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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 23:26:35 英语作文


The Cause of Obesity

Class: Ohio Due: April 25, 2012

Drama 1131300048 Sky 1131300043

The Cause of Obesity

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent. Body mass index (BMI), a measurement which compares weight and height, defines people as overweight (pre-obese) if their BMI is greater than 30 kg/m2 (Wikipedia, 2011). Nowadays, obesity has become a serious problem in the world. Demonstrated according to the investigation that there is about 60 percent of the populace in the USA is too fat and Germany obese people are more than half of the country population.

Some people become obesity, because they inherit their parents’ obese gene. The UK researchers have discovered a commonly occurring gene variant that may explain why some people become overweight while others do not. (Paddock, 2012). Also, European and American are easier to get obese gene. So we can easily find a people who are overweight in American street and UK Street. People cannot change their obese gene. They can only keep a balanced diet and avoid eating too many high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods, such as chocolates, fried foods and carbonated drinks.

Moreover, more and more people lack of exercise is another reason to cause obesity. Because of the popularity of the Internet, teenagers began to indulge in the Internet. They just want to play computer games, online shopping and chat on Facebook、Twitter… So, they spend less time in playing sport and unlike previous youth to do various sport. They lack of exercise, lack of active and lack a best way to keep fit.

Besides, fast food is the best important reason to cause obesity. Fast foods contain a large number of calories and unhealthful ingredients. Also, fast foods are composed of high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods. Many teenagers just want to eat fast foods which are deep-fried. It is contributing to obesity. The study suggests that zoning laws restricting fast food outlets within a set distance of schools could combat childhood obesity in America. (Health State, 2007). In addition, eating too many fast foods can cause Hypertension, High cholesterol and malnutrition. A healthy diet not only can let us have a good figure, but also let us have a good health.

Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat. We could this boils down eating too much rubbishy fast food and exercising too little in behavior, meanwhile, it can cause by an unmodifiablereality, our gene.Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration. It is a chronic medical disease that can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and other chronic illnesses. Obesity is difficult to treat and has a high relapse rate so that should prevent our weight to become too high ahead of schedule. (Word: 440)


? Obesity.(2011). In Wikipedia: Obesity in America. Retrieved April 24, 2012, from

? Paddock. P. (2007, April 12). Obesity Gene Discovered. Retrieved April 24, 2012, from

? Health State. (2007). The correlation between fast food and obesity in America. Retrieved April 24, 2012. From



那么英语中如何恰当而又有礼貌地表达 “胖”呢?下面是一些常见的委婉表达法。

1. gain weight: 增加体重。例如:

People who drink diet soft drinks don’t lose weight. They gain weight, a new study finds.

2. super size person: 超大之人。例如:

No more hamburgers, I don’t want to be a super size person.

3. heavyset: 体格魁伟的。例如:

He was tall and heavyset.

4. nutritionally endowed: 营养丰富的。例如:

Though garlic is a nutritionally endowed food, it is only consumed in small amounts.

5. gravitationally challenged: 受地球引力挑战的。例如:

That girl is gravitationally challenged.

6. well-built: 体格健美的,体型匀称的。例如:

That girl is well-built.

7. stout 结实的,壮实的。例如:

She is getting too stout for her dresses.

8. big-boned: 骨骼粗大的。例如:

I’m not fat, just big-boned.

9. overweight: 超重的。例如:

Overweight in a child should not be neglected.

10. chubby: 胖乎乎的(多指小孩和女子)。 例如:

The baby has a chubby face.

11. buxom: 体态丰满的。例如:

A generation ago, fat babies were considered healthy and buxom actresses were popular, but society has come to worship thinness.

同样,“瘦”不能说skinny,它是“皮包骨”的意思。要形容一个人苗条应该用slender,slim,或delicate。“减肥”则可以说lose pounds或lose weight。

总之,“胖”和“瘦”是英美人敏感的话题, fat和skinny的使用要十分小心,注意回避。但是有一个例外就是phat(妙,好,酷),是fat 的异体词,在口语中常常用于赞美美妙的东西,相当于cool。例如:

The car is really a phat.






教师Mr Carl能在你们彩排(rehearsal)时给你们的节目给予一些指导并邀请他及他的美国同事

注意:词数100左右。 Dear Mr. Carl,


Li Hua

Hua, of close to

As Christmas is around the corner, we have decided to have an English Christmas party with

the purpose of improving our English as well as raising our cultural awareness. It will include songs,

short plays and other performances. I’m writing to ask if you could spare some time to come and

watch us rehearsal and give some advice so that we can make some improvement.Our party will be

held in our school theatre on December 24th. It will start at 8:00 pm and end at about 10:00 pm. It

would be our great honour if your and your American colleagues could join us!

I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua




“My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations”。请根据下列提示用英语写一篇征文稿。






第二节 写作(共1题,满分30分)


注意:1. 词数:120--150左右 (信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数)

2. 短文须包括表中的全部内容,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 参考词汇:攀比 keep up with the Joneses

Dear Editor,

I’m a middle school student named Wang Ping. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


A possible version:

Dear Editor,

I’m a middle school student named Wang Ping. Recently, we often have to buy presents for our classmates’ birthdays, and sometimes, we are invited to their birthday parties in expensive

hotels, which caused us to think whether students should spend so much money for birthdays.About this there are two different views. Some students think it provides us with a good chance to communicate with each other and develop our friendship, and besides, we can relax after hard work at school. However, some other students think it’s a waste of money and time and can lead us to getting into the bad habit of trying to keep up with the Joneses, which has a bad effect on our growth and studies.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s not easy for our parents to make money and keep us at school for education. So there is no need for us to do like that. We must treasure our parents’ labor and put our hearts into our studies.

What do you think about it? I’m expecting your reply.


Wang Ping

4. 保定二中10—11学年度第一学期高三年级月考



1. 和同学及朋友观看世界杯足球赛。

2. 上辅导课(学习数学、物理、化学)

3. 在餐馆打工两周,洗碗、洗菜。

4. 到敬老院做义工(打扫卫生、为老人读报)



2 Thanks for your e-


Li Hua

One possible version

I finished my homework


on time, which I think was the most important. Other than that, I did a lot of interesting things. As you know, the 2010 FIFA World Cup was held in South Africa. I watched almost all the football matches with my friends and classmates. How about you? I also took training courses, including maths, physics and chemistry. I once worked for two weeks in a small restaurant near my home, where I washed dishes and vegetables. It was really a tiring job, but I think it was worthwhile since I could earn some money. I think my voluntary work in the nursing home was the most meaningful. I did some cleaning and read newspapers for the elderly there.

5. 福州三中2010—2011学年度高三上学期期中考试

25] 因素对你的成长影响最大。请你以Tracking My Growth为题,按以下要求写篇英语短文:







Tracking My Growth

The process of growing up is complex for every person, for there are many influential factors in a person’s growth as well as the development of his personality.As for me, what has affected me most in my both growth and personality are family and friends, the two equally important factors. After one is born, the first surroundings is the family in which he will grow up.Family plays a significant role in shaping children’s character because it’s children’s most direct source of knowledge and experiences.Those who are brought up in good families tend to possess many pleasant characters and vice versa.

On the other hand, friends in some ways influence him more rapidly than families do.Friends have many different opinions and personalities.Discussing with them builds up his personality.Frankly speaking, I get lots of valuable things from my friends.

Family offers me warmth and care.Friends give me strength and horizons.Therefore, both of them are most influential in my growth



最近的一份调查表明中国青少年的体质明显下降,青少年的健康问题日益受到社会的关注。请根据下列提示,以“The health of Chinese youngsters—a big concern”为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文。



3.建议:改革现行教育制度,减轻学生负担,使学生有更多睡眠和锻炼的时间。 参考词汇:肥胖 obesity 近视short-sightedness 改革 reform

The health of Chinese youngsters—a big concern


The health of Chinese youngsters—a big concern

A latest survey shows that the health of Chinese youngsters has greatly declined.Many Chinese students are facing a number of physical problems, such as obesity, and short-sightedness, etc.How has this situation come about?

Under the current educational system, marks seem to mean everything to students.To pass the college entrance examination, students have to spend most of their time in doing endless homework.As a result, they do not sleep or exercise enough.

To improve students’ health, we should reform the current educational system.Besides, we call for less homework, thus leaving students more time to sleep and take exercise.Only in this way can the health of youngsters be greatly improved.






