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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 06:32:39 体裁作文


Writing 10 – Essay

The image shows a beauty parlour, with a lady who has just received beauty treatment. She is throwing away a banana peel onto the street, apparently without considering the environment around her.

The actions shown are in conflict with our expectations that an attractive person has inner beauty and is good hearted or caring. This leads to a question whether good appearance should be the measures of inner beauty. Because our physical appearance is the most obvious nonverbal cue we present, it prompts others to perceive us with certain expected personality traits. For example, because of generally accepted physique-temperament stereotypes, evidence shows that we do associate definite personality and temperament traits with body build. For example, we would be surprised if an attractive person behaved in an antisocial way, however we would not expect the same from people we considered unattractive. Attractiveness is not one dimensional, and people see beauty in different ways.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Everyone is different, and where some people are superficial and like what they see only, others like what is underneath. This is why we all find different people attractive.

[190 words]

篇二:如(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)何写好考研英语作文









Writing 8 – Essay

The image shows a man sitting on a snail, which is moving slowly, while thinking about riding a very fast horse. The man is holding a book containing his thoughts on ideals and dreams. The indication is that it is no use daydreaming if you want to achieve more.

Daydreaming is looked upon negatively because it represents 'non-doing' in a society that emphasizes productivity, we are always under constant pressure to do, achieve, produce, succeed. But daydreaming can be beneficial in many ways and, ironically, can actually boost productivity. Plus, it's something almost everyone does naturally. Psychologists estimate that we daydream for one-third to one-half of our waking hours, although a single daydream lasts only a few minutes. By mentally rehearsing your activities, you'll be better able to handle the actual events. Yet, simply dreaming about an action does not make the action happen. If one cannot put into practice what one dreams of, then such dreams will not come true.

Daydreaming can be useful or a distraction. A person must be able to control it. Imaginations and dreams lead to better tommorows. Do you think inventors like Thomas Edison or musicians like Mozart got their ideas in a blink of an eye? They dreamed them up and made it become a reality.

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