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Write a short essay to describe a rite of passage in China. Think about What is the event, and where does it take lace? In what way can it be seen as a rite of passage? Who takes part in it? What happens afterwards? Has the event changed at all in recent years? : students can refer to the topic on the page 15, students' book

A rite of passage in China

In the ancient, it was intensely popular to hold the Mitzvah for people who had been becoming an adult in China. It is reported that the earliest Mitzvah was launched before about 3000 years.

The Mitzvah usually took place in the ancestral hall, owing to the great importance of it. There are some difference in the rite of passage between boys and girls. For instance, boys’ Mitzvah was arranged when they are 20 years old, while girls’ was conducted at age of 15. In addition, boys would crown in their Mitzvah, yet girls would coil their hair and wear hairpins. A rite of passage may stand for qualifications of marriage and responsibility to support a family. Therefore, there is no doubt that a rite of passage was pretty significant in people’s whole life.

Great changes have taken place in a rite of passage in China with the changing times. Only a few people take part in the Mitzvah. It is obvious that a rite of passage is far less epidemical than that in the old times. People at age of 18 often wear Han Chinese clothing with serious face and in high spirit now. A rite of passage represents the independence of children. Besides, even some children would receivegifts and congratulations from their parents and other relatives.

In recent days, there is a trend to hold a rite of passage for all 18-year-old children for the hope that children will be more responsible and brave in the future.


General Description


Among the Han people,which constitute a vast majority of China's total population,the passage into adulthood is no longer celebrated,except in those very,very traditional families. In ancient times,this ceremony marked a person's transition to adulthood and was generally referred to as the capping or hair-pinning ceremony.


This ceremony started from the dan society of the long past and continued to be held until the Qing Dynasty(1644一1911).The Manchu rulers then felt that this ceremony of the Han people had become“hypocritical" and meaningless and thus mandated that this ceremony,which had lasted for thousands of years,should be abolished. From then on the Han people have to enter the stage of adulthood without knowing it. Nowadays,it is mainly in those minor ethnic groups fihat this life passage is still celebrated. In some parts of China,this ceremony is experiencing a revival.


Capping and Hair-Pinning


The capping and hair-pinning ceremony of the ancient times was originally intended to prevent non-adults from getting married and later evolved into a moral test on adults' marriage qualifications.


When a young man reached 18 or 20 years old,the capping ceremony would be held. It consisted of several procedures. The hair of the young man should be done up and pinned. Then three caps of different materials which carried different meanings should be placed the youth's head. This was called "Three Caps Cer emony".After this,the father or other seniors would appoint an alias to the new adult apart from his name. Only those men who had been through the“Three Caps Ceremony" and had an alias could get married in the past.


The hair-pinning ceremony would be held when a girl was 15 years old. At the ceremony the mother or another senior did up and pinned the girl's hair. This change of hairstyle meant that the girl had reached maturity and can be wedded.


Teeth-Painting and Tattooing


People from the Dai and Bulang nationalities celebrate the passage into adulthood through teeth-painting and tattooing. Those without painted teeth cannot engage themselves in socialising. Before his/her teeth are painted,the child usually smears them with some acid juice. And then some pine wood is lit to smoke the teeth. This may continue for several days until the teeth are all black.


Tattooing is only for men. There is folk saying among the Dai and Bulang people,“Frogs have patterns on their legs;how can men have no tattoos on their legs" Men are proud of their tattoos;those without tattoos will be looked down upon and regarded as cowards by girls. The tattooing ceremony is usually held when the bov is fourteen or fifteen.


Changing into Trousers or Skirts


The Mosuo,Naxi,Pumi and Yi nationalities celebrate their passage of life into adulthood by changing into trousers or skirts.


When a Mosuo child reaches 13,the rite of passage into adulthood will be held. This ceremony usually takes place on the first day of the lunar new year. The boy stands beside the“male column" on the left of the main hall and the girl beside the "female column" on the right, with one foot on pork and the other on a bag of grains,which

means that they will be prosperous all along their life. Then the mother dresses her girl in a skirt and the uncle dresses the boy in adult men's clothes. The rites of passage into adulthood held by the Naxi and Pumi people are similar to this.


Other Customs


There are other interesting customs concerning celebration of the passage into adulthood. For example the rite of passage into adulthood of the Jinuo people involves cattle slaying and saga-chanting. Boys of the Yao nationality have to pass about ten dangerous tests and take oaths not to conduct bad deeds. There are 56 ethnic groups in China and customs vary,it is simply impossible to discuss all of them.

关于成人礼,还有其他一些有意思的风俗。比如基诺族举行成人礼时要杀牛唱诗;瑶族的男孩要通过近十项危险的考验,而且要发誓不干坏事。中国有五十六个少数民(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)族,要讨论所有的风俗习惯是不可能的。











