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经典范文3--Is Frustration A Bad Thing?标题:Is Frustration a Bad Thing?

描述:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:Is Frustration a Bad Thing?You should write at least 120 words following the outline given in Chinese below: 1.有些人认为挫折是坏事; 2.更多的人并不认为挫折是坏事; 3.我的看法.


According to the new Oxford Dictionary of English,

frustration, by definition按照定义, means the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. Since frustration seems to be a negative feeling, some people may be tempted引起 to think that frustration is bad for people. They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mental heath problems. People suffering from such psychological problems often resort ri?z?:t to 凭借,采用violence or suicide 'su:?sa?d自杀, which poses引起 a big threat to the people around them and thus causes instability to the whole society. However, others hold a different view. They maintain保持 that it is rather beneficial to people. It goes side by side with success它与成功肩并肩. It inspires激励 people to overcome hardships and difficulties and achieve the final success. People with this view even go so far as to say到目前为止可以说 that no frustration, no success. They often cite Thomas Edison as a case

in point.

From my perspective观点, frustration itself can be regarded as good or bad. It is people’s approach to it that matters a lot

人们对待它的方法很重要. Frustration is part of our life experience. If we let it control us, we may fall into the abyss??b?s深渊 of being inflicted by serious psychological problems. But if we harness it and take it as our source of inspiration, we may

ultimately最后 enjoy the glory of success.

经典范文4--The Significance of Challenge标题:The Significance of Challenge

描述:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write the topic"The Significance of Challenge".You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in

Chinese: 1.挑战的意义;2.如何迎接挑战;3.我的看法。


You are faced with more and more challenges in a world that is fast developing. Challenge means not only hardship but also


Challenge, by nature is an inspiration to our creative power and an opportunity to achieve success. We should adopt a proper attitude toward challenge. First, you must be well prepared for challenge at any time, because you can never, in most cases, predict when it will come. Second, when it really comes, you should be courageous勇敢地 enough to seize si:z 俘获it. No pains, no gains. Only through hard work can you achieve success. Finally,

adequate knowledge is called for to meet challenge. Science and technology are develo


ping at a tremendous tr??mend?s惊人的 rate and those who cannot keep up with the times are bound界限 to fail. Challenge is almost inevitable ?n?ev?t?bl不可避免的 in the modern society today. We are obliged ??bla?d?d to prepare ourselves for challenges by accumulating enough knowledge and power and by

building a strong body and mind.

To Serve the People: Is It Going Out of Style?

About 40 years ago, on the 3rd of March, Chairman Mao called upon the whole nation to "learn from Comrade Lei Feng and serve the people". From then on, the whole nation has been responding enthusiastically to Mao' s

teaching and trying every means to give help to those who needed. However, in recent years, with the development of market economy', great changes have taken place in our ways of thinking and modes m??d方式 of living. "To serve the people" has become a foolish and formalist 形式主义的slogan.

Some people argue that the motto m?t??训言 of serving the people is going out of style. They say that we are born to be selfish creatures; even a baby will not give its candies to other kids, let alone更不用说 the adult. On the other hand, in the present system of market economy, everyone is minding his own business, making his own money, and giving full play his potential capabilities ?ke?p??b?l?ti:z能力. In a word, we just need to serve ourselves, our own interests.

However, there are still other people who maintain 保持that the virtue美德 of serving the people will never be out of date. They assert坚持

[?'s?:t] that since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships, and the strength of the human condition is our tendency to give and receive support from one another under stressful circumstances. In the service of other people around ns, we are in fact serving ourselves.

So far as I am concerned, I take sides with those who uphold赞同 the virtuous'v?:t???s道德的 principle原则 of serving the people whenever and wherever it is possible. In daily life, I am always ready to render给予 service and help to everybody who does need it.


What doesn't kill you actually makes you stronger?





I think so.

People in life ,it is inevitable that there will be bumps, and it is these bump that makes us grow.Misery can test one's personality and charm.In hardship, optimistic people will choose to face actively, pessimistic people choose to blame everyone and everything but not oneself.Suffering can temper one's will and improve the ability of a

person.When we do one thing at a time,we may encounter difficulties and resistance.While when we have this thing done well, inadvertently we reaped a experience and the ability to solve this kind of thing.In real life,there are many such examples. quit. In a word ,suffering is not used to knock us down, but the necessary nutrition for our growth.

往往,那些曾经经历过挫折的人在面对生活的不如意时更豁达与自然,因为他们坚信他们有能力去解决它。人生不如意十有八九,关键是不要知难而退。苦难不是用来打到我们,而是我们成长的营养品 As we all know ,it is inevitable that there will be bump in our life .whether one has already stepped into the society life or still studied at school, he or she more or less go through adversity from different aspects of their life. The workers need to work harder to earn his life and his family. The students need to study harder and learn more skills to keep up with the development of society. Other people of different occupations have other things to worry about. In a word, pressures are here and there in our life. Often, those who have experienced the frustration are more open-minded and natural in the face of life's disappointments one again, because they believe that they have the ability to solve it. Life is full of Nive out of ten,the key is not to quit. Suffering is not used to hit us, but our growth nutrients


Twists in life are not always bad

Twists and turns in life are unavoidable and are not always bad. These proverb is spread in China: The blessing in disguise, knows the non-luck.

Have you ever heard such a story? An old lady had two sons, one sold watermelons, and the different one sold umbrellas. The old lady often worried about their business. When it was a rainy day, she was anxious with her son’s selling watermelons; and she also was concerned that her son’s umbrellas can’t sell well when it was a sunny day. However, she forgot that the son who sold umbrella can do excellent business on rainy days. Of course, the other son also can make a fortune in selling watermelons on sunny days.

That told us, there is no absolute bad thing. The relationship between luck and curse is one of mutual interdependence. As we all know, “failure is the mother of success.”After someone failed, he could have a class and accumulate some experience. Even he may failed again and again, he never gave up and finally he would success or at least he can do a better job than last time.

So twists in life are not always bad. You can try to see one thing in a different way, or learn something from the twist.
