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篇一:优质课教案unit8seeing a doctor

Unit 8 Seeing a doctor教学设计说明



本课授课的教材选自人民教育出版社《英语走向未来》第一册第八单元第98页-99页的内容。这部分内容主要是学会打电话,学会预约看病和拨打急救电话。45分钟,一个课时的时间。 二、学情分析

该班是高技工班一年级学生,全是男生,比较活跃、调皮,英语基础总体比较薄弱,且差异较大。这个班级除了平时的文化课学习还会穿插操作车床,打制某些零件的实训。之前该班学生已经完成这个单元的热身部分,也就是日常生活中的health problems 和相应的处理意见。

本节课的重点内容放在常见疾病症状描述、预约看病和拨打急救电话上。本节课的教学设计通过引入任务驱动机制和小组合作学习的方法,充分调动学生学习积极性,挖掘学生自主学习潜能,引导学生参与课堂教学活动。在任务的设计上本堂课注重任务难度系数的层层递进和各个层次的学生学习的需求,以点带面,让每个学生在自己原有的基础上都学有所长。 二、课时说明:1课时,45分钟 三、教学详案: (一)教学目标: 1. 知能目标

1)Enable students to use some new words and phrases, such as have a backache, have the flu, have a headache and make an appointment with the doctor. 2)Enable students to talk about the health problem and to make an appointment

with the doctor in English.

3) Enable students to know how do deal with some emergencies. 2、过程目标

1) To train students’ imitative ability.

2) To train students’ ability to search for the information. 3、情感目标:

1) To train students’ team work spirit by working in groups.2) Enable students to be aware of the importance of health. (二)教学重点 :

1. Students can use new expressions to talk about health problems.

2. Students know how to make an appointment with the doctor and how to call

emergency call.


How to enable the student to give advice on the health problems (四)教学程序和方法设计

篇二:seeing a doctor 教案

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八年级英语教案Unit 18 Seeing the doctor

[标签:教案 初二]小学精华资讯 免费订阅

摘要: Unit 18 Seeing the doctor 教学建议 教学内容分析 本单元围绕 生病 和 就医 这一主线展开教学。整个单元安排了两个对话和两篇小短文。使学生在学习第67课的基础上继续学习有关 生病 和 看病 的日常用语。同时也启




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Unit 18 Seeing the doctor



本单元围绕“生病”和“就医”这一主线展开教学。整个单元安排了两个对话和两篇小短文。使学生在学习第67课的基础上继续学习有关“生病”和“看病”的日常用语。同时也启发人们思考和探讨饮食、休息、锻炼及适当参加一些体力劳动与健康之间的关系。本单元的语法项目是have to和must之间在用法上的一些区别及系动词的用法。

第69课第一部分是Jill和Mum的一段小对话,从而引出第二部分Jill和医生的一段对话,从中介绍了许多有关的交际用语。第三部分是一个说与写的训练。旨在巩固以上所学内容,同时引出本单元的语法重点have to的用法。


第71课第一部分的对话旨在复习 have to的基础上引出它的否定形式和与must在用法上的区别。第二部分是介绍有关系动词taste,look,seem,feel,be的用法。 第72课的第二部分是组句训练,主要是用于巩固第对课第二部分中所学的几个系动词。第三部分安排了一段颇有幽默感的病人和医生的对话,提醒大家注意饮食与健康的关系。第四部分的写作训练主要让学生运用已学过的有关看病就医的日常用语。




trouble, cough, terrible, wake, asleep, plant, difficult, rich, angry, look over, fat, thin

asleep是形容词,意思是“睡着的”。表示“睡得很熟”用fast asleep或sound asleep,不用very asleep。asleep通常作表语,不作前置定语。


1.Take this medicine three times a day.

2. Have a good rest and drink more water.

3. Last night, as soon as I fell asleep I dreamt that I went to the garden.

as soon as译为“-??就??”,常用来引导、个时间状语从句,其将来时用一般现在时来表示,主句用将来时。例如:

I will write to you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.

4. There s nothing much wrong with you.

5. I mean you eat too much food, and you don’t take enough exercise, too much后面跟不可数名词。too many后面跟可数名词的复数形式。much too后面跟形容词或副词,如too much time, too many books, much too clear, much too fast等。exercise在这里是“锻炼”的意思,是不可数名词,但具体指某一种“锻炼”用复数形式。如morning exercises,eye exercises。

6. No problem, doctor.

7. Do you remember your worst dream?


1.情态动词have to的用法。




smell, instead, stop. . . from doing?

1. smell是知觉性动词,相当于系动词,后面用形容词作表语。如:

This food smells good.

2. instead作副词,是“代替”、“顶替”的意思。如:

Mr. Wang is ill, I will take his class instead.

instead of为介词短语,它后面可跟名词、代词、动名词、介词短语或形容词等。如:

(1)I will clean the window instead of him.

(2)We will skate instead of playing football.

3. stop? from ?意为“阻止(防止)??做某事”。如:

The heavy rain stopped them from going to school.


1. She didn't feel like eating anything.

此句中的fee like相当于would like或want。feel like doing sth. = would like/want to do sth.

2. I had to sit down and rest every five minutes.

every five minutes指的是每5分钟。如:

He comes to see us every three days.

3. Let me take(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网) your temperature.

Let sb. do sth. 是一个固定的用法。


1.have to与must的区别

(l)must表示主观,have to表示客观。

We must help each other.

My sister is ill, my mother has to look after her.

(2)inns一般表示现在时,而have to有多种时态。

2.系动词除了我们常用的be以外,还有become, turn, smell, taste, seem, sound, feel, look, go等。


本单元的口语训练主要涉及“看病就医”的一些表达方法。学生第一次接触到这方面的内容,可能有一些难度。教师可先让学生听第69课第一部分的录音,听懂关键性的句子和短语。What’s the trouble? have a headache and a cough, take sb. to see a doctor,接着做第二部分的Puzzle dialogue,然后组织学生两人一组进行对话训练。在此基础上师生共同讨论对已学过的“看病就医”的表达法进行归纳。如:What’s the matter with you? /What’s wrong (with you)? /What’s the trouble (with you)? /feel like doing sth./have(get)a pain in/I don’t feel very well (any better) now./have a headache( cold/cough) /nothing serious/take one’s temperature/take sb. to see a doctor/take this medicine two( three/four) times a day/have a good rest/drink more water,最后学生分组编制生病或看病就医的对话。场景的设置可以在家中、医院或学校。教师可以根据实际情况叫几组学生在全班同学面前表演。





情景:Lin Lin was ill, she called her teacher to ask for a leave. 对话:

Mr. Li: Hello.

Lin Lin: Hello, it is Lin Lin here. Is that Mr. Li?

Mr. Li: Yes, what’s the matter with you?

Lin Lin: I have a cold and a terrible headache.

Mr. Li: Did you take any medicine?

Lin Lin: Yes, my mother took me to the hospital last night. The doctor said it is not serious. But he thought I had better have a two-day’s rest. Mr. Li: Well, that doesn’t matter. I hope you’ll feel better soon.

篇三:Lesson 3 Seeing a Doctor

Lesson 18 Going to See a Doctor

第十八课 看病 一、Sentences 句子

171. (A)Well, what’s wrong呀, 什么地方不舒服?

(B) Well, what’s the trouble? 呀, 什么地方不舒服?

(C) What’s troubling you?呀, 什么地方不舒服?

172. I have a sore throat我嗓子疼

I have a cold我感冒了

I have a cough我咳嗽

I have a fever.我发烧。

173. I’ve lost my appetite. I don’t feel like eating anything.


174. I feel sick.


175. A.I have a pain in my stomach 我胃疼。

B. I have a pain in my head.我头疼。

C. I have a pain in my chest.我胸疼。

D. I have a pain in my right arm.我右胳膊疼。

E. I have a pain in my left leg.我左腿疼。

(A)I have a stomach-ache 我胃疼。

(B) I have a headache我头疼。

(C) I have a toothache.我牙疼。

(D) I have a backache我背疼。

176. My chest hurts.


177. You need to have a blood test你需要验一下血

You need to have your chest X—rayed. 你需要作X射线胸透

You need to have your temperature taken. 你需要测一下体温

You need to have your blood pressure taken. 你需要量一下血压。

178. I’ll prescribe some medicine for you.


179. I’ll have to give you an injection.


180, Take the medicine every four hours. Two tablets each time. Four times a day.

每四小时服一回这药。每次两片。 一天四次。


1. sore 痛的, 疼痛发炎的

2. appetite 食欲, 胃口

3. stomach 胃

4. prescribe 处方, 开药

5. injection 注射, 注射剂

6. tablet 药片

7. X—ray 用X 射线检查

8. pressure 压, 压力

9. flu 流行性感冒

10. to feel like sth. / doing sth. 想要干某事

e.g. I feel like a drink.


I feel like vomiting.



( In a Hospital )


A: Good morning. Well, what’s the trouble?

早上好。 嗯, 怎么了?

B: I’m afraid I’m not feeling well. I’ve lost my appetite. I don’t feel like eating anything.

我感觉身体很不舒服。 没胃口,不想吃任何东西。

A: How long have you been feeling this way.


B: Two or three days now. And I have a sore throat. Sometimes I feel sick. I cough a lot at night. 有两三天了。我嗓子还疼。有时觉得恶心。 晚间咳的很厉害。

A: Now let me just see. I think you’ve got the flu. I’ll prescribe some medicine for you. Take two tablets each time; three times a day. You’d better stay in bed for a day or two. You’ll get better soon. If you’re not feeling better, come back to this hospital and see me.

现在让我检查一下。我想你得了流感。我给你开点药。每次两片。一天三次。 你最好我床休息一两天。你会很快好起来的。如果不见好,就回到这医院来找我。

B: I’ll take your advice. Thank you very much.

我会听你的劝告的。 十分感谢你。
