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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 18:24:44 英语作文



EACH and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.


The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually. That's enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.


Surprised? Well, here's how you can work to reduce it:

1. 开始计算你自己的碳排放量。这个数据是你的起点,从这里开始你可以监控自己的进展。接下来,你可以记录一些细节,例如:你所居住的公寓的情况,你的个人能源消费及旅游习惯。

1.Get started by calculating your own carbon footprint. This will give you a starting point from which to begin monitoring your progress. You enter details such as what sort of apartment you live in, your personal energy use and travel habits.

2. 每周有一天吃素。由于烹饪肉类耗时较长,所以耗能更多。此外,动物打嗝、放屁时会产生另一种危险的温室气体--甲烷。

2. Each week, choose one day when you don't eat meat. Meat uses up lots of energy because it takes a long time to produce. Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

3. 只买适量的食物,如有剩饭要富有创新精神。例如:将剩菜做成汤。在餐厅吃饭,如有剩饭一定要打包。但是,切记要适用自己的饭盒,避免用一次性饭盒。

3. Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers, get creative. For instance, make them into a soup. Ask to take food home from restaurants if there's some left, but remember to take your own container to avoid using a disposable carton.

4. 了解身边的回收利用设施。然后,确保把纸张、塑料瓶等物品分开以方便回收。也有回收电器、电池的地方,确保你能找到它们。

4. Find out what the recycling options are in your area. Then make sure you keep items such as paper and plastic bottles separate so that they can be recycled. There are places where you can recycle electronic appliances and batteries. Make sure you find them.

5. 使用节能灯泡节省能源。它们的耗电量仅是普通灯泡的三分之一,持续时间却是后者的10倍。

5. Conserve energy by using efficient light bulbs. They use about one-third of the energy of normal bulbs and last 10 times as long.

6. 热水器不用就别开,温度控制不要过热。烧水时在锅上盖好盖子。

6. Only turn the water heater on when necessary, and adjust temperature controls to avoid overheating. Put a lid on a pan when boiling water.

7. 使用后的废水将被处理,此时污水中的部分甲烷会释放到大气中。建议采用喷头淋浴而非浴缸。缩短两分钟洗澡时间,省水同时为自己多争取两分钟睡眠时间。

7. After use, waste water has to be treated, and some methane from sewage escapes into the atmosphere. Take showers rather than baths and reduce your shower time by two minutes. This will save water and give you an extra two minutes in bed.

8. 使用洗衣机时,确认满载,如果衣服不是很脏就把温度调低。

8. When using the washing machine, be sure there's a full load and turn the temperature down if it's not really grubby.

9. 和洗衣机一样位列“最贪婪”家电的就是电冰箱了。电冰箱要避免太阳直射,远离微波炉或火炉,尽量保证它的工作效率。另外,切记不要把热的食物放进冰箱。

9. The greediest home device along with the washing machine is the fridge. Make sure it's as efficient as possible by keeping it out of direct sunlight and away from the oven or heater. Don't put food in when it's still warm.

10. 这一点很明显也很重要:不使用时,关掉所有电器,包括灯。

10. This is obvious, but essential: switch off all appliances when you're not using them. This includes lights.

11. 门底或窗户缝进风时,没必要提高室内温度。再密封一下窗户缝就可以留住热气了。

11. There's no point having the heat up high while the wind's blowing in under the door or sneaking in through the window. Reseal all window frames to keep the heat in.

12. 取消不必要的打印工作,纸张两面都可打印,尽量减少页边空白。

12. Only print things out when necessary, and print double-sided and reduce the margins.

13. 在单位尽量使用自己的杯子和餐具。这能减少一次性杯子和餐具的废弃量--但是,这就意味着洗餐具要消耗很多水。因此,洗餐具时要注意用水方法。

13. Take your own mug and cutlery to work. This saves throwing away disposable cups and containers - but that could be outweighed by washing your cutlery. So, pay attention to how you use water when washing your dishes.

14. 食品生产耗能巨大。买食品时,请尽量选择当地食品而非进口食品,买新鲜蔬菜而不是冷冻食品。

14. Food production eats up lots of energy. When you buy food, go local rather than imported, and get fresh vegetables instead of frozen.

15. 使用可再用、可循环、可降解物品。记得使用可再用的购物袋。

15. Look for reusable, recyclable, biodegradable items and remember to carry your reusable shopping bags!

16. 尽量买高质量,寿命长的商品,尽管这可能会有一点贵。笔记本电脑比台式电脑效率更高,小屏幕电视比宽屏电视要好。

16. Try to buy high-quality, long-lasting products even though they may cost a little more. A laptop is more efficient than a desktop, and a small screen TV is better than a big flat-screen.

17. 不要购买没必要的衣物,对衣物料子的选择要谨慎。羊毛和棉织品有很强的温室气体影响。人造纤维,例如伸缩尼龙就是个更好的选择。

17. Don't purchase unnecessary clothes, and be careful about the materials you buy. Wool and cotton fabrics have a really high greenhouse gas impact. Manmade fibers such as polyester are a better choice.

18. 所有机动化的外出旅行都会产生二氧化碳。公共汽车和火车会比汽车好,而步行和骑自行车更好。这不仅有益身心健康,还很便宜。

18. All motorized travel is carbon-intensive. Buses and trains are better than cars, but walking or cycling is better still. It's also better for your health and cheaper.

19. 相比而言,航空旅行简直就是环境灾难。除了二氧化碳,飞机还释放出另外一种有害气体--一氧化碳。

19. Air travel is an environmental disaster. As well as carbon dioxide, planes emit nitrogen oxide, another nasty gas.

20. (碳评论博客写手)Chris Goodall曾说:“研究这个问题,从中找到适合中国的选项。一起讨论接下来该怎么做。努力用中国的熟练技能为世界其他国家提供答案。如果气候变化问题持续不加以抑制,中国也将不能自给自足。我们没有选择。我们不得不采取行动。”

20. Chris Goodall says: "Study the issues. Understand the options

available to China. Get involved in the debates about what to do. Find ways of using the country's immense skills to provide answers to the rest of the world. If climate change goes on unchecked, China will not be able to feed itself. Water will run out. We have no choice. We have to act."

21. 了解当地致力于防备气候变化的组织。多了解该方面信息,积极参与活动、传播消息。

21. Find out about local groups that are committed to combating climate change. Stay informed, get involved, and spread the word.

绿领工人 green-collar worker 碳减排 carbon emission reduction

碳浓度 carbon intensity 绿色信贷 Green Credit

碳税 carbon tax 碳足迹 carbon footprint 碳减排 carbon emission reduction

《京都议定书》Kyoto Protocol 大功率电器 high-power electrical appliance

一次性筷子 disposable chopstick 污水治理 sewage treatment

可再生能源 renewable energy 绿色“生物燃料” biofuel

馏出燃料 distillate fuel 地热 ground-source heat

液化天然气 liquefied natural gas 可燃冰 flammable ice

碳排放与交易 Cap and trade 自然保护区 nature reserve

生态旅游 ecotourism 全面禁烟 carpet smoking ban

再生水 recycled water 可再生能源 renewable energy

污水治理 sewage treatment 可回收的旧报纸 scrap-newspaper

无车日 car-free day 世界环境日 World Environment Day

污染者负担的政策 "the-polluters-pay" policy

环保执法检查 environmental protection law enforcement inspection

限期治理 undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time

生态示范区 eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region

白色污染 white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)

可降解一次性塑料袋 throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags

有机污染物 organic pollutants

三废综合利用 multipurpose use of three types of wastes(waste water, waste gas, solid waste) 城市垃圾无害化处理率 decontamination rate of urban refuse

垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill

垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator

防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation

森林砍伐率 deforestation rate 水土流失 water and soil erosion

土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization

生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture

水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone

海水淡化 sea water desalinization

造林工程 afforestation project

绿化面积 afforested areas; greening space

森林覆盖率 forest coverage 防风林 wind breaks






Online Games

As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking(缺乏) self-discipline(自制力)these games so that their health and academic(学术的) performances are affected. This phenomenon(现象) has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters(年轻人) to respond to things quickly. (刺激,激发) their imagination and their interest in computer science. it does bring college students much pleasure and release(释放) their pressure greatly. online games are a wonderful entertainment(娱乐) if you play them in a reasonable(合理的) way. When they interfere(干扰) too (然而)if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain(获得,得到) real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.


1.a great many 大量的,许多;

2.indulge in 放纵,沉溺于;

3.from my point of view 在我看来(可作为最后总结自己观点的通用模版句);

4.give up 放弃。


1.however 然而

2.moreover 而且,此外(表递进);

3.more importantly更重要的是。









Social Practice of College Students

Nowadays encourage and organize students to social practice activities. During the holidays, students in mounting numbers choose to be the volunteers(志愿者), take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike(类似的)social practice (play a/an ?? role in ?? 在??中扮演一个??的角色) China’s college education.

social practice. , they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside campus. , in social practice activities, the solution (此外), social practice helps strengthen(增强) students’ sense of social it is necessary for college students to social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking ignore(忽视) , we the relationship between social practice and study.






1. on one’s own account 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

(=at one’s own risk) 自行负责(=by oneself)依靠自己

2. take…into account(=consider)把..考虑进去

3. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

4. account for 解释,说明

5. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为

6. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

7. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告

8. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。

9. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

10. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理





Certificate(证书) Craze(狂热) on Campus quite possibly, you may get the answer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear(出现)? that forces(逼迫) college students to get lot more graduates(毕业生) have to face the fierce(激烈的) competition(竞争) in the job market(市场). How can one make himself more competitive(有竞争力的)? More certificates at hand, maybe. Furthermore, diploma(学位证书) and 至关重要的) standards(标准) employers measure(衡量) a person’s ability. increase the qualifications(质量) for a job, the students compel(强迫) themselves to run from one exam to another. (理性的) certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove(证明)one’s ability. Being crazy(疯狂的) in getting certificates blindly(盲目地) is nothing but wasting time. we should improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical(实际的) value.


1.in recent years 近年来;、

2.on campus 在校园里;

3.a good many 大量的;

4.in order to 为了;

5.when it comes to 当提及??时;

6.to conclude 总之(可作为总结用的通用短语);


3.to begin with 首先

4.Furthermore 而且,此外


1.There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon.




3.it is ?? that ??表示强调









Extravagant(过度的) Spending on College Campus

a survey, the monthly expenditure(花费) of a college (没有??概念)thrift(节俭) in their mind. They take it for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into the society. This extravagant spending is primarily caused by the following factors. are the apple in their family’s eyes and naturally(自然地) get more care(关心) and pocket (负担得起) higher expenditure of their children. Moreover, some students like to pursue(追随) fashion and trends(趋势)is also a possible factor causing extravagant spending. 纯粹的) consumer(顾客,消费者), should learn to be thrifty(节约的). We should limit (限制)our expenditure on of thrift can help us form right values(价值观念) development.


1.according to 根据??

2.in recent years 近年来

3.take sth. for granted 认为某事是理所应当的

4.with the improvement of 随着??的发展

5. be favorable to 对??有利


2.first of all 首先

3.in addition 此外

3.finally 最后

4.regardless of 不管,不顾






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Good habits result from resisting temptation”. You may cite some examples support you view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.





第三段:再次强调抵御诱惑对于培养好习惯很重要+我们自己具体应该怎么做 范文:(好习惯都源于抵制诱惑)

Good habits result from resisting temptation



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:



Online Games

As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents.

However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Certificate Craze on Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:



Certificate Craze on Campus

In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear?

There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon. To begin with, it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand, maybe. Furthermore, diploma and certificates are still vital standards by which a good many employers measure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.

From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certificates blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.参考译文:




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Extravagant Spending on College Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:




Extravagant Spending on College Campus

According to a survey, in recent years the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students have no concept of thrift in their mind. They take it for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into the society. This extravagant spending is primarily caused by the following factors.

First of all, nowadays most of the students are the only children of their families. They are the apple in their family’s eyes and naturally get more care and pocket money. In addition, with the improvement of living standards, parents can afford higher expenditure of their children. Moreover, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which tend to need more money. Finally, campus love is also a possible factor causing extravagant spending.

From my point of view, a college student, as a pure consumer, should learn to be thrifty. We should limit our expenditure on daily necessities but not buy whatever we want regardless of their prices. The habit of thrift can help us form right values

and is favorable to our future development.





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Social Practice of College Students. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:




Social Practice of College Students

Nowadays a large number of universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, students in mounting numbers choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. It is obvious that social practice is playing an increasingly essential role in China’s college education.

Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside campus. What is more, in social practice activities, students can apply their theoretical knowledge to the solution to the practical problems. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.

Considering the above-mentioned, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Hence, we should try to balance the relationship between social practice and study. 参考译文:





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Frustration Education should be Strengthened among College Students. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline:




Frustration Education should be Strengthened among College Students

It is universally acknowledged that college students should be guided correctly to face frustrations in life. Frustration is inevitable during our life, and frustration education should be carried out among colleges and universities. The truth of it is deep and profound.

A great many remarkable illustrations contribute to this argument. A case in point is that there are an increasing number of college students committing suicide each year when confronted with some kind of frustration. This is close to suggest that strengthening frustration education allows of no delay. As a matter of fact, it seems that successful people tend to be good at dealing with frustrations. Moreover, most of the students are often annoyed and discouraged by frustrations instead of drawing lessons.

Judging from the evidence offered, we might safely draw the conclusion that frustration education is essential to the college students. But what is worth noting is colleges should also provide psychological service for the students while giving frustration education. To conclude, college students should be guided in the right path when facing setbacks in life.






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Test for Civil Servants. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:




Test for Civil Servants

In recent years, there are people in expanding numbers who have participated in the test for civil servants. Millions of students choose civil servant as their most ideal occupation after graduation. And among them, the high-educated, like masters and doctors, take quite a large percentage. The craze in civil servant test has attracted widespread attention.

The following fundamental causes can account for this kind of craze. First and foremost, nowadays college students face great employment pressure. Civil servant, as one of the most stable professions in today’s China, becomes their preferable choice. Moreover, recently, the welfare and salary of civil servants have been improved greatly, which undoubtedly attracts many people. Last but not least, the high social position of civil servants is a crucial factor drawing many people to take part in the civil servant test.

In my opinion, this craze in civil servant test will continue in the following years. However, from the long run, it does not do good to the development of our nation. If most high quality talents gather in the government departments, it might lead to a waste of resources. Accordingly, both the individuals and the government should have a more objective recognition of the civil servant test craze.参考译文:





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Attending TV PK Shows Does(or Does no) good to Young People. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:




Attending TV PK Shows Does No Good to Young People

Nowadays, TV PK shows are great hits in China and have attracted a large number of adolescents. Some youngsters even give up their studies to attend these shows in the hope of winning their fame overnight. Some people argue that these shows provide young people more chance to show talents, while others assume that attending
