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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:54:41 英语作文


Beijing Opera is the essence of our country ,many people understanding the opera more or less .Now, let me to

introduce the knowledge about Peking Opera . I will have to introduce the content is divided into three parts.

Beijing Opera is very popular in China. It has a history of more than 200 years. Although it is called beijing Opera, the origins of beijing Opera are not in Beijing but in the provinces of Anhui and Hubei . During the reign of the Qianlong emperor in the Qing dynasty, Qianlong had an interest in the local opera. In 1790, to celebrate his eightieth birthday, he summoned opera troupes (戏班)from different places to perform for him in Beijing. Four famous troupes from Anhui province remained in Beijing after the celebration. In 1828, A Hubei troupe came to Beijing and often performed together with the Anhui troupes. The two types of singing mixed together and gradually a new type came into being known as Beijing Opera.

Now,let’s see the classification(分类)of the roles of Beijing Opera. There are four main roles in Beijing Opera.

Sheng, a male role, usually a leading one falls into four groups: Laosheng,Xiaosheng,and Wusheng.

Dan is the general term in Peking Opera for female roles. The Dan roles are subdivided into Laodan, Wudan,Daomadan, Qingyi, and Huadan .

Jing refers to painted-face roles,known popularly as Hualian. The Chou is one of the main roles in Peking Opera. The eyes and nose are surrounded by a white patch, so Chou is also known as Xiao Hua Lian . Do you think he is funny?

Ok, And then there is the third part of explanation. Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas are based on certain personality, temperament or some special types of figures for the use of certain colors.

All right, finished watching Beijing Opera, I also have a few questions want to ask everyone.

Beijing opera is a traditional fortune of our country. But she has standed an embarrassing situation where it's almost forgotten.We, especially us students, should take this issue seriously. And we should stick to it and spread it. In order to better promote Beijing Opera ,some Beijing Opera artists started

trying to sing Beijing Opera in English . Besides, many parents also began to cultivate their children interest in Peking Opera.


Topic 23 Peking Opera as a Compulsory Course? 京剧是否作为必修课?

Recently, the Ministry of Education launched a new reform, specifying that Peking Opera be set as part of the compulsory course sat primary and middle schools. The reform has caused an enormous amount of controversy in society.

Many people in favor of it agree that it may contribute a lot to promoting traditional Chinese culture. But even more people are against it for they think it is not quite feasible in teaching practice. A


s to this issue, my view is that Peking Opera should step into classroom, not as a compulsory course, but as an optional one. On the one hand, teaching Peking Opera at school could popularize traditional art so that more people will know and love it. On the other hand, however, to some extent, setting a new compulsory course will add to students’ academic burden which has been already heavy enough.

Therefore, by setting Peking Opera as an optional course, students may have more freedom to decide whether to take it or not. In a word, promoting and developing traditional culture cannot merely depend on “revitalizing Peking Opera”. The key lies in improving the cultural awareness of the whole nation substantially


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理由:故宫是中国的传统文化与建筑艺术的承载体!皇宫,是以前中国人的政治权力中心,同时也是当时人民的为精神支柱故宫是中国文化的圣地,其环境应该和谐,把星巴克开在故宫就像一个穿长袍马褂的儒士身上再加一件西装看上去有些不伦不类! 如果故宫真的需要咖啡店,那就请把中国的有势力的咖啡馆请进去!其实,到故宫来旅游的中外朋友们,他们不是来喝咖啡,不是来休闲的!是来体会中国的艺术与文化。我们何不把我们的茶文化请进故宫,更可把我们的国粹——京剧请进故宫。因为这样才能使大家真正体会到中国的文化与中国的韵味!星巴克大可请它搬到商业区,那里会使它真正得到它所需要的——金钱。 客观地讲,星巴克代表的是美国饮食文化,而故宫却是传统文化的最权威象征,对外则是为中国的代名词,是当代最为中国化的符号。当两者相联系到一起的时候,除了经济利益之外,也的确应该考虑到文化是否能够融合。当然对于商家而言,利润是最大的追求目标,也正是因为故宫每天接待数亿万计的外国游客,才使得星巴克在故宫内部拥有了一定市场的基础,进而才可以经营下去。但故宫毕竟不是商业经营场所,不能完全依靠市场需求来制定经营发展道路,故宫更重要的意义还在于它是中华传统民族文化的重要载体,是无法重现的文化遗产。如此说来,把星巴克放在故宫里,这完全是本末倒置。

故宫来旅游的中外朋友们,他们不是来喝咖啡,不是来休闲的!是来体会中国的艺术与文化。我们何不把我们的茶文化请进故宫,更可把我们的国粹——京剧请进故宫。因为这样才能使大家真正体会到中国的文化与中国的韵味! 芮成钢说在西方人的普遍观念中,星巴克是“不登大雅之堂的饮食文化的代表符号”,影视作品中也经常拿“遍地都是星巴克”、“星巴克开到白宫”等语言自我开涮。而把星巴克开在故宫里面,则代表着这种西方俗文化成为世界对中国紫禁城记忆感受的一部分,对故宫是种视觉污染,对古老的中国文化也是种糟蹋。难道北京烤鸭也可以把分店开进白宫,狗不理包子也能上国会山吗?


A eunuch kneeling on the ground holding Coffee
