discovered on the northern face of Dragon Bone Hill.


After the People’s Republic of China was established in 1949,the work started again and Zhoukoudian become an important tourist attraction .


It has also been proved that people lived there continuously between, 500,000 and 10,000 years ago.


Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds,causing serious image .


1)Can I suggest that you all bring an umbrella in case it rains?

a:If it rains,bring an umbrella .

b:Bring an umbrella because it may rain later.

2) As long as you’ve got a raincoat,you will be ok .

a:If you a raincoat,you’ll be ok .

b:If you take a raincoat ,you many be ok. .

3) Wherever you look,you can see part of our cultural heritage .

a:You can look anywhere and you can see part of our cultural heritage.

b:You can look anywhere and you may part of our cultural heritage.


根据题目要求,文章采用三段模式,即:什么(what)、为什么(why)、近况(how/recent situation)。从段落内部的层次上讲,每一段一般又分为三部分:主题句,扩张句,和总结句。注意使用下列连接词汇,加强文章的上下连贯。例如:

1)发表个人观点时间:in my opinion,personally……;

2)进一步论证使用:what’s more,besides/in addition;What is more serious is that……;

3)提出多个论据时用:First…second…third/to begin with;secondly;besides/first of all…;another reason is…等。


The Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is considered to be the only man-made project visible from the moon. Although it was once though to have been built entirely during the Qin Dynasty between 221 and 208 BC, it is now believed to have been started earlier.

The 15-foot-high, 25-foot-wide, 1,500-mile-long structure was undoubtedly built to keep out invading enemies. To be common people of the empire, who had been forced to build the wall, it was not worth it, however, the wall, and other public works completed by the Qin Dynasty, had caused great losses of wealth and human life in the country. As a result, an angry population rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty, and in 207 BC the Han Dynasty began.

Because of its rich history and magnificent appearance, the Great Wall attracts tourists, scientists, and historians to this day and will continue to do so for generations.


1)The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the TajMahal in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon is one oh the great wonders of the world.

2) It is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today.

3) He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man!

4) The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlisted in the world Heritage by UNESCO in 1987.

5) The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world.



1、 目前,已经有许多游客参观了长城。

2、 其他文明并非如此。

3、 或是因为长城有许多美好的回忆,讲述“昔日的时光”。

4、 长城是我们文化遗产中极其宝贵的部分。


1、 At the moment,many visitors visit the Great Wall .

2、 This isn’t the way with other cultures .

3、 ?or it might be because the Great Wall has such good stories to tell about“the old days”.

4、 The Great Wall is a precious part of our cultural heritage .

我正在做您给我写的how to write,发现里面的汉语讲说部分基本上都是我发给您的样板里的。尤其是"谋篇"的部分,是一摸一样的!我想您可能是理解错了我的意思。样板只是形式上的参考,里面的东西是不能用的。


New 7 Wonders vs. Ancient 7 Wonders

New: Christ the Redeemer Statue

Photograph by Samba Photo/Photonica/Getty Images

The 105-foot-tall (38-meter-tall) "Christ the Redeemer" statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was among the "new seven wonders of the world" announced July 7 following a global poll to decide a new list of human-made marvels. The winners were voted for by Internet and phone, American Idol style. The other six new wonders are the Colosseum in Rome, India's Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, Jordan's ancient city of Petra, the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, and the ancient Maya city of Chichén Itzá in Mexico.

The contest was organized by the New7Wonders Foundation—the brainchild of Swiss filmmaker and museum curator Bernard Weber—in order to "protect humankind's heritage across the globe." The foundation says the poll attracted almost a hundred million votes.

Yet the competition has proved controversial, drawing criticism from the United Nations' cultural organization UNESCO, which administers the World Heritage sites program (pictures of the newest World Heritage sites). "This initiative cannot, in any significant and sustainable manner, contribute to the preservation of sites elected by [the] public," UNESCO

said in a statement.

New: Great Wall of China

Photograph by Raymond K. Gehman/National Geographic/Getty Images

This newly elected world wonder was built along China's northern border over many centuries to keep out invading Mongol tribes.

Constructed between the fifth century B.C. and the 16th century, the Great Wall is the world's longest human-made structure, stretching some 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers). The best known section was built around 200 B.C. by the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang Di.

The wall was among the winners of the New7Wonders poll announced during a televised ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal. However the Chinese state

broadcaster chose not to broadcast the event, and Chinese state heritage officials refused to endorse the competition.

It was a different story for some of the other candidates. In Brazil, for example, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva encouraged his compatriots

to vote for Rio de Janeiro's mountaintop statue of Jesus Christ.

New: The Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Photograph by John Lawrence/Photographers Choice/Getty Images

The only finalist from Europe to make it into the top seven—the Colosseum in Rome, Italy—once held up to 50,000 spectators who came to watch gory games involving gladiators, wild animals, and prisoners.

Construction began around A.D. 70 under Emperor Vespasian. Modern sports stadiums still resemble the Colosseum's famous design.

European sites that didn't make the cut include Stonehenge in the United Kingdom, the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

The Vatican in Rome accused the competition's organizers of ignoring Christian monuments, none of which was featured among the 20 finalists. Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, head of culture and archaeology at the Vatican,

called the omission of sites such as the Sistine Chapel "inexplicable."

New: Petra, Jordan

Photograph by Richard Nowitz/National Geographic/Getty Images

Perched on the edge of the Arabian Desert, Petra was the capital of the Nabataean kingdom of King Aretas IV (9 B.C. to A.D. 40).

Petra is famous for its many stone structures such as a 138-foot-tall (42-meter-tall) temple carved with classical facades into rose-colored rock. The ancient city also included tunnels, water chambers, and an amphitheater, which held 4,000 people.

The desert site wasn't known to the West until Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt came across it in 1812.

Jordan has taken the New7Wonders competition seriously. Petra is an important attraction in a country where tourism has recently suffered due to troubles in the Middle East region, particularly in neighboring Iraq.

The Jordanian royal family backed a campaign promoting Petra's


New: Machu Picchu, Peru

Photograph by Gavin Hellier/Photographers Choice/Getty Images

One of three successful candidates from Latin America, Machu Picchu is a 15th-century mountain settlement in the Amazon region of Peru.

The ruined city is among the best known remnants of the Inca civilization, which flourished in the Andes region of western South America. The city is thought to have been abandoned following an outbreak of deadly smallpox, a disease introduced in the 1500s by invading Spanish forces. Hundreds of people gathered at the remote, 7,970-foot-high

(2,430-meter-high) site on Saturday to celebrate Machu Picchu's new "seven wonders" status.

The winners were revealed at a soccer stadium in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, where Machu Picchu reportedly got one of the biggest cheers. The other two Latin American selections were Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Chichén Itzá, Mexico.




101. 电视在日常生活中起着重要作用。

102. 一方面,它让我们及时了解国内外所发生的一切。

103. 我们可以从电视节目中学到很多知识。

104. 另一方面,看电视对健康,尤其对眼睛不好。

105. 有些电视节目对孩子有不良影响。

103. We can learn a lot from TV programs. eyes.

106. 我的家乡是一个占地36平方公里,人口20万的小镇。

107. 解放前,人们生活很艰苦。

108. 20年来,这里发生了巨大的变化。

109. 这里建起了公园、商场、影院、医院,还有学校。

110. 人们的生活丰富多彩。

106. My hometown, of 200 thousand and of 36 square kilometers, is a small town. 110. People’

111. 随着人口的增长,我们面临越来越多的社会问题。

112. 尽管粮食每年丰收,但还有很多人吃不饱。

113. 大量公交车投入使用,可还很拥挤。

114. 建了很多房子,仍不能满足人们的需求。

115. 必须采取措施控制人口增长。

111. the population of our country continues to grow, we are more and more social problems.

114. Each year thousands of new buildings are built, but they still can’

116. 明天上午来自北大的王教授将在科技宫作有关污染的报告。

117. 如果你感兴趣,请八点前到。


118. 科技宫距你住的旅馆不远,可以走着去。

119. 出了旅馆左转,走到交通灯处。

120. 右转后过两个十字路口就可以看到。

Science Palace tomorrow morning.

117. If you are interested in it, please get there before 8 o’clock.

121. 我高兴地获息你要来这学习。

122. 碰巧一位室友刚搬走,你可以和我同住一室。

123. 到这后重要的是提高英语水平,因为所有课都用英语讲。

124. 我有个实验要做,不能去机场接你。

125. 你可以打车来。

121. I’to do that day.

126. 在过去的五年里,人们的饮食(diet)结构发生了变化。

127. 粮食吃得少了而肉奶等高能量的比例(proportion)增加了。

128. 过去人们买不起肉奶等,而现在有钱了。

129. 现在人们更加注重饮食结构。

130. 合理的饮食对人们身体有好处。

’’s diet. 128. First, in the old days, people couldn’them.

131. 星期天上午风和日丽,我和父亲来到公园。

132. 公园里一切都很美,我们心情愉悦。

133. 我们正要拍照却看见一个穿着入时的小姐随手扔东西。

134. 我不知道为什么这么多人有这样的坏习惯。

135. 如果不改掉这些坏习惯我们的城市将成什么样子? ’

136. Dongdong虽只有五岁,每天却要学很多东西。

137. 父母对他要求严格,希望他将来成名。

138. 他要学英语、音乐、美术等。

139. 早晨父亲教他英语,上午还要弹钢琴,下午去学画画。

140. 他多想自由地玩上一小时啊!

139. Early in the morning, his father teaches him English. After breakfast he

141. 很高兴收到你的来信,我愿意成为你的笔友。

142. 我在北京五中学习,我们学校有1500人。

143. 我们学语文、英语、数学、理化等科目。

144. 我最喜欢英语,我的业余爱好是收集邮票。

145. 我希望能到你们学校参观。

141. I’’142. I’

146. 我考上大学已两个多月了。

147. 我发现英语课与中学有些不同。

148. 我的英语老师是英国人,他经常说英语课只允许讲英语。

149. 每个人都不得不设法弄明白他讲的内容。

150. 我将花更多时间来提高我的英语水平以便取得更大进步。

school. “” 150. I’

151. 我们学校计划下月举办美国电影节。

152. 我写信请你来给作个相关报告。

153. 这将有助于我们了解美国电影的发展。

154. 一个半小时够吗?

155. 请尽快通知我。

152. I’

156. 1月20日下午4:30—6:00在阶梯教室有个英语讲座。

157. 北大李教授将作如何提高英语听力和口语能力的报告。

158. 所有英语教师和高中生都要求准时参加。

159. 会后在会议厅有英语晚会。

160. 欢送各位参加。

160. Everyone is welcome.

161. Mrs. Green 1989年9月到我校以来一直认真工作。

162. 在教学上既严格又耐心。

163. 她讲课生动有趣。

164. 在她的帮助下,我们的英语进步很快,尤其是口语。

165. 我们感谢她的出色工作。

161. Mrs. Green came to our school in September 1989. hard.

166. 学生会下周六举行英语演讲比赛。

167. 目的是提高学生的口语水平。

168. 有意参加者下周三前找班长报名。

169. 奖励前十名。














八达岭位于北京西北60公里处,东经116°65’,北纬40°25’,是峰峦叠嶂的军都山中的一个山口。明代《长安客话》说,“路从此分,四通八达,故名八达岭,是关山最高者”。 八达岭这名,最早见于金代诗人刘迎的长诗《晚到八达岭下,达旦乃上》和《出八达岭》。元代,这里称“北口”,是与南口相对而言。南口在北京北郊昌平县境内,从南口到北口,中间是一条40里长的峡谷,峡谷中有万里长城的著名关口“居庸关”,这条峡谷因此得名叫“关沟”。八达岭高踞关沟北端最高处。这里,两峰夹峙,一道中开,居高临下,形势极其险要。自八达岭下视居庸关,如建瓴,如窥井。“古人有居庸之险,不在关城,而在八达岭”之说。八达岭山口的特殊地形,成为历代兵家必争之地,一向驻以重兵把守。八达岭成为军事战略要地,可追溯到春秋战国。据《史记》记载和近年来文物工作者普查,都证明八达岭一带在战国时期筑有长城,而今仍见残墙、墩台遗存,其走向,与今明长城大体一致汉习记载:曾设军都、居庸两座关城。北魏《水经注》说:“居庸关在居庸界,故关名也,南则绝谷,垒石为关址,崇墉峻壁,非轻功可举??其水历山南,迳军都界??,”因此,有专家认为汉置居庸关,关址在八达岭。“居庸”之名从何而来?是秦始皇筑长城,从南迁徙一批贫苦农民和囚徒,到军都山妫川小盆地定居,称为庸徒居处。汉武帝时,将妫川置居庸县(仿延庆)。《水经注》所记载的关址地形地貌和山水流势,与八达岭的地理环境相同。



因地形,用险制塞”是修筑长城的一条重要经验,在秦始皇的时候已经把它肯定下来,司马迁把它写入《史记》之中。以后每一个朝代修筑长城都是按照这一原则进行的。凡是修筑关城隘口都是非曲直选择在两山峡谷之间,或是河流转折之处。或是平川往来必经之地,这样既能控制险要,又可节约人力和材料,以达“一夫当关,万夫莫开”的效果。修筑城堡或烽火台也是选择在“四顾要之处”至于修筑城墙,更是充分地利用地形,如像居庸关、八达岭的长城都有是沿着山岭的脊背修筑,有的地段从城墙外侧看去非常险峻,内侧则甚是平缓,收“易守难攻”之效。在辽宁境内,明代辽东镇的长城有一种叫山险墙、劈山墙的,就是利用悬崖陡壁,稍微把崖壁劈削一下就成为长城 了。还有一些地方完全利用危崖绝壁、江河湖泊作为天然屏障,真可以说是巧夺天工了.长城,作为一顶伟大的工程,成为中华民族的一份宝贵遗产。







长城关隘 嘉峪关、山海关、居庸关、玉门关、井陉关、娘子关 、雁门关、偏头关、平型关、古北口、喜峰口、榆林塞、黄崖关、 瓦桥关、虎山长城、鸦鹘关、牛庄城、分水关、宁远城、阳关、平定堡城、清阳关、新安关、镇远关、锦州城、马水口、 倒马关、九门口、老龙头、董家口、刘家口、马兰关、新开口、插箭岭关、金山岭、独石口、张家口、马市口、羊房堡关、水口关、紫荆关、宣化城、三屯营、三道关、大毛山关、义院口、界岭口、重峪口、徐流口、冷口关、白洋峪关、青山关、 铁门关、潘家口、龙井关、洪山口、上关、 常峪口、狼窝沟口、新河口、白石口关、浮图峪关、乌龙沟关、飞狐口、寡妇楼、 司马台、慕田峪关、沿河城、将军关、白马关、鹿皮关、河防口、莲花池关、黄花城关、撞道口关、九孔楼、四海冶口、居延塞故城、鸡鹿塞、高阙塞、大同城、杀虎口、威鲁堡口、金锁关、黄泽关、黄榆关、北楼口、宁武关、利民堡口 、得胜口、镇宏堡口、平远堡、新平堡口、保平堡口、桦门堡、瓦窑口堡、镇宁堡口、镇口堡、守口堡口、镇边堡、镇川堡 、宏赐堡口、镇羌堡口、拒墙堡口、拒门堡口、助马堡口、破鲁堡口、保安堡口、宁鲁堡口、破虎堡口、残虎堡口、马堡口、云石堡口、少家堡口、大河堡口、败虎堡口、迎恩堡口、阻虎堡口、将军会堡、丫角山、老营堡、红门口、老牛湾堡、阳方口、白草关口、广武城、北楼口、狼牙口、龙泉关、固关、鹤度岭口、马岭关、支锅岭口、峻极关、吴旗秦长城、魏长城南起点、定边城、高家堡、镇北台、统万城、韩城魏长城、黄甫川堡等。




绵延万里的长城它并不只是一道单独的城墙,而是由城墙、敌楼、关城、墩堡、营城、卫所、镇城烽火台等多种防御工事所组成的一个完整的防御工程 体系。这一防御工程体系,由各级军事指挥系统层层指挥、节节控制。以明长城为例,在万里长城防线上分设了辽东、蓟、宣府、大同、山西、榆林、宁夏、固原、甘肃等九个军事管辖 区来分段防守和修缮东起鸭绿江,西止嘉峪关,全长7000多千米的长城,称作“九边重 镇”,每镇设总兵官作为这一段长城的军事长官,受兵部的指挥,负责所辖军区内的防务 或奉命支援相邻军区的防务。明代长城沿线约有100万人的兵力防守。总兵官平时驻守 在镇城内,其余各级官员分驻于卫所、营城、关城和城墙上的敌楼和墩堡之内。
