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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 18:21:11 英语作文


My name is XXX. I was born in Xi'an. I lived in the Xi'an for nearly XX years. Now, please let me introduce Xi'an, one of the most historical city in China, to you.

As everybody knows, Xi'an, is the capital of the Shannxi province in China and it is a political, economic, cultural and transportation center of shaanxi province. As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history, Xi'an is one of the four great ancient capitals of China, because it is the capital of thirteen dynasties, including the Qin, Han and Tang dynasties. Its long history and rich cultural heritage have influenced generations of Chinese people, including me.

I had to introduce some attractions in Xi'an. As a world-famous attraction, Terra Cotta Warriors is located in Xi'an Lintong County which is surrounded by Lishan, Huaqing Hot Springs and the other famous attractions. If you have not been to Terra Cotta Warriors, you can't imagine it's prosperous and powerful in Qin Dynasty. As people all know, there are some other attractions in Xi'an, such as Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Small Eild Goose Pagoda, Bell Tower, Drum Tower and so on. They are also the historical attractions where tourists have to go, if the one want to know more about Xi'an or even Chinese cultural.

Xi'an not only has a long history of Chinese history cultural, but also has a long history of Chinese food cultural. Hui minority street which contains almost all of the snacks in Xi'an. If you visit Xi'an in summer, you have to taste the cold fermented glutinous rice(Lao Zao) which is made by restaurant owner who is kind-hearted and the cold rice noodles(Liang Pi) which can relieve summer heat for you. If you visit Xi'an in winter, you have to taste the most classic food which name is Mutton Soup with Bread in english and Yang Rou Pao Mo in

Chinese.Looking at the hot soup in front of you, you will become warm in

winter. Smelling the fragrant aroma of beef, you can not wait to put them into your mouth. When you finish your meal, you will in great satisfaction and want to eat more although you are already full.

These attractive features in Xi'an are just a drop in the bucket. The view in Xi'an is too beautiful to write for me. I just can not write one composition to introduce a complete Xi'an to you. So, why not to come to Xi'an and have an unforgettable experience yourself. I'm sure that you would never regret for this journey.



Dear Li Zhen

I will travel to Xi’an next week. I’ll go there by train and I’ll stay there for two days. On the first day, I’m going to walk along the walled City. It is over 600 years old. In the afternoon, I’ll go to climb up(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网) the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. I think it will be very interesting. On the second day .I’ll go to seethe Terra Cotta Warriors. I’ll take many photos there. Then I’ll come back by train.


English articles

Passage 1

Alone or together?

Nowadays there’re various ways transportation, so we have many choices when we are going out. We can not only take public transportations such as buses, taxis, trains or subways in some big cities but also choose private transportations including private cars, bicycles, motorcycles and so on. So when we need to go out, we can have different choices depending on the places we are going to. If you want to go to somewhere that is very far, you’d better take a train or a plane, while when you are going to a place near your home, such as going to work, riding a bicycle is a great decision.

Now that there are so many kinds of transportations, what are their characteristics and what occasions are best for them to be used?Public transportations are always served for all citizens, so the most important point is that they can accommodate many people at the same time. For example, most buses can take more than thirty people, and even more if people squeeze in crazily----just like what most of us usually do. Another important characteristic of public transportation is that they are often cheaper than private transportations, making it more popular among people.

Private transportations, differently, are usually available for few

people. As you can see, generally speaking, a private car can only take no more than four people. It is because that they are usually used by a family or a person himself, so too many seat would be a waste and also make the car inconvenient. It brings us to another point of private transportation. They can be really convenient for individual because they are more flexible and people don’t have to wait for a bus or a taxi or run breathlessly to get a train.

When comparing these two kinds of transportations, we can find that they both have many advantages and some disadvantages, too. Public transportations are cheap and it can take people to places that are very far, which cannot be achieved by private transportations. What’s more, as public transportations can accommodate a great number of people, spaces, energy and resources would be saved. But the problem is that public transportations are inconvenient, uncomfortable and there are many unsafe factors such as the fire, explosion and so on. As for private transportations, although they may be a little expensive, they are really convenient for people. But the question is that too many private cars without clear energy may cause a bad air condition.

Then which kind is better? In my opinion, private transportation is better than public transportation. I hold this view for the following reasons.

First, public transportations can be really unsafe. Recently the

number of accidents caused by buses is increasing sharply. For there are usually a great deal of people on buses, making them very crowded, accidents like fire and explosion can be very dangerous and usually just a few people in the bus can escape.

Second, private transportations are much more convenient. Most people hates waiting for buses especially when one has something important to do. At this time, a private car or even just a motorcycle would be a great choice. You must be sad if you got late for an important meeting by waiting for a bus.

Thirdly, we shouldn’t stop using private transportations for they pollute the air. To be honest, private cars cause a great pollution. But what we should do is to develop cleaner energy rather than stop using cars. Now that cleaner energies have been founded, why don’t we use them on cars as soon as possible?

So in conclusion, I think private transportations are better. But of course both of them have advantages and disadvantages. What we should do is to make the best use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.

(640 words)

Passage 2

Internet, Bad or Not?

From the time the internet was invented, the world was bound to

be different. It seemed to be official.

You can be connected to the internet almost everywhere and every second. In the morning, you wake up and look at your cellphone to see if there are some new massages or not. At the lunchtime, you enjoy your meal and enjoy the funny things from the microblog at the same time. And in the evening, you might chat with a friend that you have never seen, which is called “net friend”. Besides, you send an e-mail to your teacher to submit your homework, which is done absolutely by the information that you found on the internet without thinking. After

submitting the work, you smile and say with satisfaction,” the internet is really a good thing!”

Well, is the internet really a good thing? What influences has it brings to us? In my opinion, the internet has great influences on everyone’s life, some of them are good, while others are not that positive. So we have to analyze this question from two sides.

On one hand, the internet can do good to our behavior on several aspects. First, as it shows us what the world is like and we can easily see all kinds of things around the world on the internet, it can make us much more familiar with the world, which benefits to us. Second, the internet makes it more convenient for us to do many things, such as submitting our work, which has been mentioned above. So, we will have more time to do something according to our plan. As a result, the internet can make

our life more farctate. Beside, as many people will communicate with strangers on the internet, it may increase people’s ability to

communicate with others, so it may make people more outgoing in the real world.

But on the other hand, the internet can be really harmful and it can do harm to our behavior. First, although communicating on the

internet may improve our ability of communication theoretically, few can achieve that in fact. A lot of people are rude and irresponsible on the internet because they think that no one knows who they are and so they regard it as a place to release themselves and even curse others just for fun. Second, as there is too much various information on the internet, so many people are indulged in it. As we can see in the canteen of the school, most of the students stick their eyes on the screen of their cellphone while having meal, and after meal they go back their

dormitory to continue on the computer. Their lives have been occupied by the internet. Third, the internet makes people become estranged from each other. So the relation between people become worse and worse.

To conclude, the internet has many advantages and

disadvantages. It makes it easier for us to learn something but also makes us away from the real world. So we’d better make use of it properly and never abuse it!
