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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 23:24:07 英语作文

篇一:英语作文 人的命运靠自己

People’s destiny is to rely on their own master

Everyone who comes to the world has their own master. As we all know, everyone is one and only. So people should live a colorful life and make every daymeaningful.

For the question that do you think everyone has his own destiny or we are all just floating around accidentally on a breeze, my opinion is very specific that we shouldn’t be lost in the flashy world.

If a man doesn’t believe himself, his life must be muddleheaded. As a song says that believe yourself, and when all of this pass over you will be the best.

Doing things in own mind rather than drifting with the current is the Invariable truth!

We can talk it from Chinese history. Long ago, there many people changed their fate by uemitting efforts. of course, there are also lot of men succumbed to destiny.

Sun bin, when the warring states time, ended after learning the art of war from GuiGuZi ", shows the amazing military talent, but so was plot against, sun bin's teacher younger brother PangJuan, jealousy sun bin's ability, frame-up sun bin, so that sun bin became disabled people, sun bin did not bow to PangJuan, rely on their own wisdom escaped from the jaws of death, will eventually be able to beat PangJuan.

Helen Keller was born couldn’t open see this in the colorful world, hear the world pleasing of voice, fate is unfair to her, but she didn't blame fate, but more strong, rely on their actions changed the destiny, has created one of the wonders of life.

Beethoven[贝多芬] is a music genius, but he is also the fate of injustice, knew perfectly well that he loves music, but let him binaural hearing loss. But he still kept on composing his beloved music, for future generations to leave a lot of the wealth of the mind.

Zhang haidi, five years old with myelopathy, high paraplegia, in cruel fate challenge in front, she didn't be depressed and destruction, but with strong willpower and persistence struggle against disease, undergone a severe test, the life was full of confidence. She self-studyed acupuncturology, self-studyed many foreign languages, and study the master graduate student course. Successively in the translation of hundreds of thousands of words of novel, and compiled several books, in the end published in the midst.

Edison’s childhood had only a few months to learn, is called as "changeling". At the age of 15, he became deaf. But this "changeling", during the deaf time, he did about two thousand items invention. For human civilization and progress, he made great contribution. So far no one can break he held 1099 a patented invention records, people called him "the king of the invention".

These kinds of example are here and there, but the lack is the heart to find the beauty.Don't go with the stream, should have a mind of your own, so life will blossom glorious, so you could come back with fruitful results.

篇二:英语作文:Fate命运 双语

Many people believe that they are fated,or destined to a certain life.For

example,if they are very poor or very ill ,they say that is because they are born to be poor or ill and there is nothing they can do about it.But in my

opinion,people have more control than that over their lives.Maybe they didn't work hard enough to make money or didn't take proper care of themslves.By blaming their condition on fate,they are avoiding responsibility for their behaviour.


I think that most part of each person makes his own fate.If you're not

satisfied with your own life,don't accept it by blaming it on fate,change it!If you really want to do,you can!Set your goal,and work toward it.Don't wait for fate to bring you success because it won't happen.Fate is in your own hands!Go out and make yourself succesful,rich and happy.Then you can be proud of your accpmplishment.


If you are a failure,then you have only yourself to blame for it.Most people do not seem to realize how much inner strength and ability they have.They don't think that they can change their lives all by themselves.But if they really have the desire and ambition,then nothing is impossible.



网络课程的利与弊(Internet-base instruction)With the rapid development of information technology, there is a boom in Internet-base instruction. Most of the universities offer online courses which have gained much popularity among students nowadays.

This new way of teaching brings many advantages. Firstly it gives much convince and freedom to students. Students can study at any place and any time as they like. Secondly, it is very economical because students are not required to come to the campus, and schools can cut the expenditure on electricity and water supply and so on. However, just as the English proverb goes, every coin has its two sides. The same is true of the online learning. The disadvantage is that there is no effective way to ensure that students make the required efforts.

As far as I am concerned, I prefer the traditional way of teaching. The face-to-face communication with teachers can give me more encouragement. As a matter of fact, the direct guidance and class interaction benefit me a lot.

2、Going on study or going to work?

Nowadays there is a general discussion among graduation students is whether to continue studying or to find a job.

Those who decide to go to work cannot wait to put what they have learned into practice. They believed that only by application can they master knowledge in the real sense. Most important of all, they can live on their own and have the feeling of accomplishment for the first time. Other people, however, believe that if a person wants to be an expert in a specialized field, four years in university is far from enough. The best way is choose a direction and study it in depth. It is not late at all when they go to work, because they start at a much higher level.

No matter what choice a student will finally make, he has to be extremely careful to look into his unique situation. Besides he will make the right choice if he knows his goal in life and how to turn it into reality.

3、大学生沉溺于网络游戏 In the past few years, more and more college students are addicted to online games. Although, online games may be fun and exciting, they are very harmful.

As far as I am concerned, there are many disadvantages of it. Firstly, it is a waste that online games take up a lot of times for study. Many of the addicts found themselves forced to drop out of school for poor academic performance. Secondly, addicts tend to isolate themselves from reality. What is worse, indulging (沉迷于) in the virtual world for a long time, they are more liable (容易的) to suffer mental (精神的) problem and physical collapse. Finally, players are exposed to too much violent and unhealthy material, which is definitely harmful to their growth.

In short, I cannot see any benefits from online games. Studying should be the primary concern of college students. Therefore, I do hope they can step away from online games.

4、作弊(cheating)Nowadays, instead of listening attentively in class and working hard after class, a number of students adopt all kinds of dishonest methods to get high scores in examinations. It has become such a serious problem that it has aroused the concern from the whole society.

To put an end to such a serious problem, as far as I am concerned, it calls for the efforts from all sides. First of all, the university authority should severely punish any cheating behavior in the examinations, such as whispering, copying, and receiving answers via mobile phone. Moreover, teachers of all subjects should go all the way to restore honesty by setting an example for the youth through speaking sincerely and behaving truthfully. Last but not least, young students, the future of our nation, should learn to despise and fight against dishonest behaviors throughout the life,

Only when all of us join in the efforts of eliminating cheating can we expect to have a cleaner society and a more beautiful future.

5、性格决定命运?(does personality decide destiny?)Personality is the quality of a person, and it is also believed by many people to be the factor in one’s destiny. Personality such as honesty, aggressiveness and sociability, are deciding his way of dealing with everything. In addition, more and more people share this belief that personality decide destiny.

On the other hand, some people think of it differently. The fool man could also become a successful person because he knows his own weak point and would remind himself to be more careful. Where there is a will, there is a way. We are the only master of our own destiny.

Last but not least, I cannot agree with the idea that personality decides destiny; I believe personality might have some influence on destiny, but it cannot decide it. All in all, we hold our fate in our own hands.

6、免费电子书的利与弊(free e-book) One of the prominent developments related to the evolution of information technology is the emergence of free e-books online, which are beginning to crop up across the whole internet. Those e-books do not only involve various fields but are updated at unprecedented speed. Therefore, it is now even not exaggerating to say free e-book is one of the biggest boons for people.

However, whether e-book is a boon or a bane is still a topic. Some people take it for granted that free e-book will provide us with information and knowledge without taking space or costing money; what is more, those e-books can be easily accessed through the internet. However, other holds that e-books are tend to do more harm and have less value than p-book.

As far as I am concerned, free e-books online are the products of information technology and conform to the fast-paced lifestyle, but as for the books with collection value, it is better for us to choose p-books.

7、市区公园是否该免费开放(should urban parks charge an entrance fee)The question whether urban parks should charge an entrance fee or not is a controversial issue for a long time. Some takes it for granted that urban parks are the places where people have leisure and entertainment so it should be free.

On the other hand, as the English proverb goes, every coin has its two sides. The same is also true of it. other holds that, considering china’s large population and lack of a sense of duty, once the parks are free of charge, they will not be properly managed and will be damaged. So it is not the time to open urban parks for free.

In my opinion, I am in favor of the first view. Because park is the place for people to having a rest or relax. Of course, we must protect the par(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)ks.

8、(科技在课堂中的应用 the use of technology in classroom) As can be seen in the cartoon, a teacher is explaining some math questions in a classroom. With some formulas written on the blackboard, three students are staring at a projector screen with great interest while totally ignoring the teacher. A line below the cartoon reads: employing technology to keep students’ attention.

The cartoon reflects a prevalent trend in today’s society. Both schools and teachers spare no effort to attract students’ attention by using advanced technologies, such as TV, computers, projectors, etc. However, it is always opposite to the original idea in that those facilities themselves turn out to be distractions. The students become obsessed with those facilities and lack communication with their teachers, which finally results in wastefulness of facilities and undesirable learning styles.

As far as I am concerned, technology is just a supplement to a teacher’s teaching. The whole process of teaching and learning should revolve around the intercommunication between teachers and the students.

9、(老年人的孤单 relieving loneliness of the elderly) As can be seen in the cartoon, a mother who is leaning on her stick, is eagerly hoping to see her child turn up. While on the right side of the picture is a son who is burying himself in work, forgetting to call his mother about the delay.

What the cartoon intends to convey is that loneliness of the elderly has become a problem that can not be underrated. In order to encourage children to go home more often, our country even regulates that long time no visiting elderly people is an infringement of laws. In fact, those elderly who feel lonely tend to exercise less and keep an unbalanced diet; as a result, they are debilitated both psychically and mentally.

Therefore, it is urgent that some measures be carried out to relieve the loneliness of the elderly. We should launch lots of activities to eich the life of the elderly, such as setting up helplines for elderly people to turn to when they feel helpless. Furthermore, elderly people themselves can develop some hobbies to eich their life. Last but not least, adult children should visit home more often and talk to their parents more either on telephone or face-to-face.

10、(困难时穿着工作服的机遇 trouble is opportunity in work clothes)As can be seen in the cartoon, two persons and many bubbles marked” trouble ”. One person seems irritated and tries to burst those bubbles with a knife, while the other person intends to catch the bubbles as he thinks that” In fact, they are opportunity in work clothes!”

Simple as the drawing is, it vividly conveys the psychology people have when trouble occur. Trouble, which is part of life, can test one’s mentality as well as ability in a more accurate way than smooth situation. Some people look at trouble as nothing but a headache to get rid of. And the only way they resort to is shoot or to eliminate it like the way they cope with an enemy. While others regard trouble as a disguised opportunity and manage to make full use of it.

Trouble, which can inspire our fight, is in fact opportunity in work clothes, and through constant fight, our confidence can be strengthened. Therefore, positive attitude towards trouble is of vital importance, and it is our mentality that determines

how far we can go in a mist of troubles. Next time you run into trouble, try to tear off its disguise and appreciate it.

