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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 04:19:58 作文素材




March 12

Dear Mary,

I have about fifty pages of manuscripts to be

typed. As I am not good at typing, would you be kind

enough to spend several evenings at my home and do

the typing for me? Knowing that you are free, I hope

you can give me the help.

Many thanks.



February 8, 2010

Dear Mr Gerald,

The bearer(持信人), Mr Chen, was a classmate

o fmine at university. He has recently been assigned

ot work in your company. He is well-educated, with

good habits and agreeable manners. Any assistance

you may give him concerning his life and work will

be esteemed as a grat favor for me.

Yours respectfully,

Wu Tong


Dear Mr Wallace,

I have applied for admission to Boston

University. As I have no relatives in the States, would

you be my finacial guarantor(保证人)? You know, in

applying for a student visa, an affidavit(宣誓书、书

面陈述) of support must be submitted from an

individual who will assure this opportunity. If I have

the chance of coming to the U.S., I will undertake

part-time employment to cover all the living


Please write to me soon.

Yours sincerely,

Xu Xioalei



May 14, 2010

Dear Prof. Liu Zhongliang,

Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the

honor you showed me during my recent visit to your

country. It was thoughful of you to introduce me to so

many learned professors and scholars from your


I hope you will some day visit my country with

its wonderful scenery and give us some lectures on

Chinese Literature.

Please do not hesitate to write to me should you

want me do something for you in Australia.

With best wishes,

Mike Johnson




假定你是王琳,给某电脑公司的销售部经理写一封请求信,请求他给你寄该公司当天在Shanghai Sta广告中的家用电脑的详细说明。


1、词数:120 左右;


Dear Sir,


Yours faithfully,

Wang Lin






I’m wondering if you could spare some time to??

I am writing in the hope of your assistance to ……

Could please do me the favor of??

Thank you for your time patience.

I should feel much obliged /grateful if you will ……

…will be greatly appreciated…

Looking forward to your reply/ hearing from you.


Dear Sir,

My name is Wang Lin, a middle school student of Shanghai. I’m interested in the personal computers which are advertised in today’s Shanghai Star. I want very much to get more informations① about the various computers that you have and I am writing in the hope of your assistance. ②Could you please post the ituctions about the computers to me? I can be contacted at the following address: 130 Baihai Road Shanghai, 200030. Should you ever wish to e-mail me, here is my e-mail address: Wanglin1994@126.com.

I should feel much obliged if you will kindly send me some details of your computers at your earliest convenience. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully, Wang Lin①information是不可数名词,所以informations应改为information。

②本句精彩生动。使用了地道的短语(in the hope of);和定语从句(the various computers that you have)尤其是现在进行时态(I am writing…),生动地描述了写信的情景,充分展示了习作者较高的语用能力。

III. 教师点评:

【亮点赏析】正文开头“My name is…”介绍自己,然后说明原因“I’m interested in the personal computers…。“I want very much to…”直奔主题,道明了写信的目的;接着“I am writing in the hope of your assistance. Could you please…”礼貌地请求对方寄上详细说明书。并提供详细联系地址和方式。最后他用“I should feel much obliged if you will…”这个句型,而不仅仅是一个简单的Thanks。行文条理、清晰、流畅。

2.范文使用了规范的短语或句型:be interested in /in the hope of /Could you please?/ Should you ever wish to?/at your earliest convenience语言准确、礼貌、得体;

3.习作使用了高级复杂的句子结构,如:名词做同位语(a middle school student of Shanghai);定语从句(computers which are advertised./ various computers that you have);条件状语从句(I should feel much obliged if you will )等,使文章丰富、达意、可读。


(山东金乡二中高三英语组 田苏春 邮政编码:272200)



时间: 2007年09月14日 10:49 作者:印建坤 来源:新东方




介绍自己、提出请求—>说明原因及其它事项—>表达谢意、期盼答复 Tips:


(1) 2006年真题


You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry out your plan.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.


To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Li Ming, a college student of Peking University, and I am writing in the hope of your assistance to find a needy child for whom I may provide

financial support.

First and foremost I would like to declare that I possess the financial ability to implement this plan owing to my decent income from part-time jobs. As to the candidate, I am hoping that he/she comes from an elementary school of the less developed areas of Western China, who is forced out of school. I would like to pay for his/he


r tuition fee and other school expenses until he/she graduates from university.

Thank you for your time.

Yours cordially,

Li Ming









in the hope of: 希望

assistance: n. 帮助,协助

first and foremost: 首先

declare: v. 声明

possess: v. 拥有

implement: v. 实施

owe to: 因为,由于

decent income: 不错的收入

as to: 至于

less developed: 欠发达的


I am writing in the hope of your assistance to?

Thank you for your time.


You are preparing for your graduation thesis and are in urgent need of some reference materials. Write a letter to the National Library and ask for their help. Provide detailed information, and method of delivery and payment. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a senior student from Tianjin University, and I wonder if you could spare some time to help me look for two reference books, Communication Principles and Organizational Communication, both published by Foreign Language Press in 2000.

The two books are of particular importance to my graduation thesis, but I failed to obtain them from my university library as well as local bookstores. Could you please tell me whether the National Library has the mentioned books? If so, could you please do me the favor of photocopying and sending them to me by EMS? I would like to pay for the relevant expense by cash or credit card.

Looking forward to a prompt reply from you.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming









senior student: 大四学生

spare some time: 花一些时间

fail to do sth: 没能做成某事

obtain: v. 得到,获得

photocopy: v. 复印


I am wondering if you could spare some time to?

Could you please do me the favor of?

I would like to pay for the relevant expense by cash or credit card. Looking forward to a prompt reply from you.[
