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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:55:11 英语作文


Learn for practice

On campus, there are a special group of students. They live an ascetic monk’s life. They are reading endless fat books in the classroom while other peers having a lot of fun seeing a film with friends. They stay at a frowzy dissecting room all morning facing fragmentary and sickening dead bodies while other peers sit in on a class and fall asleep in the cosy atmosphere. They are reciting hundreds of clinical cases all night long while other peers celebrating for the graduation in the corner. These ascetic monks are our medical students.

After 5 to 7 or 8 years hard work on campus and several years’ internship in hospital, these poor students are allowed to working in a hospital with a meager salary. They work day and night,warding round, making medical orders, writing and discussing cases, performing an operation, making death certificate, birth records, contact higher authorities, explaining this or that to patients knowing nothing, having this or that meetings like a white-collar——to name just a few. The only similarity between life in college and hospital is busyness, endless busyness. Thanks for those hard university time, doctors can bear enormous pressure in hospital.

In fact, the biggest challenge when a student is thrown into a hospital is not busy work. What makes us surprising and sad is that we don’t know the way to apply what we learn into practice. We know much about the ins and outs of a disease, because we were well trained in college, but we don’t know how to explain the disease to our patient, a lot of terms from our mouth making patients bored and doubtful. They may comment “this young doctor is just theoretical” afterwards. We learn a lot of

knowledge about human body, but when we are facing a bleeding surgical incision, we feel afraid and at a loss. Every nerve is important, every artery may bleed a good many when cut carelessly.

Doctors are busy and tired, but they are not respected by most people nowadays. The tense physician-patient relation makes it more difficult for doctor to practice their skills. Modern health care system makes physicians and patients far away from each other. However, we know nothing about how a hospital runs, not to mention the health-care system. Consequently, adapting to the complex and dangerous system is a big problem for our medical students.

We are enthusiastic and young students, we can’t allow the holy medical science and our dream destroyed by anything. But where are the solutions? What can we do to learn for practice? In my opinion, students and college should join efforts to solve it. For our students, we can’t only focus on knowledge in books. There are many things to learn for our work, and there are a variety of approaches to learn them. On campus, we should pay more concentration on what happens in hospital. In fact, each of us has a whole course teacher who works in a hospital or a laboratory. Certainly, we are supposed to communicate with him frequently. However, we always miss this valuable chance in the name of heavy study. Nowadays, we can approach the internet easily. Therefore, it’s possible and necessary for us to make full use of it. So, go to collect more information and ideas about career and what happens in the medical world, using the entrancing iPods,computers and the internet.

For the college, the course provided for us should be changed. Some course about

system thinking, quality improvement and patient safety should be added to the medical training. More systematic practice regarding to clinical skills must be carried on. We were allowed to hospitals during the pre-probation when we were studying in Zhuhai. However, it didn’t work well, because we were not trained to practice our knowledge. In fact, we didn’t even receive any medical knowledge there. So we just stand aside, watching doctors or nurses working, confusedly. This phenomenon should be stopped now!

We feel the difference between we medical student and other peers since we took the oath at the opening ceremony. What others learn in college may do nothing with their career in the future. But, what we learn now is what we practicetomorrow. So, it’s significant for us to learn more about our profession and learn for practice.


一般来说博士的英语作文一般都是给 阐述或陈述问题的文章写摘要,如“吃早餐有利于身体健康”、“吸烟有害健康”、“中国大学生越来越能接受心理咨询”、或“医疗体制的现状”等等这样文章,可使用以下的模版: 陈述问题型文章,分三种类型:

一、 正面陈述问题


二、 负面陈述问题






一般这个题目可以和中文标题的翻译一样, 应该是陈述性的词组, 用“of” 、“and” 或“N 词组加介词短语”

如中国医疗体系的现状: The State of Arts of Chinese Medical Care System 或医疗制度的改革: Reform of Chinese Medical Care System

如 吸烟和健康,早餐和健康等等


如A Blind Zone in Child-nutrition, (小孩营养问题的盲区) 等等

注意:1、第一个词和所有的实词大写,介词和冠词(The, a an)等虚词小写


既然是写文章的总结(summary),那么首先需要浏览全文,我感觉这些文章都已经把条理给整理清楚了,那么基本可以确定大概的几条,在试卷上把重要的部分用笔划出来;还可以把序号打上,说明一共有几点。 注意:1

、不用划记细节描写的语句,而用文章中陈述性的语句。一般来说主题句都是陈述性的语句。 如讲到公费医疗体系的问题,你不要去划记那些中国的公立医院有多少,增长了多少的句子,而应该着重看陈述性的主题句是怎么说的, 如果说有了大幅度的增长你就要知道这句话是最重要的句子。(切记:除非本文就是讲数据,而且目的在于测试考生们数据增长、减少等句型的话,那么就要用数据说明问题了

) 这个问题是最重要的,也就是文章讲了什么



一、 正面陈述问题

一、第一段的第一句, 也就是全文的主题句(topic sentence of the whole summary):

用中文总结出来一句: 本文揭示了/说明了一个问题。。。: This article reveals that _____________ has become one of the prominent issues 如早餐问题已经成为了与人们健康息息相关的突出问题;或也可以说成了社会问题;也可以说成了某个领域的问题(抗生素领域)。 Most people take it for granted that ____ should _____. However, it is not always the case. 很多人都想当然地认为什么应该怎么样。然而事实并非如此。 (这几个句子要看情况,并不是都有用的,如果文章中出现了这样的句子“很多人都想当然觉得早餐不是那么重要- Most people take it for granted that breakfast is not significant”,但是实际上不是这样的,那么就可以用到这个句子) Scientists found that these problems are actually caused by _irrational diets and eating habits__. 如老年人的(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)心脏血管等问题,然而实际上是因为不当饮食习惯造成的) This is indicated in a survey recently made (该观点由谁在上海做的一个调查报告中可以得出),也就是如果你这篇文章是由卫生部的报告(report)中得出的,或指出的,那么就可以这么写。如果并是的,那么这个句子可以不写。


Firstly, balanced /regular …. is especially good for the health of … In addition, … should be suggested to… , largely because it helps people to … 此外,什么应该多选用于干什么,主要是因为它帮助人们什么。 再者,它能帮助减少患心血管疾病的危险的几率。

最后,但并非最后一点就是油腻的食物常导致心血管疾病, 所以应该选用油份较少的食物而不是过分油腻的食物。



总而言之,一个平衡的饮食,多吃蔬菜而少吃油腻的食物是对老人来说是保持健康长寿的最重要的因素。 In general, a regular habit of work and rest, more high-quality of sleeping instead of staying up late is of the first significance to the health of people and a long life.

二、 负面陈述问题

一、第一段的第一句, 也就是全文的主题句(topic sentence of the whole summary):

用中文总结出来一句: 本文揭示了/说明了一个问题。。。:

This article reveals that _____________ has become one of the prominent problems 如吸烟问题已经成了威胁人类健康的一个突出问题, 又如早餐问题等等; 同样的,如果是现有的医疗制度之类的问题, 那就可以统称说 成为了(现代)(中国)社会的突出问题;或可以说成了某个领域的问题。

Most people take it for granted that ____ should _____. However, it is not always the case. 很多人都想当然地认为什么应该怎么样。然而事实并非如此。 (这几个句子要看情况,并不是都有用的,如果文章中出现了这样的句子“很多人都想当然觉得早餐不是那么重要- Most people take it for granted that breakfast is not significant”,但是实际上不是这样的,那么就可以用到这个句子) Scientists found that these problems are actually caused by _________. 在上海做的一个调查报告中可以得出),也就是如果你这篇文章是由卫生部的报告(report)中得出的,或指出的,那么就可以这么写。如果并是的,那么这个句子可以不写。

二、第二段 (一般是由段落主题句+1-2个深入解释的句子就可,有时候句子太长,没必要解释也可以的) What people do not know is that ... 。The second blind zone concerned with this issue is that… 。 In addition/ Additionally /Furthermore, the third misunderstanding is …. Finally, the last but not the least point is … (注意这些连接词, 这些都可以任意使用的如 可以先用了In addition/ Additionally 后,再后面那点用Furthermore, 或反之也可)。

三、第三段 (对这些问题的解决办法的套语)

It is not easy to identify the solutions,for it involves several complicated factors. (要找到解决的办法不容易,因为有些复杂的因素--也不一定需要这个句子,如果文章中间没有很难的因素,那么就不需要说了。) Nevertheless, apparently the best way to solve the problem is to provide…(然而,很显然最好的解决办法就是。。。)如果是有很多的解决办法那么就Nevertheless, apparently the best way to solve the problem mainly

再用前面讲到的连接词, 把文章中讲到的解决办法写上。



其实你 其他的类似的文章都可以这么写的。那么要注意的就是句型的使用。有些套话可以学习。



This article reveals that it has become a hot phenomenon currently that more and more people are concerned about how to select a proper hospital. 或者也可以说This article reveals that there are several models/types of Chinese modern hospitals which deserve people to distinguish and select properly.

There are mainly three types of 二、第二段

Overall speaking, its advantages overwhelm its disadvantages.


The biggest advantage lies on … 最大的优点在于什么方面。

Despite its advantages, it still has its shortcoming, that is, … 尽管有这些优点,但是仍然有它的缺点,在于什么方面。

Furthermore/in addition/ Additionally, it also has … 除此之外,它还有什么优点。

On the other hand, it …


Identically, it has the same problem is that…


Compared with the former one, it has its unique merits which lie on …


Nevertheless, it has unavoidable demerit that …





In general, a second thought before the final decision of types of hospitals is of the first significance to the health and pursuing better services.

1、 This article reveals that _____________ has become one of the prominent issues .

2、 This article reveals that _____________ has become one of the prominent issues

3、 This article reveals that _____________ has become one of the prominent issues

4、 This article reveals that _____________ has become one of the prominent problems

5、 This article reveals that it has become a hot phenomenon currently that more and more people are

concerned about how to select a proper hospital.

6、 This article reveals that there are several models/types of Chinese modern hospitals which deserve

people to distinguish and select properly.


8、 Most people take it for granted that ____ should _____. However, it is not always the case.








16、 What people do not know is that ... The second blind zone concerned with this issue is that… In addition / Additionally /Furthermore, the third misunderstanding is ….Finally, but not the least point is … It is not easy to identify the solutions,for it involves several complicated factors.


18、 Nevertheless, apparently the best way to solve the problem mainly lies on the following aspects.

19、 Firstly, balanced /regular …. is especially good for the health of …么好。

In addition, … should be suggested to… , largely because it helps people to … 此外,什么应该多选用于干什么,主要是因为它帮助人们什么。 再者,它能帮助减少患心血管疾病的危险的几率。 最后,但并非最后一点就是油腻的食物常导致心血管疾病, 所以应该选用油份较少的食物而不是过分油腻的食物。


18、 总而言之,一个平衡的饮食,多吃蔬菜而少吃油腻的食物是对老人来说是保持健康长寿的最重要的因素。 In general, a regular habit of work and rest, more high-quality of sleeping instead of staying up late is of the first significance to the health of people and a long life. 总而言之,一个规律的作息,高质量的睡眠而少熬夜是对人们来说是保持健康长寿的最重要的因素。

19、Overall speaking, its advantages overwhelm its disadvantages.


The biggest advantage lies on … 最大的优点在于什么方面。

Despite its advantages, it still has its shortcoming, that is, … 尽管有这些优点,但是仍然有它的缺点,在于什么方面。

Furthermore/in addition/ Additionally, it also has … 除此之外,它还有什么优点。

On the other hand, it …


Identically, it has the same problem is that…


Compared with the former one, it has its unique merits which lie on …


Nevertheless, it has unavoidable demerit that …




一、1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象

2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性

3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做


As we can see, there is a common phenomenon in universities nowadays. Plenty of college students form the bad habits of being late at classes, leave the classes before it's over or they are absent from the classes. That's becoming a more and more serious problems.

Students skip classes for a variety of reasons. Some thinks the classes or their teachers are boring, some are addicted to computer games, others just don't want to study and waste their time. All these are pretty harmful for their road of growth.

So we must realize the importance of attendance rate of classes. For the basest cause, we should show our sincere respect to our selfless

teachers. They stand on the platform for hours every day so how can we ignore their hard-work? Then as for ourselves, we must treasure the chance and our youth to learn as much as knowledge, because we can

nearly impossible live a good life in the rapid developing world without enough abilities. The most important thing is that what a person does now can reflect his attitude to his life. Only a positive man can achieve his dreams.

Therefore, all the students should remember their own responsibilities. Attending at a class means not only you can hand your professional knowledge, but also express you respect to you teachers. And one can gradually get into the good habit of being strict with himself.

At last, a class is not just a major class. It's a class of your life. How can we skip it?



My view on a good doctor

You are free to give your opinion on the qualities that can make one a good doctor

In many people's eyes, doctor is a holy profession, because a doctor can cure the disease and safe people's lives. However, with many medical

accident and the increasing charge for medicine in the recent years, people have gradually changed their mind on doctors.

So, what is leading to this situation? Maybe some doctors nowadays are not qualified. So only when a doctor gets people's approval can he really be a "real " doctor. And what is a good doctor?

In my opinion, a good doctor must be kind-hearted enough at first. The doctor, whose responsibility is to help people who are in need, should express sympathy to his patients. He should give first rank to the patients' health.

Then, an exactly necessary quality for a good doctor is selflessness. As a doctor, he can't focus on his position and wealth. Now that the

patient has put his life to your hands and staked all his hope on you, how could you only care of your own interest? A doctor must have his clear conscience.

Of course, a doctor can't not only have a heart but no strength. An excellent doctor should also be skilful. A doctor surely can't not guarantee a cure and defeat all disease, but he should have his own ability to help as many as patients, just because he is a doctor.

Besides, a good doctor should be courageous, patient, hard-working and so on. In fact, to all the people, a good doctor is just simply expected to serve the people wholeheartedly, with his love and his ability.

And I believe that I can become a good doctor in the future.



How to solve the problem of cannot afford to see a doctor

The passage tells us that most of the peasant workers always can't afford to see a doctor when they work in other cities. When they are

ill , they don't go to see a doctor unless their illness is fairly worse. Most of the cases they tolerate the disease or only go to see the doctors at a small clinic beside the streets. This can cause health

problems to them and break the harmony of our society. So we must take some actions to solve the problem.

One of the most important reasons for this issue is that the drug price is too high for the peasant workers to charge. So the price department should take the responsibility to adapt the price properly. In that case , the drug price can be accepted in the ability of the workers.

And then, the government should pay more for improving the medical facilities in the hospitals so that the sufferers can enjoy better treatment with less payments. Besides, the government can give some

allowances to the peasant workers who just support their family with low wages . After all, they are working for the cities and making their contributions.

At last but not least , rising low-salaried people's wages is of great necessary in some cases. Even without the money to pay for their rent or support their children's school fee , how dare they see a doctor with relief? Money is more important than their health or even their lives in their eyes at that time.

As long as the institutions at other aspects can be improved, I believe the problem of difficulties and high expense of getting medical treatment can be gradually solved

