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篇一:广东专用(精品话题作文) 2012高考英语满分作文范文集

广东专用(精品话题作文) 2012高考英语满分作文范文集




e international curriculum,which consists of (is made up of) three groups, New York Class, Washington Class, and Toronto Class, will start in our school next term. All of the students in these three classes will take America's high school courses to be taught ( with the guidance of

/under sb's guidance) by teachers from New York, America. The courses include English language, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Audio-visual lessons. We have already been told that all the 8 classes a day are taught in English.

About the accommodation, the living conditions are quite good, so four students will share one room.

第2篇 读写任务评论父母的教育方式

(概述1)Although both of her daughters are being raised in America, Ms Chua treats them strictly as many Chinese parents treat their children. She has high expectations of them and treat them in a strict manner. Some criticism has arisen from this parenting style in American parents.(This has brought some criticism from American parents.)(w:46)

(概述2) In America Ms Chua writes a book causing a heated discussion about parenting. Ms Chua is very strict with and has high expectations of her two daughters. She treats them as many Chinese parents treat their children. This has brought some different comments. (W:43)

(概述3) Although both of her daughters are being raised in America, Ms Chua treats them as many Chinese parents treat their children.She has high expectations of them and treat them in a strict manner. This has brought some criticism from American parents. (W:42)

(概述4)Ms Chua, living in America with her two daughters , published a book about her strict parenting style and it has caused a heated debate about cultural differences in parenting. different people have different opinions towards her parenting style. (W:29 +9)

(概述5) The passage tells us that a new book written by Amy Chua caused a debate about parenting. Some people critized Amy and others thought it was a traditional parenting way in China. (W:32)

(概述6) The passage tells us about Ms Chua, who is strict with her children . She would threaten and insult her children if they don't meet her expectations. Her behavior has caused a debate about the way of parenting.

(概述7) In Amy Chua's new book on parenting, she writes that she is very strict with her

daughters and has a high expectation of them. However, this cultural differences in parenting has caused a debate.


Just like Ms Chua, my parents also treat me strictly. They have planned the future for me — to be a pianist. Therefore, they designed a training course for me, forced me to practise whenever I had spare time, and required me to take various exams. They seldom allowed me to do any other active activities except practise the piano. What’ worse, they even tell me not to go to bed before 12 at night. There is a similar situation about my studies. I am always forced to do something. 你认为这种教育方式是否正确

To be frank, I hate such a parenting style. It makes me lose interest in anything, and it makes me unhappy. In the long term, I don’t think it will be good for my mental health. However, I love my parents very much, so try my best to do whatever they want me to. Now I am good at playing the piano and I also have good achievements in my studies. Although I hate the parenting style of my parents, I understand them.


If I were a parent, I wouldn't use this strict parenting style. Instead, I would choose the western style of parenting. I would find out the children’s interests and allow them to learn what they want to learn. As we all know, interests lead one to success.

第3篇 基础写作



喝 55% 绝大部分牛奶质量


不喝32% 对牛奶.尤其是国产牛奶


不确定13% 等待质量检测结果再定





第3篇 After the Sanlu contaminated milk powder issue broke out, a survey carried out among the 3, 000 students on "whether you still drink milk" in our school.

According to the results we find that 55 percent of the students who participated in the survey give a positive answer, for they believe that most milk products are reliable and can help people strengthen their body. Meanwhile, about one third of them express their doubts and refuse to drink milk in the future because of their loss of confidence in milk and the fear of catching disease. The 13 percent left say that they won't make a decision before the final results of the quality test are made.

第4篇 After the Sanlu contaminated milk powder issue broke out, in our school we made a survey among (the )3, 000 students on whether you still drink milk.

According to the results of the survey we find that 55 % of the students who participated in the survey express that they will continue drinking milk. They think that they believe that most milk products are safe to drink and they can help people strengthen their body.

Meanwhile, about one third of them say they will refuse to drink milk in the future because they have no confidence in milk and they are afraid of catching disease.

There are 13 % of them say that they won't make a decision before the final results of the quality test are made.



2. 然后以约120个词谈谈―青少年心理叛逆期‖,内容包括:

1) 你或你熟悉的朋友在青少年心理叛逆期的表现以及父母的态度;

2) 在心理叛逆期,你是如何改善和父母的关系。

As a teenager, Kari goes through a growing –up process of rebelling against her parents. She often complains about her parents’ not letting her do anything. In order to be independent she prefers to do what will annoy her parents. In fact, it is normal for young kids to do so.

你或你熟悉的朋友在青少年心理叛逆期的表现以及父母的态度I have the same

experience as Kari. When I was in Grade 7, my parents always didn’t allow me to do anything that I was interested in. For example, seldom did they agree that I went to see a film with my friends, so I often didn’t listen to them. They wanted me to do my homework first after school, while I was unwilling to do so. I often postponed my homework until the last moment purposely/ on purpose.In my parents' opinion, it was always homework that I should do every day. It seemed that everything I did never satisfied my parents. I thought I had grown up, and I could make my own decision, enjoy my favorite films or music, and wear the fashionable clothes and have a special hair style and so on. It is the difference between my parents and me that makes us complain unhappy and sometimes we even quarrel with each other. Luckily, now I have realized what my parents did in the past is good for me. I should be grateful/ thankful to them for what they have done for me for ever.

在心理叛逆期,你是如何改善和父母的关系 Therefore , I am very glad that I come to realize that it is not right to rebel against my parents, and I should do something to improve the

relationship between us. I have learned to communicate with my parents, try to do whatever they want me to do in order to satisfy them and reward them. Now my parents often praise me for

doing housework and homework without being asked. What's more, I will go back home early and don't make them worried about my safety. Gradually, my parents know I have a sense of responsibility, and let me do more what I want. It is my parents who I love best in the world. 第6篇 基础写作(2012英语周报C第1期)

With the popularity of online shops, a new profession has appeared on the Internet, which is called Internet model.

Internet models are employed by the salespersons of online shops. In this way, customers who want to buy things online can know more about what they intend to buy so that they can choose the most suitable clothes. Internet models are popular with young people. Some students earn money by being models in their spare time. They can gain some work experience that may be useful for them after graduation and they can wear those beautiful clothes to show their beauty to others.

第7篇 基础写作(2012英语周报C第1期)

As online shops are becoming more and more popular with people, a new job has appeared on the Internet, whose name is Internet model.

Online shopkeepers like to hire Internet models to help sell clothes. In this way, customers who want to buy things online can get more information about what they plan to buy so that they can choose the most suitable clothes. Most young people are interested in working as Internet models. Some students say they can earn money by working as models in their spare time. More

importantly, they think that not only can they gain some work experience that may be useful for them after graduation but also they can wear those beautiful clothes to show their beauty to others. 第8篇 读写任务(2012英语周报C第1期)

概述一 In the passage the author holds the point of view that using second-hand books should be encouraged, which contributes to teaching students about cherishing, thanksgiving,

environment protection and resources conservation.(W:30)

概述二 The passage tells us that graduating students waste a lot of used learning materials after final tests. The author thinks it is right to encourage students to use second-hand books, which can help them to know the importance of cherishing, thanksgiving, environment protection.(W:43)

概述三 Quite lots of students throw away the used books after final tests, but some students collect and donate them. The author thinks students should be encouraged to do so in order to learn to cherish, thanksgive, and protect environment .(W:38)

(你赞成使用旧书吗?)As far as I’m concerned, second-hand books deserve our attention. Second-hand books are those that were once used but are now still of value for new students. It’s an economical way to save resources by recycling the used. I’m steadily for using second-hand books and learning a lot from the notes marked by the former users.

(说明你赞成的理由)To tell the truth, second-hand books have many advantages. Information copied by the users on them can help us and is always of use unless the edition changes. Moreover, although they have ever been used by others and they appear old, not only are they cheaper , but also the quality of second-hand books remains the same.

In brief/ All in all, using second-hand books are to be encouraged. At least, it is a good measure to save our limited resources and help students develop a habit of saving.

第9篇基础写作 2012双语报广东版高三第5期

September 27, 2011Sunday Sunny

This morning, after finishing breakfast, I turned on my computer and began to surf the Internet. Two hours later, when Mom noticed that I was still playing computer games, she was very angry and said I shouldn’t be so addicted to the Internet and ignore my study because the college entrance examinations are drawing near.

I argued that it was necessary for me to have a rest to refresh myself. After a long conversation, I realized I was wrong, so I said sorry to Mom and promised that I would concentrate on my study. Mom said she shouldn’t lose her temper and hoped that I wouldn’t spend too much time on the Internet any more.

第10篇 读写任务

Driving on the motorway, the author hit a small car in which there was a family including three children. Instead of getting angry, the mother forgave and comforted the author, who was deeply moved.

(上文给你的启示)From the story I realize how important and powerful forgiveness is in our daily life. It is by forgiving others that we build a bridge between the hearts of people.

(记述一次你宽恕他人或被他人宽恕的经历)It reminds me of my own experience.When I was a small boy, due to a misunderstanding, I beat another boy and hurt him. After that, I thought he wouldn’t talk to me forever. However, the next day, when I found that I had lost my keys and couldn’t enter my home for lunch, he invited me to his home, which made me feel warm and moved.

篇二:广东话题作文 科学技术








(1)对……产生很大影响: have a great effect on (13)把……考虑进去:take something into

(2)起很大作用:make a great difference consideration

(3)改变人们的生活:change one’s life (14)引起某人的注意:catch/attract the attention of

(4)得益于、从……获益benefit from sb

(5)与……有关联:relate to/ be linked to (15)导致:lead to/contribute to/result in/ bring

(6)能使用:have access to/ be accessible to about

(7)代替:take the place of (16)在某方面起重要的作用:play an important role

(8)致力于:devote oneself to in

(9)实现:come true (17)提高人类的生活质量:improve the quality of

(10)赶上:keep/catch up with life for humans

(11)与……不同:be different from/differ from (18)为治疗疾病而进行一项研究:carry out a

(12)使某人能做:enable sb to do sth research in the hope of curing the illnesses



Science and technology are a primary productive force.


○With the Internet, PC, 3G cellphones becoming more and more popular, our life has greatly changed. (with复合结构)

○The popularity of the Internet, PC, 3G cellphones makes our life colourful. (make +复合宾语)

○Due to/Thanks to/Owing to/Because of the popularity of the Internet, PC, 3G cellphones, our life is becoming more and more colourful. (介词短语)



参考词汇:尼龙:nylon; 卷轴:scroll



1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;

2. 然后以约120个词就“面对日新月异的电子产品该如何选择”的主题发表看法,内容包括:





With the science and technology developing fast, life is new every day and the present is quite different from the past. And what will life be like in the future?

Living in houses made of wood or grass in the past, people now live in tall buildings or flats and maybe they will live underwater or in other planets in the future. Riding a horse was common in the past, which was too slow but today most people travel by motorbike, car, train or plane and will travel in spaceships in the future, which will enable them to go anywhere at any time they want.

People used to wear clothes made of silk or cloth by hand, but now the clothes are made of wool, nylon and cotton and we can imagine that in the future people will not have to wash the clothes they wear.

As to reading, people read only scrolls or paper made from bamboo in the past but now we can read not only books but online books while in the future people will read electronic materials or on cellphones. With a very small machine in hand, they can take out whenever they want to read.

We live a happy life now and the future is wonderful. We should value what we have today and work hard for the bright future.


Varieties of electronic gadgets, without which some of us can’t live, come into being. Despite their conveniences, they bring people much stress, so people have to balance their advantages and disadvantages before buying them.(34 words)

I can’t agree more with the author. With the development of science and technology, more and more fantastic electronic gadgets come into being, which dazzles people. People can’t resist the temptation to buy and update them since these gadgets become outdated too quickly.

I have a lot of favourite electronic gadgets, one of which is a video MP3. As well as carrying my favourite music, a video MP3 player can play up to 150 hours of movies and TV programmes. However, it cost me 2,000 yuan. Besides, the loud volume will damage my hearing if I overuse it.

If I want to buy a necessary electronical gadget, the first factor that should be taken into consideration is whether it’s practical.(120 words)


















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