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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 19:39:43 英语作文








A. Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.

B. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET II.

C. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:



Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon. Give your comments.


As is symbolically and apparently conveyed in the drawing above, a proud hen is making a promise that eggs she laid are round without any angles and corners and have shells, egg whites and yolks. We are informed that a variety of promises have been arising from all walks of life, however, quite a lot of promises are sheer nonsense.

The idea conveyed by the cartoon is apparent that some people put their duties as their promises in order to acquire immoral benefits. First of all, with the accelerated development of the market economy, some businessmen have to make such false promises for surviving in the fierce competitive surroundings. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that the moral level is declining steeply because the fair competition environment has not been established after the setting of reform and opening policy. For example, manufacturing units guarantee to turn out products of good quality. As a consequence, the intention to make such commitments is nothing but to put on civilized outer clothing to deceive the public.

Personally, I advocate that special care must be taken to ensure an honest competition system. On the one hand, the regulations should be adopted by the authorities to punish the false promise makers. On the other hand, the businessmen should remember the old saying,

“Honesty is the best policy”. Only through these attempts can our nation have an honest market system.






Directions: Study the following two pictures carefully and write an essay to

1. Describe the pictures.

2. Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the pictures, and

3. Suggest counter-measures.

You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II

A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing


It is vividly illustrated in the upper cartoon that a variety of fishes were swimming freely in the sea, while only one fishing boat was catching them in 1900. On the contrary, numerous boats were fishing the only one fish in 1995. We are informed that with the increase of commercial fishing, the number of fishes sharply decreased.

The purpose of these pictures is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decrease of natural resources. To begin with, with the rapid development of world economy, people explore all kinds of natural resources to make profits, such as the ocean fish, oil and gas. Furthermore, it is known to us all that growing population also need more resources as to satisfy their daily needs. Most importantly, we have not realized the worse destruction suffered by the natural resources and environment. As a consequence, if we let this situation go as it is, we will not leave any resources to our offspring in the future.

In conclusion, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to protect natural resources. For one thing, strict laws to protect natural resources must be adopted by our authorities. For another, we should enhance the awareness of people that the resources are extremely vital to us. Only in these ways can we protect our natural resources and have a brilliant prospect.







Directions: Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is probably the noblest, but everyone has his or her own understanding of it.

There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write an essay to the newspaper to

1) Show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the pictures below.

2) Give a specific example, and

3) Give your suggestion as to the best way to show love.

You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.


As is vividly and meaningfully described in the cartoon, a small lamp which is the symbol of love is smiling and shining in the darkness. Although it is dim, the lamp makes the night bright.




Dear international students,

I am the chairman of the Students? Union. I?ve just received the emails from you and got the news

that you would come to our university. Firstly, I?d like to show our warm welcome. On behalf of our

university and all the students here, I really look forward to your coming。

In order to make all of you feel at home, here are some conductive suggestions. Firstly, you?d better

take some warm clothes with you because it is winter in China now and it is very cold in Beijing. Secondly,

I advise you to prepare some relevant knowledge about Chinese culture for better understanding in class。

I really hope you?ll find these proposals useful. And I?m looking forward to your coming!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



How vivid the cartoon it is! What the profound cartoon reflects is a not uncommon social

phenomenon, from which we can observe that in this cartoon stand two men and a bottle of milk. The 2

men show different perspectives toward the bottle of milk that is place on the ground。

According to the information given in the above-mentioned cartoon, the gist of it is regarding how we

should perceive the world around us. People tend to show different attitudes towards the issue. Then , what

prove to be the underlying reasons for it? The following several reasons stated below can be taken to be

responsible for it. First and foremost, that issue is largely having something to do with the current state of

people? mind, without any doubt, some people are born positively, and while some others are born

negatively. What is more important is that the outlook and value embodied in society affects how we throw

our insights into something we are deal with。

As far as my personal thinking is concerned, when it comes to mentioning the issue concerning how

to look at the world, what we should do is to observe it positively and confidently, especially when we are

experiencing and encountering setbacks, only if we have the above-mentioned proposals adopted, can we

be bound to live a life of happiness。


An English proverb has it that “it?s no use crying over the spilt milk”. This picture precisely captures

one of such situations—a bottle of milk has been accidentally dropped onto the ground. The reactions of

the two individuals in the pictures are totally different. One exclaims “Oh, God, it?s all finished!” whereas

the other one is more positive and calm, claiming that “there is still some left.”

There are rich implications underlying this scene. For the same event, two different individuals make

two totally different observations and comments, reflecting two totally different states of mind—one

negative and pessimistic, the other positive and optimistic.

For the pessimistic mind, they tend to exaggerate the seriousness of an accident. Instead of taking

active and concrete steps to address the problem, they would despair, complain and give up. Finally, they

deteriorate into inertia. When they ultimately fail, they would blame the failure on others or external

circumstances rather than reflecting on their own foibles of humanity. Those are the people who only look

at the dark sides of the matters and few of them would truly succeed.

By contrast, people with a positive and optimistic state of mind would endeavor to turn the negative

into the positive, through perseverance, stamina, and indefatigable efforts. Instead of lamenting over

mistakes, they will learn their lessons and stand up to challenges with the faith that “Impossible is

nothing.” With strong willpower, they would persist to the end, convinced that as long as they keep trying,

their hard efforts would ultimately pay off. Those are the people who can often succeed where others fail.

Obviously, they are the people whom we should try to emulate.



哪,全完了! ”;另一个则甚为淡定,态度来得更为正面,声称:“尚余些许。”
















2011年 小作文 推荐信:向你的朋友推荐你喜欢看的一部电影

Dear my friend:

I am so solemn to remand a movie of my favorite——Farewell to My Concubine. This film not only another the highest creative effort movie works of well-known director ChernKaiGe, but also the first Chinese movie got the prize of the Golden Palm in the Cannes Film Festival. A famous film star ZhangFengYing with the Gold Coke movie queen GongLi and the Hong Kong Gold Statue movie emperor ZhangGuoRong were attended in this film. For made a powerful performance of a time of life about two renowned actors with the sorrow and joy in Peking opera.

Classical movie should not miss this! I wish you have time to watch it.

Yours truly,

Li Ming



经典影片不容错过! 我希望你有时间去观看它。




Protecting the Environment of Tourist Attraction

In this picture, two tourists are taking a boat on a river and enjoying their good journey .They are sitting on the edge of boat side by side and eating a variety of food happily. And then a load of rubbish such as food leftovers, cans, bottles,watermelon peels, fish bones and food packaging bags were discarded by them into the river casually. And one time, the river was contaminated with these floating wastes and the beautiful scenery in the past days has wholly changed.

This picture describes that uncivilized phenomenon of picking up trash in the tourist attraction but is not merely an individual case. Many places of historic interest in China such as Great Wall, Palace Museum and landscape of Guilin are now facing a real environment crisis. The wastes we have seen anywhere not only devoured many fine scenes but also reduced the tour interest of visitors.

There is no denying the fact that the pollution of tourist attraction is a pressing problem: the local government authorities must join hands with the scenic area governors and should take strong measures to deal with it. However, protecting the environment of tourist attraction also expects every traveler do his duty. Let us take nothing away but the photos. Leave nothing here but the footsteps. If everyone makes a small effort, the aspect of scenic area will make a big change appearance.




2010年 小作文:招聘志



Recriminate announcement

In order to eich the activities of the Postgraduate Association and to provide an arena for the students to exercise their social skills, we have decided to recruit volunteers from our university for an international conference on globalization to be held on July21, 2010 in Beijing. If you have ability of good English listening and speaking, young and enthusiastic and interested in the volunteering for this conference,please send your resume to us as soon as possible, before the deadline on March31,2010.Our office in the room 405 of the main office building, the telephone number is 123456789.

Postgraduate Association





Cultural Hotpot

According to the drawing, I can see a boiling hotpot which was filled to the brim with ingredients of culture. These ingredients include Peking Opera and Swan Lake, LaoShe and Shakespeare, BiSheng and Einstein, Confucianism, Humanism and Post-modernism. The best cultural features both of home and abroad were gathered at the Cultural Hotpot not only ancient and modern, but also delicious and nutritious.

The vivid picture depicted a very common phenomenon in our society. With the China?s economic development and improvement of its citizens? live, an increasing number of people are beginning to pay close attention to that culture exchanges between China and the world. On the hand, Chinese people not only concerned about China?s traditional and modern culture and act, but also eager to know about the trends of culture development across the planet, and to learn about different styles and schools of the act. On the other hand, the foreigner, who came to China with their traditional and advanced culture, at the same time, also like eating the Chinese food and wearing Chinese traditional clothes.

In my opinion, the cultural exchange between west and east is very important and useful. In the modern world, the advanced culture of any nation has never been an isolated phenomenon, but the product of extensive exchanges with other culture.





2009年 小作文 建议信:减少使用塑料袋

Dear editor:

As a faithful reader of your newspaper, now I want to show some issues about the “White Pollution.”

It is well known that the Chinese government has made a regulation to ban the supermarkets and other shops to use the plastic bags for free since June 1st of 2008. But I find some place also provide the free plastic bags for their customers.I think we should take some useful measures to aim this case: firstly, the government departments should strength the control and management; secondly, the citizens should increase their environmental concept. Of course, I know my own limit, so I hope you to appeal all the people reduce to use plastic bags.

Yours truly,

Li Ming








The Near or Far Among the Internet

As is illustrated in this cartoon,the vast majority of people sitting in front of computers and getting on the Internet are divided into several absolute parts and closely connected with each other by a mortal and spider-web-like information super highway . In end of this picture, there is a topic which says: the near or far among the Internet.

At first glance, the Internet seems to close the relationship among us; it provides a great convenience to our life. We can live in individual rooms only though a thin cable can communicate with others or search the information what we want to need. But while we are enjoying the Internet times which has brought the convenient and fast for us, many people are being become to be the salver of the Internet. They waste their precious time to chat with total stranger or play endless on-line game in the cyberspace and apart from their friends and family numbers in the reality. A significant number of them have got addicted to the Internet by immersing in the visional space and shutting real world out all together.

Therefore, the Internet is a sword with two blades. It?s just a useful tool for us, we can only to utilize it sever for us but never indulge ourselves in it. To fact the wonderful cyber world, we need wisdom head and ordinary mood to strive a counterbalance the merits and setbacks and make good use of the Internet resources to their favor.



乍看上去,因特网似乎拉近了我们之间联系,它为我们的生活提供了极大的便利.我们能够在个人空间里只通过一条细细的网线便可以和其他人交流或者查询自己想要的信息。但是当我们正在享受因特网时代带来的便捷的时候,许多人正在沦为互联网的奴隶,浪费着他们宝贵的时间在虚拟空间里与自己毫不相干的陌生人聊天或者无休无止地玩网络游戏而疏远了现实中的家人和朋友。他们中大多数完全深陷网络的虚拟空间里不能自拔而把现实生活拒之门外。 因而,网络是一把双刃剑。它只是我们一个有用的工具,我们只能利用它为我们服务而不能沉迷其中。面对精彩的网络世界,我们需要明智的头脑和平常心在网络带来的利弊之间找到平衡,好好利用网络资源为自己服务。

2008年 小作文 道歉信:对忘记归还朋友CD的行为进行道歉


2011年大作文: “旅途之余”——旅游与环保


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments.


, (常用套话,引出画面内容) sitting on the boat and enjoying their sightseeing, a couple of youngsters are throwing rubbish into the sea.

The implied meaning of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of (常用套话,引出寓意)environmental protection and public manners. On the one hand, people tend to 沈阳建筑大学外国语学院刘剑锋 1

personal and economic interests, ignoring . environment has been polluted so seriously that environmental protection should be put on the agenda immediately. the inappropriate public manners such as littering and spitting are also one of the major factors causing environmental problems. If we let it go as it is, the nature will take revenge on human being sooner or later.

To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must promote and . (常用套话,引出解决方案) (常用解决方案一:政府层面)change the practice of sacrificing long-term environmental health for short-term rapid economic development. (常用解决方案二:群众层面:提高意识)(常用套话,

沈阳建筑大学外国语学院刘剑锋 2

2010年考研大作文:文化火锅——文化交流 (史上第一大难题)


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments.


沈阳建筑大学外国语学院刘剑锋 3


(常用套话,引出画面内容) there is a boiling hot pot containing various ingredients of multi-cultures. These pluralistic cultures can be categorized as celebrities home and abroad as Bi Sheng, Lao She,Shakespeare, and Einstein, philosophical concepts as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, benevolence, ritual, humanism, Enlightenment, post-modernism and deconstruction, as well as performing arts as Beijing Opera, Gong Fu, Liang Zhu and Swan

(常用套话,引出寓意) instead of being outdated and of little value(常用套话)cultural blending should be encouraged and maintained. On the one hand, mosaic cultures are part of the universal heritage of humanity and they are powerful means of bringing together diverse peoples and social groups. cultural reintegration has become indispensable as a means of promoting further culture development and maintenance. for China,

as for any other rapidly developing country, there is a danger that age-old customs and traditions may become lost in the shadows of modernization. If Liang Zhu, Beijing Opera or Swan Lake be a tragedy of immeasurable multi-cultures can be kept alive by people with the time to do so, and is extremely vital in

successful commercialization efforts, unwavering 沈阳建筑大学外国语学院刘剑锋 4

2009年大作文:网络的“近”与“远”——流行文化 Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments.

