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一、 长短句原则

工作还得一张一驰呢,老让读者读长句,累死人!写一个短小精辟的句子,相反,却可以起到画龙点睛的作用。而且如果我们把短句放在段首或者段末,也可以揭示主题: As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar. 如此可见,长短句结合,抑扬顿挫,岂不爽哉?牢记!强烈建议:在文章第一段(开头)用一长一短,且先长后短;在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式,定会让主体部分妙笔生辉!文章结尾一般用一长一短就可以了。

二、 主题句原则

国有其君,家有其主,文章也要有其主。否则会给人造成"群龙无首"之感!相信各位读过一些破烂文学,故意把主体隐藏在文章之内,结果造成我们稀里糊涂!不知所云!所以奉劝各位一定要写一个主题句,放在文章的开头(保险型)或者结尾,让读者一目了然,必会平安无事!特别提示:隐藏主体句可是要冒险的! To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam(主题句). Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly。

三、 一二三原则

领导讲话总是第一部分、第一点、第二点、第三点、第二部分、第一点... 如此罗嗦。可毕竟还是条理清楚。考官们看文章也必然要通过这些关键性的"标签"来判定你的文章是否结构清楚,条理自然。破解方法很简单,只要把下面任何一组的词汇加入到你的几个要点前就清楚了。 1)first, second, third, last(不推荐,原因:俗)

2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(不推荐,原因:俗) 3)the first, the second, the third, the last(不推荐,原因:俗) 4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(不推荐,原因:俗) 5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐) 6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐) 7)first and foremost, besides, last but not least(强烈推荐) 8)most important of all, moreover, finally 9)on the one hand, on the other hand(适用于两点的情况) 10)for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况)建议:不仅仅在写作中注意,平时说话的时候也应该条理清楚!

四、 短语优先原则

写作时,尤其是在考试时,如果使用短语,有两个好处:其一、用短语会使文章增加亮点,如果老师们看到你的文章太简单,看不到一个自己不认识的短语,必然会看你低一等。相反,如果发现亮点-精彩的短语,那么你的文章定会得高分了。其二、关键时刻思维短路,只有凑字数,怎么办?用短语是一个办法!比如: I cannot bear it. 可以用短语表达:I cannot put up with it. I want it. 可以用短语表达:I am looking forward to it. 这样字数明显增加,表达也更准确。

五、 多实少虚原则


一个很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospital 之类的形象词。再比如: 走出房间,general的词是:walk out of the room 但是小偷走出房间应该说:slip out of the room 小姐走出房间应该说:sail out of the room 小孩走出房间应该说:dance out of the room 老人走出房间应该说:stagger out of the room 所以多用实词,少用虚词,文章将会大放异彩!

六、 多变句式原则


?http://bulo.hjenglish.com/group.htm?版权所有沪江网?颶??é紁葹翳and, 但最好是前后的句子又先后关系或者并列关系。比如说: I enjor music and he is fond of playing guitar. 如果是二者并列的,我们可以用一个超级句式: Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm. 其它的短语可以用: besides, furthermore, likewise, moreover

2)转折(拐弯抹角)批评某人缺点的时候,我们总习惯先拐弯抹角说说他的优点,然后转入正题,再说缺点,这种方式虽然阴险了点,可毕竟还比较容易让人接受。所以呢,我们说话的时候,只要在要点之前先来点废话,注意二者之间用个专这次就够了。 The car was quite old, yet it was in excellent condition. The coat was thin, but it was warm. 更多的短语: despite that, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, notwithstanding

3)因果(so, so, so)昨天在街上我看到了一个女孩,然后我主动搭讪,然后我们去咖啡厅,然后我们认识了,然后我们成为了朋友...可见,讲故事的时候我们总要追求先后顺序,先什么,后什么,所以然后这个词就变得很常见了。其实这个词表示的是先后或因果关系! The snow began to fall, so we went home. 更多短语: then, therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence, as a result, for this reason, so that

4)失衡句(头重脚轻,或者头轻脚重)有些人脑袋大,身体小,或者有些人脑袋小,身体大,虽然我们不希望长成这个样子,可如果真的是这样了,也就必然会吸引别人的注意力。文章中如果出现这样的句子,就更会让考官看到你的句子与众不同。其实就是主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句的变形。举例:This is what I can do. Whether he can go with us or not is not sure. 同样主语、宾语、表语可以改成如下的复杂成分: When to go, Why he goes away...

5)附加(多此一举)如果有了老婆,总会遇到这样的情况,当你再讲某个人的时候,她会插一句说,我昨天见过他;或者说,就是某某某,如果把老婆的话插入到我们的话里面,那就是定语从句和同位语从句或者是插入语。 The man whom you met yesterday is a friend of mine. I don't enjoy that book you are reading. Mr liu, our oral English teacher, is easy-going. 其实很简单,同位语--要解释的东西删除后不影响整个句子的构成;定语从句-借用之前的关键词并且用其重新组成一个句子插入其中,但是whom or that 关键词必须要紧跟在先行词之前。

6)排比(排山倒海句)文学作品中最吸引人的地方莫过于此,如果非要让你的文章更加精彩的话,那么我希望你引用一个个的排比句,一个个得对偶句,一个个的不定式,一个个地词,一个个的短语,如此表达将会使文章有排山倒海之势! Whether your tastes are modern or traditional, sophisticated or simple, there is plenty in London for you. Nowadays, energy can be obtained through various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind and ocean tides. We have got to study hard, to enlarge our scope of knowledge, to realize our potentials and to pay for our life. (气势恢宏) 要想写出如此气势恢宏的句子非用排比不可!

七、 挑战极限原则

既然十挑战极限,必然是比较难的,但是并非不可攀!原理:在大家写的文章中,很少发现诸如独立主格的句子,其实也很简单,只要花上5分钟的时间看看就可以领会,它就是分词的一种特殊形式,分词要求主语一致,而独立主格则不然。比如: The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China. 如果你可一些出这样的句子,不得高分才怪!



1)It has the following advantages.

2)It does us a lot of good.

3)It benefits us quite a lot.

4)It is beneficial to us.

5)It is of great benefit to us.


Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.


1)There are three reasons for this.

2)The reasons for this are as follows.

3)The reason for this is obvious.

4)The reason for this is not far to seek.

5)The reason for this is that...

6)We have good reason to believe that...


There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our

life.Firstly,people’s living standard has been greatly improved.Secondly,most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.

注:如写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Great changes have taken place in our life. There are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。


1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.

2)It does us much harm.

3)It is harmfulto us.


However,everything dividesinto two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching televi- sion.


1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient, possible)for sb.to do sth.

2)We think it necessary to do sth.

3)It plays an important role in our life.


Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon, computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age.


1)We should take some effective measures.

2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.

3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.

4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.


The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it.


1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.

2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications.

3)The computer has brought about many changes in education.


Some changes have taken place in people’s diet in the past five years.The major reasons for these changes are not far to seek.Nowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins.


1)We cannot ignore the fact that...

2)No one can deny the fact that...

3)There is no denying the fact that...

4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.

5)However,that’s not the case.


We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollution.To solve these problems, we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution.The government on its part should also design stricter laws to promote a cleaner environment.


1)Compared with A,B...

2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.

3)There is a striking contrast between them.


Compared with cars,bicycles have several advantages besides being

affordable.Firstly,they do not consume natural resources of petroleum.Secondly,





(1)Environmental/water/air/noise pollution (2)Resources exhaustion

(3)Wildlife extinction (4)Endangered species

(5)Natural habitat (6)Reserve areas

(7)Sand/dust storm(8)Clear(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)-cutting/deforestation

(9)Over fishing(10)Overgrazing

(11)Soil erosion (12)Water and soil conservation

(13)Desertification (14)Natural disaster

(15)Flood threat (16)Fire hazard

(17)Storm/tempest (18)Blizzard

(19)Drought (20)Famine

(21)Disruption of ecological balance(the balance of ecosystem)

(22)Eruption of volcanoes(23)Earthquake

(24)Avalanche (25)Landslide

(26)Hurricane (27)Shortage of water resources

(28)Shortage of fresh water(29)Harmful chemicals

(30)Poisonous/toxic gases(31)Carbon monoxide

(32)Urban smog (33)Industrial waste

(34)Hazardous nuclear waste (35)Radioactive pollutants

(36)Waste gas sent off from automobiles (37)Car emission standard

(38)Non-biodegradable material (39)

Throw-away lunchbox

(40)Recyclable product (41)Renewable resources

(42)Conserve natural resources (43)Plastic bags

(44)Greenhouse effect (45)Global warming

(46)Acid rain(47)Energy crisis

(48)Oil leakage(49)Environment awareness

(50)Pest rampancy (51)Rescue and relief work

(52)Garbage disposal


(1)Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.

(2)Villagers are as a rule healthier than people who live in towns. One reason for this is that country air is fresher than the air in smoky cities.

(3)Most of the noise in the city comes from traffic, factories and construction sites.

(4)There is an increasingly loud voice from the public calling for firm action against pollution.

(5)Scientists have warned that unless effective solutions are worked out, the problem of pollution will eventually get out of hand.

(6)Many factories discharge enormous harmful chemicals into air and rivers every day.

(7)To kill insects, farmers use a large amount of insecticides so as to have a bumper harvest. As a result, they pollute the air, water and land.

(8)The gas from car engines is very poisonous. It is a main source of air pollution in cities.

(9)Deforestation result in the increase of global temperature and unpleasant change of climate.

(10)The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generation.

(11)Beijing now has become one of the most polluted cities in the world. Among the 10 cities with the worst air pollution in the world last year, Beijing was the third most polluted city.

(12)If the city had not plagued by poor quality air, the annual death rate in Beijing would have been 4 percent lower in past three years, according to the research done jointly by Beijing Medical University and Harvard University.

(13)Beijing consumes 2.8 million tons of coal each year, of which 75

percent are low-grade coal.

(14)To make room for those buildings, trees are being cut down, grass plots occupied. Cities look like nothing but grey concrete woods.

(15)Modern cities should be expanding with a certain percentage for green-plant areas.

(16)We must begin now to protect our only earth.

(17)Almost everything we use daily comes from the land directly or indirectly.

(18)But the limited land is decreasing at a surprising speed.

(19)The nature has given us so much, but looks at what we have done in return for its generosity.

(20)The ozone layer is our natural shield in the sky, but this shield is in great danger due to human activities. To protect the ozone layer is to protect us.

(21)Depleting the ozone layer allows more UV-B to reach the earth, which means more skin cancers, more eye cataracts(白内障),weakened immune systems, and reduced plant yield.

(22)The nature has been irritated, which results in the shortage of valuable resources, air pollution, countless acres of lands becoming deserts, etc.

(23)Fortunately, many countries have got to know the seriousness of the problem and take active measures to preserve the environment.

(24)We sincerely hope that all the people in the world will take part in the campaign and join hands to protect the nature.

(25)Besides, trees and lawns in our cities will in the long run help improve the local climate.

(26)The government should also spend more money on the preservation of current lawns and cultivation of new lawns.

(27)Chinese government has taken strict measures to stop careless and indiscriminate felling of trees.

(28)Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in environmental protection today.

(29)The government should let people full realize the importance of environmental protection through education.

(30)Cars should be equipped with special devices to reduce auto emission.

(31)Farmers can utilize modern biological techniques instead of chemical fertilizers to grow crops.

(32)Desert can be turned into cultivated land by a certain kind of shrub.

(33)Recycling of paper, steel and plastics is important for helping protect our environment.

(34)The city was beautified on a tremendous scale.

(35)Energy crisis will threaten our existence because of the people’s extravagance and the rapid growth of he population.

(36)It is imperative that we investigate and develop new sources of

energy immediately.

(37)With the expansion of industrialization, requirement for energy all over the world is on the rise.

(38)We have a great need for energy because of the rapid growth of our economy.

(39)These rich energy resources are being used up rapidly.

(40)To avoid energy crisis in the future, we should take some actions.

(41)The overuse of energy has influenced ecological balance.

(42)The development of modern life is placing and ever increasing demand for electricity.

(43)If there were no energy, our world would be in a state of confusion.

(44)Protecting endangered species helps protect a healthy environment. Endangered species are nature’s early warning system for pollution and environmental degradation that may someday affect human health.(濒危物种是大自然的关于污染和环境恶化的早期警戒系统,污染和环境恶化有朝一日会影响人类的健康。)

(45)Protecting endangered species saves a part of nature for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.

(46)Protecting endangered species helps protect sustainable economies and a good quality of life. Endangered species of fish, wildlife and plants are of ecological, educational, historical, recreational and scientific value to the nations and their people.

(47)All of the living creatures, including humans, are part of a complex, delicately balanced network called the biosphere.

(48)No creature exists in isolation. The removal of a single species can set off a chain reaction affecting many others.

(49)It is estimated that about 12,000 Tibetan antelopes are killed each year. If this trend continues, this species will be extinct in two decades.

(50)A healthy environment for wildlife contributes to healthy environment for people, today and tomorrow.



(1)Population explosion/baby boom

(2)Population census

(3)Birth/death rate

(4)Family planning

(5)Suicide bombing

(6)Dropout students

(7)Eliminate illiteracy

(8)Help those in distress and aid those in peril

(9)Poverty-stricken areas

(10)Remote and mountain areas

(11)Shake off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity

(12)Brain drain

(13)Corruption phenomenon

(14)Offer and take bribes

(15)Embezzle pubic funds

(16)Counterfeit certificates

(17)Counterfeit currency/ID card

(18)Credit card fraud

(19)Fake commodities

(20)Vending machine

(21)Generation gap

(22)Couch potato

(23)Keep a concubine/mistress


(25)Go on a diet

(26)Well-balanced meals

(27)Enjoy banquets using public funds

(28)Bad construction projects

(29)Suspend/discontinue a project

(30)Welfare-oriented public housing distribution system

(31)High-rise apartment building

(32)Down payment (by monthly installments)

(33)Juvenile delinquency

(34)Laid-off workers


(36)On-the-job training/professional training

(37)Reemployment project

(38)U.N. Security Council

(39)Government-funded personnel studying abroad

(40)Racial/sex discrimination

(41)Traffic jam/road congestion

(42)Drunk driving

(43)Violation of traffic regulations

(44)Hit-and-run accident

(45)Rush/peak hour

(46)Security personnel

(47)Spokesman for news release

(48)Press conference


(50)Intellectual property right

(51)Infringement on the patent right

(52)Bid for the Olympic Games

(53)Sports lottery

(54)Live broadcast

(55)Frozen food


The sentence is the philosophical classics, every word is a discipline constant character

1 not to be better than others, but to go beyond their own, want to cry to cry tears of excitement, laugh out of growth character.

In 2 his remorse with tears today, as with the sweat and hard work today. 3 when the tears shed when the left should be strong.

4 life is like a cup of coffee without sugar, taste is bitter, but have long aftertaste not recede fragrance.

5 there is a margin, let go and became the scenery, have a heart, insisted China is sincere.

6 choose your love, love your choice.

7 do not give up the second, the next second will be hope.

8 had don't forget, hard to get more to cherish, not to give up their own, for lost memories.

9 no one accompany you for a lifetime, so you want to be lonely, no one can help you a lifetime, so you have to work hard.

10 love on the treasure to cherish, don't give up.

11 life is a travel, does not care about the destination, care should be the scenery along the way and mood.

12 rock mountain will fall, by everyone will run, only their most reliable.

13 for your sad and happy is the enemy, for your happiness and joy is a friend, for your sad and sorry to be your friend.

14 If love, please deep love; if don't love, please leave.

15 as long as there is hope, there is happiness exists.

Life is a philosophy of ten words

The first sentence:" people are forced out". Everyone has potential, born in comfort, died of hardship, so, when faced with the pressure, not coke, maybe this is life for you a little test, believe in yourself, everything can handle, forcing

nasty hero can Liangshan, the hero, the poor is thought of change, only the pressure will have power.

The second sentence:" if you simply, the world is simple to you". Simple life can be happy life, people should be self Changle, magnanimous, nothing can be thought of complex, the mental load heavy, will be concerned heaven. To regularly on memory were once removed, the unpleasant things and persons from the memory to abandon, short life, wealth and status are added, does not bring you can't take it with you, the simple life is happy life.

The third sentence:" life is no dress rehearsal, every day is broadcast live". Occasionally want, if life really as an electronic game, playing bad choice again, what life would be like? Because of the passage of time gone for ever, every day can not be recovered, so must cherish every inch of time, is filial piety the parents, loving, caring, kind to friends.

The fourth sentence:" bosom just like pregnancy, a long time can let a person see". People, not to be opinionated, who will turn left on earth, from ancient to modern times, people are Shicai presumptuous to no good end. So, even if the re-competent, also must maintain be modest and prudent, do their own thing, it is the Federation of luminous gold.

The fifth sentence: "in the past thousand cups little wine every friend, a

thousand cups of wine every now to have been little". Less Jiu Li, experience can not taste the wine, but known to have been able to feel the beauty of. A life without a friend is a lonely, incomplete, but, because of a busy life, gradually less contact, friendship becomes the light, so, take some time to contact friends, chat together, let the feelings in laughter arise, when friends metProblems, remember to step forward bravely, even if can 't help you, comfort is the biggest support.

The sixth sentence: "in life, if the wrong direction, to stop that progress". Man, is always difficult to correct their own shortcomings, person, is always difficult to find out their mistakes, sometimes, knowing that is wrong, but try to stop but cannot, the same mistake again, grasp the right direction, adhere to its

principles, many world temptation, it will never drop pasty, not for a moment of happiness to give a painful price, if found wrong, must stop.

The seventh sentence:" there are two tragedies in life: one is all thoughts are blasted., is enormously proud of one's success". Modern people seem particularly vulnerable, newspapers reported on a daily basis a number of celebrities have depression, these people must be from one extreme to another extreme. Because enormously proud of one's success, convinced themselves is perfect, is to be equal to anything, if they get a little frustrated, it

will become extremely low self-esteem, and even lose the courage to continue to live. To find an accurate positioning, enjoy life.

The eighth sentence: "in life and love, missed love to miss the life". What is love? Let a person not know what course to take, let a person be entranced, the face of love, courage, daring to speak their love, the flowers are picked to be straight off, not treatsblossomless spatial booklet. People, always illness and death, how life is, miss love to miss the life.

The ninth sentence:" the world the rich get married". In modern society, people become more and more snobbish, love more and more be of little, so I have to believe that" the world the rich get married," the most precise modern love description.

The tenth sentence:" to be successful, need a friend, to be a huge success, need enemies". Competition just has development, because of the presence of the enemy, because of the indomitable determination, will try to do their own thing, so, sometimes, more powerful enemies than friends, no permanent enemies, but friends forever, for some time, the enemy can also become friends.
