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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:29:11 英语作文



Unit1 How can we become good learners



1.There are some good ways to…

2.I think you should…

3.It is also a good idea to…because…

4.You could try to improve your English by…

5.This will help you to…

6.Never give up and keep trying. You’ll make progress.


Dear Lingling,

I heard from you yesterday. I knew your English is bad. In fact, English is not as difficult as you think. Here are some good ways for you. Firstly, you should get everything ready before class and don’t be shy to speak English in class or out of class.

Secondly, listen carefully and make notes when you're in class. It can help you understand the lesson better. Thirdly, revise the lesson after the class. Don’t worry too much about it. Last, Keep trying and you’ll soon learn it better.

Yours,Li Lei

Unit2 I think mooncakec are delicious



1.My favorite festival is…

2.It is celebrated in/on…

3.During this festival,people…

4.It’s my favorite festival because…

5.It makes me feel …

My Favorite Festival

My favorite festival is Christmas. It is celebrated on December 25th.On Christmas Eve,my whole family gets

together and sits around the table to have a big dinner. On the table,there is lots of Christmas food,such as turkey,fish and honey apples. On Christmas Day,I get up early and greet my parents by saying “Merry Christmas!”.They give me some

presents. So I like Christmas Day.It makes me happy and excited.

Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 本单元的写作内容是询问信息。写此类作文时,首先要做自我介绍,简单说明询问信息的目的。然后使用一些礼貌用语,用不同的句式向对方提问,结束时要向对方致谢。


1.My name is…and I’m from…

2.I’ll come to your school for…

3.I’d like to know about…

4.Could you please tell me…

5.I’m looking forward to your reply.


提示:What course you will study? What time will you study the course? Where and what can you eat? Where will you stay? What activities can you do?

Dear Mr. Li,

How do you do! I’m Mike from America. I am a Chinese learner. I will come to your school for a short study vacation this summer. I have some questions to ask you. I’d like to know

what course I will study and what time I will have the course. Could you please tell me where and when I can eat? I also want to know where I will stay,at school or a hotel? At last,please tell me what activities I can do in your school. I’m looking forward to your reply. Thanks a lot.


Unit4 I used to be afriad of the dark

现在和过去进行比较的短文属于记叙文的范围。此话题的作文通常会以提示性作文的形式给出。注意要将提示的要点都表达清楚。句子的时态通常为一般过去时和一般现在时,used to句型在此类作文中应用广泛。 常用句型归纳如下:

1.My life has changed a lot in the last few years.I used to…Now I’m…

2.The biggest change in my life was…


过去 现在

有很多朋友,性格开朗 几乎没有朋友,变得沉默寡言 花很多时间和朋友们一起玩 多数时间用在功课上

对功课没有兴趣,成绩很差 变得爱学习了,成绩提高很快 I have changed a lot since I moved to this new school this

term.I used to have many friends and be outgoing, but now I have few friends,and I become a little quiet. In the old school, I used to spend much time playing with my friends,but now I have to spend most of my time on my schoolwork.I used to have no interest in my lessons, so I usually got bad grades. However, now I become more interested in my studies, and my grades have improved a lot.

Unit5 What are the shirts made of?


1.My town/city is famous for…;

2.…is famous in my town/city;

3.…is/are made of/ from/ with/ by /in;

4.…is/are used for…;

5.…is/are known for…;

6.…is/are special because…

假如你的家乡是杭州西湖,该地以著名的西湖龙井茶而闻名,请你根据以下提示,以Dragon Well Tea为题写一篇短文,介绍一下家乡的龙井茶,不少于80个单词。

提示:the home of,history,be made by,special tea culture.Dragon Well Tea



Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

【宝山区】II. Guided Writing

在中学阶段,英语课外阅读有许多材料。比如:小说、杂志、报纸、网络、系列读物和习题等。请写一篇关于中学英语课外阅读的文章,内容必须包括: ? 介绍你喜欢的英语阅读材料

? 简单阐述你在英语课外阅读中的收获和感受 【评分】15/20

I prefer the newspaper online. As we all know,it is hard for us to getthe paper media,due to the high cost. Therefore, the most feasible way to get access to the foreign language is the Internet.

It is because the words on the online newspapers is more suitable for a high school student to read that we can benefit from it more easily. Another reason why we choose newspaper website is that there is not only one type of article. For example. BBC Homepage involves articles of all types ranging from news and world to literature and science.

Reading only the text books for knowledge cannot truly enable us to use a language. By reading the newspaper website, I can not only learn to use a languages but also can be more exposed to a variety of knowledge.

As the online newspaper is free, relatively easy to read and rich in knowledge, I love it best.



? 对此现象的描述

? 你对“微信控”看法 ①In present-day society, Internet has played an important role in our daily the new form. of communication “WeChat” is Naturally, a great number of people have become “WeChataholic” or “phubber”, which means they keep staring at the mobile phone all the time and can’t live without it.

WeChat surely brings us a lot of convenience of keeping in contact with others, To begin with, the frequent use of electric devices does great harm to our health, especially for teenagers who are physically immature. In addition, may easily neglect the people around them and being isolated from their surroundings, which interpersonal relationships. the ove

ruse of WeChat

interferes with the normal running of our lives, directly reducing the efficiency of people’s daily work and study.

In conclusion, we should make full use of the merit of WeChat, and reduce its demerit to the minimum as well. 【崇明县】

Dear Jerry,

Thanks for your letter! As you’ve recently heard of from the Internet that the air condition in Shanghai is rather bad, I would like to share with you my idea about the haze.

① The word HAZE used to be a common entry which could only be found in dictionaries;

however, it has become in some major metropolitan cities like Shanghai in China. open the window in the morning, you will seldom see blue sky and white clouds. jog on the school playground, you will find it rare to freely breathe fresh air. like me not only began to wear masks to self-protect but took some measures to crack it down.

So, what are the reasons resulting in such terrible haze? I am sure no single cause is responsible for such a big issue, but about the gases off from the tall chimneys in the chemical factories and the water out from some illegal small workshops, no one would doubt the responsibilities these pollution sources should take.

No matter how serious the haze is now, it is no use complaining about it all day without any practical actions. our government took some forceful measures to combat the air pollutions and the individuals raised their awareness to make their due contribution to a clean environment.

Anyway, everything is changing better and so will be the air condition. Best regards!

Yours sincerely,

Huang ming



? 就前三种苦恼选择其中之一,具体描述这一苦恼的具体表现、产生原因; ? 用你本人生活中的一个具体事例,说明你是如何应对或排除这一苦恼的。 (报告中不能出现你的真实姓名和校名)



Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the volunteer of your since I am rather interested in the reception part for a foreign friend of my age.

After full consideration, I have designed a perfect day tour in Shanghai for this new friend. In the early morning, he or she will be sitting at the table with my friends in the sidewalk snack booth, the most traditional Shanghai local breakfast.

③As is always said, one can never say he has been in Shanghai without vbreakfast, I will show him around the bund, the well known scenic spots for tourists. I will try my best to be a qualified tour guide, introducing to him the histories and interesting stories behind every architecture.

In the afternoon, we are going to visit the former site of Shanghai Expo 2010, appreciating the magnificent China Pavilion, the Crown of the East. The shape of is so well designed that it has attracted almost one million visitors until now. What’s more, I am sure that my new friend will be definitely all over China.

A perfect day ends with a delicious homemade dinner with dearest family. And I hope my company could leave him or her a good memory of Shanghai.

Thanks for your consideration!

Yours sincerely,








According to the reform program of the college entrance examination that the Ministry of Education has made,some of the subjects will be examed many times in a year.People have different oppinions about this.

Some say that this program give students more free time.Students can choose the exam time themself and it's obvious an effective way to improve their grades of the university entrance examination.On the other hand,if some of the subjects are finished ahead of time,students will be in less pressure during the time.

There are also many people against the program while others are in favour of it.It wil increase the burden of the students by the frequently tests.Also,it is a waste of the education resource cause the exam costs more in this case.

In my oppinion,to pass the exam before the reference time is a good way to relax ourselves while we are all under the pressure of the university entrance examination.So I'm looking forward to see the reform program to be brought into force.

What about you?What's your idea of the program?


假如你是启明中学(Ming Qi Middle School)的李明,想申请成为“爱共线”的暑期志愿者。根据以下启事,写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。

志 愿 者 招 募 爱共线是由民间发起的爱心公益组织,主要致力于贫困地区儿童相关的援助项目。 我们期待你的加入!

岗位1:网页编辑(webpage editor) 岗位2:影像制作(cameraman) 岗位3:论坛管理员(forum administrator)

岗位4:活动组织(event organizer) 有意者请来信告知: 1) 你个人的基本情况; 2) 你所申请的岗位和申请的理由; Dear Sir or Madam:

Hello! I’m Li Ming, who is a student from Ming Qi Middle School. After seeing your advertisement, now I’m writing this letter immediately. I want to apply to be a volunteer in your organization. The job I want to take is webpage editor.

First of all, I really want to devote myself to helping children in poor areas. Once upon a time, I saw some news about these poor children who had no access to education or lacked assistance of daily necessities, which left a deep impression on me. So I thought I would do something for them one day.

Secondly, I’m good at programming. I have learnt programming for a long time. The prizes which I won in competitions are numerous. In my class, I’m responsible for designing my class’s webpage. As you can see, I think I have had much experience. Working as a webpage editor is easy for me.

Last but not least, in summer vacation, I have no extra classes. So I can contribute all my energy to this job.

As reasons above, this job is suitable for me. And I assure you that I will do a great job. Please let me join your organization!

Yours sincerely

Li Ming


目前,某某学校正在开展推选“校园形象大使”(image ambassador on campus)活动。假定你是该校的一名学生,请以书信的形式向校长推荐一位同学或者进行自荐,并结合具体事例阐明推荐的理由。(信中请勿出现具体校名和姓名)

Dear Mr Princcipal,

With the recent “Image ambassador on campus” campaign launched,a suitable candidate just comes up into my mind and I cannot wait to introduce this my dear fellow to you heartily.

The guy,named Ben,has been class monitor since his first debut.He is such a person with a high sense of responsibility as is always ready to offer people a helping hand




1 你知道哪些寓言或童话故事?用你自己的话写一写,并说明故事中的一个道理。注意时态为一般过去时。

The Tortoise and the Hare

One day a tortoise and a hare had a race. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was so proud and careless. The slow but careful tortoise won the race. Remember, Slow and steady wins the race.

2. 请用不少于5句话,描述一种你喜欢的动物。

The Panda

The panda is cute. It is black and white. It has a fat body. It looks like a bear. It can climb trees. It lives in China. It eats bamboo.

3. 请用不少于5句话,简单向人们呼吁保护拯救地球上的动物的有效措施.

How to Save the Animals

We should save the animals in danger . Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and don’t pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals. Go for it!

4 描写你最喜欢的一种濒危动物,并写出一些拯救他们的有效措施。

The Panda

The panda is cute. It is black and white. It has a fat body. It looks like a bear. It can climb trees. It lives in China. It eats bamboo. Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and don’t pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals. Go for it!

5 介绍你知道的一位历史人物。

Dr Sun Yatsen

Dr Sun Yatsen was a great leader. He tried to free the Chinese people. He loved the Chinese people. The Chinese people loved him. He was famous. He was good.

6 写出在公共场合的文明礼貌守则或者在校园里的文明礼仪要求。

School Rules

We should listen to the teachers. We should hand in homework on time. We should help pupils in need. We shouldn’t play in class. We shouldn’t laugh at others.

7 假设你要去国外旅游,用不少于5句话,写写你出国旅行的计划。(介绍你喜欢的一个国家及其某个城市)

Travel Abroad

If I can travel abroad. I will go to London. London(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网) is famous. I will see the Big Ben. I will see the Tower Bridge.

8 暑假就要到了,请写一篇日记,写写你假期外出旅行的计划。P53

Thursday, June 25thSunny Summer holiday is coming. I will go to London. London is famous. I will see the Big Ben. I will see the Tower Bridge.

9 写一写你曾经去过的一个地方或者一次有意义的外国旅游经历。P59


London is famous. I like London. So last year I went to London. I saw the Big Ben. I saw the Tower Bridge. I had a good time!

10 假设你是Mike,写一封信给朋友Jack,叙述曾经的一次有意义的外国之旅。P59

Dear Jack,

How are you?London is famous. I like London. So last year I went to London. I saw the Big Ben. I saw the Tower Bridge.

I had a good time!




一、 用至少40个单词叙述你想象中的农场。

This is a big farm. There are some horses,some geese,a few trees in this field.You can pick some apples if you want.They’re delicious.In that field I grow carrots. Do you like it?

二、 用至少40个单词叙述你在广州的生活情况。

Guangzhou is a big and beautiful city.There are many cars and buses here. So it is noisy and the traffic is crowded.There are many flowers and trees in the streets.On weekdays,I go to school.After school,I do my homework.At weekends,I go to the parks .I like the city life very much.

三、 The secret to good health(健康的秘诀)

You can do some simple things to stay healthy.First,get plenty of sleep,at least 8 hours each night.Second,keep a good diet. Eat more vegetables and less meat.Third,take plenty of exercise.Finally, the most important thing for a healthy life is to be happy.

四、 用至少40个单词叙述你过去某一天的活动安排。、

Yesterday I got up at 6:30.I had breakfast I went to school on foot. In the morning I had 4 lessons. Then I had lunch at school at 12:00.In the afternoon. I had 3 lessons. After school, I played games with my friends and then I went home. I went to bed at 10:00


Last Sunday I went to Yuexiu Park with my parents.We went there by

bus.We went boating and played games there. We saw lots of beautiful golden fish in the pool.We were happy ,because it was sunny that day.


I was short and cute before. But now I am tall and strong, I liked playing with toys then, But now I like reading books in my study. I liked eating bananas then, but now I like eating apples.


My favourite festival is Spring Festival. It is in January or February .During the festival,people usually clean their houses and buy now things , They will go to visit their family and friends. And they will have a big dinner. Children often get some lucky money.


I read a story before. This story is about a hare and a tortoise.In the story ,the hare and the tortoise had a race.The hare was sure he would win. But finally,the slow and careful tortoise won the race. I like the story,because it can tell me“Slow and steady wins the race ”.


In the classroom, it is polite to draw pictures on the paper. It is impolite to draw pictures on the wall.After class, it is polite to walk whit friends slowly. It is impolite to jump on the stairs.In the park, it is polite to sit on the chair. It is impolite to sleep on the chair.In the supermarket, it is polite to wait in line. It is impolite to push in.


My favourite animal is a panda. It is black and white in colour. It has a fat body. It looks like a bear.It can climb trees.It eats bamboo. It lives in China. I like it because it is very cute.


Dr Sun Yatsen was a great leader in China .He was born in Guangdong in 1866.He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better. He loved the Chinese people and the Chinese people love him. Today many streets ,parks have his name.


Summer holiday is coming,where will you go ?I plan go to Australia with my parents by plane.First,I will see kangaroos. Second,I will see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.Finally,I will go shopping and buy some gifts for my friends. I think I will have a Good time there.

第11 版



My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. Before the festival my parents and I usually clean our house and go shopping. We also go to the flower fair to buy some beautiful flowers. On the eve of the Spring

Festival we usually have a big meal. During the Spring Festival we often
