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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 23:32:18 小学作文




eg.Where to Live-----in the City or in the Country?

Where to Live ----in a Large Family or a Small


Which to Prefer ---Private Cars or Public


Many people appreciate the conveniences of … But…is also attractive. With…

Both…and…, however, have their own disadvantages. In…And…also has many problems, such as…

As far as I’m concerned, I…So, given the chance, I would prefer to….

万能框架2 (解决问题)

eg.For a Better Understanding Between Parents and Children

For a Better Understanding Between Consumers and Manufacturers

For a Better Understanding Between Audience and Spring Festival Galas

Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between…often complain about…, while…usually think…Then, when…

There are some possible reasons for the present situation. First, …Second, …Finally, …As a result, the gap between them is growing wider and wider.

To bridge…gap, in my opinion, both…and…should make an effort. …As for their…, both…should make allowance for each other. If they will take the first step by…, it won’t be long before the arrival of a better understanding between 万能框架3 (社会现象,焦点评论)

eg. Advertisements on TV

Examination Cheating Pirate Books

Today more and more…are seen… It is difficult to…without…Occasionally…In a word, whether you …it or not, …pours into…

In general, there are…main reasons leading to the prevalence of…With the development of…many…have realized the important role of…What is more, …are interested in…

As far as I am concerned, I…because…But there is no denying that…Therefore, I think it is really high time that… 万能框架4(对事物的不同观点)

eg. On Making Friends

On Bargains On Advertising

…one can hardly…every sign points to the fact that …In fact…

Some people believe…while others think that…Whatever comment one may make…If…and if …and if…then…

With different outlooks, individuals may have different principles in…As far as I am concerned, I would…I will… 万能框架5(社会问题:污染、希望工程,诚信;家庭计划)

eg.The “Project Hope”

Environmental Pollution Cheating

…is the key …However, …Therefore, …is determined to…

…is of great necessity. As we know, …not only…but also…Moreover, China, as a developing country, is not likely…Therefore, …

My suggestion is that…


eg. Good Health

Friendship Success

The desire for…is universal. Especially nowadays, the possession of…is regarded by nearly everyone as …Only…can we expect to…

How to…then? First, …Second, …Finally, …

As for me, I have always been taking care to…So, I can… 万能框架7(针对不良现象)

eg.Tobacco Consumption

Job Problem for Graduates Car Accidents Declining

…is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s world…can be seen everywhere…As is shown in the graph, … …Furthermore, …As a result, …experiencing a decrease…So I believe a …tomorrow…will be achieved through efforts of every person. 万能框架8(批评式)

eg. Comparison and Uealistic Competition

Breaking Promise / “Falun Gong” / Aids /


As…nowadays many people swarm into the tide of…we may observe that some of …are nothing but…should…just like …by…

However, the reasons for this phenomenon are complicated and such…are very harmful not only to…but to our society. For example, some people want to…such as…based on… With…expect to… with a sense of… while… based mainly on… Nevertheless… undermine… which will, in the long run, undermine the rapid…development of our country, too.

So, it’s high time that we took measures to put an end to any kind of…We many…or fortify special law into effect. And what’s more, why can’t these people…and… 万能框架9(揭示说明问题—解决问题)

eg. The Ups and Downs of Population Growth

The Prejudice against Women

Changes in College Students’ way of Spending

Summer Vacation

As is clearly shown by the…Obviously…

There are…reasons for this…One is that…Another (important) reason lies in the fact that…(What’s more…) Therefore… To…I suggest/think…In a word, if…there is certain to be… 万能框架10(批评与建议)

Eg. Overpollution and Land Roads and Cars

The two pictures show us that…If this situation goes on, we will surely have… It is most likely that…not only…but also…First…Second…Last but not least…

Only on the basis of…In my opinion…Otherwise… 二.过渡词

过渡词的分类:根据过渡词在文章中的作用,大致可分四类: A. 用于“启”的过渡词语

first, first of all, at first ,in the first place, firstly , to begin with ,to start with, recently , now, at present, in recent years 等 B. 用于“承”的过渡词语

second, secondly ,similarly, in addition ,besides, then, furthermore, moreover , what is more, what is worse, for

example, for instance, certainly ,surely, obviously, in other words ,especially, particularly, in particular ,indeed, still ,third, thirdly ,truly ,in fact , in plain terms(=simply speaking ), in practice, for the most part ( 基本上),at the same time , no doubt 等 C. 用于“转”的过渡词语

however , on the other hand ,on the contrary ,in contrast ,in any case, at any rate (无论如何),conversely(相反的),nevertheless, otherwise, or ,or else, while…, whereas …,but ,despite…, in spite of …, yet , instead等 D. 用于“和”的过渡词语

Consequently , as a consequence, therefore, as a result, above all (=most important), thus , after all (毕竟), generally speaking , in general, finally , at last , eventually, hence, in short(总之) , in conclusion , in a word(总之简言之) ,in sum (总之), on the whole(就整体而言) , to sum up 等



句型1 X is mach (a great deal, a lot ,considerably, somewhat, a bit , a little, slightly, hardly , scarcely, only just) smaller (bigger , cheaper) than Y

句型2 X is exactly (precisely, just, practically, more or less, almost, nearly, approximately, about)the same as Y

句型3 X is quite (completely, entirely, totally) different from Y 句型4 X is not quite as/so big (expensive, interesting etc.) as Y 句型5 X and Y are different in every way (respect )

句型6 X and Y have a little (something ,much,etc,) in common

句型7 one of the differences between X and Y is that… 句型8 with regard to…, x is bigger than y 句型9 x is different from y in that…

句型10 on the one hand, x is (has ,does)…; on the other (hand), x is (has ,does)

表示因果的句型 句型1

The cause of/ reason for higher prices was an increase in demand. 句型2

The / one effect/consequence/ result of an increase in demand is higher prices. 句型3

The demand has increased. Therefore / so / as a result / accordingly / consequently / because of this / thus / hence / for this reason / now the prices are higher. 句型4

because /as /since / now that the demand has increased, the prices are higher. 句型5

An increase in demand often causes / results in / leads to / produces higher prices. 句型6

Higher prices are caused by / due to an increase in demand 句型7

The prices are higher because of / as a result of / on account of / owing to / through /because /since/as there is an increase in demand. 句型8

When /If there is an increase in demand, (then) prices rise. 其他句型:


A number of/The majority of/A lot of/A few/most/A minority of students are /were able to obtain all their course books from the libraries. 句型2

During the period 1874-1974 / From 1874 to 1974 /Since 1874 /For a hundred years/From 1874 to1974, … 句型3

As can be seen from /in the chart/ diagram /table /graph, … 句型4

According to / as is shown in table1 / figure2 / chart3 /… 句型5

It can be seen from the chart/ diagram / table /graph/figures /statistics that … 句型6

There is / was /has been a slight / small / slow /gradual / steady / large / dramatic / sharp / rapid / sudden rise / increase / fluctuation / decrease / decline / reduction / fall / drop / in prices / population / production / personal incomes / demand/ water supply 句型7

in relation to x A is twice / three time as high / large as B 句型8

Compared with x, y is 句型9

It is generally / widely accepted / argued / held / believed that… 句型10

Therefore /thus/on this basis/ given this it can be / may concluded /deduced/ inferred that… 句型11

From the table /figures / data / results / information it can / may be

seen / concluded /shown / estimated /calculated /inferred that… 句型12

In conclusion / in short / in a word / finally we can/may say/it can /may be saidthat 句型13

The first thing/ first of all we have / I should like to consider… 句型14

It is a fact / there is no doubt / I believe that…

One of the main arguments in favor of / against x is that … 句型15

I agree / disagree with x when he writes /says that… 句型16

X is correct, but / however /on the other hand


四年级作文技法:修改作文 一、基本方法有六种,可以用六个字来概括,即,“增、删、改、调、换、留”。







第一:着眼全篇,从整体到局部进行修改 一提到作文修改,有的同学可能就认为这简单,不就是看文中有没有错别字,病句嘛。于是一动笔就埋头于词句的修改中,对作文整体的失误却没有察觉,这样做是本末倒置,无益于作文水平的提高。

从全局出发,一看作文中心是否明确,是否有新意,二、看所选材料是否紧紧围绕中心,三考虑作文整体框架方面的环节,文章结构是否紧凑,布局详略是否合理,过渡是否自然,四考虑句式的选用,进行词语的锤炼。 只有从全篇入手进行修改,才能统观全局,从大的背景上权衡得失,局部修改才能有依据,才能有效的提高作文水平。




那么如何做到“清”与“通”呢?我认为可以从以下几点去做: (1)句子要简单完整。中学生在作文时,尽量不用或少用复杂的长句,尽量用些短句,在修改时要看文中有无病句,要让每个句子都能准确无误的说清楚一个意思。



(4)注意标点符号的运用,分清句读。 许多同学平时不太注意标点符号的用法作文时一“逗”到底,甚至一篇文章中没有一个标点,仅用一个圆点表示停顿。这种做法是很不好的,须知标点符号如同人的五官,必须清朗明白,千万不可忽视标点符号的用法。





(3)要精心分析所写的句子是否会产生歧义,是否不合逻辑,一定要做到句意明晰。 (4)文章不能以量压人,要做到内容充实,该长则长,该短则短。 第四:注意文体,力求得体,合乎规范







修改作文的方法有哪几种修改作文的方法有哪几种修改作文的方法有哪几种修改作文的方法有哪几种????作文是改出来的,学生的修改能力是培养出来的。老师除了加强修改作文专项 训练外,还要教会学生修改作文的方法。通过多年的教学实践,我总结出修改作文的五种方法:朗读修改法、同学互评法、时间冷却法、老师讲评法、佳作参考法。 《小学语文大纲》中明确规定,要培养学生修改作文的能力。为什么要修改作文?修改作文有哪些好的方法呢?经过实践积累,我认为首先应该让学生从思想上认识到修改作文的重要性。这方面的例子举不胜举,被选入小学课本的《乌鸦和狐狸》《狼和小羊》这两篇文章的作者——俄国杰出的寓言作家克雷诺夫,他对自己的作品总是不断地修改,直到每一句都掷地有声形象生动为止。例如他写的寓言《杜鹃和雄鸡》,草稿有二百多行,后来经过反复修改,到发表时只有二十一行了,正是由于他不断地修改自己的作品,力求出精品,所以它的作品在世界上广为流传。大作家尚且如此,更何况我们所面对的是初学写作的小学生呢。一篇作文即使是经过了认真地构思,也不可能一下笔就十全十美,往往会存在着丢字落字,重复罗嗦,层

次零乱,详略不详等毛病,经过修改,文中不妥的地方减少了,明显的错误纠正了,学生的作文质量也就提高了。在修改中发现自己的不足,以后就可以少犯这样的错误,而亲手纠正自己的存在的问题以后,又可以从中吸取教训,进而掌握写作规律。可见写作文一定要养成多修改的好习惯。 在教学实践中,我总结了修改作文的五种方法: 一.朗读修改法。完成习作后,出声地朗读几遍,让自己的耳朵当“老师”。说来奇怪,文章一朗读,什么地方丢字落字,什么地方不流畅,什么地方有毛病,都听出来了.凡是读起来绕口,听起来别扭的地方,就仔细查找问题,进行修改.例如,有一个同学在作文中这样写到“一进校园,我首先第一个看到的就是那富饶的假山”。当他朗读此句时,总觉得别扭,后经仔细思考,认为“首先”与“第一个”保留其一 ,避免重复.又觉得用“富饶”来形容假山有些不妥,改为用”造型新颖”更为合适.修改好的句子再来读一读,觉得流畅多了.看来“耳朵”这个老师还真挺称职,把毛病都挑了出来。另外朗读自改法对于作文中的丢字落词现象,修改有明显的错误的句子现象是快捷有效的修改方法。 二.同学互评法。俗语说“当局者迷,旁观者清”因为自己写的作文,是自己心理想说的话,而别人并不知道你在想什麽,只能凭文字来理解。往往会出现自己写的不清楚,可是自己明白,别人却不明白。正因如此,同学互评就显得十分必要了,彼此‘横挑鼻子竖挑眼’一番,作文中存在的问题,就难逃“法眼”了。可不要小瞧这一位位小老师,工作起来蛮有水平的。一位写作能力挺强的学生在作文中的好词佳句不断,比喻拟人交错使用,可是一到‘小老师’那就通不过了“你一会儿写花,一会儿写蓝天,一会儿又写树,一会儿又写小草,按着你这样的顺序,读完作文害得我象吃了‘点头丸’似的,忽上忽下”,小作者也不服气,辩解自己就是按这个顺序观察的。二人争执不下,找老师理论。老师因势利导,讲解了观察顺序的重要性和观察方法。两位同学点头称是。不见得‘小老师’比小作者的水平高多少,但能挑出毛病来加以改正,写作水平就会在这一次次的修改中提高。 三.老师讲评法。老师讲评要精,具有代表性,我仅以小学第五册教材中第三篇作文,是一幅看图作文为例。 例句 分析原因 修改方法 类似病句 其中错误类型是教师教给学生的知识,例句是学生作文中的原句,分析原因和修改方法是这次讲评的重点,需要教师引导学生发现并改正。类似病句则是让学生在讲评后自查,是否自己的作文还存在着这样的不足。依照此表,进行讲评,学生积极性提高,记


makes things worse is that______.

A处可以填环境污染(environmental pollution)\乱穿马路(jaywalking)\浪费现象(waste phenomenon)等

3. 现在,??很普遍,许多人喜欢??,因为??,另外(而且)??。

Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.

4. 关于??人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)??,在他们看来,??

People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______. To them,_____.

Opinions 可以改为ideas\views

5. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题??,这个问题变得越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem ______, which is becoming more and more serious.

6. ??已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

______ has become among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

7. ??在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

Play an important role 是个固定结构,什么什么扮演者重要的角色或发挥着重大作用。 中间段落句

1. ??对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,??。而且??,最重要的是??

______is necessary and important to our country’s development and construction. First,______.What’s more, _____.Most important of all,______.

2. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以??。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

3. 面临??,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来??。一方面??,另一方面,

Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another,______

4. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说??,另外??。所有这些方法肯定会??(有效)。

It is high time (是时候)that something was done about it. For example. _____.In addition. _____.All these measures will certainly______. (effective)

5. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,??也有它的不利的一面,象??。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______. advantages(优势、长处)和disadvantages(不足、缺点)


6. 尽管如此,我相信??更有利。

______. Last but not least,______.

7. 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是??

If we can not take useful means\measures, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.

常用短语:首先firstly 其次 secondly 最后 in the end.

例如 for example , for instance.但 for example 后面一般跟句子。 For instance 后面一般跟短语,表示列举。

另外 What’s more, 为了什么什么 in order to do something 。 In order to prevent the pollution ,the government has been taken many measures. 为了防治污染政府已经采取了许多措施。

中国式过马路 Chinese style road crossing , 乱穿马路 jaywalking

现象 phenomenon 交通秩序 traffic order 交通事故 traffic accident。

升级道路安全措施 Upgrade road safety facilities 修建过街天桥 building overpass 更科学的安排交通信号灯Arranging traffic lights more scientifically.

中国的现代化 china’s modernization 城市化 urbanization

Running red light 闯红灯 市民citizens总之, above all. 农民工 migrant workers 留守儿童stay-at-home children leftover childrenleft behind children

照顾 look after 、care最后的final

整合社会资源 integrate social resources 独居的老人 isolated elders 孤独的 lonely. We should pay more attention to the leftover children. 多关注

Chinese netizens have launched an online campaign against waste on dining tables, calling for people to take uneaten food home after banquets. The campaign dubbed "clean your plate" has received great support on Sina Weibo.

A large number of restaurants in Beijing have also joined the move against wasting food by offering smaller dishes and half-portioned dishes.



光盘行动”的英译是Operation Empty Plate,亦可直接表达为"clean your plate" campaign 小份菜(smaller dishes) 、半份菜(half-portioned dishes) 、将剩菜打包带回家(take leftovers home) 。奢侈 luxury。Thrifty 节约的

make a great progress,取得了巨大的进步。

Our country’s economical construction has made a great progress in recent years. 我们国家的经济建设近年来取得了巨大的进步。
