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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 00:43:05 字数作文

篇一:高考作文素材 中国好室友perfect

江西农业大学“带饭哥”窜红网络 被赞中国好室友(图) 2013-06-03 17:19

爆料投诉请进入江西微博 民声热线

江西农业大学“带饭哥”窜红网络(图片来自@“江西农业大学网络站”)大江网讯 记者秦海峰报道:近日,江西农业大学两名大学生为室友带饭的图片在网上迅速走红,被网友称为中国好室友“带饭哥”。




当事人:大学期间最后一次带饭 没想到会红
















Simon Fan (fls)

English Writing

8 March 2012

My roommate John

One night, when I was having a bath alone in the washing room, the light sud-denly went out. “What’s up?” I shouted, but no replies. It seemed nobody was in the room and the switch went wrong again. So I went out to switch it on directly. Just at that moment, a flash of camera suddenly appeared, followed by a burst of laughter. “Perfect postures. Smile and say cheese!” Then I saw a smiling face in the corner. Oh, my god, it was John. He always played various tricks on people and it was my turn. As fast as he could, he ran out of the room, saying that “Great pictures! I’ll use it as my computer background. ”

Indeed, he’s quite a naughty boy. Tall and handsome, he wears a thick mustache. He has many hats, and when the winter comes, he usually has his purple hat on all day long even when he is sleeping. And that always reminds me of a scene that a cute baby in the cradle.

I still remember the time when he first entered the university. As he had never lived in the dormitory before, he wasn’t accustomed to the college life. Away


from home, he missed his parents so much that he kept a close and frequent phone contact with them. And almost all the talks were the same, his parent always informed him of the dos and don’ts. And John just nodded his head, saying “yes” or “I got it” Things were always like that, and after the talk, he would strictly do what he was told. But when it came to the

dormitory rules, things were quite opposite.

With the garbage produced each day, the cleaning was done in turn. But when it was John’s turn, he would always find some fine excuses and refused to do so. We com-plained a lot to him, but it didn’t work. It seemed that all the rules set for the dormitory was invalid for him.

Honestly speaking, he is quite a diligent student. Even during the military train-ing, he still spared some time to study in the library and sometimes even absented him-self from the training, which was quite rare in that period. And the absence finally con-tributed to his low grade on the training course, and he usually complains about that even almost two years passed. Every semester, he will choose lots of courses, and he is always the busiest one in my class. 7 am out, 12 pm back, that’s his regular routine, and nobody can prevent from him doing so, except the computer games.

Once he starts playing the game, he’ll immediately get lost in the virtual world. With his back against the wall, he lies on his bed, staring at the screen motionlessly, and clicks the mouse consistently. And the posture can last a whole day. But after several days’ obsession, he’ll definitely uninstall the game, claiming that he’ll never touch it again. But several weeks later, we’ll see him playing the same game again.


我的可爱室友 樊佳妮 车辆3111 相聚在秋,别离在夏。 初见面有尴尬, 熟来一同逛街娱乐。 谁有事齐帮助, 谁有愁齐分担, 风雨同舍,此生所乐。 共度愁,同享乐, 同把宿舍当大家, 有真情有温暖。 吹起心底尘封的记忆, 你认真的表情使我们不敢懈怠, 你无厘头的言语是我们减压的药剂。 谈美食,谈风景胜地…… 偶尔的争吵那是虹前猛烈的风暴, 过去了也便作罢。 灯顶的积尘把忧伤埋葬, 架底的破鞋将厄运吓跑。 我们共同收获成功、分享幸福。 请君莫忘曾同住, 求学路上共奋战。 同出发同离开, 欢声笑语载满路。 一生难忘室友情!
