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关于儿童节的英语作文,有关儿童节的英语作文怎么写?必克英语给童鞋们推荐一篇儿童节英语作文范文,希望对大家英语写作有所帮助! 最后祝大家儿童节快乐 永远年轻!!


Flowers in full bloom in this, green grass of early summer, we have ushered in a grand festival of

Children - June 1 International Children's Day, I am very honored to share with the children together in this beautiful holiday. On that occasion, I would like to let me to all children, young pioneers holiday to extend my sincere regards to the hard work, dedicated gardener to cultivate the flowers of the motherland who pay tribute! Soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals express warm congratulations!

Pioneers, the children, we are now in a hopeful new era of challenges, you are lucky enough to live in a state of concern about the survival of students, teachers and students in the pursuit of maximum growth to meet the needs of schools; so one "give students the best childhood, most give a solid start in life "as the core concept of school, portrait of creating" education "brand School; an" education and scientific research as the guide to the experimental school in English at the core characteristics Yucai School to serve the community for the meaning of new schools "; so one's own ideas and practice, practice, together with the parents," Our children, our schools, our joint efforts, "the slogan of the school

co-operation of schools, the school environment of your grace, your skilled teachers , School of your high-quality education and teaching has been very successful, you just give your School School Award is fully endorsed.

Pioneers, the children, you are lucky generation, the generation is shouldering the burden. There is an old statement: journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Youth are the beginning of a better life, clarity of vision, bred here, noble sentiments here at initiation, the habits of good form here, life here at the foundation of the glory and prosperity at the bright future of our calls. We must strive to improve their own quality of life in the new starting point, the momentum to become the new century, the need for

construction of the homeland of the wood-Dong Liang. At the same time, teachers also hope that our his utmost to achieve a greater honor.


在这鲜花烂漫,绿草如茵的初夏时节,我们迎来了孩子们的盛大节日——六一国际儿童节,我非常荣幸地与小朋友们一起共 度这美好的节日。值此机会,谨让我向全体小朋友、少先队员们致以诚挚的节日问候,并向辛勤耕耘、呕心沥血培育祖国花朵的园丁们致以崇高的敬意!向今天即将 受到表彰的先进个人和先进集体表示热烈的祝贺!

少先队员、小朋友们,我们正处于一个充满希望的挑战的新时代,你们幸运地生活在一所关注师生生存状态,追求最大 限度满足师生成长需要的学校;一所以"给学生最美好的童年,给人生最坚实的起步"为核心办学理念,倾情打造"附小教育"品牌的学校;一所"以教育科研为先 导的实验学校,以英语特色为核心的育才学校,以服务社会为内涵的新型学校";一所以自己的理念和实践,同家长一起践行"咱们的孩子、咱们的学校、咱们共同 努力"这一家校合作口号的学校,你们的学校环境优雅,你们的老师技艺高超,你们学校的教育教学质量高,成绩斐然,刚才给你们学校授牌就是对你们学校的充分 肯定。

少先队员、小朋友们,你们是幸运的一代,也是肩负重担的一代。古人言:千里之行,始于足下。少年时代是美好人生 的开端,远大的理想在这里孕育,高尚的情操在这里萌生,良好的习惯在这里养成,生命的辉煌在这里奠基,繁荣昌盛的美好前景在召唤着我们。我们要努力提高自 身素质,在新的人生起点上,再接再厉,使自己成为新世纪祖国建设需要的栋粱之材。同时,也希望我们师范附小再接再厉,争取更大的荣誉。 英语口语培训 /






上学期开学不久,我校陆续开展爱心商店拍卖活动、扬帆书海捐书活动??我第一个拍卖一个十分大型的新型玩具车,零售价是200元,没想到,许多人拿着钱,纷纷向我走来,最后卖出去了。我拿到了200元,我恳求老师给我捐钱给贫困山区的失学儿童,老师爽约地答应了。不久,贫困山区的小朋友收到了我的200元。我知道,他们此时十分激动:可以上学读书啦!而我也十分兴奋,因为我做了一件好事,此时我心里仿佛听到了贫困山区失学儿童答谢:“谢谢你!要不是你,我们还没书读呢??” 亲爱的同龄朋友,有党和人民的关怀,有全国人民的帮助,你们定能渡过难关,定能重新坐在教室里,和我们共同学习,携手共创美好的明天。为21世纪绘蓝图,努力吧!亲爱的同龄朋友!致以爱心的敬礼!

你们的朋友:吴家成 2007年5月23日


Left-behind children

In rural China, there are such a group of children, their parents go out to work in order to survive.They have to stay in the countryside, living with

grandma and grandpa. This makes their childhood lost a lot of parental love.It has a great influence on their psychological growth.Generally chidren most rely on the parents.So left-behind children are perhaps the most lonely people in China.

As a group, what are some of the distinctive


Why called them the "left-behind" children? For their parents always go out to the more developed area to work to support their family. Also because of this, the communication between the children and parents is very less.

For parents cannot live with them, nearly 80 percent of the "left-behind" children are temporary cared by gr(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)andparents or their relatives, very old and have low knowledge level, so they do not have the ability to supervise the children learning. With the low education level in the rural area, the "left-behind" children cannot be educated normally, not only in knowledge study but in mental health also. No one supervises them in study, they give up their study, some even drop out of the school. According to a research from the china Renmin University, only 88 percent of 1 the 4-year-old "left-behind" children is still studying in school.

No study and no love from parents, many "left-behind" children feel they

are Inferior to the same age children and are abandoned. They become psychological distortion. This is the precursor of the crime!

Why are they alone

China has raised anew special social group , the left-behind children which means that they are left by their parents who have to become migrant workers and work in urban areas far away from their homes to earn living and have to stay in the rural areas. House after house, the same family tale repeats itself: The parents migrated to the big cities for work; their young children stay with grandparents, great-grandparents or any other relatives

who can shelter and feed them. At the age of 10 or so, when the youngsters are considered old enough, many move into packed boardinghouses attached to their public schools.

It is a big group made of over 58 000 000 children. nearly a quarter of the nation's children and almost a third of its rural children are growing up without one or both of their parents. More than half of those were left by both parents. The youngsters face stark psychological and emotional challenges. many struggle to keep up with their lessons and end up abandoning school in their teens to join their parents on the road. it is a key point of their life to build a health character , however, the lack of care and guide from their parents makes them lose the sense of safety. Be fear of being hurt, they rather stay alone.

What might be some of the social impact of this lonely group?

1.As they are little educated by their parents,they lack of social expirence.It is easy for them to be made use of by outlaws.They may do illeagle

activities,such as stealing,robbry or traffick drug and so on.It is not a good news for social safety.

2. Most of them don’t do well in their study though they are long to

study.Today ,our society need people who have high quality.Most of them can only do manual activities in big cities rather than mental activities.It is a waste for the society.

3.Because they are cared too little,they will be hopeless if meet trouble,as time gose by,they become less likely to comulate with people.This character will cause lots of violent crime,such someone killed pupil outside school.They are like hidden time bomb.
