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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 04:23:31 字数作文


今天中午,本人家下了一场“暴雨”,这场“暴雨”是由于午睡这样一件小事惹起的,作文之中学生作文:初一寒假周记300字。本人则是这场“暴雨”的主角。 吃过午饭,本人翻开电脑,兴高采烈地准备上网,妈妈见了便催本人快去午睡。本人一听可就不耐烦了:“睡觉,睡觉,你就晓得睡

觉!”“要你睡觉,这都是为你好!”妈妈也有些生气了。可是妈妈的话本人一句也听不进去,便和妈妈顶起嘴来,惹起了一场轩然大波。最终,本人理屈词穷,忍不住哭了。 事后,细细回想事情经过,本人觉得挺懊悔的。妈妈说的话确实有道理,睡眠缺乏不只会影响安康,还会影响学习。本人真不应该不讲道理,和妈妈顶嘴。 星期天的早晨,本人起了个早床,散步荔城街头,去领略都市早晨的怡人风光。 走在街上,本人瞭望东方,看到一缕缕霞光透过薄薄的云层,洒向大地,洒在人们的脸上,给每一个人的头发镀上一层金辉,仿佛晚霞要赐给每一个人一顶桂冠。同时,本人感遭到早晨的清新,耳边没有喧嚣的吵闹声,没有汽车喇叭的嘀哒声,只要晨风在本人耳边低唱,替本人吹理着有点散乱的头发。 晨跑的人们在纵情享用着大自然恩赐的自然美景,他们悠闲地跑着。看到这样的场景,本人也由衷的向往,情不自禁地参加了晨跑的队伍。跑着跑着,眼前呈现一道“亮丽景观”,在路边的一个广场,有几十个衣着红色衣服的老阿姨,手持花扇,面带笑容,摆手扭腰,在晨风中翩翩起舞,看上去她们很开心。驻足观看的人群,有的也为之动“武”,看来她们也想身入其“境”。 早晨,几人想往的光阴,清爽的空气,美丽的风光,悠闲的心境,本人深深地为之动情,油然想起教师教过的一句话:一日之计在于晨。本人想,以后每个周日的早晨都要起得早,进来逛逛,融入环境,融入社会,从早晨走向美妙明天。 今天开端放暑假了。暑假到了,但是暑假要干什么呢?觉得是想做一些不同的事情,但是不晓得从哪里开端,又从哪里完毕……或许原本就没有开端,没有完毕。暑假是这样,生活也是这样。 在孩子们的眼里,社会总是充溢着真善美,生活是甘美而多彩的。在大人们的眼中,社会是有两面性的,既有真善美,又有假丑恶,生活具有悲欢离合。为何大人与孩子的思想有那么大的差异?结论只要一个:这是成熟与稚嫩最基本的区别。 大千世界中,任何事物都具有双面性。大人们的阅历丰厚,决议了他们看东西比拟全面。而孩子要走向成熟,就必定需求阅历一些事情。有人说:“生活是一个大练兵场,是磨砺人的舞台。”在这个特殊的舞台上,每个人将会遇到开心的事情与悲痛的事情。悲痛的事情会使人接受宏大痛苦,开心的事物会让人具有美妙的心情。假如整日面对悲事,人容易丧失自信心进而自暴自弃、颓丧沉沦;而整日面对喜事,人又会被眼前的事物所迷惑,缺乏社会经历,容易受骗上当。正如植物不能短少阳光与雨水一样,人的阅历中不能短少快乐和悲伤。呆在家里做作业,难免觉得有些乏味,除了看看书或电视,陪着外公外婆打几副牌,寻开心。妈妈对本人十分苛刻,经常在本人耳边唠叨,定要让本人温习语数英,说什么“马上毕业了,升初中还那么放松!”本人只好乖乖认命,仅5天,就做完了作业的一半!惊人啊!本人的暑假虽吁了口吻,但还是“闭门自习”的,唉,倒运! 游泳是本人在夏日中必不可少的运动,在碧波里狠狠一个猛蹿,便会让那碧湛湛的、清凉的池水,凉便全身,渗透心田。虽说在游泳池里偶然喝几口水,但在池里觉得还是很棒、很爽的!在酷热的夏,来几个狗爬式,几下蛙泳,有一种休闲时髦的觉得。 暑假,平淡中也有自由,也有快乐。无聊而快乐的生活啊!呵呵。 来到溜冰场,买了票,换上溜冰鞋。哥哥给本人讲溜冰的要领:“身体略微向前倾斜,腿往下弯一点……”哥哥边说边作示范,可本人怎样也不敢移动半步。于是哥哥又牵着本人的手,渐渐向后退,而本人紧紧抓着哥哥的手,嘴里还嘀咕着:“你可不能放手啊!”哥哥见状生气地说:“总是依赖本人是学不会的。”本人赶忙说:“不行,不要嘛。”哥哥还是放手了。本人后退了几步,又抓紧了扶杆不肯放,一边像老奶奶走路一样移动着步伐。哥哥见了,瞪了本人一眼说:“这么胆怯,怎样能学会呢?”本人脸红了,心想:

本人可不是什么笨小孩,一定要英勇点才行。想到这儿,本人又一次鼓足勇气,学着哥哥的样滑了起来。谁知没滑几步“啪”一下摔了个正着,本人揉了揉生疼的屁股,一骨碌爬起来,继续滑了起来。哥哥在一旁为本人鼓掌加油。慢慢地,慢慢地,本人好象找到了觉得,越溜越大胆,越溜越顺,乐得哥哥直夸本人:“妹妹,你真棒!比本人学得还快。” 酷热的夏季常常是考验人毅力的时分,每个人的毅力不同,但求知的大门永远敞开。就看远处的你本人愿不愿走进。走过了酷热,也就代表你走上了一个新的起点。今天本人无意中看书,看到童第周这篇课文,童第周学习非常常差,但他艰辛努力,早上、晚上都合理应用学习,从最后一名成为第一名。本人从中遭到很大的启示:无论做什么事要想胜利,必需付出勤劳的劳动和汗水,才干取得歉收的喜悦。这又使本人想起一句名言:“一分耕耘,一分收获。”多么好的名言,本人的肉体一下子提上来了,本人找到了肉体需求的补品。向以往那样,本人又好好学习,每天教师带本人们去学问的海洋,攻破了一道道难关。得到了一份份美妙的战利品。 使本人坚决了信心,锻炼了意志和不时学习攀爬的肉体。等候下一关的应战...... 加篇日食的:日食俗称天狗食日,主要是由于当月球运转到太阳和地球之间,月球遮住了太阳,便呈现了是日食。就在今天——2009年7月22日,本人在本人的家乡绍兴看到了百年一遇的日全食。老爸特地跑来跑去地为本人买日食观测眼镜,可惜今天是个阴天,固然看得见太阳,却不能从日食观测眼镜上印出外形,所以比拟遗憾,不过,这可算不了什么,它一点儿也不能阻挠住本人的好意情。本人走到楼下,抬起头,用着向他人借的X光片,来观看太阳。太阳似乎在耗时间,总是圆圆的。到了9:15日食终于正式开端了。首先,它的脸被遮住了一条缝,就像平常看到的大月亮;紧接着,这只大饼被人要掉了一大口,成了一个大肚子大月亮;又过了一会儿,太阳被切掉了一大块,几乎成了一个普通月亮;再等,太阳就只剩下了一条缝,大伙儿明白了最重要的时辰就要降临了,都加好了照相机,对准太阳,准备拍摄(当然放了滤光片);最后时辰,钻石环来了,把剩下的局部变成了一颗闪闪发光的钻石,紧接着,是贝利珠。贝利珠是太阳经过月亮外表的凹陷处射出来的像是一颗颗串联的珍珠,由于被贝利发现,所以称之为贝利珠。最后随着大家的一阵喝彩声,太阳被完整遮住了,只剩下边上一圈在射着光——日全食发作了。整个世界都暗了下来,只要淡淡的光和一闪一闪的照相机的闪光灯。哦,本人终于看到日食了!

篇二:初中暑假英语周记9篇(原创 by Zoehyukan)



1. 2010-7-15 Today, my mother and I went to the cinema .The film is a comedy. It is very interesting and we laughed during the watching.

Then we went to the Xin Jie Kou Street to buy clothes and shoes for me. My mother chose many dark colors’ clothes for me, but I did not like it. I like warm colors, like red, pink and orange. Also, I selected a dress for my mother,my mother did not like it, either.

At last, we did not buy anything. We just ate some tasty food and much ice-cream. It is very delicious.

We had a good time today.

2. 2010-7-17

I must have lessons from today to the next month. I did not like this but my mother told me that I must do it.

I do not understand why my mother said. I think study is an interesting activity, but I do not enjoy it now. I hate it and I am not interested in it any more. I feel nervous when I stay with my mother, because she always not satisfied with me. She thinks I do not do the best and she always asks me to do the best. I am very tired in this summer holiday. My mother’s words are worried about me. So, I always argued with her!

I really do not like this!


This summer, I took part in a swimming club. Now, I am a swimmer. Though I am a swimmer, but I do not know how to swim.

Here, I made friends with many good swimmers. They are very kind of me. Brain is my best friend. He is very friendly. He started to teach me swim on the first day. I am very grateful for him.

Brain is tall. He is as old as I. He is very strong and handsome. In the swimming club, many girls kike stay with him. I am very proud of making friend with him.

Be a member in the club is a very interesting experience for me. How meaningful it is!


This morning,I prepared to go to the library with my classmates. The sun was very heavy. It was very hot outside.

When we got the library, I saw many people sat on the floor so that we could not

go through the bookcases.

My classmate said she was very surprised to see so many people. Another friend told us that the library is very cool inside, so many people like reading books inside. It is very comfortable and the reading is free.

I heard and I do not know say what. I did not like it but I can not do anything to change it.


I am very happy today because I knew a very exciting piece of news. My favorite star – Super Junior will take a super show in Nanjing on November.

I was very excited to hear it. Last


year, I went to their second super show. But I can not go inside. I cried sadly because I did not get enough money to buy the show tickets. Because my money was stolen by my classmate.

Everyone knew who did it but we can not charge him because we did not have anything to consider it. I was very worry about my teacher because he did not give me an answer to make me satisfied. I was very hopeless with my class and my teacher.

I wish everyone could be honest. Also I wish I can go to see their super show. Best wishes with me.


I am thinking about something. The weather is windy. It seems that it will be rainy.

Yesterday, I could contact with my primary school’s classmates. But they are very different from before. Most of them became rude and impolite. I can not talk with them because we do not have the same topic. I really do not know why it became like it.

I went to Xin Jie Kou Street this morning because we had a students’ meeting. We went shopping and watched a film. We were all very happy.

I started to like History .I found the History is very interesting and meaningful. I will try my best to learn it. Believe me!


Today, I watched a wonderful match called ’Kuai Le Nan Sheng’. These boys are very handsome and some of them are very cute.

In this match, there is a bit challenging for the boys. But they worked hard and tried their best to sing and dance. Their parents also gave them best encourage.

My favorite player is Chen Xiang. His family is poor but he is very hard-working and loves singing. He plays guitar and it was very wonderful.

I think everyone will be success by his hard-working. Everyone’s ideal life will be true.

I make the best wishes for Chen Xiang to wish him to be the No.1.


I was ill yesterday night.

Yesterday morning, I caught a bad cold. But I did not pay any attention to it. In the afternoon, I felt worse than the morning. My mother and father did not at home that moment. So I called on my mother and was asked to eat some medicine. I ate the medicine and went to sleep. When I woke up, the sky was dark and my mother came back. But my temperature was still high, so my mother sent me to the hospital.

The doctor let some medicine me and told my mother something to pay attention. I felt sickness and tired so I sleeped very quickly. Before I was sleeping, I thought:

‘I hate ill ! ’


Today, when I was doing my homework, my mother planed me to go shopping in Xin

Jie Kou Street. I was so surprised that my mother would take me to go shopping. That moment was late, but I still did it.

First, we went to the Centre Mall. We tried some shoes that at last my mother bought one of them for me. Then we went upstairs. We would like to buy some clothes and trousers. There were a lot of beautiful clothes. My mother selected some for me, but most of them I could not wear. Because I was too fat! I almost wanted to cry for it.

So, I promised to myself that I must exercise more! I think I could become slimmer and slimmer.




放暑假了,这几天在家里我成了家务小能手,有时候帮妈妈折衣服,有时候帮妈妈洗碗。 今天,我又把绿领巾拿出来准备学着洗绿领巾,我回忆着妈妈洗衣服的情形,学着妈妈的样子,首先在小脸盆里放些水,接着把绿领巾浸在水里,让绿领巾完全浸透,接着在绿领巾上擦些香皂,然后又学着妈妈的样子,把绿领巾搓一搓,搓干净后又在清水里过洗了两遍,最后把洗干净的绿领巾晾在衣架上,看着洗得又亮又干净的绿领巾,我决定今后由自己来清洗绿领巾。




我的爷爷很爱养鸟。鸟儿最爱吃的是虫子。冬天,为了让鸟儿吃到新鲜的虫儿,爷爷用废纸把活虫包在里面,然后养在罐子里。今天我陪爷爷喂鸟,爷爷用手从罐子里拿出一条长长的,黄黄的,像一根面条一样的虫子,看得我好恶心。因为那虫子的牙齿非常的锋利,会把鸟儿的喉咙给刺穿,所以爷爷用剪刀把那牙齿先剪掉,然后再用剪子把它放进鸟的食缸里。鸟儿一看到它的“美味”来了,就“嗖”地一?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路傻绞掣着裕殉孀右豢诰统缘袅耍美骱Π ?/p>字数作文