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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 07:27:36 优秀作文



长亭外,古道边, 芳草碧连天。 晚风拂柳笛声残, 夕阳山外山。 天之涯,地之角, 知交半零落; 一觚浊酒尽余欢, 今宵别梦寒。 长亭外,古道边, 芳草碧连天。 问君此去几时来, 来时莫徘徊。

篇二:作文 送别辞


1赞扬她的善良友好;2 还念与她相处的快乐时光;3 感谢她对大家英语学习的帮助;4 希望她有机会再来中国。

注意:词数 100;开头结尾已写好。不计入总词数。

Tracy is a very kind and friendly girl and I feel happy to be her friend. She gets along well with everyone and ll of us have a wonderful time with her. Whenever we have trouble earning English, she doesn’t hesitate to help us and our English has been improved a lot since she came to our class. We owe a lot of thanks to Tracy.

True friendship never ends, so I hope we can keep in touch with Tracy. I also hope that Tracy can come back to China and stay with us in the near future.

from the bottom of my heart

during her stay here

unforgettable experiences

pleasant and precious memory

the enormous help she gave us

establish our friendship

on behalf of everyone

leave a deep impression on

what impress me most is that

the generous help she offer


faced with her departure

her enthusiasm

the time spent together with her

always wears a smile

but for her help, we wouldn’t have made so much progress

never will the happy time we spent together be forgotten.


We will never thank her enough for what she has done f(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)or us.

Everyone will be missing her.

We treasure those happy moments we shared together.

She is always ready to help us with our Englisyh

solve the problems we came across

to cherish/treasure

wish Tracy a safe journey and a pleasant flight

we are thankful for/to



precious moments we shared

her assistance in

the effort she made to help us

she is always ready to help us

her kindness and politeness

benefit a lot from her selfless help

but for her help, our English wouldn’t have been improved so much this memory is well worth treasuring

she is always helping us.

Her pleasant smile

I sincerely hope

Our hearts will stay close forever.


夕阳残照,给银灰的车站抹上一层无力的红,人影、树影交错,却都指向遥远的北方。 “爸爸要走了,在家听妈妈的话,不要惹她生气。”父亲那厚实而又带着老茧的手,轻轻地抚摸着我的头。“工作不要太累,我会寄钱回来的,照顾好孩子。”母亲的眼眶中早已泛满泪花,她红着眼,强忍着不让自己哭,又勉强地挤出一点微笑,点了点头,轻轻说道:“嗯。”“请41号乘客登车!”喇叭中传来播音员清脆的声音,可如同噩耗般深深刺入我的心,身子不禁一抖。“要走了。”又传来父亲和蔼的声音。母亲慢慢地将行李包的拉手递到父亲的手上。父亲一拉,箱子未动,母亲的手还是死死攥住那个把手,父亲的眼中好像也有泪光闪过,但随后手使劲一抖,母亲才不情愿地把手松开。“请41号乘客快速登车!”那清脆的嗓音又在耳畔响起。母亲突然一怔,“你等一下。”说完,便向一个卖梨的地方跑去,父亲最爱吃梨子。母亲没跑几步,便转头看来,担心父亲离去,又跑几步,再次转头,看父亲是否还在,最后,她终于买完梨子,如风一样跑来,这时,我发现,父亲攥着把手的手握得更紧了。“车上没水果,坐车天数很多,这些你在车上吃吧!”母亲泪眼婆娑,终是忍不住,晶莹的泪珠一粒粒滚下,“啪嗒”滴在地上,灰色的水泥地从这一点向周围扩散,慢慢变黑。“这些给孩子吃吧,不用担心我。”说着,他轻轻拂去母亲脸上不肯落下的泪珠,便毅然登上车。一会儿,车开动了,我们注视着父亲。他将头撇向一边,但还是无法掩饰那两行热泪,“记得打电话!”母亲声嘶力竭地喊出。车渐渐成了一个点,消失不见,而太阳终抵不住倦意,也慢慢沉下,唯留轰鸣声在天边回响??
