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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:55:31 英语作文


Bird's Nest


The main venue for the Beijing Olympics, the National Stadium, widely known as the Bird’s Nest because of its unique design, has become a nationwide sensation.

The removal of the elements helped to bring the project under the reduced construction budget of $290 million, from an original $500 million. With the removal of the retractable roof, the building was lightened, which helped it stand up to seismic activity; however, the upper section of the roof was altered to protect fans from weather. Due to the stadium's outward appearance, it was nicknamed "The Bird's Nest". The phrase was first used by Herzog & de Meuron, though the pair still believes "there should be many ways of perceiving a building. "The use is a compliment Li explained, "In China, a bird's nest is very expensive, something you eat on special occasions."


The National Stadium is situated in the Beijing Olympic Green. During the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the opening

ceremony, closing ceremony, track

and field meets, and men's football

final will be held here. It is the

world's largest steel structure and

the most complex stadium ever

constructed. Its design had to be

inspiring and be able to withstand

an earthquake. So 'light weight'

was combined with strength in 110

000 tons of a new grade of steel,

the purest ever developed in China, including 36km of steel struts. It has been a landmark and a longstanding symbol of the Olympics. It is "one of the key engineering marvels in the world today."

The Bird's Nest was the main venue of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and it has a seating capacity of over 91,000. With a simple and classical space effects, the National Stadium is beautifully designed; and all the structural parts support with each other, forming a network framework. It looks like a bird's nest woven with branches. After the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the stadium will become a sports and entertainment facility for the residents of Beijing. And it will become another important tourist attraction of Beijing.

By the 2001 Pritzker Prize winner Herzog, and the Chinese architect Li Xinggang de Meuron collaborated giant stadium design, forms as life" nest", it is more like a cradle, is entrusted with the mankind's hope for the future. The designers of the National Stadium did not do any extra processing, just give the structure is exposed outside, so the natural formation of the appearance of a building.

Design and construction:

Located in the Olympic Green, the stadium cost US$423 million. The design was awarded

to a submission from the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron in April 2003 after a

bidding process that included 13 final submissions. The design, which originated from the study of Chinese ceramics, implemented steel beams in order to hide supports for the retractable roof; giving the stadium the appearance of a "Bird's nest". Leading Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was the artistic consultant on the project. The retractable roof was later removed from the design after inspiring the stadium's most recognizable aspect. Ground was broken in 24 December 2003 and the stadium officially opened in 28 June 2008. A shopping mall and a hotel are planned to be constructed to increase use of the stadium, which has had trouble attracting events, football and otherwise after the Olympics.

The entire structure component of the stadium composes the mutual support to form a grid structure. It looks like a bird's nest and the gray steel mesh is covered by transparent material. It contains a bowl-shaped stadium which is red. Here, the hollow out style, the ceramic lines, the red refulgence and warm, and the most advanced modern steel structure design are perfectly blended together.

The whole building is related through the giant reticular structure, without one column in the interior. The stand is shaped like bowl which

give the stadium unbelievable dramaticism and

incomparable appeal. The continuous loop will

also make the audience get the best view and

promote their emotion. It can also encourag e

players to be faster, higher and stronger. Here,

people, really have been given the center


The crust of the stadium can be made by the diaphragm, make to completely waterproof. The sun can penetrate through the transparent roof to meet the growth of the indoor turf. During a game, the stands can change through various ways and can satisfy the different requirements of different audiences. During the Olympic Games, 20000 temporary seats are on the top of the stadium and can ensure that everyone can clearly see the whole game. The entrance, the exit and the crowd flow through the regional division and reasonable streamline design had been settled perfectly.

The eastern and western stands of Beijing National Stadium are higher than northern and southern stands, in order to improve sightlines. A 24-hour per day rainwater collector is located near the stadium; after water is purified, it is used throughout and around the stadium. Pipes placed under the playing surface gather heat in the winter to warm the stadium and coldness in the summer to cool the stadium. The stadium's design originally called for a capacity of 100,000 people; however 9,000 were removed during a

simplification of the design. The new total of 91,000 would be shaved further when 11,000 temporary seats were removed after the 2008 Olympics; bringing the stadium's capacity to 80,000.The farthest seat is 460 feet (140 meters) from center field. Temperature and airflow of every surface were optimized to increase ventilation.

The stadium is like a huge container, whether the last to see or Lex, will give the impression that distinctive, never erase the image, it is fully in line with the National Stadium in the functional and technical requirements, but also from a general Stadium building long-span structures and the digital screen as the main design technique. The spatial effect of the stadium only has the unprecedented originality, but simple, elegant. From here, people can visit, including the stands of the stairs leading to the entire region, including moving lines. Sports hall, is an indoor urban space, with restaurants and shops, its role is just as Commercial Street Gallery, or square, drawing people yearn afternoon a memorable one..


The Bird's Nest, together with the nearby Water Cube, represents the traditional Chinese concept of "round heaven and square earth," as well as the "Qian-kun" and "Yin-yang" ideas. The Bird's Nest is a Beijing's landmark building which represents the most

advanced steel structure building system and it support the development of the future building. But the Bird's Nest also has some disadvantages, for example, its maintenance is difficult, and the utilization rate is low after the competition. In the future, we should strive to overcome these difficulties.


李志跃在城市化进程中建筑装饰工程功能作用的再解析[期刊论文]-大众科技 2011(7)

杨嗣信建国60年来我国建筑施工技术的重大发展[期刊论文]-建筑技术 2009(9)

American Society of Civil Engineers. Prestand and commentary guidelines for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings [ R ] .FEMA2356 , Washington D. C. : Federal Emergency Management Agency , 2000.

Chopra A K. Estimating seismic demands for performance-based engineering of buildings

[ C] ∥Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Mira Digital Publishing ,Canada , 2004 , Paper No. 5007.








国家体育场(“鸟巢”)是2008年北京奥运会主体育场。由2001年普利茨克奖获得者赫尔佐格、德梅隆与中国建筑师李兴刚等合作完成的巨型体育场设计,形态如同孕育生命的“巢”,它更像一个摇篮,寄托着人类对未来的希望。设计者们对这个国家体育场没有做任何多余的处理,只是坦率地把结构暴露在外,因而自然形成了建筑的外观。 国家体育场于2003年12月24日开工建设,2004年7月30日因设计调整而暂时停工,同年12月27日恢复施工,2008年3月完工。工程总造价22.67亿元。




鸟巢设计中充分体现了人文关怀,碗状座席环抱着赛场的收拢结构,上下层之间错落有致,无论观众坐在哪个位置,和赛场中心点之间的视线距离都在140米左右。 “鸟巢”的下层膜采用的吸声膜材料、钢结构构件上设置的吸声材料,以及场北京29届奥运会体育场鸟巢实景内使用的电声扩音系统,这三层“特殊装置”使“巢”内的语音清晰度指标指数达到0.6——这个数字保证了坐在任何位置的观众都能清晰地收听到广播。“鸟巢”的相关设计师们还运用流体力学设计,模拟出91000个人同时观赛的自然通风状况,让所有观众都能享有同样的自然光和自然通风。 “鸟巢”的观众席里,还为残障人士设置了200多个轮椅座席。这些轮椅座席比普通座席稍高,保证残障人士和普通观众有一样的视野。赛时,场内还将提供供助听器并设置无线广播系统,为有听力和视力障碍的人提供个性化的服务。许多建筑界专家都认为,“鸟巢”将不仅为2008年奥运会树立一座独特的历史性的标志性建筑,而且在世界建筑发展史上也将具有开创性意义,将为21世纪的中国和世界建筑发展提供历史见证。



我们坐着几辆车GPS全球定位系统调到前往鸟巢的线路,便开始出发了。我们坐在车上说说笑笑时,忽然我看见了绚烂的彩灯一起照向了一个地方,给这个地方增添了几分光彩。我终于看到了鸟巢:“我看到了鸟巢了!我看到了鸟巢了!”几个正在聊天聊的入迷的大人也被我这几分尖叫给惊醒了。我们路过“水立方”时,我看到那几个显眼的大石块犹如水晶般透彻明丽。终于到鸟巢了。我好象看见了一个由丝绸般的线围成了一个鸟居住的家一样。我们准备去鸟巢时,看见那里人山人海,挨挨挤挤的。好不容易才找到一个地方通往鸟巢的路,哇!我不惊赞叹,整个“鸟巢”被千万个霓虹灯、彩灯所照耀,忽然我还看见许许多多的人在那里照相合影,整个“鸟巢”成千上万的照光所拍摄,仿佛是影视城一般。我看见了一个残疾的小女孩,她只有一肢手臂,而且双目失明,可她还是朝鸟巢来了完美无缺的微笑。 我们买完票后,就进入“鸟巢”了,我首先到的是几位明星,如:成龙、韩庚等。唱起歌来,各种颜色的灯把鸟巢的每个角落都照了一遍,仿佛和舞吧里的灯照起来的灯艳丽了很多,我忽然听见韩庚的忠实粉丝为他们的明星加油呐喊,整个鸟巢就变成了欢乐的海洋,星空的天下,在当时没有任何词语能形容我们欢乐和百感交集的心情,整个欢呼声传遍了鸟巢每个角落,我的心情犹如蹿着几只小兔子,从一只变两只,两只变三只。



篇三:初步整理 英语高考大作文


基础写作在小谢本人看来就是5句话翻译短文。。。。真心是送分的部分。。只要单词过关,短语稍微用的比较好,会偶尔用个什么with的短语啊,动名词短语啊这些东西,我以前的老师就给13分的。。。。真的,我也是醉了。。 言归正传哈,高考老师评这个东西,估计也就是看你翻译的5句话好不好,衔接的如何了。


First of all,你要懂题目要你写啥,人家要你介绍风土人情,你就想想有啥相

关的短语可以介绍的,像是坐落于??就是Located at/in/on,



圆,这些外表的表达要懂吧。。英语里说高富帅就是a big

gong-looking rich guy,虽然我觉得不是很靠谱。。这些相关内



And then,确定文章需要的时态,像是介绍某某处的风景名胜的时候啊,就要





分。(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)

What’s more,作为经典5句话文章翻译,不是啥时候都给你来五句话,让你坐

等翻译的,像是图表给信息,然后题目这给了3 个问题,这就需





Last but not the least,以上都是跟中文相关度更大的内容,接下来就是英语的






上~~~好比同样说喜欢:I enjoyed music and he is

fond of playing music.


可以考虑在多内容的时候有并列句和复杂句(定语从句,名词性从句,现在分词或过去分词做状语等)。好比说这么一个句子:This fur coat is soft

, and is also warm.可以换成not only?? but also这种句子:Not only

the fur coat is soft ,but also warm.也可以用as well as只是它跟not only but also 强调的点不同。



图表除了下面的表格(table)以外,还有数据变化的曲线图(graph),柱状图 (bar chart)以及扇形图(pie chart)



1. 基础写作(调查“谁是你的偶像‖)

【写作内容】 上周,我们以―谁是你的偶像‖为题,在2600名学生

中进行了一次调查(survey)。 以下是调查数据:










One possible version:

Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on ―Who Is Your Idol‖.The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as idols, while 48% of the boys prefer sports stars. As the data shows, ―parents‖ rank the second for the girls, but the forth for the boys. However, the percentage of the boys choosing ―great figures‖ is the same as that of the girls. As for me, Thomas Edison is my idol because his

inventions have greatly changed our life.

基础写作(介绍2008年北京奥运会主体育场 —“鸟巢”)


请根据以下的情景说明和写作要求,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。假如你是一名导游,请你根据所给的提示,向来北京观光的外国游客介绍2008年北京奥运会主体育场 —―鸟巢‖。

[写作要求] 1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;

2. 开头和结尾已为你写好。

[评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。

? 参考词汇:开幕式和闭幕式 Opening and Closing ceremonies

娱乐活动 entertainment平方米 square metres

? Ladies and gentlemen,


That’s all! Thank you!

============================================================ One possible version

and 69.2 metres tall is located in Beijing Olympic Park, covering 258,000 square metres. The splendid Opening and Closing ceremonies are to take place in Bird’s Nest, where the main track and field events as well as football matches during the games will be held.

After the games, Bird’s Nest will be used as the center of sports games, culture and entertainment events. It began to be built on December 24th, 2003, and was completed at the end of 2007. People all sing high praise for ―the Bird’s Nest‖, considering it as one of the ten new construction wonders in China.






[评分标准] 句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯

============================================================= One possible version:

The People’s Republic of China lies in the east of Asia, facing the Pacific Ocean, and covers a total area of 9600000 square kilometers and five of the world’s 24 times areas. China belongs to continental climate, that is, cold in winter and hot in summer depending on different areas.

China has 56 nationalities with the largest population of 1.3 billion in the world. We are a hard-working and brave people with a civilization of 5000 years. So we hope China will successfully host the 29th Olympic Games on October 8th, 2008, in the capital of Beijing, China.


基础写作(对英语的认知情况 / 英语的重要性)

【写作内容】 某英语报社最近征文,想了解中学生对英语语言的认知情况。请根据


1. 在中国各地,英语为一门必修科目,人人都应该努力学好;

2. 英语在世界上被广泛使用,是世界上最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件都是用英语写的;

3. 通过英语,我们可以向世界介绍我们的国家,也可以使我们更好地学习外国的先进


4. 学好英语能使我们更好地为祖国服务,为人民服务;
