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Unit 1 Women of achievement


II. 目标语言

Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析 本单元以女性为主题,以Warming up, Reading,listening的形式对古今中外六位不同女性的成就进行了介绍。其目的在于引导学生了解有什么样人格的人才是伟人;伟人是否是完人;我们在人格上离伟人有多远。这些对学生可起到一定的启发作用,使他们能以这些伟人为榜样,并坚定信念,塑造自我,创造未来。在这样一个主题之下,有两个值得让学生思考的问题:一,什么样的人是伟人,什么样的人是名人。在当今社会,不少人以一个人的经济能力为标准来衡量他的社会地位,乃至于幸福程度。让学生弄明白这一点是非常重要的。它可以引导学生树立正确的世界观和人生观。二,一个人的成就是否由性别来定。这就涉及到了男女平等的问题。通过本单元的学习,学生们可以深切地感受到无论男女,只要对他人有无私的爱心,对事业有坚定的信心,并不懈地为之倾注心血,都能成就一番事业。

1.1 Warming up中的材料是古今中外六位杰出女性的简介。这部分要求学生


1.2 Reading 这部分由Pre-reading,Reading和Comprehending三部分组成。Reading一文介绍了Jane Goodall与其同事们在非洲森林里的一天,并由此引出她的工作方法及其所取得的成就。同时阐明了她的观点,即要理解、尊重和保护动物。Pre-reading部分提出了两个问题:Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to a university?和Do you think her work is important?Why?这两道题给了学生这样的提示:在研究动物时如何体现科学与人道的结合。

Comprehending中针对课文内容从细节到中心思想,由浅入深地设计了练习题,可帮助学生真正了解Jane Goodall 及其所从事的事业。

1.3 Learning about Language 这部分包含两方面的内容:词汇和语法。词汇部分主要涉及一些构词法、重点词汇和短语。语法部分是“主谓一致”,重点在如何确定集合名词的数。所有这些项目都设计了相应的练习题,以求通过上下文语境,让学生了解词汇与语法如何具体运用,作到精讲多练。

1.4 Using Language中包含读、听、说和写四个方面的内容,全面体现对英语的综合训练。读的部分介绍了我国著名的妇科病专家——林巧稚。文章的第二段体现了本单元的目标之一:学会运用介绍人物品质的形容词来描述他人的情况。这也为下一步的说与写打下了基础。

1.5 Workbook中包含的听、说、读、写的内容更为丰富,它是对前面所学内容的复习与总结,其设计仍然围绕单元主题。

1.6 Summing Up 部分让学生从内容、词汇和语法结构三方面对本单元进行归纳与总结。词汇部分的小结可以从构词法的角度进行适当的拓宽。Learning Tip部分就人物描写提出了建议,即选取典型事件,抓住人物特征。

2. 教材重组 2.1 从本单元整体结构来看,可将Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading 和Comprehending整合成一堂阅读课。将Warming Up作为导入的内容,然后再处理Pre-reading,Reading和Comprehending。其中以Reading为主。教学形式上以


2.2 将Learning about Language作为一堂语法课。教学形式以学生练习总结为主,教师可适当扩展并增加一些有关的语法知识。

2.3 将所有听力内容整合成一堂听力课。当然,教师可依情况将其中的任何


2.4 将Reading(P6),Speaking(P7)与Talking(P41)整合成一堂口语课。这部分中Reading中的部分内容与Speaking(P7)及Talking(P41)相一致。且Speaking与Talking只是体裁上的不同,内容是一致的,故此三者宜合为一课。

2.5 将Writing(P7)和Writing(P46)整合成一堂写作课,以完成本单元的写作要求。

2.6 将Reading Task(P45),Writing Task(P46),Project(P47)和Summing Up(P8)组合成一堂复习课,对本单元内容进行巩固与完善。

3. 课型设计与课时分配


高一年级组 学科:英语

备课时间:第七周 星期三地点:办公室

主题:Unit 4: Astronomy: the Science of the Stars

主备人:张艳艳审核人:李瑞华 参加人员:李瑞华 张艳艳 周频 李斐

The First Period grammar

Teaching goals

1 Target language


suffer, settle , realize , worry about , have got to, tie up


He was very disappointed.

What it was to become was a mystery.

To save money, you must use as few words as possible.

c. Practice talking about problems in study or life

My problem is… The difficulty is… My trouble is…

The question is…My advice is… What I think about it is…The fact is… My suggestion is…

2 Ability goals

Learn to use Noun Clauses as the subject..

3 Learning ability goals

Let Ss learn how to use Noun Clauses as the subject

Teaching important points

the use of Noun Clauses as the subject

Teaching difficult points

How to teach the Ss to learn to use Noun Clauses as the subject

Teaching methods

Learn grammar through practice

Teaching aids




Unit One Women of Achievement

Why not carry on her good work

Reading and writing



Teaching objectives

1 Knowledge objectives:

Learn about the famous woman Lin Qiaozhi and the necessary expressions in introducing a


2 Ability objectives

Develop the ability to deal with the information of a character and write a cohesive


3 Moral objectives

Learn the spirits of devotion from Lin Qiaozhi

Experience the pleasure of using what has been learned.

Teaching important points

Get the information about a famous person

Teaching difficult points

How to write a cohesive composition about a character

Teaching methods

Task-based learning

Teaching aids

A projector and a computer

Teaching procedures

Step 1. Lead in ----Introduce the purpose of the lesson

Step 2 Check the homework -----Ask the students to read out the English expressions in the text

Step 3. Show the students the picture of Lin Qiaozhi and introduce her very briefly

Step 4. Reading task 1: Ask the students to find out the aspects about Lin Qiaozhi covered in the

passage and tell the paragraphs in which the information is given.

Step 5. Reading task 2: Ask the students to get the detailed information about Lin Qiaozhi by

answering the questions. The students have a competition among groups to finish the task.

PART A :Questions for Round 1:

Basic information :1)When did Lin Qiaozhi live?(5)

2)What was her job?(5)

Education: 1)Why did she had difficulty getting medical training? (10)

2)How did she overcome the difficulty(克服困难)?(10)

3) What did she do to further her study(深造)(10)

Focus on the writing skills:

1. paraphrase the sentences

eg. A:She lived from 1901to 1983.

She _________ in 1901 and ______________in 1983.

B:Because she lived in a generation when girl’s education was placed second to boy’s, she

had great difficulty in getting medical training.

_______in a generation when girl’s education was placed second to boy’s , she had great

difficulty in getting medical training.

2.combine the sentences

Lin Qiaozhi was born in 1901.

She was a specialist in women’s diseases.

A: ___________in 1901, Lin Qiaozhi was a speicialist in women’s diseases.

B:Lin Qiaozhi, _______________________________, was born in 1901.

3. relate the sentences,

Living in…, she had great difficulty in getting medical training.

With her…, she managed to enter medical school.

PART B: Questions for Round 2

Achievement :1) How many babies did Lin Qiaozhi deliver throughout her career?(在她的职


2)Besides delivering babies, what was busy doing in her career? (10)

3) For whom and for what purpose did she write a little book? (15)

Quality: What qualities did she have as a successful doctor? (10)

Focus on writing skills

1.paraphrase the sentence

1)Paraphrase the sentenct usingnot only…but also…

Besides delivering babies, she was busy writing books and articles.


2) Combine the sentences with attributive clause


Besides delivering babies, she was busy writing books and articles, ______ was a book for

women in the countryside…

3.Relate the sentences

Besides delivering babies, she was busy writing books and articles.

She wrote a little book for women in the countryside to cut the death rate from having and

caring for babies.

Step 6. Summarize the writing skills and the results of the competition

Step 7. Present the writing task and ask the students to write sentence by sentence.



I am glad to know that you are interested in Lin Qiaozhi. Now let me tell you something about









I hope my introduction will be of help to you. If you have any other question, I am always

ready to answer.


Li Hua

Step 8 Homework:

Review the writing skills and finish writing the composition.



假如你是斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka)某市的市长约翰逊,你市2004年12月26日遭受了历史上罕见的印度洋海啸,造成了大约4万人伤亡,大量房屋被毁,许多人无家可归的惨剧。灾情发生后,你市收到了中国商人李某捐赠的100万美元。请你给他写一封英文感谢信,感谢他的帮助,并在信中表明在中国及世界其他国家人民的帮助下,你市人民一定能够战胜困难,重建家园。

注意:1 词数:100左右

2 信的开头和结尾已写好,但不计入词数


Dear Li,

I'm Johnson, mayor of a city of Sri Lanka. I'm writing this thank-you letter to express our sincere gratitude for what you have done for the people of my city.

As you know, on December 26, 2004, our city suffered the worst Indian Ocean tsunami, which human beings had seldom met with. It killed about 40,000 people and left many injured in our city. Many buildings were destroyed and a lot of people were made homeless. Our city suffered a heavy loss. After the tsunami, you donated 1,000,000 dollars to our city. My people and I really thank you for what you have done for our city. I am sure we can overcome any difficulty and rebuild our city with the help of the Chinese and people in other parts of the world.

Best wishes!

Yours truly,
























4.请把以下所给的开头完整地抄写在答题卷相应的框内,否则扣一分。 Early last Thursday morning,I was walking on my way to school as usual

A little boy ranpast me Possible version of topic A:

Traffic jam is a very serious problem in Guangzhou The streets are always full of buses,cars

and bikes.Some people do not follow the traffic rules.To improve the traffic in Guangzhou,I

think,first,everyone in Guangzhou,especially those who drive or walk in the street should follow

the traffic rules.Second,we should encourage people to use public transport so as to ease the traffic flow Third,the government should widen or build more roads to provide better traffic conditions.

Possible version topic B:

Early last Thursday morning,I was walking on my way to school as usual-A little boy ran past me.He ran so fast when Grossing the street that he didn’t notice a speeding car came round the corner was scared and shouted at him to stop,but it was too late.The boy was knocked down by the car,bleeding.I hurried to the boy,calling 110.After a while,the policemen and doctors

arrived and took the boy to the hospital at once.


【写作情景】假若你是某高中学生李华,进入高中后, 你觉得学英语的方式与初中有很大的不同。 你给自己的英语老师写了一封信,讲述自己的英语学习情况。请你根据下面的提示补全此信。


1. 开始学习高中英语时,觉得学习英语有很多困难,难得让他几乎丧失信


2. 后来逐渐意识到英语的重要性;

3. 每天努力学习英语,例如多读书,多背诵英语课文等;

4. 向老师和同学请教更好的学习英语的方法;

5. 他们的帮助和您的鼓励使我取得了很大的进步,现在对英语越来越感兴



参考词汇:背诵:recite 高级的: senior

Dear Mr. Li,

I’m glad to tell you that I have made great progress in my English

study since I became a senior high student.







Thank you so much for your great help in your class.

Wish you all the best.


Li Hua

Dear Mr. Li,

I’m glad to tell you that I have made great progress in my English study since I became a senior high student. When I started to learn senior English in the beginning, I had much difficulty in learning English. I found it so difficult that I almost lost heart. Later, I gradually realized the importance of English, as a result, I worked hard every day, such as reading and reciting English texts as often as possible. I also went to ask my teachers and classmates for better ways of learning English. It is their help and your encouragement that help me make great progress in my English. And now I’m getting more and more interested in it.

Thank you so much for your great help in your class.

Wish you all the best.


Li Hua 基础写作(共15分)


1. 地震于1923年发生在日本横滨市(Yokohama);

2. 当时人们正在睡觉,并不知道地震发生;

3. 大量的房屋、建筑物倒塌,水电供应中断;

4. 有140,000多人丧生,还有很多受伤者和无家可归者;

5. 是历史上最严重的地震之一。


1. 短文必须包括要点中的所有内容;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使内容连贯;

3. 词数:100左右。

(One possible version)

In 1923, a big earthquake hit/struck/occurred in/happened in/took place in the city of Yokohama, a city in Japan. It happened at night when most people were sleeping. When the earthquake happened/ occurred /took place, it seemed that the world was at an end. Houses and tall buildings fell down. Water and electricity were cut off. There were fires and smoke everywhere. In a few seconds the whole city was almost destroyed and lay in ruins. The number of people who were killed reached more than 140,000. Besides, a large number of people were injured and lost their homes. It was one of the biggest earthquakes in history.



汶川过去是一个不知名的小城市,它距离成都159公里。就在2008年5月12日约下午两点半,汶川发生了一次强烈地震。许多房屋倒塌,成千上万的人无家可归。一些老师和家长为了救孩子牺牲了。全国都关心汶川,送来了救援人员。人们相信汶川有更美好的未来。 Wenchuan used to be an unknown small city, which is 159 kilometres away from Chengdu. It was at about 2:30 pm on May 12, 2008 that a strong earthquake struck Wenchuan. So many houses fell down that thousands of people became homeless. Some teachers and parents lost their lives in order to save the children. However, the whole nation was concerned about Wenchuan, so they sent rescue workers. Generally, people believed/believe that Wenchuan would/will have a great future.






Lin Qiaozhi was born in a teacher’

s family in Xiamen, Fujian Province, on December 23, 1901. It was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical college and she made up her mind to devote her whole life to medical work. She served her patients who


le-heartedly and made great contribution to the health work of the women and children of our country. She died at the age of 82 on April 22,1983. She was deeply loved and respected by the people and has set a good example for all the medical workers.




[写作内容] 根据以上信息写一篇人物介绍



参考词汇:金利来:Goldlion领带大王:the king of ties

假如你是李华,Tom 是你新结识的加拿大朋友,他打算在圣诞节期间到广州旅游。请你根据下面的要点提示,用英语写一封电子邮件,向他介绍广州的情况。
