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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:35:49 英语作文

篇一:2014年考研英语作文 图画作文考前预测:网络谣言

2014年考研英语作文 图画作文考前预测:网络谣言

Internet rumors 网络谣言

The cartoon informs us of the phenomenon of the Internet rumors. The spread of the Internet rumors should be based on three conditions: firstly, the widespread availability and convenience of theInternet. Compared with other channels of transmission, the Internet enjoys afeature of fast speed and wide extent,whereby spreader can lower the cost of distributing rumors. Secondly,there are many ill-intentioned people existing on the Internet, as snakes inthe grasses. These people are always hopping to draw others'attention or even disturb public order via circulating rumors. They focus onself-satisfaction while overlook the negative impact of their misdeeds

onothers'peaceful life. They are selfish and to blame. Thirdly, the anonymity of theInternet which enables some spreaders to avoid being pushished for theirmalpractice. Sometines, they can circulate undesirable informationuninhibitedly without suffering much in the way of


Definitely, itis widely accepted that the Internet rumors exert a detrimental impact on

ourlife. Perhaps it is time that we should take some measures to clamp down onthis trend. (177words)



特别提示:部分考生也准备过“个人信息泄露 personal data leakage”这个话题,鉴于篇幅,这里不予呈现;另外,2013年12月14日的四级作文“低头族-过度使用手机”已经考察,但不敢断言本次考研会重复考或者不考,也需稍作准备。

篇二:网络谣言 英语作文





Online Rumors

No one can have failed to notice the fact that Internet rumors have been a grave problem confronting us. Groundless allegations flood the Internet. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to enumerate: scandals of both famous and unknown people, fake forecast of earthquakes and the like.

Internet rumors will definitely result in severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to them. First and foremost, made-up scandals directly infringe upon citizens' rights, affecting their daily life and ruining their public image. Besides, the dissemination of such rumors as those about social or natural disasters causes panic and disorder among society. Last but not least, the spread of rumors on the Internet will undermine the credibility of the net to such a degree that people will no longer trust it in the future.

Given the seriousness of this problem, effective steps must be adopted before the situation deteriorates. First, it is imperative that laws and regulations be enacted and executed to stop the production and transmission of Internet rumors. For instance, real-name system should be introduced as soon as possible. Secondly, people should be educated to identify and reject groundless allegations. With severe laws and a conscious public, it will only be a matter of time for Intern(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)et rumors to be eradicated.

For one thing,the advanced network technology has provided people with such convenient communication tools as BBS, Microblogs, QQ, and e-mail, which will promote the spread/diffusion of rumors.

Moreover, the convenience of anonymity on the net enables users to shirk responsibility for their remarks , which has also reinforced this trend. (52words)


Firstly, the authorities should make and implement relevant laws and regulations to impose heavy penalty on those who spread rumors through the Internet.

Secondly, relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of the network information and stop the circulation of rumors.

Last but not least, as for the Netizen themselves,neither should they believe the rumors easily,nor disseminate rumors deliberately. As the common saying goes, "rumors stop at the wise. "(73 words)



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Explain or Keep Silent?You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.










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