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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 21:28:02 体裁作文


After watching Steve Jobs’s speech, I have achieved a lot. He told three stories of his life and taught me many useful things about life. His first story is about connecting the dots, when he was 17 years old, he attended the college but he couldn’t see the value in it and had no idea of his own, in the end, he was determined


to drop out from university. However, he later found the decision is right and he obtained something else in his life. He participated in the calligraphy class and learned a lot and it is precisely this class that he had taken later plays an important role in his company Apple that was the first computer with beautiful typography. He believed that what he did with his curiosity and intuition was priceless. I can’t agree with his ideas any more. In my own life, I deeply feel that I will do better if I have some interests in something. With enthusiasm, I can finish lots of meaningful things. Otherwise, I can’t persevere in it. In my daily life, I like to climb the mountain to enjoy the charm of nature and every time I can insist to the end with my enthusiasm. While I hate to go shopping and every time I have not the patience to walk around all of the shops. When I want to buy clothes or something else, I will choose to make it online. From Jobs’s experiences, I also think that we should believe something, such as the density, life, courage and so on. What we do now maybe a key that will guide our future life. Therefore, we should do something we like not to be controlled by some obstacles. Some little things we regard as unimportant maybe make great differences in our future life. Therefore, we should attach more importance to some little things of our daily life and try to discover something else.

His second story is about love and loss. He established Apple when he was 20 years old but ten years later he was fired from his own company. For him, it was a big strike and what had been the focus of his entire life was gone. Although he was upset at the very beginning, he didn’t give up yet. Because he found that he still loved what he did and then he started a company called NeXT and another is Pixar. And finally Apple bought NeXT and he returned to Apple. At the same period, he met his wife Laurence and built a wonderful family. All of these tell me that we should have pursuits and don’t lose them and try to come to the end when we come across various

troubles. For Jobs, it was quite difficult for him to start from the beginning, but he made it and the only thing that make him keep going was that he loved what he did. As a university student, it is equally significant for us to search for what we interested in and it also requires us to find what we loved and we should believe what we have done is great and persistly encourage ourselves, which is equally important both in love and work. Half a year later, I have to look for jobs, at that moment, I have to think about what I want to do and what I like. It is vital for me to choose a job that is suitable for me. The same as searching for jobs, several years later, I have to marry and I have to choose a person I loved, otherwise, I can’t have a harmony life. Generally speaking, whatever we will do, the most important thing for us is to find out what we like and what we want, in this case, we will do some valuable and meaningful things. At the same time, I believe that we should value something around us and try not to regret in the future.

His third story is about death. I believe this is what we all afraid. However, Jobs was relatively positive to his life. His attitude towards to life was “I will be dead soon”. It helps him to make the big chocies in his life. Those things including expectations, pride, fear will disappear in the face of death. So, if we regard every day as if it is our last someday, we will choose what we think most important and meaningful and follow our heart. For me, his words are useful and instructive. Because I’m a pessimistic person and I’m very easy to keep the sentimental situation. He also told me that the death is a fact that all of us have to admit, our time is limited and we should be a unique person instead of living someone else’s life. Nowadays, with the big pressure of society, most people have to adhere to others’ opinions and confine to a great number of disciplines, which is why many people feel very tired. Their heart is comparatively tired. What they have done is almost not their intentions but to try to please their bosses. Therefore, it is essential for us to listen to our own voices and follow our intuitions not to be dominated by others.

In the end of this speech, he proposed his attitude of life. That is “Stay Hungy Stay Foolish”, which is originated from The Whole Earth Catalog. As an undergraduate student, we should always wish that for ourselves and take every effort

to live a wonderful life.

I have learned a lot from Jobs’s speech. I can conclude it into three ideas. Firstly, we should pay more attention to our daily little things and go our own way not to be controlled by some regulars. Secondly, we should continuously pursue what we like and what we want and keep going with our heart. Thirdly, all of us will die, what we should do is to live a different life instead of living others’ life, not to regret what we have done in the future.

篇二:friends 观后感

Friends is a story in which six of typical young people live a common life. They are Ross, Phoebe, Chandler, Monica, Joey, Rachel. They have many conflicts in terms of emotion, principles, interest, and social status. Meanwhile, the friendship and love are promoted to a new level. This story actually mirrors our daily life and routines. It also stimulates us to think about how to live a better life and appreciate the beauty of life. Some tips I gained from this story are as follow:

1. Pursuing love and it is difficult to love a person

Any popular TV serials are all like a small Utopia that not only reflects the reality but are faraway form reality. In this story, the emotion between six people attracts much audience. Their behaviour demonstrate young people’s pure attitude towards love. For instance, for ten years the story between the key couple Ross and Rachel moved the hearts of thousands of audience. the love and experience between them bear a remarkable resemblance to common people’s life. Two common persons fell in love after various kinds of arduous tests. Like two children walking on the road, they once tumbled and cried and in the end hold his or her hand to stride forward in life.

2. Cherishing affection among family members and respecting decisions made by parents

Every family has its own problems. It is in the case of the family of six young people. For instance the parents of Ross and Monica are very

partial. They take great pride in Ross and pay little attention to Monica. After all, however, parents are parents. One must have deep affection toward his or her parents. Of course, six young people do love their parents.

3. Cherishing friendship and trusting friends

Friendship is difficult to establish and easy to destroy. The phenomenon happened to the six friends.Ross sometimes declares a dissertation like a sealed book. Chandler is an expert in making jokes. Monica’s cleanliness and emulation is unbearable. What’s worse is Phoebe’s voice. She loves singing but no one can afford to listen to. Nevertheless, we can learn a lot from them. The solid friendship among them doesn’t just result from the demand of plots. The real reason is they know the greatest principles of friendship: trust, tolerance and support. They trust each other and tolerant others’ shortcoming and mistakes, what’s more, they support each other to do what he or she likes to do.

4. Positive attitude toward life and no abuse

The reason why Friends has become a hit among young people lies in their positive attitude toward life. Many people think their way of thinking is very simple and don’t have any corrupt practice. They have strong sense of humour and often make a mistake. However none of them have conspired to harm others. Most jokes in the serial are almost their innocence and exaggerated performance. Another point is that they don’t

have any corrupt practice. Sometimes they drink a little to make a special atmosphere. Although they support each other, they may quarrel with others about trifling things. At last, however, they embrace each other and reconcile, saying: “I love you”. Sometime you may feel that they are the most qualified citizens.

The most impressive things at the first sight at the serial may are their funny and wise dialogues. You may perceive the free mind and unique way of thinking behind the American culture. Enjoying the fun in the language, you are definitely moved by their friendship and love. The long Ten years’ “Friends” is miracle in the history of American TV.



Opinion: living with yourself

2005年斯坦福大学毕业典礼上,乔布斯说了三个他的故事,很让人触动。STAY HUNGRY,STAY FOOLISH。听着他最后的忠告,看完了他14分48秒的精彩演讲,我的心久久无法平静。他的演讲很精辟,但令人回味悠长。“把每一天都当成生命中的最后一天,你就会轻松自在。”

In 2005, Stanford university graduation ceremony, Steve jobs said three of his story, it's let a person touches. Long, long would .STAY HUNGRY,STAY FOOLISH. Listening to his final advice, finished his 14 points 48 seconds of excellent speech, my heart can't be calm once. His speech is brilliantly, another person aftertaste. "Take each day as the last day of life, you will be free."


Full text him to speak three story, a very short but far-reaching.


充满预见地将生命的点滴串联起来;只有在你回头看的时候,你才会发现这些点点滴滴之间的联系。所以,你要坚信,你现在所经历的将在你未来的生命中串联起来。你不得不相信某些东西,你的直觉,命运,生活,因缘际会……正是这种信仰让我不会失去希望,它让我的人生变得与众不同。” 所以,你在做一件事情的时候,没有先见之明,那么就顺从你内心喜欢的去做。

The first story is about connecting the dots, that year because drop out from college, thus have the opportunity to do your own thing and results "follow curiosity and intuition are doing, proved most are extremely valuable experience". Steve jobs's conclusion is: "you can't be filled with foresee every bit of life; only in chaining together when you look back, and you will find the link between these dribs. So, you want to believe, now you experience in your future life will be in tandem up. You have to trust in something, your intuition, destiny, life, karma meeting... it is this belief let I won't lose hope, it makes my life become extraordinary." So, you're doing a thing, no foresight, then obey your heart like to do.


返苹果、重振苹果。 乔布斯的结论是:“热爱我所从事的工作,是一直支持我不断前进的惟一理由。你得找出你的最爱,对工作如此,对爱人亦是如此。工作将占据你生命中相当大的一部分,从事你认为具有非凡意义的工作,方能给你带来真正的满足感。而从事一份伟大工作的惟一方法,就是去热爱这份工作。如果你到现在还没有找到这样一份工作,那么就继续找。不要安于现状,当万事了于心的时候,你就会知道何时能找到。如同任何伟大的浪漫关系一样,伟大的工作只会在岁月的酝酿中越陈越香。所以,在你终有所获之前,不要停下你寻觅的脚步。不要停下。” “对于病人来说,良药总是苦口。生活有时候就像一块板砖拍向你的脑袋,但不要丧失信心。”

The second story still is about to do you love to do. Said is jobs after started apple computer, then that was the CEO and the board of directors has joint kicked him out. However, but this experience made jobs created a new career, and return to the dust at the apple when apple, reinvigorate the apple. The conclusion is: "jobs loved what I did, kept me going is the only reason. You've got to find what you love, to work as it is for your lovers. Work is as true in your life will make up part of the quite big, you think has special significance in the work, can bring you the real satisfaction. And engaged in a great work, the only way is to love this job. If you haven't find a job, then keep look

ing. Don't complacent, when all goes on the heart, you'll know when can find it. Like any great romantic relationship, great job only as in the years of brewing in the Easter egg. So, before you finally gains, don't stop you before search steps. Don't stop. "" for it was awful-tasting medicine but I guess the patient. Sometimes life is a brick to your brain, but don't lose faith. "

第三个故事使我读懂了,时间的宝贵和如何面对生与死。我们的时间有限,所以不要浪费时间活在别人的生活里。不要被信条所惑,盲从信条就是活在别人思考结果里。不要让别人的意见淹没了你内在的心声。最重要的,拥有跟随内心与直觉的勇气,你的内心与直觉多少已经知道你真正想要成为什么样的人。任何其它事物都是次要的。死亡是每个人必定经历的,这是注定的,因为死亡简直就是生命中最棒的发明,是生命变化的媒介,送走老人们,给新生代留下空间。现在我们是新生代,但是不久的将来,我们也会逐渐变老,被送出人生的舞台。我想我明白了那位老师为什么在幼儿小的时候就给幼儿讲述关于死的故事。原来正确的引导对幼儿是有利。The third story that I read, the precious of time and how to face life and death. Our time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by implicit creed is confused, live in the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. Most important, have the

courage to follow your heart and intuition, your heart and intuition many already know what you truly want to become. Any other things are secondary. Death is everyone must experience, this is doomed because death is simply the best inventions in life, is life's change agent, send out the old people, leave space for new generation. Now we are new generation, but the near future, we will gradually become the old and be sent out the life stage. I think I see the teacher why in children small when give children the story about death. Originally the right guidance is good for children.

以我的理解,乔布斯的演讲归纳起来就是一句话:活出你自己。 I understand, what jobs speech baconian rising is one word: living with yourself.
