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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 19:47:10 英语作文

篇一:英语作文How to Succeed in a Job Interview

How to Succeed in a Job Interview?

Nowadays, in an ever tighter job market, great importance has been attached to an interview by both the employer and the applicant.现如今,在越来越严峻的就业市场中,对雇主和求职者双方来说,面试都变得越来越重要。The interview has become indispensable for getting . 要得到一份满意的工作,面试是必不可少的。On the one hand, the interviewer can the occasion to learn about the candidates, 一方面面试官可以利用这个面试的场合了解候选人的情况,such as their work experiences, education and their , 例如他们的工作经历、教育背景和他们的个性,so as to the right person for the company. 这样他们才能为公司挑选出合适的人选。On the other hand, the interviewee can the opportunity to get to know the job (he is going to ,另一方面面试者也可以利用这个机会来了解他即将从事的工作, the , s and many other things about the job he is interested in.薪水、工作环境和其他许多他感兴趣的关于工作的事情。

Therefore, the job interview is very important to a job-hunter. 因此工作面试对求职者来说非常重要。But how can one succeed in it?但是怎么样才能成功呢? Firstly of all, the interviewee must pay attention to his or her appearance. 首先面试者必须注意他/她的仪表。 is always where we start.第一印象往往是我们开始的第一步。 .穿着得体而整洁 Secondly, are important.第二,礼貌的举止也同样重要。 Don’t be too proud, and neither too timid. 不要太骄傲也不要太胆怯。Just be (adj. 彬彬有礼的). Thirdly, the interviewee must his (n. 资质, 才能)and skills for the job and his knowledge about the job-related areas.第三,面试者必须展现他的才能和技术,以及在工作相关领域的知识。 Be confident.要自信。 Last but not the least, the interviewee ought to be honest about his or her personal as well as background, 最后,面试者应当诚实地介绍他/她的个人情况,以及学业背景, for honesty is the best policy.因为诚实才是最明智的办法。

To sum up, the job interview is indeed important, but there is no need to be nervous. 总之,工作面试确实重要,但也没必要太紧张。As long as the interviewee has the ability for the job, 只要面试者表现出能胜任工作的能力,with careful preparation and a fairly confident and , his or her success can be ensured.有认真的准备和相当自信与诚恳的表现,他/她的成功就很有保障。

篇二:英语作文How to Succeed in a Job interview

How to Succeed in a Job interview? Nowadays, interview becomes more and more indispensable in a job hunting. If you want to hunt a good job, a perfect interview is necessary. A job hunting is imminent to our graduate students. So, how to become a nice interviewee is very important.

On one hand, employer could take advantage of this chance to choose proper employees who are appropriate for this job and get more benefits to the company. Company could increase more high-quality staffs to improve the strength of itself. On the other hand, interviewees will make good use of their ability to hunt a job. Even though they do not achieve it, they can also get a lot of experiences.But how to succeed in a job interview is a problem. There are many factors, such as appearance, conversation, ability, expertise, confidence, honest and so on. Firstly, appearance is the first step in a interview. A good appearance could give a nice impression to interviewers. A good beginning is half done. So, we can see the importance of appearance. Secondly, conversation is also very important. Every interview must not be without conversation. Interviewees should introduce themselves through a beautiful conversation and let interviewers know more advantages about them. Thirdly, personal ability and expertise will destine your fate. It is what the company really want. Finally, interviewees should have confidence and honest. Confidence could give us more probability to succeed and honest is the basic of morality.

We are facing many interviews. If you can master the four points, you will succeed in a job interview.

篇三:英语作文分享 Interview of Wide Reading Assignment

Interview of Wide Reading Assignment – “Dreams From My Father What is your book for wide reading?

The book I chose to read for the wide reading assignment is an autobiography called “Dreams From My Father”. The Author of this book is Barack Obama, the first Black-American president. This book is a brief of Obama’s life after the death of his father. This non-fiction established the path of life to become a student of one of the world’s top universities – Harvard University. About the main parts in the autobiography

“Dreams From My Father” is divided into four parts – Origins, Chicago, Kenya and the Epilogue. Part one, “Origins”, is a flash-back of the Obama’s

childhood in Indonesia. In this section, the author included the period of time when he lived with his grandparents. In the “Chicago” part, the author

descripted his life in Chicago. It was his second time to go there. Kenya is the final main section of the autobiography. It is about his motherland visit. Which is your favourite section?

My favourite section of the non-fiction is the “Origins”. I love reading about people’s adolescence anecdotes. This is likely because the stories of my peers usually allow me to compare with (转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)others. They inspire me to change my personality in order to have future success. Despite it is rather sad to read about the death of Obama’s Father, I still find this part most enjoyable. Who is your favourite character?

My favourite character in the novel is Obama’s grandfather. His is shown in the first section of the autobiography. He is quite funny and often talks some profound quotes such as, “Now there’s something you can learn from your dad… Confidence, the secret to a man’s success”.

Did you like the autobiography?

Overall, I love the plotline of “The Dreams From My Father”. It contains many aspects that inspired me to improve myself in different ways, such as independence and determination. I find the characters of the

autobiography interesting. The tone is heart-soothing and calming, this creates a favourable and emotive atmosphere.

Talk about the success of Barack Obama

In my opinion, the elements that drove Barack Obama to his success are confidence, multi-cultural traits, academic and oral skills. The fundamental point of all is his persistence. It is the determination that urged him to become

the best. He is the first Black-American to be a president. Thus, his stature is especially important to the relationship of the black and white populations around the world.


I believe this non-fiction suits all forms of peer groups. After all, I would especially recommend this text to teenagers. This life story contains many abstract issues. It also establishes the methods to solve them. Thus, it is great for educational purposes, showing the different ways in order to succeed. “Dreams From My Father” allows young readers to understand the situations in life; this can help them gain maturity.
