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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 14:30:17 体裁作文


教育一班 高欣悦 1230100035


Recently I am preparing for the IELTS test. In order to get a good mark, I took part in a class in New Oriental school to study. Everyday I feel fulfilling but tired. At first I felt it was ok for me to do lots of things at the same time. However ,as time goes by, I felt maybe I couldn’t do so many things in the meantime. Everyday we almost have one-day class except Thursday. For my IELTS test, I need to go for class at weekend. Day by day, the teacher taught us much knowledge and I must follow her footsteps. You know there are four parts of this test so that I need to prepare these four part in the meantime. In addition, some homework should be finished which assigned by teachers at school. So much to do, so little done, such things to be. Despite all this, I still think I can complete them well. I am just looking for a way to use my time more profitably. I hope that I can solve the problem quickly.

After talking about so much things which disturbed me, I will share some happiness. Yesterday was my birthday, it was also the anniversary that I have known my roommates for two years. I remembered that we met each other on Sep.23 two years ago. Meanwhile, some wonderful memories flashed into my mind.

When I became a freshman, I felt unfamiliar to all the things in the university. Ten days after the begin


ning of term, my birthday came. That

time we were having the military training. I felt tired because of that. And I felt sad because that was the first time I celebrated the birthday by myself in an unfamiliar place. I missed my parents and I wanted to go home. The sadness lasted for the whole day. After training I walked back to dormitory. It was kind of cold in October. I was depressed to death. Unconsciously, I came back to the dormitory. When I open the door, I found it’s dark inside. Suddenly, there was a sound floated. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…” And there are candle in the darkness. As the room became light, I saw a cake in the desk and there are big beams in everyone’s face. That moment I considered that I was the happiest one in the world. That time I realized that they are my family as well. Until now ,they had celebrated three birthdays for me. They are my folks. I love them.

PS: At noon yesterday you taught us how to use the TRP, and we found that your eye were bloodshot. We know that you solved the problems of TRP for us. We are lucky to meet a teacher like you. Pay attention to your body. Don’t too has been tired, please well rests.










3. 记日志很容易开始但是也容易放弃,所以要每天从少量开始,比如说从每天的早饭后开始或者是在你头脑中还记忆犹新的时候开始。



1. 旅行 2. 旅游

3. 游览,漫游 4. 商务旅行 5. 组团旅游 6. 环程旅行 7. 包办旅行 8.单程旅行 9.往返旅行 10. 假期 11.远足

12.远征,探险 13. 搭乘 14.旅行指南 15. 旅行路线 16. 中途下车暂停 17.停歇点,中间站 18. 上午10时出发 19.夜12点抵达 20.停留 21.返回 22. 乘船,上船

23.下船 24.延期 25.旅行社 26.航空公司 27.旅行支票 28.票

29. 单程票

30. 往返票,双程票 (美作:round-tripticket) 31.票价 32. 半票 33.票,票价 34.旅客 35. 护照 36.签证 37.证件 38. 身份证 39.海关

40. 安全通行证 41.旅行者

42. 旅游者

43. 旅行者,旅游者 (美作:traveler) 44.旅行推销员(美作:travelingsalesman) 45.偷乘者 46. 淡季 47. 旺季


1.journey, trip 2.tourism 3.pleasuretrip 4. businesstrip 5. organizedtour

6. circulartour

7. packagetour, inclusivetour 8. outwardjourney

9. returnjourney, roundtrip 10. holiday 11. excursion, outing 12. expedition 13.hitchhiking, hitching 14. itinerary 15. itinerary, route 16. stopover 17. stage

18. departureat10a.m. 19. arrivalat12 p.m. 20. stay 21. return

22. embarkation, embarcation 23. disembarkation 24. delay

25. travelagency 26. airlinecompany 27. traveller'scheque 28 ticket

29. singleticket 30. returnticket 31. fare

32. half (fare), half-priceticket 33. passage 34. passengers 35. passport 36. visa 37. papers 38. identitycard 39. customs

40. safe-conduct, pass 41. tripper, hiker 42. tourist

43. traveller

44. commercialtraveller 45. stowaway 46. off season

47. on season二:阅读下列短文,填入表格信息

On our third night in Laos, we slept in a village on little pieces of wood. The village had not lights. In a few houses, however, we could see candles. On the small road near the village, we heard only one truck all night.

The river was also quiet, like a man singing in a low voice from a boat as it slowly passed us. The next morning we made an early start and travelled quiet far before lunch. Along the way, strange buses called tuktuks passed us. For lunch we ate a special noodle soup. After lunch we were tired, so we put our bikes next to many other bikes on a bus and we were driven to Bieniane. A cage of chickens sang for us all the way. The capital city of Laos was very busy. Trucks, buses, jeeps and motorbikes filled the streets. We got on our bikes again and went to see a famous Buddhist temple.

Early that evening we cycled south of the city and followed the river to a big waterfall. As it got dark, a bright orange moon appearedin the sky. The next morning we stopped to talk to an old man fishing on the Mekong. We greeted him with our hands put together, in the way of his people.


Writing a travel journal is a major part of my travel.Why a travel journal?These days there are so many other choices -create a ____1____, social bookmarking, email, phone...But there is name, the date, and the name of the place I'm in.

When I'm on the road, my thoughts and feelings still better with pen and paper. Internet Café.

The simple action of that new notebook is almost ritualistic - it tells me my trip has really begun.

recording the facts, such as the of a great food stall or a particular train timetable, for future use or just to do it. If you 8to sell articles for profit or become a travel writer, you'll need all those first your journey - with new friends along the way, or with family and friends back home when you return.Your journal can also be friendly and private, never to be shown, to be guarded preciously. 答案: 1. blog 2. notebook 3. flow 4. foreign

5. opening 6. writing 7. location 8. decide

9. impressions 10. sharing


How to Write a Travel Journal

A travel journal is one of the best ways to preserve memories of a long voyage. Years later you can read your travel journal and enjoy reflecting on long forgotten experiences in far off places.

Step 1

买一个质地优良的旅游日志本). Be sure your travel journal is bound like a book. Hard bound travel journals are the best. Step 2

养成一个每天记旅游日志的习惯). When you are on a busy journey it is easy to forget to write. You will regret this later when priceless memories are forgotten.

Step 3

___________3____________(利用你停止旅游的时间来记日志). There is a surprising amount of sitting around while traveling. You can always jot down a few lines in your travel journal when you are on trains, waiting for planes, drying your laundry, or waiting in line. Step 4

在你的旅游日志中注明日期). In your heading write down the day, where you are, who you are with, maybe even the weather and what you ate that day. These are the first details people tend to forget.

Step 5

____________5_____________ (主要关注你的感觉). Listing facts and figures is fine but that isn't why you traveled. A long journey is a time for contemplation and self reflection. Being in a foreign environment heightens emotions and reactions. Memories of these feelings fade quickly with time. Writing about those experiences while the memories are fresh is essential. 答案:

1. Buy a high quality strong travel journal

2. Get in the habit of writing in your travel journal every day 3. Use your "down time" for your travel journal 4. Date your entries in your travel journal 5. Focus on writing about how you feel
