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5、感谢信﹢邀请(2010年考试):感谢美国同事的款待 + 欢迎造访中国

6、祝贺信﹢建议(2011年考试):祝贺表弟考上大学 + 给予建议


8、邀请信﹢介绍(2013年考试):邀请同学参加义卖会 + 介绍活动细则

9、请求信﹢介绍(2014年考试):请求舍友给予生活建议 + 自我习惯介绍 首段

I am writing the letter in purpose of

1、subscribing to订购

2、applying for 申请

3、resigning from the present position of 辞去?.职务

4、inquiring about 询问

5、notifying you of 通知

6、expressing my appreciate to you 感谢

7、making apology to you for my 因为我的..向你致歉

8、expressing my opinion on 表达我对?的看法

9、inviting you to 邀请你

10、making a complaint about 投诉

11、congratulating you for your 祝贺你

12、showing my sympathy for your 表达我对你?的同情


Dear Editor,

I am a faithful reader of your newspaper and I am writing this letter to convey my deepest

concern about “White Pollution”

It must be pointed out that the current situation is going from bad to worse. Therefore, it is urgent for us to takeeven more drastic measures. Firstly, we should appeal to the authorities concerned to set up stricter regulations against this pollution. Secondly, we must raise the public’s awareness of its gravity, which is of vital importance to the solution . Finally, the scientists concerned should help devise ways of alleviating the worsening trend.

Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter. I am looking forward to some changes in our society.

Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei

faithful( ['fe?θfl] adj.忠实的; 忠诚的; 正确的; n.信徒)

drastic([?dr?st?k] adj.激烈的; 猛烈的; (法律等)严厉的; 极端的)

authorities (n.当局,权力,权威; 权威,authority的名词复数; 权力; 学术权威; [复数]当权者)

regulations ([reɡj?'le??nz] n.规程; 规章; 守则; 条例; 管理( regulation的名词复数 ); 控制; 规章; 规则)

gravity [?gr?v?ti] n.重力; 万有引力,地心引力; 重要性,严重性; 严肃,庄重;

vital ['va?tl][美]['va?tl] adj.维持生命所必需的; 至关重要的; 生死攸关的; 生气勃勃的; alleviating v.减轻,缓解,缓和( alleviate的现在分词 )






2 求职信、推荐信

Dear Sir or Madam

I have learnt from yesterday’s newspaper that you are employing,I am writing the letter to apply for the position(求职)./recommend ** to you (推荐信,不要第一句)

My qualifications, I believe, just amply meet your requirement. Firstly, my major of English guarantees that educational background is right in line with this position. Second, my previous working experience has helped lay a solid foundation for this job. Finally, I am a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn. Therefore, I believe I can be of value to your company.

Enclosed is my resume for your reference , I would be very happy if you could schedule an interview with me.

(推荐信:Please call me if you need more details about him.)

Thanks a lot for your time and patience to this letter, and I look forward to your prompt reply.(百搭)

Yours sincerely


employing [im?pl?i?] v.雇用( employ的现在分词 );使用,利用

recommend [?rek??mend] 推荐;劝告;建议

qualifications [?kw?lifi?kei??nz] n.资格,条件;合格证书

amply[??mpli] adv.充足地,详细地

requirement [ri?kwai?m?nt] n.要求;必要条件;必需品,需要量;资格

guarantees [?ɡ?r?n?ti:z] n.担保( guarantee的名词复数 );担保品;保修单;抵押品 previous [?pri:vi?s] adj.先前的;以前的;过早的; adv.在先,在??以前

lay a solid foundation奠定坚实的基础[?s?lid] adj.固体的;实心的;结实的,可靠的;可信赖的[faun?dei??n] n.地基;基础;基金(会);粉底 .基础;基金(会);建立

self-motivated [?m??t?ve?t?d] 自我激励

eager [?i:ɡ?] adj.渴望的;热切的,热情洋溢的;热心的;急切

Enclosed [in?kl?uzd]附入, 把?装入信封

resume [ri?zju:m] n.摘要 ;覆历

reference [?refr?ns] n.参考;参考书;提及,涉及;证明人,介绍人

schedule [??edju:?l] vt.排定,安排;将??列表;为??作目录

details [?di:teilz] n.详细资料;详述;(照片、绘画等的)细部;细目;各种细节

prompt [pr?mpt] adv.准时地;正好,及时


Dear **:

I am writing this letter to inform you of my decision to resign.

After several years of work here, I find it inappropriate for me to stick to my position any longer. First of all, I intend to move to my hometown to live permanently永久的 with my family so that I can take good care of them. In addition, I want to create my own business, which is my long-cherished珍爱( cherish的过去式和过去分词 );怀有;爱护;抚育 wish. In a word, I have made up my mind to resign from the job after much deliberation.

Looking back upon my four-year experience in this organization, I have had a very happy and enjoyable time working with you and other colleagues, from whom I have received a lot of help and have learnt much. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude, as well as my regret for any inconvenience caused.

inform vt.通知;使活跃,使充满;预示; vi.通知;告发

inappropriate [英][??n??pr??pri:?t] adj.不恰当的,不适宜的;不合适;不宜;不妥; deliberation.n.考虑,深思熟虑;评议,审议;(言语、行动等的)从容;沉着,慎重





I am looking forward to your visit eagerly. Just imagine: after all five years of writing to each other, we will finally have the chance to meet. However, I am sorry that I will not be able to meet you at the airport as soon as you arrive. The reason is that I’ll have to send my children to school that morning.

Please wait for me in the arrival lounge. You can have breakfast there while waiting. By the way, as we have never met, I must tell you how to recognize me. I am of medium height and have a small moustache. In addition, I will be carrying a copy of the morning newspaper tucked under my left arm.

Please forgive me for my untimely reception. I look forward to our meeting.


请在机场休息室等我。你可以在等候的时候吃个早餐。顺便说一下,因为我们从来没有见过,我必须告诉你如何辨认我。我是中等身材,留着小胡子。另外,到时我的左臂会夹一份晨报。 请原谅我不能及时去接你。期盼着我们的相见。


I am writing the letter to express/ appreciate my sincere gratitude to you for your kind help during my stay in your country.

When I went to your country for a tour, I found that the environment was so different from my hometown that I felt nervous, lonely and did not know what to do next . Fortunately, I met you in due course. It was your generous help that pulled me out from the shade and gave me a precious chance to know American culture. Finally, I spent a joyful vacation smoothly.

Again, please accept my heartfelt appreciation. If I can be of any help, please let me know. 当我去你的国家旅游,我发现环境与我的家乡完全不同,以至于我感到紧张而孤独,不知道如何才好。幸运的是,我恰好在这时候遇到了你。是你善意的帮助让我走出了阴影,并给了我一个宝贵的机会了解美国文化。最后,我顺利度过了一个快乐的假期。



I am writing the letter to extend my congratulations to you for you have just graduated from




Nowadays more and more Chinese high school students choose to apply for American college entrance test. This phenomenon has

received immediate attention from our society. Relevant concern and discussion can be frequently found media of every kind. (美国大学入学考试进入中国引起关注)

Just as every coin has two sides(凡事有利弊), this phenomenon is no exception. People vary greatly n their viewpoint. Some argue that it’s understandable for Chinese students to take this action. They even add that American test is another good choice for those students.(有人认为这是好事)

Of course other people have radically different view. For them, American test comes as a competition to Chinese test system. They fear that our best students will be lost in this way. Besides, one more test means another burden to the students.(有人认为这不好)

It seems there is no ground for these two groups of people to reach an agreement on this phenomenon. As for me, it’s not bad to have another type of test. Therefore, I insist that there is no need to make a big fuss over the phenomenon. After all, it is up to the students to make the right choice.


Here is a vivid and lively cartoon is which we can see a grandfather and a grandson watching TV together. When there is a special

program on the screen, the grandfather feels shy while the grandson says “it’s quite common indeed”. This picture conveys a clear and strong message to us that some TV programs may exert a great influence upon the children.(简单描述漫画内容)

It is not difficult at all for us, upon careful thought, to understand the problem as depicted in the picture. First of all, children are in the process of growing up, and open to outside influence. TV programs can play a big part because children like to watch TV. Besides, children are curious, and keen to learn more about the world. TV programs provide an important means of learning. Finally, children are too young to distinguish good from bad. It’s easy for them to be

influenced. (解释漫画意思)

According to what’s discussed above, I believe that TV programs should be checked and censored before they are shown on the screen. Only in this way can we be sure that children watch good programs that can lead them to a healthy and wonderful life.(个人观点)


This line graph shows Canadians’ saving and debt as a percentage of their disposable income between 1982 and 1998. In general, the figures reveal that Canadians total debt increased dramatically while savings decreased greatly during that period. From 1982 to 1985, the total debt to disposable income remained at about 56% stably, including about 38% mortgage and

18%consumer debt to disposable income. However, the total debt to income jumped sharply from 1985 to 1998. In 1998,it reached the peak of 101%,of which mortgage debt took up72% and consumer debt took up 29%.On the

contrary, the savings to income fell rapidly between 1982 and 1987, and then it leveled off until 1992 when there came another steep decrease. IN 1998, it bottomed out to 2 %.( 柱状图第一段,描述图表给是数据)

This is a pie chart that shows the proportion of the meat sold in a

supermarket. The total meal sold is classified into six types as follows: chicken, pork, beef, lamb, fish and others. Overall, chicken has he largest proportion, which accounts for 40%; while others has the smallest percentage, at 2%, As can be seen n the chart, chicken, which makes up 40%, is the most popular among the total meat sold, then next is pork with 20%, followed by beef,

constituting 18%, and finally come lamb, fish and others at 15%, 5% and d2% respectively. It should be noted that the sale of pork is half as much as that of chicken. And it is also interesting to note that the sale of chicken is 20 times as much as that of others. (饼状图第一段,描述图表给的数据)

It’s not difficult to arrive at some possible factors that are directly

responsible for those changes/the proportional distributions as depicted above. The most important factor that needs to be highlighted here is that …What’s more … One more factor, though not conclusive, that should also be brought into attention is that…(分析原因)

Just with many other things, it’s not easy to reverse the changes that have already taken place/the proportion that has already taken form. Therefore, I predict that the current situation will continue for a short while.(预测未来情况)


Aug. 18, 1989

Dear Liu Dong,

I'm back at school now. I wish to express my thanks to you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family. During the

vacation you taught me how to swim, boat and fish. I really appreciate your taking time off work to take me around and show me so many places.

Your mother is such a terrific cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds just in the week I spent with you. Surely I've spent a happy vacation, which will be remembered for long.

I hope you will be able to visit our school sometime. Thank you again. Let's keep in touch.

Yours sincerely




一、 重点练习题目

1.Directions: Read the story in Chinese below,and then write a composition of

no less than 150 words under the title of "The Goal of Life".Your

composition should be based on the story and the following outline:

1. What have you learned from the story?

2. What is the goal of your life? If you have achieved the goal of

your life, what would you do?

目 标


2.Directions: your are to write in no less than 150 words about the topic “Which Is More

Important, Academic Degree or One’s Ability?” You should write according to the

outline given below. Please remember to write it clearly on the ANSWER SHEET 2

3 Directions: Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you


1) describe the set of drawings, Interpret its meaning, and

2) point out its implications in our life.

You should write about 150 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)


4. Directions: In this section, you are required to write a “ Letter of Complaint ” according to the situation below. You should write at least 150 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.Situation and Requirements

George Bush recently bought a laptop computer. A few days later the laptop stopped working. When he took it back to the shop, they refused to deal with the problem.

Now you are required to write a letter to the customer service department at the company's head office in the name of Mr. George Bush. Your letter should include the following information:



the problem with the laptop what exactly happened when you return to the shop

3. what you would like the customer service department to do and any other relevant


5. Directions: your are to write in no less than 150 words about the topic “The significance of

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games” You should write according to the outline given below. Please remember to write it clearly on the ANSWER SHEET 2


1. what significance do you think the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games has?

2. Do you have any good ideas to host it?

6.Directions: Study the following pie graphs carefully and write an essay in which you should

1. describe the pie graph briefly

2. list the possible reasons

3. give your comment on the tendency

You should write about 150 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

The Changes of Employment of University Graduates in China




Model Essays

1. The Goal of Life

It is quite obvious that the above story tells us that a disabled young man from British successfully finised climbing all the famous mountains including Mount Everest in his 28 yeas old , which is even difficult for a normal person. It is just because he regarded his parents last

wish as his goal of life. However, he chose to commit suicide at the same age in that he thought he had no goals of life any more. From this story, we may easily conclude that the goal of life is something that we cannot do without.

Such thing frequently occurs in our daily life. I am a case in point. Undoubtedly, my current goal of life is to pass MBA examination at my first attempt though it is extremely difficult for the aged graduates like to pass it, and I am fully confident of achiving this goal this year. Of course, this is not the final goal of my life and to be a CEO in a big company is my next life target. If we can go on pursuing another new goal of life especially after achieving the old one , we can realize our pdersonal values and make more contibutions to the society in which we live.Based on what has been illustrated so far, all of us should have a correct attitude towards the goal of life ---- a person’s life should consist of many goals. Just like climbing, when we win one victory, we should set new goals for ourselves. Only in this way can we enjoy our colorful life and keep pace with the times( 270 )


3.These two pictures are both interesting and instructive. From the pictures, we can see that a flower, shielded from the thunderstorm, grows pretty well in the warm-'house. But when moved of it, the flower can not withstand the wind and rain, and starts to wither. Several of its petals are already on the wet ground. Evidently, flowers growing up in the warm-house cannot survive a severe storm.

The implications of these pictures for our life are obvious- overprotected children may grow up happily and healthily, but more often than not, they cannot adjust to the life in the real world. Born and bred in a protective home, they have become so dependent on their parents that they will turn to their parents for help whenever they are confronted with any difficulty. The result is that they don't know how to solve problems by themselves, they dare not make their own decisions, and worst of all, they do not know how to live a worthy life. Consequently, their life will be a failure.

Personally, I believe that parents should place more emphasis on the cultivation of such qualities as independence, confidence and courage in their children. Only in this way can the children grow up fully equipped to meet whatever challenges that life may present and be happy and successful. (219 words)

4.A Letter of Complaint

Date: 14 January 2006

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the laptop computer I bought in your shop on May Day.

The case goes like this, I bought NEC laptop computer at your Zhongguancun branch on the first day of May. However, within a few Months, I began to experience problems with it. The main problems were that a few of the programs installed on it ceased to function and that the laptop refused to accept any discs, even though they can be accepted by both my desktop computer and my friend's Toshiba 2000.

When I returned to the shop to claim a replacement or a refund under the terms of the warranty provided by your shop, I was informed that I am not entitled to as the warranty card is invalid. I asked, “ why don’t you explain it to me early”. Your clerk re


plied that it’s my business. When I asked them to have a repair, they said it must be used in a wrong way, which means it is a man-made problem and I must pay for it. All this made me depressed. Even worse it already influenced my daily work.

As a result, I am writing to you in order to sort the situation out. 1 believe the warranty card to be complete and valid. I enclose a photocopy for you to check. I would like to arrange for my faulty laptop to be exchanged or for my money to be refunded. Please contact me when you have looked into the matter. I may be contacted by telephone on (010-55667788) (221 words)

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully

George W. Bush

5.The significance of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

It is in Moscow on July 13 that Beijing succeeded in bidding for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. This great event cheered every Chinese in the world. As an international sports meeting, the 2008 Olympic Games is of great importance to China and Chinese people.

There can be no doubt that the significance of the 2008 Olympic Games can be clearly seen in the following aspects. To begin with, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will improve China’s international status and prestige. As we know, China is the first developing country in the world to host Olympic Games. It will provide a good chance for the people in the world to know China. What’s more, it will necessarily promote China’s reform and opening-up and accelerate economic construction. A lot of business opportunities will be offered to foreign investors. Furthermore, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will enhance the communication between Chinese people and the people from the world not only in the field of sports but also in culture.
