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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 08:21:13 字数作文



高一 张驰

Teaching objectives:

At the end of the class, students will be able to:

1. write a passage to describe an android.

2. use the words and expressions and the grammar item in this unit properly . Teaching important points:

How to use the words and expressions properly.

Teaching difficult points:

How to use the linking words and grammar items properly.

Teaching procedures:


Activity1. (10’)

Show the students some sentences from the reading in this unit to remind them of the words and phrases that can be used to describe a computer.

1. I could be made to “universal machine” to any difficult


2. medical operations.

3. Anyhow, my goal is tohumans 4. I am 5. I am a human. In fact, I one too.

6. I’ run very fast.

7. I new moves using my “artificial intelligence”.

8. my electronic brain never forgets anything,

using my intelligence is what I’m all about.

(Students read the sentences and pay attention to the underlined words and phrases, from which they can learn ways to describe an android.) Ask the students to divide the underlined words and phrases into groups according to the table.

Get the students to list more words or expressions to describe a computer.

(本环节可以起到承上启下的作用,学生脑海中可以复现本单元中的重点内容;通过回忆下划线的内容,既可以复习巩固,又为新的写作训练架起“引桥”,准备好充足的词汇。) While-writing

Activity2. (10’)

Show some pictures of androids. Ask the students to work in pairs and make sentences using the above words and phrases to describe the androids by answering the following questions. Students should write down the sentences.

1. What are the androids?

2. What can they do?

( 通过师生互动的课堂活动和欣赏图片,激发学生的兴趣,开拓学生的写作思维;学生们可以对所归纳的词语和句型加以运用写成句子,为接下来的写作做好铺垫)

Activity 3: (5’)

Read the following sample passage and underline the useful sentence structures. My Android can do all my jobs around the house. I don’t mind what my android looks like, but it must be able to clean the house, mop the floors, cook the dinner and deal with telephone calls. It should also watch over my naughty niece, who comes to my house very often. Whenever she comes, I have to look after her, and sometimes help her with her homework. I hope my android will be programmed to do homework and not make mistakes. In that way, my niece will not spoil my free time and I can go out with my friends.

Eg: I would like to have an android that?

I don’t mind?

It must be able to?

It should also?

I hope my android will be ?

In that way?

Get the students to summarize the structure of the passage.

Part1 brief introduction (appearanace, etc)

part2what you wish it to do(ability)

part3fancy ending( changes in your life)

1. Try to use the words, expressions and sentence structures of this unit.

2. Make sure your passage contains a sentence in passive voice and attributiveclause.

3. Make sure the verbs are used in the correct form

4. Use more than 80 words in your passage


Activity4: (10’)

Write a passage about your dreamy android.

1) What kind of android or robot have you decided to make?

2) What would you like it to look like?

3) What would you like it to do for you?

4) What’s your reason? (since/ because)

5) What will your life be like if you have such an android?


Post-writing (10’)

Activity5: Get the students to evaluate their compositions in groups.

Exchange their writing with other members in the groups.

Check to see:

1. How many words or expressions has he/she used from this unit?

2. Does the writing have a sentence in passive voice and attributive clause?

3. Are the verbs used in the correct form?

Each group recommend a passage and share it with the rest of the class. The teacher mark some of them in the class with the help of overhead projector and give some comments.



Make necessary changes in your writing and copy them in your exercise book for further correction.


2011 --- 2012 学年 第一学期 期末复习题

Unit 3,Module 1

二.基础复习练习 Ⅰ. 语法填空 (一词一空)

1) When they graduated _______ college, they decided _______ (cycle) along the Mekong River with their cousins. Wang Wei is very stubborn. _______ she is __________(determine) to do something, she will _____ change ____ mind. 2) He is a leader with great courage and ___________. (determine) 3) Li Lei didn’t get up ____ usual because he stayed ____ late last night. 4) He likes reading novels but doesn’t care much ______ details.

5) We are all ___________ (excite) about the boat trip along the Pearl River next week.

6) She prefers ________ (spend) rather than ______ (save).

7) Finally they ______________ to cycle around China. (persuade)

8) It is relaxing to go ______________ (camp) in the countryside at the weekends. 9) Tom insisted he ________ (go) there with his teacher.

10) I hear that you _______________(travel along) the Changjian River next weekend.

11) It’s the first time that you ________ (give) in your papers. 12)Finally, we persuaded her ______ traveling by plane.

13)He has been active as a television writer and ________ (journal). 14)I'll be glad to change this ______ another one if you wish.

15) The plane _________ (arrive) at 11 o’clock according to the timetable.

II. 句型转换和句子翻译:

1) 一旦你进入实验室,就必须听老师的话。

___________ you are in the lab, you ________________ the teacher. 2) 在有水的地方,就会有生命。

Where _________________ water, _______________ life. 3) 是John最后劝服她改变主意。

It is John _______ persuaded her _______________________. 4) 正是这种勇气鼓励了我在工作和学习中取得进步。

___________ this courage that encouraged me ____________________ both in my work and my study.

5) Mary 通过告诉参观者许多有趣的事让参观者对她的学校感兴趣。

Mary ______________________________ in the school by telling them many interesting things.

6) 小华坚持要求我们坐公共汽车去那里

7) 她坚持她没有撒谎。

8) 他们坚决要和经理谈谈。

III.话题作文:(根据下面提示,写一篇语法正确,意义连贯的短文) 你校英文版校刊开辟了一个新栏目 “Travel”,请你写一篇文章记叙你的一次旅游经历,并投稿给该栏目。

要求:1 尽量用上下面的提示句。 2.不少于90字。

2011 --- 2012 学年 第一学期 期末复习题答案

Unit 3,Module 1

二.基础复习练习 Ⅰ. 语法填空 (一词一空)

1) from; to cycle; Once; determined; never/not; her;

2) determination; 3) as; up4) about 5) excited 6) to spend; save 7) were persuaded8) camping 9) (should) go 10) are traveling along

11) have given12) into13) journalist 14) for15) arrives II. 句型转换和句子翻译:

1) Once ; must listen to 2) there is ; there is

3) who/ that , to change her mind 4) It was ; to make progress 5) got the visitors interested

6) Xiao hua insisted that we (should) go there by bus.=Xiao hua insisted on our going there by bus.

7) He insisted that she didn’t tell a lie./never told lies

8) They insisted on talking to the manager. =They insisted that they (should) talk to the manager. III.话题作文:(根据下面提示,写一篇语法正确,意义连贯的短文)

During last summer vacation my parents and I went on a trip to the West Lake. The West Lake lies in the city of Hangzhou, which attracts hundreds of travelers from both China and abroad every year.

We arrived at the West Lake at about ten o’clock in the morning. My parents and I walked along the West Lake, appreciating the willow trees standing on the banks and the peaceful lake. I had never seen a lake more beautiful than this before. Then in the afternoon, we rowed around the lake. We took many photos and bought some gifts for my friends.

I really had a great time that day. The West Lake was so beautiful that we almost didn’t want to leave. It is really a worthwhile visiting place.



Unit 3 Travel journal (时间:100分钟 满分:120分)


第Ⅰ卷 选择题部分(共80分)


第一节:单项填空(共20 小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)


1.The No.1 Bus ________ passengers from the railway station to the park every day. A.settlesC.organizes

B.transports D.travels



2.Rather than ________ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ________ a bicycle. A.ride; ride C.ride; to ride

B.riding; ride D.to ride; riding

解析:题意:他宁愿骑自行车,也不愿意去坐拥挤的公交车。prefer to do ... rather than do ...“喜欢??而不喜欢??;宁愿??而不愿??”。这里把rather than部分提前了。


3.The fact that you don't speak the language will put you at a(n) ________ in France. A.expression C.advantage

B.distance D.disadvantage

解析:题意:你不会说法语的事实会使你在法国很吃亏。put sb. at a disadvantage“使某人处于不利地位”,符合题意。expression“词语”;distance“距离;远方”。


4.Ever since the Civil War, the South ________ to find ways to deal with the problems. A.tried C.was trying

B.have tried D.has tried

解析:题意:自从内战以来,南方就一直在努力寻求处理问题的方法。ever since ...在句中作时间状语,句子常用完成时态;the South作主语,谓语动词用单数。


5.He trusts you; only you can ________ her to give up the foolish idea. A.suggest C.advise

B.command D.persuade



6.It was about 600 years ago ________ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

A.that C.before

B.until D.when

解析:题意:在大约600年前制造出了第一座带有表面和时针的钟表。it is/was ... that ...结构构成强调句,此处强调的是时间状语,引导词用that。


7.I was ________ of collecting stamps when I was a child. A.fond C.proud

B.made D.sure

解析:题意:我还是一个小孩的时候就喜欢集邮了。be fond of“喜欢??”,符合题意。be made of“由??制成”;be proud of“以??而骄傲”;be sure of“对??有把握”。


8.________he has limited farm knowledge, the old farmer has a lot of experience. A.Since C.As

B.Unless D.Although



9.The young man insisted that he ________ kill the lady and insisted that he ________ set free as soon as possible.

A.not; be C.shouldn't; was

B.didn't; was D.didn't; be




10.The students themselves ________ a lot of activities to kill their spare time. A.organized C.built

B.formed D.made



11.________ to give up smoking, he threw away his ________ cigarettes. A.Determined; remained C.Determining; remained

B.Determined; remaining D.Determining; remaining

解析:题意:决定戒烟以后,他把剩下的香烟扔掉了。be determined to do sth.“决定做某事”,因在句子中作状语,故用分词式形容词;remaining“剩余的”,作定语修饰cigarettes。


12.There is a great difference in ________ towards what one eats between the rich and the poor.

A.point C.attitude

B.ideas D.sight



13.Because the shop ________, all the T-shirts are sold at half price. A.has closed down C.is closing down

B.closed down D.had closed down



14.—Do you think we should accept that offer?

—Yes, we should, for we ________ such bad luck up till now, and time ________ out. A.have had; is running C.have; has been run

B.had; is running D.have had; has been run

解析:句意:——你认为我们应该接受帮助吗?——是的,我们应该(接受)。因为到现在为止我们的运气一直不好,况且马上就到期了。由于up till now常和完成时态连用,故第一个空应用完成时态。第二个空指时间马上就过完了,表将来,故用现在进行时,所以选A项。


15.Hurry up! The train ________. You know it ________ at 8:30 am. A.leaves; leaves C.leaves; is leaving

B.is leaving; leaves D.is leaving; is leaving



16.—Has Mary finished her composition yet? —I have no idea of it; she ________ it this afternoon. A.was writing C.has written

B.wrote D.has been writing



17.—I'm afraid that she won't come to help me as she promised.

—Don't worry. Nothing will ________ her mind if she has ________ up her mind. A.change; made C.grow; given

B.turn; done D.make; changed

解析:change one's mind 改变主意;make up one's mind 下定决心;give up 放弃。 答案:A

18.The oxygen equipment made it possible for the climbers to rest and sleep at very high ________.

A.level C.altitudes


B.heights D.atmosphere

解析:句意为:供氧设备使得登山队员有可能在高处休息和睡觉。level 指“水平”;atmosphere “大气,气氛”;height 意为“高度”;均不符合题意。altitude 指“海拔;高处;高度”,符合语境“休息和睡觉的场所(地方)”,故C项为最佳答案。


19.—Shall I telephone the hotel for information?

—There is no need. Sarah said that she would ________ for the weekend.

A.put up us C.put down us

B.put us up D.put us down

解析:put sb. up 在该句中的意思是“为某人提供住宿”。put up 还有“支起,架起,张贴”等意。


20.________ you have made a promise, you should carry it out. A.For C.Once

B.Until D.Unless

解析:句意为:一旦你许诺,你就应该履行诺言。once conj. “一旦??”,强调条件,引导条件状语从句;unless 虽也可引导条件状语从句,但意思为“除非”,不合题意;for, until 引导从句时,一般不位于句首。




I'm an American. Years ago, I traveled to the north of Thailand. I the heat, the noisy streets, the busy markets and the smell of Thai dishes. I enjoyed my there very much. However, there is one thing that I wish I hadn't done.

One day, I set off from my hotel to a temple that me. It was a veryday. As I walked past some buildings, I glanced between two buildings. There, an old woman in traditional clothing on the dusty rubble (碎石). The terrible thought crossed my mind that she might be. Feeling quite helpless, I her. Her face was sun-kissed. She looked quite beautiful but very ill. I reached into my pocket to find some for a few months. At this moment, she opened her large, brown eyes and the prize I'd given her. I felt like the “stranger”.

a common language, she looked at me with the wisdom and pity that could burn into a soul. She weakly the money. She stood up and walked away. I was with the money in my hand. It took me at least a kilometer of walking to I was quite the fool. She didn't need money. she needed shade, a bottle of water or just some comfort. She was the one who taught me a good That evening, I sat thinking over my “kindness”. This beautiful woman made me know that not everyone would someone else's money. We should be kind to others, but we should choose the right way.

21.A.preferred C.expected

B.loved D.disliked
