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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 02:26:35 优秀作文


The table shows that sales data gathered by an university bookshop for February,1998.There are two types men usually buy books from the bookshop. They are non-book club members and book club members. The non-book clubs member figures are consist of sales to college staff, college students and members of the public. College staff purchased 332 magaazines,44 fiction and 29 non-fiction books and 31 fiction books. More college students bought 1249 magazines ,194 non-fiction books and 31 fiction books. More college students were sold to the college students. No fiction books were sold to members of public and they bought 122 non-fiction books and 82 magazines.

Book club members buy 76 fictions,942 non-fictions and 33 magazines. Contrast to the non-book club members ,book club members bought few magazines and purchased the more fictions and non-fictions.

Overall the book club members bought the few books than the non-book club members.


The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in

poverty in Australia in 1999.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting

Australia in 1999. Total 1,837,000 poor families has been selected in this study which is 11% of the total, varies from Aged family, no children family to families with children.

From the table, we can see clearly that the highest proportion group is the family with

children---what is more, the sole parent, 21% , about 232,000 families is on the first place. While couple with children, 12%, 933,000 is followed.

The Second higher group is families without children, from which single families without children is the most serious one --19% , 359,000 families and couple without children seems better , only 7% about 211,000 families.

And the smallest group should be the aged families which total is only 10%, among which single aged person is 6%, two percent higher than the aged couple.

Based on the data the table provided and what we analyzed above, we can draw the conclusion that Having children is the most crucial reason for being poor while aged is the less crucial one.

First, the subway systems in the six cities were opened in time sequence with London being the earliest (in 1863) and Los Angeles the latest ( in 2001 ). The underground railway system had their prime time in the 20th century, which saw the construction of 4 underground railway systems respectively in Paris (1900), in Tokyo (1927), in Washington DC (1976), and in Los Angeles (1981).

Second, seen from London to Los Angeles, which happened to be in chronological order of

subway construction, the above-mentioned six cities roughly revealed a trend of sharp decrease in the length of the subway route. London ranked No. 1 in this respect, with a length of 394km; Paris came next with 199km; Tokyo was No. 3 with 155km; Washington DC ranked No. 4 with 126 km. Kyoto and Los Angeles were the most interesting, with merely 11km and 28km respectively, nothing comparable with the top 4 cities.

Third, we see some really unexpected figures about the number of passengers transported by the subway system in these six cities. Tokyo took the lead with 1.927 billion; Paris came next with

1.191 billion; London was No. 3 with 775 million; Washington DC was No. 4 with 144 million. Los Angeles and Kyoto had 50 million and 45 million respectively. Therefore, we can see the big difference as compared with other cities.

Overall, the six cities revealed great differences in the history of subway construction, the length of subway lines and the yearly passenger transportation capability.

Average distance in miles traveled per person per year, by mode of


various means of transport.

The number of miles walked, cycled and travelled by local bus all decreased. Of these, the number of miles travelled by local bus decreased the most, from 429 miles in 1985 to 274 miles in 2000.The number of miles travelled by car, long distance bus, train and taxi all increased. The number of miles driven by car was 3,199 in 1985 and rose by 50% to 4,806 in 2000. The number of miles travelled by long distance bus more than doubled from 54 miles (1985) to 124 miles (2000). The number of miles driven by taxi trebled from 13 miles (1985) to 42 miles (2000). The use of other, unspecified, forms of transport also increased.

Overall, the number of miles travelled by the average English person rose from 4,740 miles in 1985 to 6,475 miles in 2000, with the increase of cars accounting for almost all of that increase.

The table above compares the percentage of national consumer expenditure by different categories in 2002.

As can be seen clearly, consumers spending on Food/Drinks/Tobacco accounted for the largest percentage in all five countries listed in the chart. This figure was highest in the Turkey at 32.14%, followed by 28.91% in Ireland, 18.8% in Spain, 16.36% in Italy and 15.77% in Sweden.

In terms of Clothing/Footwear, consumers in Italy spent the most on this item at 9%. This figure was approximately 2.5% higher than the amounts spent in Turkey, Spain and Ireland, and 3.6% higher than that spent in Sweden.

That last consumer item included in the chart is Leisure/Education. The largest amount of 4.35% spent on this item in Turkey was more than twice as high as the amount spent in Spain, which had the lowest figure. In between were Sweden and Italy-both around the 3.2% mark-and Ireland at 2.21%.

The differences in expenditure shown for each country are possibly reflective of relative differences in the cost of the items in question but not enough information is given in this chart to make that claim with any certainty.


在雅思考试A类小作文的四大基本图形(即曲线图、柱形图、饼图和表格图)中,表格图往往是广大考生所最头疼的图形了,很大一部分考生会碰到以下状况,比如表格看懂了,但是因为数据繁多而且凌乱,一时半会儿找不出很明显的特征,不知(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)从何下手;或是找到了很多特征,但是不知道用什么样的顺序、结构和衔接方式把这些特征条理清晰地传达出来;又或是大体清楚该写什么,怎么写,但是在具体写的时候,老是丢三落四的,把一些信息给遗漏掉了等等。这时,考生所面临的主要不是语言方面的问题,而是写作步骤和写作思路方面的问题,也就是不知道应该用什么样的步骤和思路把表格图中那些看似复杂无序的数据自然而且毫不遗漏地贯穿起来。本文将主要针对表格图的写作步骤及其写作思路展开探讨。下面将用一个典型的表格图实例来说明此类图形的解题策略。

The table below lists the number of nights of occupancy of hotel rooms in Australia during the peak month of September in the years 2000 and 2001 and the difference expressed in percentage.

首先,拿到考题以后,快速浏览题目中的文字信息,即The table below lists the number of nights occupancy of hotel rooms in Australia during the peak month of September in the years 2000 and 2001 and difference expressed in percentage,重点关注研究对象(nights occupancy)、数据类型(number and percentage)和时间(2000 and 2001)这三大要素,明确在主体段的写作中要注意数据类型的变化和时态一致问题。

其次,看题目中的表格图形,看图形时也要先看文字说明,包括标题、标注和单位,弄懂数据所代表的信息,而非数据本身。一般情况下,表格图中的文字说明还是比较容易识别的,就如同曲线图中的横纵轴一样。上图中横向代表不同的时间,纵向则代表不同的地区。但是通常表格的最后一列和最后一行要特别注意,有可能是数据的叠加、平均或者对比,这张图也是如此,最后一列代表不同时间之间的变化趋势及幅度,最后一行则是数据和变化的总结,曾经就有比较粗心的同学,出现了“Australia Total”的数量最多的笑话。同时,标题下方的单位(in thousand)和change前面的%千万不能遗漏,不然后面写的数据都是不准确的。





