作业帮 > 作文素材 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 14:38:07 作文素材


题目: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled My Thoughts on the University Arts Festival. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:




My Thoughts on the University Arts Festival

For our university's arts festival, I think that the university should hold open competitions and auditions for anyone who wants to take part in the festival's exhibitions and performances. This would not only increase general interest in and appreciation for the arts, but would also be a good way for our university to show its support for the arts.

This arts festival is an excellent opportunity to remind everyone that arts are important for everyone to appreciate and take part in, regardless of major.

I think that there should be general, open auditions and competitions in all the major arts. There should be categories for painting and sculpture; classical, folk and modem dance; and instrumental and choral groups, both large and small. The judges should be joint committees made up of both faculty and Students, both experts in the field and novices. Arranging the festival in this way will, I believe, give our student body a greater enjoyment of the arts, a break from studies and a fuller appreciation for what it means to be human.


With merely four months to go before the arts festival starts, my fellow students are getting increasingly enthusiastic in brainstorming for the significant event. While in my opinion typical activities such as performances, forums and lectures on art should be taken into consideration.

The festival itself is an image-creating undertaking. Students should be attracted to the festival at the first glimpse, so the opening ceremony must be of vital importance. Fascinating performances, for instance, pop music, ballet dancing and instrument playing ought to be put on in this section and if possible an orchestra can be invited to add spice to the ceremony. Certainly only performances are too superficial. To help students take a deeper insight of arts, forums and lectures must be held. Forums can be held through BBS owning to the wide accessibility to Internet, whereas professors and experts can be invited to give lectures concerning basic knowledge of art and the role that art plays in daily life.

However, prior to all the above, professional organization, detailed plans and effective promulgation are needed to promise a success.

A university arts festival, in brief, must embrace rich content and careful preparation. Only then can it be successful and can everyone enjoy himself.





1. 描述一下你在高三是校文艺节、科技节活动中的经历;

2. 你的感想。

艺术节:Art Festival ; 科技节:Science Festival; 课外活动:extracurricular activities.


one possible version:

Life in Senior 3 is busy and simple. While engaged in study, I am still impressed with the unforgettable experience in my last Art Festival. After careful preparations, I took the stage, singing my favourite song. Nervous but cheerful, I really enjoyed the moment with my schoolmates, who were generously giving me deafening applause.

Without doubt, study is important for us Senior 3 students. We should never fail to realize that extracurricular activities are of equal importance in our personal development. From the activities, we can not only relax ourselves, but also fully explore our potentials, leaving something special in our memory about senior high school.

Therefore, I’m always a firm believer that students should actively take part in various extracurricular activities, even in Senior 3.


One possible version: With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noise and give off poisonous gas. Because of population explosion and overdevelopment, resources have become fewer and fewer. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.


1. 简要描写图画内容;

2. 说明图画含义;

3. 谈谈你的看法。


Flowers in the greenhouse

As is shown in the first picture, a small potted plant is growing healthily in the greenhouse, which shelters it from a heavy rainstorm outside. However, in the second picture, the seemingly strong plant, blown off by fierce wind and the violent rain, seems helpless and dying.

Kids living in very good surroundings are just like flowers in the greenhouse. Nevertheless, after they enter the society, it’s very difficult for them to meet social requirements.

Personally speaking, parents are making an attempt to protect their kids by giving whatever they require, which, in turn, contributes to their bad habits. Obviously, what we really need is the strong wild flowers. For the benefit of children, it’s high time that parents should create chances for kids to experience some storms. (121 words)


1.描述漫画内容; 2.说出其中的寓意; 3.发表你的观点。 注意: 1.可适当增添内容,使文章层次分明,行文连贯。 2.字数120左右。 3.开头语已为你写好(不计入总字数)

High expectations harm a child the parents hold a bar over their heads excitedly, urging their child to jump it over while the child stares at the bar blankly. Perhaps, parents do this with good intentions, but the results are

quite different.

Such is the case with us in our daily life. Parents today are setting too high expectations for their children. Surely high expectations serve as a necessary drive for children to improve, but sometimes going fast is as bad as falling short. When the goals are far beyond their reach, children’s interest and self-confidence may suffer seriously, which can do great harm to character-building. So it’s time for the parents to adjust their standards and tell their children how proud they are of him for whatever he has achieved.



1. 简要描写图画内容;

2. 说明图画含义;

3. 谈谈你的看法。


It seems that they don’t get along well with each other..

Nowadays, many families with teenagers face such a problem, which is extremely bad for the growth of a child and the harmony of a family. For example, quarrels can often be seen when parents attempt to prevent their child doing what is not suitable in their opinion, such as playing computer games, because the kid is unwilling to do it as told. What has caused the frequent conflicts between them? There can be many reasons, of which, I think a lack of understanding and communication is the most important one. It is inevitable that disagreement between parents and kids will appear. However, if we learn to communicate with each other peacefully and equally, a harmonious relationship can be easily born


1. 叙述矛盾发生时的情景

2. 你对这件事的看法


参考词汇:摩擦 friction手电筒flashlight

Last Monday Lihua stayed up reading after 10o’clock in our dormitory. After a whole day of study , feeling

very exhausted, Gaopeng went to bed immediately the dormitory light was turn off.

However, he couldn’t fall asleep with the torchlight. At first he tried to keep calm, but after a while he began to lose his temper, complaining about Lihua’s selfishness. Neither of would give in and friction continued.

While they were quarreling, I tried to calm them down, saying all of us should care about others. They realized their fault and made up finally.

After all, we share the same dormitory and every one is part of the family. Whenever we face any problem, we should learn to understand and communicate with each other. When we think more for others, we can create a harmonious environment.


参考词汇:功能多:functional; 品牌brand ; 消费者consumer

Dear editor,

Recently, we had a discussion about “whether we should for or against “Shanzhai” products” in our class. The results of our discussion are followed.

55 percent of the students we should for “Shanzhai” products, because “Shanzhai” products themselves have many advantages. They are fashionable, functional and usually very cheap. In addition, they have a lot in common with those of famous brands. Thanks to “Shanzhai” products, more and more people, especially the common consumers can enjoy the benefit of modern technology. quality and have the similar skin with the original products, which can result in unfair competition on the market. What’s worse, some “Shanzhai” products, such as medicine and mobile phone may even endanger people’s life, which actually does harm to the consumers’ interest. , we should for “Shanzhai” products. They meet the needs of common consumers and with the development of technology, the quality of “Shanzhai” products is being improved. if we can make good use of “Shanzhai” culture, we can benefit from it.


