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观 光 旅 游




1. 不随旅游团的食宿、交通等问题;

2. 必看的景点与时间安排;

3. 邀请他到中国观光。

注意:1. 词数:120~150;

2. 可适当增加细节。

Dear Tom,

How’s everything going? _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I’m looking forward to your early reply.


Liu Chang


1. 人称时态。该作文体裁为电子邮件,生活邮件的人称一般为第一人称,如该作文应该以“我”的口吻来表达。(电子邮件多用现在时态、一般将来时,但个别地方根据表达的需要可用一般过去时等,该试题中应该采用一般现在时、现在完成时以及一般将来时。

2. 语言特点。邮件的语言要亲切,要有礼貌,口语化的语言在邮件中比较受欢迎,本题目可用句型It will be a good chance for sb. to do sth, I’d appreciate/be grateful it if you…, I’d like /love to等。

3. 作文要点。本题属于提纲式文字命题,试题中比较醒目地给出了三个要点(咨询随旅游团的食宿、交通等问题,打听必看的景点与时间安排,邀请对方到中国观光),但要注意试题隐藏语言点。试题中信息“父母答应今年高三毕业后去英国做10天的观光旅游”在邮件中应该交待清楚,这也是该作文绝对不可缺少的要点,否则会造成因要点不全而过多失分。

4. 组句扩句。题目中只是些纲领性的信息,写作中要注意不要逐条简单的翻译要点,要合理地进行扩句,将要点组成通顺的短文。同时要适当加些与要点相关系的信息,比如:去英国观光是练口语、体验英国文化的机会。

5. 题材体裁。观光旅游这一题材的作文,命题人可从不同角度来命题,不同角度的试题及体裁也不同,不同地题材要采用相应的写作方法。旅游计划的拟订、准备、注意事项以及酒店、景点、票务等的订购及费用为事理说明文化;对旅游方式、交通安全、太空旅游、生态旅游等的讨论为议论文,描述旅游经历为记叙文等。该作文为事理说明文。

【范文展示】 promised me to take a 10-day tour of England after my graduation from senior high school this

summer. That will be a really good chance for me to experience English culture close up, meanwhile to practise my oral English.

I have learned English for many years, but after all it is only book knowledge. As I don’t like to join in a group, could you please offer me some advice on where to stay, where to eat and how to travel in such a short time?

I’d appreciate it if you could tell me the must-see tourist attractions and arrangement for the tour. I’m sure your advice will surely make my visit enjoyable and worthwhile.

I’d like to invite you to visit china in your convenient time.


短文完成了试题规定的任务,覆盖所有内容要点 ;结构完整,逻辑严密;用词委婉而合理,读起来朗朗上品,让人看起来顺眼,想起来顺心;同时短文运用了较高级的词汇及语言结构,为文章增添了采分点及亮点。

1. 文中长短句结合好,文中第二句是个比较复杂的复合句,该句中that引导同位语从句,解释说明它前边名词news的具体内容。

2. 文章不但了并列句、同位语从句、原因是状语从句等,还采用了一般疑问句、特殊疑问句(How’s everything going? could you please…in such a short time?),让句式变化而不呆板。

3. 短文运用了较高级的语言结构及词汇,如:I cannot wait to tell you the good news…以及I’d appreciate it if you could tell…为较高级句型;where to stay, where to eat and how to travel为平行结构;close up, meanwhile, must-see, attractions, arrangement, enjoyable and worthwhile, convenient为较高级的词汇。





3.参考词汇:故宫the Forbidden City,天坛the Temple of Heaven,皇家的imperial Dear Tom,

I'm so glad to learn that you will come to Beijing this summer vocation. I have planned a one-day trip for you.



Looking forward to meeting you!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【参考范文】 In the morning, we will go to visit the Forbidden City. Having enjoyed the best preserved imperial palace in China we will visit the Temple of Heaven, the place where ancient Chinese emperors held ceremonies to worship heaven. After a delicious Chinese lunch, our final destination is the Great Wall, the very symbol of ancient Chinese engineering. It is considered to be one of the few man-made projects visible from the moon. As for evening activities, you can watch some Kungfu or Peking Opera shows, or feast a roast duck dinner, or enjoy nightlife at pubs and bars in the downtown area.

Are you p leased with my plan? I hope you will have a wonderful tour in Beijing.


1. You get off at the next stop, cross the street, and you'll find the stop not far on your right.

2. Guizhou Province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest.

3. The nice weather and convenient transportation here can make the trip more enjoyable.

4. Going boating on the West Lake can also be a good choice.

5. The beautiful town is located/ situated along the shore of the lake.

6. It is more interesting to travel around the island either on land or by boat.

7. About twenty minutes’ walk north of King's Cross lies York Way station.

8. The temple has a long history dating back to the early period of the Tang Dynasty.

9. In winter, Yellowstone Park is covered with heavy snow, but visitors still come to ski and skate

10. Sichuan Province is made up of /consists of a basin and some mountainous areas.

11. I feel honored to be your guide for the one-day tour to the XXX.

12. Hangzhou is famous/well-known for its beautiful West Lake.



1. To some degree, cars really _________ (让城市更小)and our trip more convenient.

2. We _______________ (很荣幸被邀请)to join him for that magnificent dinner the first day we arrived.

3. I’m quite sure that you _______________ (将留下深刻印象)the beauty of the royal construction and the long history of the city as well.

4. ________________________ (虽然路上满是雪), we drove slowly down the mountain, and finally reached our destination.

5. My home town ________________ (富有旅游资源) and has become a favorite place for tourists at home and abroad.


1. 事实上酒店离大海至少有半里远

2. 据说这种习惯始于妇女穿较长裙子的时期。

3. 中国有许多名胜古迹吸引外国人。

4. 火车站距离我们学校有两个小时的车程

5. 沿着这条道走,然后右拐,在前面30米处你就会看到图书馆。



1. make the cities smaller 2. were greatly honored to be invited 3. will be impressed by 4. Although the road was covered with snow 5. is rich in tourist resources


1. In fact, the hotel is situated at least half a mile from the sea.

2. It’s said that the custom dates from the days when women wore longer skirts.

3. There are many places of interest in China, which attract a lot of foreigners.

4. The railway station is two hours' drive from our school.

5. Walk along the road, then turn right, and you'll find out the library 30 meters ahead.





可以写成一篇利弊分析型的议论文章, 客观地分析和评论这一现象的正反两方面,并探讨对这一现象的解决方法。













Sample 1

According to a recent survey, the campuses of famous universities are becoming new hot tourist attractions,which appeal to many city residents. Opinions on this phenomenon vary from person to person. As for me, there are merits and demerits concerning campus tourism.

As can be easily seen, paying a visit to some famous universities does benefit people a lot. It can help ordinary people, especially middle school students, have a better understanding of college life, stimulating their interest in science and culture. In addition, the income from ticket sales can be used to improve the campus environment as well as scientific researches.

On the other hand, campus tourism will also give rise to some problems. Once large numbers of tourists flock to campuses, the normal studies and lives of students and professors will undoubtedly be disturbed. What’s more, lots of rubbish left by tourists may become a big burden for the universities.

Therefore, good management is a key factor in the success of campus tourism. In my opinion, we may open university campuses to tourists during vacation only. In this way, the problems mentioned above could be solved in some way.

Sample 2

When I visited Beijing last year,my friend there arranged for me a campus visit to Beijing University,which left a deep impression on me. From my point of view, campus tourism can greatly benefit people and the society as well.

To begin with, universities are holy palaces of knowledge to common people. Campus tourism offers a good chance to them to come near their dreamland, realizing their dreams which didn’t or ha

ven’t come true. Touring around the university campus can satisfy people’s respect for science, culture and humanism, which is well worth doing.

Furthermore, campus tourism will do a lot of good to our society without any investment. Opening the university will not only draw many citizens from scenic spots but(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网) also create an atmosphere of learning in the whole society, and therefore it is helpful in shaping a harmonious society. All in all, the fact is that campus tourism is here to stay with us, and I think many people would like to accept it. Although there is something to be improved about this new kind of tourism, I do hope it will develop smoothly so as to be beneficial to us to a greater extent.

Sample 1

According to a recent survey, the campuses of famous universities are becoming new hot tourist attractions,

which appeal to many city residents. Opinions on this phenomenon vary from person to person. As for me, there are merits and demerits concerning campus tourism.

As can be easily seen, paying a visit to some famous universities does benefit people a lot. It can help ordinary people, especially middle school students, have a better understanding of college life, stimulating their interest in science and culture. In addition, the income from ticket sales can be used to improve the campus environment as well as scientific researches.

On the other hand, campus tourism will also give rise to some problems. Once large numbers of tourists flock to campuses, the normal studies and lives of students and professors will

undoubtedly be disturbed. What’s more, lots of rubbish left by tourists may become a big burden for the universities.

Therefore, good management is a key factor in the success of campus tourism. In my opinion, we may open university campuses to tourists during vacation only. In this way, the problems mentioned above could be solved in some way.

Sample 2

Sample 2

When I visited Beijing last year,

my friend there arranged for me a campus visit to Beijing University,

which left a deep impression on me. From my point of view, campus tourism can greatly benefit people and the society as well.

To begin with, universities are holy palaces of knowledge to common people. Campus

tourism offers a good chance to them to come near their dreamland, realizing their dreams which didn’t or haven’t come true. Touring around the university campus can satisfy people’s respect for science, culture and humanism, which is well worth doing.

Furthermore, campus tourism will do a lot of good to our society without any investment. Sample 3

Now it is common to see a lot of parents and grandparents showing their children, even toddlers, around the university campus, which is becoming more and more popular in our society. The phenomenon has generated a heated debate. As far as I am concerned, all tour groups should be banned from the campus. My reasons for this are as follows:

First, we should maintain order on campus. A university should be a place for students and professors to learn and study. If it is crowded with photo-snapping tourists, talking loudly near

classrooms, a quiet study enviroment will be disturbed, thus causing many complaints from students and teachers.

Second, security is also an aspect we should take into consideration concerning campus tourism. If a university becomes a tourist destination, people of different kinds will flock to the campus. Perhaps not only will some public or teaching facilities be damaged, but the security of personal property can not be guaranteed.

All the disadvantages considered, we should close the doors of universities to public visitors.

A quiet and peaceful place should be given back to the professors and students in the university.

篇三:2013高考英语作文高中英语作文 生态旅游的优缺点



1) 让人们接近大自然;

2) 了解当地的风俗习惯;

3) 活跃当地的经济。


1) 人多集中于一地,给当地的环境带来不利影响;

2) 对当地的动植物造成伤害;

3) ……


数120左右。 参考词汇:生态旅游:ecotourism

Ecotourism has advantages and disadvantages.People visiting the country

to enjoy nature and learn about the native cultures and customs makes

the economy of the local areas develop more rapidly.But ecotourism

side effect on the wild areas. Some visitors often fail to understand

that thousands of people visiting an area can cause great harm to the

environment. Some are sometimes so careless that they leave food, waste

paper, bottles and cigar ends behind. They harm plants and animals

which are important to a local culture.So I appeal to action being

taken to protect the environment. Tourists should be aware that they

ought to leave nothing but their foot prints in a local area so
