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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:39:06 英语作文

篇一:工作狂 英语演讲稿

Life can be beautiful like summer flowers, however, nowadays, a majority of people's life is full of work.Look at this word "workaholic". Consists of "work" and "aholic", it comes from alcoholic. A "workaholic" in the negative sense is populary characterized by a neglect of family and other social relations.

Are you constantly staying late and coming in early? Are you working all the time? Do you talk about nothing else beyond work and pay no attention to your family and friends? If your answer is "yes", you may be a workaholic like these people. Once you've solidified your reputation as the office workaholic, your workaholic ways are likely alienating once-valued associates, above and beyond the obvious grumbling of “you've making the rest of us look bad". Your colleagues may dread cooperating on a


project with you.

What's more, a heavy load of work will do harm to your healthy, Can you work in your whole life? Do you think about your families' feelings? After all, your family will be in your life a lot longer than most jobs you'll hold.

Do you work to live or live to work? Someone may complain that there is too much work to have available time and they were put too much

pressure on, but look at this, a successful man reminds professional people : Your ability to say no to certain things give you the freedom to say yes to others. Work-life balance is a choice. And it is all depends on your attitude.

Your life is in your hand, and as we all know, there are also many exciting things outside of work. For example, we can doing some exercise like playing tennis or basketball with friends, we can go out to buy some beautiful clothes or delicious food, we can also go to a movie to relax ourselves or even have a very good sleep like “Lan yang yang” does every day.

Just like a sentence in the famous song written by Jason Mraz “Life is wonderful and life is meaningful.” Life without working can be insignificance, but life full of work is terrible, too. We hope we can keep the work-life balance and enjoy both work and life.



A "workaholic" is defined as someone who both works obsessively and compulsively, with both characteristics persistently present at a high level.

“工作狂”指一个人痴迷工作并强制自己工作,在工作上的痴迷性和强制性这两个特点都很鲜明。 Workaholism is detrimental not only to employees' health, but also their performance in the office. 工作狂不仅对健康不利,而且在办公室的工作表现不佳。

Working overtime? It might not do your career any favours.In addition to increasing psychological and physical strain, compulsive overworking decreased job performance and increased absence from work due to illness.


Working overtime and taking work home, as well as dedicating too much thought space and emotional attachment to their job meansworkaholics have too little time for "recovery".


The efforts you put in at work must be followed by an adequate period of physical and mental "unwinding" or "recovery" to ensure optimum health and functionality.

因此努力工作必须给身体和心理充分的“放松”或“恢复”时间,以确保健康状况和身体功能处于最佳状态。 workaholic 工作狂

workaholism 迷恋工作

原文来自 必克英语/studydetail_53091739.html





Engaged workaholics are distinct from the classic, compulsively driven worker who can't unplug ever and always feels like he or she should be working and suffer

greater-than-average ill effects: more conflicts at work, less job satisfaction, poorer social relationships, more heart attacks, more divorces.

“自愿工作狂”(engaged workaholics)与传统意义上的被迫工作狂是完全不同的。被迫工作狂永远没有停下来的时候,而且总是觉得自己应该一直处于工作状态,并由此饱受各类工作狂负面效应的困扰:工作上冲突不断、工作满意度不高、社会关系不佳、心脏病高发、离婚率高。

Engaged workaholics may dodge some or all of those nasty repercussions for one simple reason: They love what they do. They get a kick out of it. They don't feel stressed by it.


The engaged workaholics didn't have burnout anywhere near the level of the

workaholics, suggesting that loving work may buffer the stress effects of working too hard. They are people who work really hard but know when to quit.


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