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例题7:剑桥6 TEST 1

Water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000

The graph illustrates the change in water consumption for different purposes and different countries. The curve demonstrates water use in three sectors, namely agriculture, industry and households, from 1900 to 2000 and the table compares water consumption in Brazil and Congo.

As can be seen in the curve chart, water used in the agricultural sector rose dramatically in the 100 years, from about 500 km in 1900 to nearly 3000 km at the grew slowly in the first 50 years but at a faster pace afterwards to over 1000 km and 500 km respectively.

In the table, water consumption in Brazil, with irrigated land of 26 500 km, is obviously higher than that in Congo with the irrigated land of merely 100 km. This reveals that a high percentage of water is used for agricultural purposes, which is also reflected by the figures for water consumption per person: 359m in Brazil compared with only 8 m in Congo.

In conclusion, the largest quantity of water consumed in the world is for agriculture purposes. The more irrigated land a country has, the more water it may consume.


The graph shows how the amount of water used worldwide changed between 1900 and 2000.

Throughout the century, the largest quantity of water was used for agricultural purposes, and this increased dramatically from about 500 km3 to around 3,000 km3 in the year 2000. Water used in the industrial and domestic sectors also increased, but consumption was minimal until mid-century. From 1950 onwards, industrial use grew steadily to just over 1,000 km3, while domestic use rose more slowly to only 300 km3, both far below the levels of consumption by agriculture.

The table illustrates the differences in agricultural consumption in some areas of the world by contrasting the amount of irrigated land in Brazil (26,500 km2 ) with that in the D.R.C. (100 km2). This means that a huge amount of water is used in agriculture in Brazil, and this is reflected in the figures for water consumption per person: 359m3 compared with only 8m3 in the Congo. With a population of 176 million, the figures for Brazil indicate how high agricultural water consumption can be in some countries.

例题8:剑桥6 TEST 3

The first diagram shows that there are four main stages in the life of the silkworm. First of all, eggs are produced by the moth and it takes ten days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself. After a period of about three weeks, the adult moths eventually emerge from these cocoons and the life cycle begins again.

The cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth. Once selected, they are boiled in water and the threads can be separated in the unwinding stage. Each thread is between 300 and 900 meters long, which means they can be twisted together, dyed and then used to produce cloth in the weaving stage.

Overall, the diagrams show that the cocoon stage of the silkworm can be used to produce silk cloth through a very simple process.

篇二:剑桥雅思3—6 小作文

3.1 The chart below show the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad between 1985 and 1995and Australia's share of the Japanese tourist market题目

The chart and the graph respectively show the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad and the number of Japanese tourists to Australia from 1985 to 1995.

To begin with, from 1985 to 1995, the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad was tripled, growing from just about 5 million to more than 15 million. The only exception was the year of 1991, when there was a slight decline as compared with the previous year. By contrast, all the other years witnessed a gradual increase.

Second, the graph displays that during the first three years, the percentage of Japanese tourists to Australia rocketed from 2% to 4.8%. This is an increase b y 2.8%. Nonetheless, in the following year, we see a slight drop. Surprisingly, between 1989 and 1993, there appeared a significant rise from 4.2% to 6.2%, which was the peak in the designated decade, and it ended up at 6% in 1994

3.2[The chart below shows the amount spent on six consumer goods in four European countries.]题目

As can be seen from the bar chart that the numbers of amount spent on consumer goods varied differed

There are six items compared among four countries: Germany, Italy, France and Britain respectively. All statistics can be categorized two groups with fluctuation for items such as Personal stereos, Tennis racquets and perfumes and surging for the rest of items

According to the items which were fluctuation, perfumes which fluctuated distinctly, reaching a peak at 160, and bottoming out at nearly 150. For the surging items, CDs accrued gently between these four countries. Italy and France both had 158 for the item of Toys. Within a comparatively big range of nearly 25 in Photographic film.

Overall, to contrast Germany’s spent for each item with other countries. It almost remained stable at approximately 145. Britain was the most costly expensing country all the time in this chart. What’s worth mentioning is that people paid more attention for Photographic film comparatively

3.3 The charts below show the levels of participation in education and science in developing and industrialized countries in 1980 and 2990.题目

These data shows the differences between developing country and industrialized countries’ participation in education and science.

In terms of the number of years of schooling received, we see that the length of time people spent at school industrialize countries was much greater at 8.5 years in 1980, compared to 2.5 years in developing countries. The gap was increased further in 1980 when the figures rose to 10.5 years and 3.5 years respectively.

We can see a similar pattern in the second graph, which shows that number of people working as scientists and technicians in industrialized countries increased from 55 to 1,000 people between 1980 and 1980, while the number in developing countries went from 12 to 20.

Finally, the figures for spending on research and development show that industrialized countries more than doubled the spending, from $200bn to $400bn, whereas developing countries actually decreased theirs, from $75bn down to $25bn.

Overall we can see that not only are there very large difference between the two economies but that these gaps are widening.

3.4 The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the US and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999题目

According the graph shows that Unemployment rates highly reached 7% in US before Mar 93.This figure,however,always decline in the future.In Mar 1996 become 5.25% for work force.,after that the unemployment rates had been decreasing until Mar 98,this barely outpacing 5%.Although following have some wave motion,the rate maintain around 5%.By contrary,the situation of unemployment in Japan wasdifferent from Unite State,Before Mar 93 unemployment rates was low dramatically,but this trend had been rising for seven years.In spite of this the rates still under than US in Mar 96.Interestingly,the figure catch up after Mar 98.It thence appears that Japan’s unemployment rates were increasing year by year until 1998.After this the number remained stable similar to US.

In consequence,from Mar 93 to Mar 99,the unemployment rates of US and Japan were decreased and increased, respectively.

4.1 The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.题目

The table here depicted about the proportion of different type of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999. Total 1,837,000 poor families has been selected in this study which is 11% of the total, varies from Aged family, no children family to families with children.

From the table, we can see clearly that the highest proportion group is the family with children---what is more, the sole parent, 21% , about 232,000 families is on the first place. While couple with children, 12%, 933,000 is followed.

The Second higher group is families without children, from which single families without children is the most serious one --19% , 359,000 families and couple without children seems better , only 7% about 211,000 families.

And the smallest group should be the aged families which total is only 10%, among which single aged person is 6%, two percent higher than the aged couple.

Based on the data the table provided and what we analyzed above, we can draw the conclusion that Having children is the most crucial reason for being poor while aged is the less crucial one.

4.2the graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in winter and summer.The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average English home.题目

in the first graph which shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in winter and summer,we can find some features.

firstly,a remarkable feature is that the demand for electricity in the winter is more eager than the demand in the summer.and it is obvious that ,comparing with the strong fluctuation in the winter,it is more peacefulin the demand for eletricity in the summer.

secondly, in the winter there are two peak,one is in 3 o'clock,and the other is in about 22 o'clock.and there are also a valley which occurs in about 7 o'clock.but in the summer, the two peak occurs in about 14 o'clock and 23 o'clock.

we can find that the major demand for electricity is in the heating rooms and heating water,it take up 52% in all the demand.following that,the ovens,kettles,washing machines take the second status,with the percentage 17.5%.then,the lighting,TV,radio and the Vacuum cleaners,food mixers ,electric tools take the third station,all with 15%.

4.3 The chart below shows the different levels of post-school qualification in Australia and the proportion of men and women who held them in 1999.题目

The column chart here illustrates the proportion of Australian male and female who hold the 5 different levels of post-school qualifications which include Skilled vocational diploma ,Undergraduate diploma,Bachelor's degree,postgraduate diploma and master's degree in 1999.

it is obvious that there is a drastic contrast in the proportion of people who own the Skilled vocational diploma.The males' proportion in this level reaches 90%,while the females' percentage is just 10%.These two data also become the largest and the least among the 5 levels.However,females occupy the majority proportion in Undergraduate diploma and Bachelor's degree.It should be mentioned that there are 2 times females than males who held the Undergraduate diploma.And what is interesting, more than 2 times males than females who have Postgraduate diploma.The males' percentage in Master's degree exceeds the females by 20%

In summary ,the proportion of female who had Undergraduate diploma or Bachelor's degree is more than males,while the trend in other 3 levels is just contrary.

4.4 The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK, and about the most popular countries for UK residents to visit.题目

The two given graphs show the numbers of traveling aboard by UK residents and traveling to UK by overseas residents,and the most popular countries by UK residents in 1999. As can be seen from the first chart,the two curves outline the information about travel to and from the UK.The line of visiting aboard from UK went up gradually during 1979 and 1984 until reached the turning point(20,000,000 visits from UK),while then was followed by a considerable surge.Meanwhile,the second curve of visits to the UK also shows an upward trend through the years from 1979 to 1999 which was with a rebound.

In the item of the second chart,it was compared in five countries,Turkey,Greece,USA,Spain,and France on the numbers of most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.It is clear that France was the undeniable champion,and it abstracted more than 10,000,000 UK visitors to travel.Meanwhile,Spain held the second position which was just less than France.The numbers of UK visitors to the two countries was noticably leading the other countries.In contrast,Turkey and Greece were the unlucky ones.They both were unwelcomed by UK visitors.However,USA was in the middle position,but still less than 5,000,000 UK residents to visit.

In conclusion,there were upward trends both in visits abroad by UK residents and visits to the UK by overseas residents.In addition,France and Spain were the most popular countries among UK visitors in 1999.

5.1 The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket (S) is planned for the town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.题目

he first potential location (S1) is outside the town itself, and is sited just off the main road to the town of Hindon, lying 12 kms to the north-west. This site is in the countryside and so would be able to accommodate a lot of car parking. This would make it accessable to shoppers from both Hindon and Garlsdon who could travel by car. As it is also close to the railway line linking the who towns to Cransdon (25 km to the south-east), a potentially large number of shoppers would also be able to travel by train.

In contrast, the suggested location, S2, is right in the town centre, which would be good for local residents. Theorically the store could be accessed by road or rail from the surrounding towns, including Bransdon, but as the central area is a no-traffic zone, cars would be unable to park and access would be difficult.

Overall, neither site is appropriate for all the towns, but for customers in Cransdon, Hindon and Garlsdon, the out-of-town site (S1) would probably offer more advantages.

5.2The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries. 题目

The line graph shows the increasing trend of elderly people in Japan, Sweden and the USA from 1940 to 2040.

Although the graph indicates that the proportion of older people in the three countries ranged from between 5% and 9% in 1940 to between 23% and 27% in 2040. The figure experienced different changes not always keeping rising during the period of time.Between 1940 to 1960, while the proportion of people aged 65 or over in Sweden and the USA increase by about 2%, the percentage of the old in Japan dipped from 5% to about 3%. From 1960 to around 1980, the figure in Japan stood steadily when the other two countries keep rising to approximately 15%. During the period of 1980 to 2040, the proportion of older people increase dramatically, especially after 2030 in Japan and eventually reach to nearly 27%, while the figure fo the other two countries drop and increase to about 25%.

Whatever the percentage of people aged 65 or over has changed, the figure in 2040 rises by16% to 22% than in 1940.

5.3The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.题目

First, the subway systems in the six cities were opened in time sequence with London being the earliest (in 1863) and Los Angeles the latest ( in 2001 ). The underground railway system had their prime time in the 20th century, which saw the construction of 4 underground railway systems respectively in Paris (1900), in Tokyo (1927), in Washington DC (1976), and in Los Angeles (1981).

Second, seen from London to Los Angeles, which happened to be in chronological order of subway construction, the above-mentioned six cities roughly revealed a trend of sharp decrease in the length of the subway route. London ranked No. 1 in this respect, with a length of 394km; Paris came next with 199km; Tokyo was No. 3 with 155km; Washington DC ranked No. 4 with 126 km. Kyoto and Los Angeles were the most interesting, with merely 11km and 28km respectively, nothing comparable with the top 4 cities.

Third, we see some really unexpected figures about the number of passengers transported by the subway system in these six cities. Tokyo took the lead with 1.927 billion; Paris came next with 1.191 billion; London was No. 3 with 775 million; Washington DC was No. 4 with 144 million. Los Angeles and Kyoto had 50 million and 45 million respectively. Therefore, we can see the big difference as compared with other cities.

Overall, the six cities revealed great differences in the history of subway construction, the length of subway lines and the yearly passenger transportation capability.

5.4 The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers题目

The charts above give the information about the study purpose of students in different age groups and the proportion of those who receive the support provided by their employers.

From the first bar chart, it is evident that there were more students studying for career than those studying for interest, if they were under 40 years old. The group of the students under 26 age had the largest difference between these two purposes, as 80% of them studying for career and 10% for interest. When people in their 40s, the numbers of students studying for these two purposes were the same, both taking up 40%. The oldest group, however, tended to enjoy their hobbies during study in that th(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)ere were 70% of them for interest while only 18% for career.

When students were younger than 26 years old, it was much possible for them to obtain a support from the employers for their courses for the percentage was up to 64%, followed by the 26-29 age group with a little more than 50%. The proportion of over 49 group ranked at the third place as approximately 44% of them received the support. The figures of the left two groups ( people in their 30s and 40s) were similar, with about 34% and 38% respectively.

6.1 The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant题目

The table indicates the number of miles by the average English person in 1985 and 2000, using various means of transport.

The number of miles walked, cycled and travelled by local bus all decreased. Of these, the number of miles travelled by local bus decreased the most, from 429 miles in 1985 to 274 miles in 2000.

The number of miles travelled by car, long distance bus, train and taxi all increased.

The number of miles driven by car was 3,199 in 1985 and rose by 50% to 4,806 in 2000. The number of miles travelled by long distance bus more than doubled from 54 miles (1985)to 124 miles (2000). The number of miles driven by taxi trebled from 13 miles(1985) to 42 miles (2000). The use of other, unspecified, forms of transport also increased. Overall, the number of miles travelled by the average English person rose from 4,740 miles in 1985 to 6,475 miles in 2000, with the increase of cars accounting for almost all of that increase.

6.2 The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth.题目

The first process diagram describes the life cycle of the silkworm while the second process diagram summarises the stages in the production of cloth.

According to the first diagram, the lifecycle of a silkworm can be divided into five stages. Initially, a moth lays some eggs on a mulberry leaf. Then, one of the eggs hatches and a larva that feeds on mulberry leaves appears. Next, after four to six weeks, the larva spins silk threads to form a cocoon in which it pupates. Over the following three to eight days, in the fourth stage the silk threads are spun into a complete cocoon. Eventually, ten days later a moth emerges from the cocoon and then the whole cycle starts over again.

Then, the second diagram shows in five steps how silk cloth is produced. In the first stage, cocoons are selected and then they are boiled in water. In the third step, each cocoon is unwound into a thread three hundred to nine hundred meters in length. After that, the thread is twisted, woven and eventually dyed.

Therefore, the process diagrams clearly indicates the processes of how cocoons are created and then how silk cloth is produced.

6.3The charts below give information about USA marriage and divorce rates between 1970 and 2000 and the marital status of adult Americans in two of the years. 题目 The above two graphs demonstrate that how many marriages and divorces in the U.S from 1970 to 2000; and, the marital status of adults Americans in 1970 and 2000.

From the first bar chart, it is evident that the number of marriages during the whole period was significantly more than that of divorces. The marriages happened in 1970 and 1980 were the same, both of which were up to 2.5 million. Followed by a downward trend, the number of marriages decreased to about 2.3 million in 1990, and finally reached the bottom point in 2000, as 2 million. During the period, the number of divorces showed a fluctuation. Starting from 1 million in 1970, the figure for divorces jumped to the top point in 1980 at approximately 1.4 million and then decreased to 1 million in 2000.

We can see clearly from the second chat the percentage of married people took up the majority of adult Americans, with 70% in 1970 and a little less than 60% in 2000. Ranking the second place, the ratio for never-married people represented 15% in 1970 and 20% in 2000. For the next two marital status, widowed ratio was 8% in 1970 and 5% in 2000, while the divorced was 1% in 1970 and 9% in 2000。

6.4The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries.题目

The graph above demonstrates the trend of water consumption in three sectors from 1900 to 2000. And we can know from the table about relevant information about Brazil and Congo.)

From the line chart, it is evident that the amount of water consumed by the listed three sectors kept the increasing trend during 20th century. As the largest water consumption sector, the agriculture used up about 500 cubic km of water in 1900, which steadily inclined and finally reached approximately 3,000 cubic km in 2000. Industrial use, ranking the second place, consumed about 1 cubic meter of water in 1900. Accompanied by the rapid development of industrial areas, the water consumption of industry started to jump in 1950 and dramatically ended at about 1,200 cubic km in 2000. For the domestic use, which used the least amount of water, its water consumption quantity also increased, from barely zero in 1900 to about 400 cubic km in 2000.

According to the figures provided by the table, the population and agriculture areas in Brazil (176 million; 26,500 square meter) were significantly larger than those in Congo (5.2 million; 100 square meter) in 2000, so that it is unsurprisingly when the water consumption in Brazil was nearly 4.5 times as much as in Congo, with 359 cubic meter


The chart and table above compile the emission of CO2 per passenger and show arrangement of the Europe Union funds on numerous ways of transport.

Obviously,it was the air traveling that releases that greatest quantity of Carbon dioxide-550 grams each person approximately .In contrast, coaches,with the emission of merely less than 50, could be considered as a kind of green communication.However,the most common viechel among Europeans-the passenger cars-discharges from 100 to 150 grams of gas which is three times as much as any of the public transport including buses and rail.

According to the pie chart, roads still have a profound effect on the transportation in Europe since more than a half of the budget is spent on them.Nevertheless, the percentages of ports and airports are much poorer.Besides,this chart also indicates that the government will pay one third of the budget on the construction of Inland modal.Meanwhile they also distribute 10% of the expense into the development of Intermodal。
