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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 06:36:57 字数作文


Review of Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

The movie mainly talks about the agent, Ethan Hunt, who fights against ‘Syndicate’ which is an unbreakable organization, and composed of a group of well-trained spies. The ‘Syndicate’ plans to disrupt the foundation of the civilization in the world. In the spy world, the ‘Syndicate’ has long been regarded as only groundless, but Ethan Hunt exposes that people do not want to face reality and he find the secret organization really exists and if people still do not do something, it will set off a series of disasters in the world. However, CIA doesn’t believe it, and they think all of those things are merely lies of Ethan Hunt. At the same time, IMF is taken over by CIA and CIA is going to arrest him. Under those circumstances, Ethan Hunt doesn’t give up. He beats his enemies with his wit. In the process, the most important thing is that he insists on his friends’ loyalty, and continues to create impossible ideal.

In the movie, agent Ethan Hunt is played by Tom Cruise who is already 53 years old. Hunt is a strong, brave and wise man. He shows us his strength everywhere in the movie. At the beginning of the movie, he is dangling outside of an airplane as it takes off (Actually, actor Tom Cruise did it without any special effects). Then in another plot, he completes the hard mission under water and then he chases the enemies by riding cool motorcycle in the race. All these things make me feel his powerful

capability. Besides, he is also full of intelligence. He figures so many problems out. No matter what he did to solve the danger of the arrestment of CIA, or maybe the way he resolve the assassination of Austria Prime Minister, I think all these shows his wit. As an actress in the movie, Ilsa Faust’s identity is always mystery. In the start and middle, we can’t even judge if she is a good guy. Finally, we find out the truth which she is faithful to her country and she has to play a double agent. She is a great spy and what she has done all worth it. In this movie, another one leaves me the most impressive impact is Benji Dunn. Generally, there must be a good joker in a good movie. I think it is he who gives us a lot of funny moments. Although he did something useless to Hunt, he is still a cute guy.

At last, I want to talk about some thoughts individually after watching this movie. Personally, I think we should always prepare a plan

B in case something happens without our control. It is distinct that the more our ideas are, the more chances we will hold on. Having a plan B will help us improve not only our intelligences but also the ability of dealing with any problems. In addition, I think we need do some sports everyday. Whenever I watched a film in a theater or home, I just feel these actors are so handsome and charming. And I think it must be related to their good shape. So we need pay much more attention to excises in order to keep a good figure.

篇二:《碟中谍5 》影评:《碟中谍5》:优雅性燃爆,无尿点狂飙



本集,全球瞬间引爆出一连串灾难,逼得IMF团队与邪恶版组织“辛迪加”斗智斗勇,由于中情局不肯相信,伊森·汉特与团队命运岌岌可危。而亦敌亦友、亦正亦邪、忠奸难辨的特工美女现身后,她救了几次男主角,又是敌人身边“无间道”卧底,剧情怎能不烧脑呢?表面都是谍战片的大俗套老梗,但高密度的烧脑剧情,则是跌宕起伏、奇峰不断、迂回难猜,远远高于直来直去、简单粗暴的《速度与激情7》。阿汤哥刚去接头,小萝莉就被枪杀,自己就身陷玻璃钢圈套;哥们被剥的光溜溜捆在铁柱上,丽贝卡·弗格森则是先“美女救英雄”,再舍他神秘失踪;维也纳歌剧院中,配乐高手Joe Kraemer对《碟中谍》经典背景乐,同《图兰朵》歌剧中《今夜无人入睡》神曲混搭时,阿汤哥爬上绳索高处,面对三大刺客的狙击枪,突发奇想用“雷霆一击”扰乱局势,再展开“高空撸绳逃亡”,细节设计很精巧;为了“不可能的任务”,阿汤哥《碟中谍5》中无氧潜水六分半,基本犹如旧式默片一般,要把特殊磁片放入水里设备里,还得秉着呼吸,周围躲避着闸门、障碍物,那才叫绝望的窒息感,当真看呆了。

(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)




个人喜欢程度:第一集 > 第四集 > 第五集 > 第三集 > 第二集

