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篇一:法国旅游景点英文 Paris

法国巴黎Paris 拉法叶购物中心Galeriers Lafayette

排水系统Sewer System 香榭丽舍大街Avenue des Champs Elysees 蓬皮杜艺术中心The Pompidou Center

击剑fencing swords 酿酒葡萄园vineryard




、奢华的罗亚尔河谷、神秘的中央山地、碧水蓝天的蔚蓝海岸、充满原始美态的庇里牛斯山、酒香弥漫的美酒之乡、熏衣草之乡的普罗旺斯、热闹迷人的尼斯华及芒果柠檬节,更有法国名厨 英文名称:Eiffel Tower

法文名称:La tour Eiffel


设计者:亚历山大·居斯塔夫·埃菲尔(Alexandre Gustave Eiffel) 建设用途:餐厅、观景





埃菲尔铁塔从1887年起建,分为三楼,分别在离地面57.6米、115.7米和276.1米处,其中一、二楼设有餐厅,第三楼建有观景台,从塔座到塔顶共有1711级阶梯,共用去钢铁7000吨,12000个金属部件,259万只铆钉,极为壮观。 编辑本段文化象征




1)巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame de Paris)

巴黎圣母院始建1163年,前后历时四百年才完工,是哥德式教堂的代表,精雕细凿,颇有鬼斧神工之能,尤其是正门三个大拱门上的浮雕,共有千余人物,非常细致。巴黎圣母院内部装璜,严谨肃穆,但以彩色玻璃窗的设计最吸引人,其中有长有圆有长方,但以其中一个圆形为最,它的直径有九公尺,俗称「玫瑰玻璃窗」,第二次世界大战期间,巴黎人很怕德国人把它抢走,所以拆下来藏起来了。自巴黎圣母院完工之后,屡经风霜、战争与破坏,目前见到的已是几度重修了。不过它的传奇几乎等同于巴黎的盛名,雨果的「钟楼怪人」就是以它为舞台,脍炙人口的小说人人爱看,连迪士尼也把它改拍成卡通,卡通里把圣母院的飞扶壁及怪兽出水口画得唯妙唯肖呢。 巴黎圣母院始建于1163年,完成于1345年,是世界上哥特式建筑中最庄严、最完美、最富丽堂皇的典型。它不仅以其庄严和谐的建筑风格著称,且因其内部有关《圣经》故事的雕刻和绘画及彩色玻璃装饰等引人入胜。其中有亚当、




Notre Dame de Paris often known simply as Notre Dame in English, is a Gothic(哥特式) cathedral on the eastern half of the ?le de la Cité in Paris, France, with its main entrance to the west. It is still used as a Roman Catholic cathedral and is the seat of the Archbishop of Paris. Notre Dame de Paris is widely considered one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture

2)。巴黎的凯旋门并非旅游目的地: 景点中最壮观、最著名的,是位于“夏尔.戴高乐广场”中央的凯旋门。1806年开工,1836年落成。“门”上有历史博物院,“门”下有无名烈士墓。

凯旋门(Arc de Triomphe)The Arc de Triomphe is a monument in Paris that stands in the centre of the Place de l'étoile, at the western end of the Champs-élysées. It is the linchpin of the historic axis (L'Axe historique) leading from the courtyard of the Louvre Palace, a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route leading out of Paris. The monument's iconographic program pitted heroically nude French youths against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail and set the tone for public monuments with triumphant nationalistic messages until World War I.

The monument stands over 51 metres (165 feet) in height and is 45 metres wide. It is the second largest triumphal arch in existence (North Korea built a slightly larger Arch of Triumph in 1982 for the 70th birthday of Kim Il-Sung); the Arc de Triomphe is so colossal that an early daredevil flew his plane through it。

悲壮的凯旋门背后其实含藏了一小段韵事,因元配约瑟芬不孕,同时缔结外交关系,拿破仑另娶奥皇女儿玛丽路易丝,为了举办一个风光豪华、毕生难忘的婚礼,拿破仑计画让新娘穿越凯旋门到罗浮宫举行婚礼,而下令建造凯旋门。凯旋门上的雄伟雕刻是不能错过的欣赏重点,内容多在描绘拿破仑帝国出征胜利事迹,正面右边是路德(Francois Rude)所雕的「马赛曲」,刻划人民出征捍卫国家的壮烈,所有帝国军队将领的名字都刻在拱门内墙上。 凯旋门所在的戴高乐广场是巴黎12条大道的交叉衢口,这些大道部份就是以法国知名将领命名。如果要了望整个巴黎市区,可以先搭乘电梯到拿破仑博物馆,再续往凯旋门顶楼,一面可以经香榭大道望至罗浮宫方向,另一边可以远眺拉德方斯凯旋门。 凯旋门内的无名战士墓,埋葬了一位一次大战的无名法国士兵,1921年至今,纪念火焰和鲜花花束从未中断。 拿破仑博物馆入口在拱门下,购票地点在地下通道内。

协和广场(Place de la Concorde)




4)凡尔塞宫(Chateau de Versailles)


5)与博物馆、梵帝冈博物馆并列,号称世界三大博物馆。始建于1546年,后不断扩建,以达40万件著称于世。镇馆之宝有雕像、利女神像、《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa《蒙娜丽莎》是文艺复兴时代画家列奥纳多·达·芬奇Leonardo da Vincis所绘的的肖像画。它的拥有者法国政府把它保存在巴黎的浮宫供公众欣赏。)



The Louvre Museum is the largest national museum of France. It is a central landmark of Paris, located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st neighborhood. Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square meters.

The museum opened on 10 August 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings, the majority of the works being confiscated church and royal property. Because of structural problems with the building, the museum was closed in 1796 until 1801. Holdings have grown steadily through donations and gifts since the Third Republic, except during the two World Wars. As of 2008, the collection is divided among eight departments: Egyptian Antiquities; Near Eastern Antiquities; Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities; Islamic Art; Sculpture; Decorative Arts; Paintings; and Prints and Drawings.

法国蓝袋学校卢浮宫(Louvre Museum)

法文名称为:LE CORDON BLEU PARIS,英文名称是:Le Cordon BlueParis 法国巴黎蓝带创立于1895年,是世界上第一所西餐与西点人才专业培训学校。经过一百多年的发展,蓝带在15个国家建立30所学校培养来自70 多个不同国家的学生,也是世界上规模最大的西餐与西点技术培训学校。蓝带勋章为西餐与西点专业最高荣誉奖励,蓝带里面的教师多数都是蓝带勋章的获得者。百年来曾


6) 爱丽舍宫(Le Palais de l'Elysée)


7) 广场中央矗立着23米高的方碑,广场四角有8个雕像,是法国八大城市的象征。


法国的海外省,旅游胜地。属法属安的列群岛,有“加勒比的绿宝石”之称。岛上有令箭花古堡、体育中心戈谢尔、自然公园、大苏弗里埃尔火山、教堂等旅游景点。 圣米歇尔山:


亚利山大三世桥(Pont Alexandre III)




塞纳河(英文:Seine River;法语:La seine)是法国北部大河,全长780公里(485英里),包括支流在内的流域总面积为78,700平方公里(30,400平方里);它是欧洲有历史意义的大河之一,其排水网络的运输量占法国内河航运量的大部分。自中世纪初期以来,首先它就一直是巴黎之河;巴黎是在该河一些主要渡口上建立起来的,河流与城市的相互依存关系是紧密而不可分离的。




France is calling

Now that winter is behind us,many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays.This year,why not spread your wings and visit France?

France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday. It is a huge country,with coasts on the English Channel,the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.In addition,it has many mountain regions which are excellent for skiing.

The centre of France is a big,agricultural region,growing crops such as wheat and sunflowers,It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines .One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live. Paris is the captial of France.It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.With its world-famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de

Trionphe,and its wide tree-lined streets,Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the the world.

If you are taking your children with you, remember that EuroDisney is just an hour away from the centre of the same attrections as the Disney parks in the USA.

If you want to go on to visit Britain,you can now do it without flying or taking a ferry.The Channel Tunnel,or(to use us nickname)the 'Chunnel',enables you to travel to train from Paris London in about three hours.

In our city,we can see the influence of France in some ways.France,like China,is famous for its food.Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes.Other popular French products are it cheese, brandy and wine.

Many of the world's top designer names are French.Names such as Dior in colthes, Chanel in perfume, and Cartier in jewellery are familiar to many Chinese people .Aquick walk along NanjingRoad will remind you of many similar names.

France is a leader in art and culture ,too. Alot of young students from different countries go to france to further their studies .Dvery year,French film festivals,exhibitions and concerts are organized all over the world.

TO get the most out of your holiday in Grance,why not try learning French now?You can do this in some language schools around the city.

翻译译文:法国在召唤 既然冬天已经过去了,许多人开始考虑暑假去出国。今年,为什么不展开你的翅膀去游览法国呢? 法国是一个度假的好去处。它是一个有着英吉利海峡、大西洋和地中海的海岸线的巨大国家。除此之外,它还有着许多非常适合滑雪的山区。 法国的中心是一个种植庄稼的庞大的农业区,例如麦子和向日葵。开车经过似乎连绵不断的田野或是覆盖着整齐排列的葡萄藤的整个山丘,是一件令人惊异的事。景色最宜人的游览胜地之一是一个你能参观到法国的国王和王后曾经住过的城堡的卢瓦尔山谷。 巴黎是法国的首都。这是世界上最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。(因为)具有闻名遐迩的标志性建筑,如:埃菲尔

铁塔和凯旋门以及它的宽阔绿树成行的街道,巴黎是世界上最美丽的城市之一。 如果你正在带你的孩子的话,记住欧洲迪士尼乐园仅仅只离巴黎中心一个小时的距离。它提供了跟美国迪士尼乐园一样的许多游乐项目。 如果你想继续去游览英国的话,你现在能不用乘飞机或是搭乘摆渡去英国了。海峡隧道,或(用它的昵称),“海隧”,能使你乘火车,在大约在三小时后从巴黎就到达伦敦。 在我们的城市里,我们在某些方面能够看到法国的影响。法国,像中国一样,以它的食物而著名。有些面包坊提供法国面包和蛋糕。其它受欢迎的法国产品有它的奶酪、白兰地和葡萄酒。 许多世界上顶尖名牌是法国的。一些名字,例如衣服的Dior,香水的Chanel,珠宝的Cartier,对中国人来说都很熟悉。沿着南京路快步行走将会使你想起更多的类似的名字。 法国在美术和文化方面也是领先者。许多来自不同国家的年轻学生去法国求学深造。每一年,法国电影节、博览会和音乐会都会遍布世界地组织起来。 为了更好的在法国度过你的假期,为什么现在不尝试学习法文呢?你现在就可以在城市附近的一些语言学校这样做了。


France is calling

Now that winter is behind us,many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays.This year,why not spread your wings and visit France?

France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday. It is a huge country,with coasts on the English Channel,the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.In addition,it has many mountain regions which are excellent for skiing.

The centre of France is a big,agricultural region,growing crops such as wheat and sunflowers,It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines .One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live. Paris is the captial of France.It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.With its world-famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de

Trionphe,and its wide tree-lined streets,Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the the world.

If you are taking your children with you, remember that EuroDisney is just an hour away from the centre of the same attrections as the Disney parks in the USA.

If you want to go on to visit Britain,you can now do it without flying or taking a ferry.The Channel Tunnel,or(to use us nickname)the 'Chunnel',enables you to travel to train from Paris London in about three hours.

In our city,we can see the influence of France in some ways.France,like China,is famous for its food.Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes.Other popular French products are it cheese, brandy and wine.

Many of the world's top designer names are French.Names such as Dior in colthes, Chanel in perfume, and Cartier in jewellery are familiar to many Chinese people .Aquick walk along NanjingRoad will remind you of many similar names.

France is a leader in art and culture ,too. Alot of young students from different countries go to france to further their studies .Dvery year,French film festivals,exhibitions and concerts are organized all over the world.

TO get the most out of your holiday in Grance,why not try learning French now?You can do this in some language schools around the city.

翻译译文:法国在召唤 既然冬天已经过去了,许多人开始考虑暑假去出国。今年,为什么不展开你的翅膀去游览法国呢? 法国是一个度假的好去处。它是一个有着英吉利海峡、大西洋和地中海的海岸线的巨大国家。除此之外,它还有着许多非常适合滑雪的山区。 法国的中心是一个种植庄稼的庞大的农业区,例如麦子和向日葵。开车经过似乎连绵不断的田野或是覆盖着整齐排列的葡萄藤的整个山丘,是一件令人惊异的事。景色最宜人的游览胜地之一是一个你能参观到法国的国王和王后曾经住过的城堡的卢瓦尔山谷。 巴黎是法国的首都。这是世界上最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。(因为)具有闻名遐迩的标志性建筑,如:埃菲尔

铁塔和凯旋门以及它的宽阔绿树成行的街道,巴黎是世界上最美丽的城市之一。 如果你正在带你的孩子的话,记住欧洲迪士尼乐园仅仅只离巴黎中心一个小时的距离。它提供了跟美国迪士尼乐园一样的许多游乐项目。 如果你想继续去游览英国的话,你现在能不用乘飞机或是搭乘摆渡去英国了。海峡隧道,或(用它的昵称),“海隧”,能使你乘火车,在大约在三小时后从巴黎就到达伦敦。 在我们的城市里,我们在某些方面能够看到法国的影响。法国,像中国一样,以它的食物而著名。有些面包坊提供法国面包和蛋糕。其它受欢迎的法国产品有它的奶酪、白兰地和葡萄酒。 许多世界上顶尖名牌是法国的。一些名字,例如?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路腄ior,香水的Chanel,珠宝的Cartier,对中国人来说都很熟悉。沿着南京路快步行走将会使你想起更多的类似的名字。 法国在美术和文化方面也是领先者。许多来自不同国家的年轻学生去法国求学深造。每一年,法国电影节、博览会和音乐会都会遍布世界地组织起来。 为了更好的在法国度过你的假期,为什么现在不尝试学习法文呢?你现在就可以在城市附近的一些语言学校这样做了。
