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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:51:59 英语作文


From the picture we can see that( It is not uncommon for us to see during recent years.


Since the reform and opening up(改革开放), the speed of economy is always very highly sharp(急剧的) in China .with the Chinese people,s fortune(财富) growing rapidly, china has been the main market for luxury products. So, What should we do with the situation? For one thing, during the social transferring period(社会转型), there is no time to delay strengthening the moral construction(道德建设). We must stress the education of ethics(伦理道德) to solve the problem that cannot be solved by law. Second, Social wealth should be distributed evenly. Premier WenJiabao said, "It must be unfair when a society’s wealth is in hands of a few people, and in that case, the society must be unstable.” What’s more, the relevant officials should adjust interest -distributing relationship aimed at achieving common prosperity and social harmony.

自从中国改革开放以来,我国经济增长速度一直都很快。随着人民的财富越来越多,中国已经成为世界主要的奢侈品的消费国。那么 ,我们应该怎么来应对这个问题呢?一方面,在社会转型期间,应该加强道德建设。我们必须强调道德伦理的教育,这是法律不能解决的问题。其次,社会财富的分配应该更加平均。温家宝总理曾说,


In conclusion(总的来说), wealth flaunt 炫富is not only a simple phenomenon that a small number of rich citizens show off(炫耀) their so-called status (地位)of high class and a luxury (奢侈的)life style deliberately(故意的). But there are many complicated(复杂的) internal (内在的)and external (外在的)factors(因素) which are worthy of deep consideration(考虑) behind the phenomenon(现象) of wealth flaunt in our contemporary (当代的)society。


篇二:高调炫富英语作文Chen Guangbiao


1.(Para.1) Hypocritical charity of Chen discussed heatedly

2.(Para.2) Adverse effects of false philanthropy for the 3.(Para.3) Professional opinion and beneficial suggestion of

charitable organizations in America

4.(Para.4) Authentic demands of people in need

5.(Para.5) Personal suggestion for charity career


Prosperity in Action, Poverty in Mind

A violent earthquake hits a small county town in Yunnan province. Buildings are overturned instantaneously, residents are killed relentlessly, and the wail of despair and misery lingers among the ruins like ghosts. At this bitter moment, people throughout the country lend their hands to the recipients with no spare. Chen Guangbiao, a millionaire who considers himself as the most charitable philanthropist in China, contributes his effort to the survivors by an

unprecedented way. However, the action rendering survivors holding up cash and taking a photo makes the public burst into uproar, for people view it as a hypocritical charity show.

The donation contributed by Chen Guangbiao could have received heartfelt praise from people. Nevertheless, the way he shows off degrades his “benevolence” to a false hype even if he acts out of mercy. Also, adverse effects are brought to both the recipients and the whole society. Grateful as they are, those who accept donations are reluctant to take this photo, inasmuch as they are forced to complete a charitable show for Chen after they lose beloved families and homes. Moreover, the method Chen expresses his kindness will be concerned by others to admire, to imitate and to popularize at the cost of true charity.

This event reminds me of a similar action Chen Guangbiao makes in New York, which receives heavy criticism from philanthropic organizations in America. What they champion is that Chen enables the organizations to assign the donations instead of individual action, because they are more professional and skillful than Chen. In contrast, there

is only rising idleness among people in need as a consequence of Chen’s charitable pattern.

On my part, cash will never be the panacea for relieving one’s pain, while the power of humane treatment overwhelms that of money. For those survivors of earthquake, only by receiving loving care from fellows can their despair fade away gradually. For those unemployed people, only by receiving job opportunities from certain organizations can they retain the dignity as independent persons.

As for the society, it is not the aptitude but the attitude that determines its altitude. It is expected that the government can issue, strengthen and enforce laws of philanthropy. It is expected that the society can establish more charitable organizations expertised in humanitarian aid. It is expected that those charismatic philanthropists will never become people who have prosperity in action, but poverty in mind.


1.(Para. 1) Objective analysis of deficiencies of essay writing

2.(Para.2) Rational planning for confronting frustrations and promoting writing

3.(Para.3) Cordial aspiration for growing up in frustrations


Bear Frustration Piously, Bear Fructification Plentifully

--Reflection on my first in-class writing

Some consider the frustration as a razor that leaves the soul to bleed, while I consider it as a river that nourishes the tender reed. Doubtlessly, getting au unsatisfactory mark must be a frustration for me. The deficiency of writing it conveys to me, however, is the matter I ought to confront indeed. When I retrospect the process of writing with care, it occurs to me that I rush into throwing words on paper without organizing well. Even when I chew the essay again, the flavorless sentences and viewpoints make me find it tasteless. Frankly, the bitter fruit I reap is the consequence of my lack in the accumulation of precious knowledge.

It is the one who is afraid to bear frustrations that can not bear fructifications. If I choose the escape from facing frustrations, it is destined for me to fall into the abyss of the failure. Instead, the constant accumulation and continuous innovation might make great differences. Only by standing on the shoulder of giants can I see further than others. Thus, it is through reading the classic that I pave the way for the preferable writing. Moreover, the frequent practice enables me to write in calm instead of being chased by time.

The frustrations kiss me with pain, but request me to grow up in song. It is true that the process of bearing frustrations is that of growing up. Only by lying a seed beneath the bitter snows can it bear plentiful fruits in summer.


Wealth Flaunt: a Coming Monster

Nowadays, Chinese rich youngsters are crazy about luxury products — imported French handbags and perfume, Italian sports cars and so on. They pursue the latest fashion and travel in their private jets. They spoil plenty of money on such luxury products instead of making donations to the poor via charities. What’s more, the newly rich young people prefer to flaunt their wealth with posting pictures of their luxury products or making some comments about their extravagant life on the Internet. A typical example is concerning a Chinese girl called Guo Meimei. Guo Meimei has become a recent Internet sensation in China recently and a prompted national scandal when she posted photos of herself on her own micro blog posing with her collections of imported Hermes handbags and showing off her white Mercedes sports car and her boyfriend’s orange Lamborghini car. Her pretentious behavior irritated the majority of internet users, and spelled innumerable criticism for herself.

It seems to be creating headaches for Chinese governmental officials who are facing growing discontent over a widening income gap after three decades of exhorting their residents to get rich. Without any doubt, wealth flaunt will sharpen the annoying situation. Obviously, such behavior will be an obstacle to the ultimate establishment of a harmonious and sustainable society.

Why does wealth flaunt become increasingly common?

From my point of view, wealth flaunt is not an isolated and pure phenomenon. Wealth flaunt is linked to our some twisted values and our country’s some existing economic policy.

On one hand, since China embarked on the path of Reform and Opening-up, the speed of economy growth is always very highly sharp in China and the income level of the residents also improves quickly. But the fear is that we have noticed a decline of moral values. A small part of the population has become money-oriented. They possess a lot of money, but they misunderstand the true value of money. Some of the rich people interpret the money as superiority to the ordinary people, besides; they flaunt their wealth so as to show off their so-called “status” and “dignity”. Such people take for granted that money is omnipotent, furthermore, they can obtain everything they desire with money. For example, just recently, a young female undergraduate was killed in a terrible accident in Zhejiang which was caused by the drag racing between two young rich men whom we usually call “the second rich generation”. Outrageously, the two perpetrators were just intended to compensate lots of money to the family of the victim without apologizing formally. The young men thought that they could solve any problem with enough money. As a consequence, numerous people criticized the young men for their shameful behavior which was considered as wealth flaunt. After all, the deviation of some people’s mind and values and loss of the morality lead

to the irritating phenomenon.

On the other hand, although we are at a time when Europe and the United States are still struggling with stagnant economy, China has emerged as the premier long-term market for luxury products. For example, Chinese bought $12 billion in luxury goods last year, according to Ministry of Commerce statistics. China will account for 20 percent of all worldwide luxury sales by 2015, according to the McKinsey and Co. management consulting firm. As the global economy deteriorates, China tries to accelerate its shift to a more consumer-led growth model. Some official leaders consider luxury items as a lucrative revenue source. But at the same time, they don’t want to promote luxury because they are worried people who cannot afford it will see the advertisements and feel unfair. Moreover, they don’t want to limit luxury products because it’s of great benefits for the economy. Subsequently, Chinese officials are facing a dilemma. In addition, writer Liang Xiaosheng has written a book called “analysis of all sectors of Chinese society” to criticize the brutality of China's contemporary capital accumulation. Nowadays in China, the wealth is controlled by a small number of people, and wealth is not evenly distributed in our society. For this reason, the uneven distribution of wealth causes many problems.

What should we d(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)o with the challenge?

For one thing, during the social transferring period, there is no time

to delay strengthening the moral construction. We must stress the education of ethics to solve the problem that cannot be solved by law. In that case, we can promote people’s all-round development. For instance, our schools should offer ethics courses aimed at guiding youth to set up the right value concept. Moreover, we can regularly carry out ideological and moral -depth educational activities, so we can cultivate a healthy and positive ethical atmosphere.

For another thing, social wealth should be distributed evenly. The ultimate goal of development is to improve the livelihoods of all people, rather than some. The eradication of poverty is of great complexity, which needs universal efforts and a brand-new development pattern. To help impoverished people shake off poverty should be the joint responsibility of

various local governments and the people of the whole country. Premier Wen Jiabao said, "It must be unfair when a society’s wealth is in hands of a few people, and in that case,

the wealth is


should the society must be unstable.”If in a country, most of concentrated in the hands of witness harmony and stability. the few, The then this country can government

accelerate economic restructuring and adjustment of

the industrial structure. What’s more, the relevant officials should adjust interest -distributing relationship aimed at achieving common prosperity

and social harmony.

In conclusion, wealth flaunt is not only a simple phenomenon that a small number of rich citizens show off their so-called status of high class and a luxury life style deliberately. But there are many complicated internal and external factors which are worthy of deep consideration behind the phenomenon of wealth flaunt in our contemporary society.

