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九年级第四单元 话题作文



1. 表示“(不)被允许做某事”:be (not) allowed to do ...

2. 可能用到的短语有:be open between ... and ... from ... to ... 从……到……








That’s all. Thank you! I hope everyone can obey the rules.

九年级第五单元 话题作文


1. Lee在今天早上在学校门口捡到一个红色的背包,里面有一本英语小说、一个


2.根据包内物品, Lee首先断定一定是女孩的,因为外套是女装; Tom猜测可










九年级第六单元 话题作文




提示要点:1. 你喜欢什么类型的音乐?

2. 听音乐能改善你的心情吗?

3. 你最喜爱的歌手和歌曲是什么?为什么?

My Favorite Music








Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

学生:_________ 学习情况:_____________

The name of the movie: The Lion King The kind of the movie: Cartoon

What the movie is about:Simba’s father was the king. But his uncle, Scar

I think this movie is fantastic. I can learn a lot from it. When I’m tired to study, I always think of Simba, So I keep on study.



killed his father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and became the true king.

What you think of the movie/stars: It was fantastic.





; 然后,介绍故事的梗概

; 最后,表达你对该影片的看法。

要求: 1.思路清晰,书写规范;


审题:本文要求通过写信的方式来向外国笔友介绍自己以及家人喜欢的电视节目。首先,一一介绍自己以及家人所喜欢的节目;然后,说明喜欢他们的原因;最后,询问一下Eric的看法。注意开头称谓,并注意最后结束时正确使用信件的结束语。 开篇点题 What do you think of--?

具体介绍I like---There are---- My father----because--- 结束全文 What do you think of them?


The Lion King is a cartoon movie. It’s the most

popular English movie in the world.

The movie is about a young lion, Simba. He was the prince of the forest. But his uncle Scar wanted to be the king. So he killed Simba’s father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and had a big fight with his uncle. At last, Simba won and became the true king.

Dear Eric,

What do you think of Chinese TV shows?

I love some of them very much. I like animals, so I love Animal World. There are always many cute animals and I can learn a lot about them .Every weekend, I all watch it for two hours in the evening. My father loves sports shows because he likes all kinds of sports. Do you know what TV shows my mother likes best? Soap opera! Oh, I can’t stand them. But my mother likes them very much. She thinks they are interesting.

What do you think of them?

Yours, Wang Lin


Mulan is an exciting action movie.

The movie is about a village girl, Mulan. She dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army.

I think the actress plays Mulan’s role well. She is beautiful, clever and brave.She does a good job in the movie. The movie is very enjoyable and educational . The movie shows her love for her family, friends and country. I like it very much. I can’t wait to see it.


Unit 1


要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整


3. 词数:60-80

(提示词语:go to Chinese classes, make friends, listen to the radio, dictionary, useful, read Chinese stories, talk with, difficult, ask a Chinese teacher for help…)

Dear Frank,

How’s it going? I miss you.

I know you want to learn Chinese now. I have some good ideas. First, you can go to Chinese classes and make Chinese friends. Then, you must listen to the radio in the morning, and read Chinese stories. It's good for your listening and speaking. If you see some words you can't understand, you can by looking up dictionary. It's useful for you. Maybe, you can ask a Chinese teacher for help.

I hope you can speak Chinese well.

Friend, XXX


困难,给他发一封e-mail, 向他提供几条学习英语的建议。

要求:1. 词数80-100


Dear Li Lin,

I know it isn’t easy to learn English well, but I have some suggestions that help. You said you couldn’t understand people when they talked fast. Well why don’t you join an English club? You can get much listening practice there. Having conversations with friends is helpful, and also you can watch English-language TV. It’s the best way to improve your English. I believe you’ll be good at English if you work hard at it!


Zhang Hua

P6 3c Write an article about the things that have helped you the most in learning another language.

I think the best way to learn English is to use it. Every morning I read English aloud after I get up. I practice my listening skills by watching English-language videos. Every Friday afternoon I go to the English club to practice conversations with friends. I think it helps me with my speaking skills. Oh, keeping a diary in English is also helpful.

In my free time, I usually listen to English songs. It also helps. Now I can sing many English songs. What do you think is the best way to learn English? Can you tell me?

P7 SC2 Xu Zheng won a prize for his essay about the importance of English. Later, a reporter from the school magazine interviewed him. Use the reporter’s notes to write an article about Xu Zheng.

Xu Zheng is a middle school student. He won a prize for his essay about the importance of English. He likes taking notes, watching movies and listening to pop songs. He finds the pronunciation is difficult. And native speakers speak English too quickly. He often learns English by making up conversations and speaking to friends in English. He thinks most people speak English as a second language. English is used around the world for computers and also used in science. English can help us understand many new books and movies.

Unit 2

假如Lily是你的朋友,你与她一起长大, 她的变


In the past: straight hair, quiet and shy, not like English, like singing.

Now: tall, short and curly hair, outgoing, like English very much, like sports.

Two days ago, I met my friend Lily. To my surprise, she has changed a lot in the last few years. She used to have straight hair. But now she is tall and has short and curly hair. She used to be really quiet and shy. Now she is so outgoing. And in the past, she used to hate the English class. But now it's exactly opposite. She used to like singing, so that we often went to concerts. But now her favorite hobby is sports.


要求:1. 词数80左右

2. 条理清楚,语意连贯

My life changed much. When I was in primary school, I used to study four subjects, but now I have seven subjects. I used to like math, but now I find it so difficult for me. I used to like tests, but now hate them. When I was young, there was little homework every day. So I had much time to play. But now I’m a middle school student. I have to study hard for tests.

P15 SC2 Look at the pictures and write about Yu Mei.

It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. She used to be short when she was younger, but now she is much taller. She used to have long, curly hair, but now she has short, straight hair. She used to play soccer, but now she is outgoing and friendly. We all like her very much. We are good friends.


I have changed a lot since I moved to this new school this term.

I used to have many friends and be outgoing, but now I have few friends, and I become a little quiet. In the old school, I used to spend much time playing with my friends, but now I have to spend most of my time on my schoolwork. I used to have no interest in my lessons, so I usually got bad grades. However, now I become more interested in my studies, and my grades are improving a lot.

Unit 3

P23 SC2 Read the article. Write a letter to the editor agreeing or disagreeing. Explain your reasons.

Dear Editor,

I would like to reply to the article “Helping and learning” in your last newsletter. I agree with some ideas and disagree with others. The article said that students should be allowed to do these things, such as going to an old people’s home. I agree, and we should have a special day to help others. By doing this, we can understand the society more. But I disagree that students should be allowed to have Friday afternoon off to volunteer and help others. I think we can do that on Saturday or Sunday. As for Friday afternoon, we should join different clubs. That would be more fun.

Yours sincerely,


最近你和父母针对“青少年该不该在周末与朋友外出”进行了讨论。请根据下列表格中的信息提示,以“Should teenagers go out with friends on weekends?”为题,写一篇英语短文。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

要求:1. 所写内容需包括表格中提供的父母的想法

2. 至少给出你的三个想法。

3. 80词左右

Should teenagers go out with fiends on weekends?

Recently I’ve had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should go out with friends on weekends. My parents think that teenagers should stay at home on weekends. They should go over their lessons. And they could have enough time to have a good sleep. They also think teenagers should help (转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)parents do some housework on weekends.

In my opinion, we teenagers should be allowed be go out with friends for fun on weekends, so we can relax more. And we can also share ideas with each other. What’s more, we can also take some exercise together to keep it.


Different schools have different rules. We also have many rules at school. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school because they can make a lot of noise. But we can bring drinks and dictionaries to school. We’re not allowed to run in the hallway because it is dangerous. But we can play basketball, run and do other exercises on the playground after class. Coming to school late and getting the ears pierced are not allowed in our school. Could you please tell me what your school rules are?

Unit 4

P31 SC2 Read the e-mail from Fran and write a reply.

Dear Fran,

I’ve got your e-mail. After I read your e-mail, I just want to give you some advice. First, I think you should help your friend Mei set up her confidence. If she has confidence in herself, she won’t be terrified of speaking in front of other people. Second, it’s a good chance to practice English. Don’t take it as a contest. Third, if your friend is really hard at everything, though she fails, nobody will blame on her. Your friends and other students will understand her. Finally, it’s important to take part in the activity, but not the results. I really hope your friend will win this contest. Wait for your good news.




Dear Yang Fen,

Now I am new here. I can’t understand what the English teacher says, and I am afraid of talking with the classmates here. But the biggest problem for me is that I can’t sleep the night before a big exam. Could you help me?


Wang Li



You should…

Why don’t you…

If I were you, I would…

Dear Wang Lin,

I’m glad to hear from you. I have some suggestions that may help you.

First, you said you couldn’t understand what the English teacher said. Well, you can try to listen for the most important words, not every word. And after class you should do more listening practice.

Second, you may feel shy to talk with your new classmates. Well, you can try to talk to someone who looks friendly.

Lastly, don’t be afraid of exams. If I were you, I would drink some milk and have a good sleep to face the next day’s exams.

I hope you will do better in English and get along well with your new classmates.


Yang Fen
