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① 老爷爷去世了,老奶奶因为伤心过度也去世了——有人情味;

② 邻居李叔叔结婚了,新娘不见了(见义勇为去了)——有矛盾;

③ 奥运会上刘翔的参赛万众瞩目,可刘翔默然退场了——不寻常。


1. 在见微知著中洞察。照相机能照相,人的双眼也能照相。然而人和照相机毕竟不同,双眼是带着感情去选镜头的。观察的人本身要有一定的思想水平,只有这样,才可能看到事情的里层,发现其中蕴含的深意。

2. 在深入思考中挖掘。日常生活中,要做到凡事多加留意,尽可能深入地去想一想,不只注意到它的表象,还要去挖掘它的本质,弄清它的来龙去脉。这样,就能有敏感的头脑挖掘、寻找出事情中所蕴含的深意。









(1) 一波三折。文章写得有波澜,对读者才会有吸引力。孔子说:“情欲信,辞欲巧。”所谓巧,意指曲折。朱熹也曾说“文须错综见意,曲折生姿”,强调文章要在曲折宛转中别开生面。“山无起伏,便是顽山;水无潆洄,便是死水。”中国的园林,往往在一曲一折之中不断展现“山重水复”,又不断展现“柳暗花明”。



(2) 适当留白。说满说尽,一览无余,不给读者留下任何思考、想象的余地,这是一种常见的文章病。真正的好文章不仅能准确传递作者欲提供的各种信息,而且善于作虚化、省略处理,留下一定的“空白”,给读者以驰骋想象的无边空间。比如,《红楼梦》中写黛玉临终时高叫“宝玉,宝玉,你好……”,便“浑身冷汗,不作声了”。“你好……”什么也没说,然而这留下的空白中,有多少难以言传的东西啊!由此可见,预留空白,是作者有意为之,是为了增强文章表达效果使用的一种手段,其目的在于“无画处皆成妙境”,使文章波澜起伏,引人入胜。复叠兴波。马克思曾经说过:“发展是按所谓的螺旋式而不是按直线进行的。”写作诗文作品也要客观反映现实生活中的这种复沓回旋、一波三折的运动情形。运用复叠手法组织文章情节,可以造成波澜曲折、扣人心弦的特殊效果。不过,运用复叠手法组织故事情节,不是搞照搬照套,次次回到老路上去,而是根据事物的发展规律,同中见异,使文章有节奏、有计划、有步骤地发展,推动情节进入一个又一个新的阶段,使人物、事件和冲突丝丝入扣,有机而和谐地联系在一起,为揭示主题服务。比如《三国演义》中“七擒孟获”一节,写诸葛亮一而再、再而三,直至七次擒住孟获,次次擒法不同;又一而再、再而三,一共七次释放了孟获,次次放法不同。“七擒七纵,自古未尝有也。”从写作上看,正是重叠手法的独特运用,造成了七擒孟获的蜿蜒曲折、惊心动魄。








My Uncle


My uncle will never forget what happened to him yesterday.

Towards the evening, he was invited to an inn. He enjoyed his dinner with his friends, drinking a lot of beer. As a result, he got drunk. He insisted on driving home after the meal, although his friends tried to persuade him not to.

A few minutes later, he was winding his way on the street. And then his car ran into a tall tree. Fortunately, he was still alive, though seriously injured. The police came to the scene, and he was taken to hospital. Naturally, he had to stay in hospital for several days. Worse still, his driving license was revoked. How he regretted what he had done!

as a result 结果

insist on坚持

try to persuade him not to努力说服他不要(开车回家)

wind his way迂回地走,弯曲地前进

worse still更糟的是

His driving license was revoked.他的驾照被吊销。

How he regretted what he had done!为自己做的事感到后悔!

My Grandpa


My grandpa is a retired worker. On summer evenings, we often sat together outside the house enjoying the cool air. It was the time that he told me lots of his experiences before liberation.

When my grandpa was fourteen years old, he worked in a coal mine. One day, when he and his two workmates were working in the tunnel, an unfortunate thing suddenly happened. A part of the tunnel fell down, and they were shut in it. They had no food to eat. When they were hungry, they only drank some water there. It was very cold in it. In order to keep warm they hugged one another. In the darkness, they didn’t know whether it was day or night, they only felt they had stayed there for a very long time. They were too hungry to speak or move, and thought they would die. At last, the tunnel was dug through. They were saved. They had been there for fourteen days! My grandpa said they had not been let out at once. If so, they would have died. They were kept at the entrance to the tunnel where it was very dim, and they were fed with some thin porridge. After a day or two, they had recovered a bit, and they were helped out.

retired worker 退休工人fall down 倒塌

hug one another 抱在一起

If so, they would have died. 如果这样(马上出去),他们将会死。

the entrance to the tunnel 隧道的入口

be fed with 以……为食

help sb. out 帮助某人摆脱困境

A Good Friend of Mine


I have a good friend, whose name is Hu Ying. She is an ordinary-looking girl with short hair. She is not very tall but very clever.

We study in the same class. She always studies hard. She is more diligent than any other student

in our class. Every morning she comes first into the classroom and then reads aloud. In my opinion, she sets us a good example.

Not only does she work hard but also is kind to others. Especially when you are in trouble, she will give you warm help. I’ll never forget the day when I had a bad stomachache in P.E. class. I was sitting on the playground, bending down painfully. Everyone did what he or she enjoyed, but she came up to me in a hurry and asked, “What’s the matter with you?” I told her weakly about it. Without hesitation, she supported me with her hand to see the school doctor. After taking the medicine, I felt better.

Since then, we become good friends. I have made great progress in my English study with her help.

I’m so proud that I have such a good friend.

an ordinary-looking girl 一位相貌平凡的女孩

more diligent than any other student 比其他的同学更勤奋

set sb. a good example 为某人树立好榜样

have a bad stomachache 胃很痛bend down painfully 痛苦地弯曲着身子

without hesitation 毫不犹豫地

support sb. with one’s hand 用手搀扶着某人

make great progress in sth. 在……方面取得巨大进步

My Piano Performance


I have been playing piano for four years. My deepest memory is my first piano performance. That year I just started learning piano for a couple of months. When I heard the news that there was going to be a piano performance coming up in a few weeks, I felt very nervous. Finally came that day. When we arrived at the concert hall, my hands just started trembling unexpectedly. Just looking at my teacher’s warm face let me gain back my self-confidence. When it was my turn to perform, I held my head high up, boldly went up the stage, sat on the chair, and lifted up my hands to play. In one breath, I played the piece from beginning to end and played it very smoothly and very pleasantly. Soon, a thunder of applause filled the concert hall, I felt very happy, and very proud of myself, too.That is my first piano performance, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life.

have been playing piano 一直(毫不间断地)弹刚琴

a couple of months 两个月come up 进行

Finally came that day(That day came finally.) 那天终于来了。

gain back my self-confidence 重新获得自信

hold my head high up 高昂着头

lift up 抬起,举起in one breath 一口气

a thunder of applause 雷鸣般的掌声the rest of my life 余生

My Good Teachers


I like my English teacher. She has beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. She is very kind and is a good teacher.

She is both my teacher and my friend. I have known her since I was in preschool. She very patiently helps us learn. When I make a mistake she lets me redo it, saying that it doesn’t matter, just remember to be more careful next time.

I like my Chinese teacher. She has black hair and black eyes. She is nice to me and my classmates.

One time, the teacher told everyone to write an essay. She asked me, “Lulu, do you have any difficulty?” I answered, “I’m not afraid of difficulty. I’ll give it a try.” “Lulu is the youngest; yet she works hard. Everyone should follow her example,” she said. I knew this was a compliment from my teacher and it encouraged me to keep on learning.

These are my good teachers and when I grow up I will not forget them!

beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes 漂亮的金发和蓝色的眼睛

make a mistake 犯错

write an essay 写散文

I’m not afraid of difficulty. 我不怕困难。

give it a try 试一试

follow her example 以她为榜样

encourage me to keep on learning 鼓励我继续学习

My Father, My Teacher


My father is fluent in English and French. What a high intellect! He has not only taught me how to learn, but also told me one very important rule: being self-taught is very important!

This is embarrassing to admit, but my learning habits were not adequate, and playing was the only thing on my mind. Chinese was no exception. I always thought that it was pointless. My father always patiently lectured me, always using himself as an example, telling me a few of his experiences. Later on, my father visited the Shanghai library to read English books. In order to save a few cents from bus fares, he would constantly walk for one to two hours. His studying conditions were very rough. Like this, my father self-taught his way to be able to understand English.

When he graduated from middle school, my father was sent to the countryside. Everyday after work, no matter how tired he was, he always managed to squeeze some time to continue learning English. Many people didn’t understand him, calling him stupid, because English had virtually no use then. Through my father’s experiences, I understand that self-teaching is very important. Whenever I feel that learning Chinese has no point, my father always tells me, “You can’t be afraid of the hardship of learning. Right now you don’t really know if the studying is important, but later you will experience the joy of success. If you don’t learn now, and only try to learn when you need it, it would already be too late!”

I really admire my father, and will always remember what he has taught me!

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。

What a high intellect! 多高的才能啊!

being self-taught is very important 自学是非常重要的

this is embarrassing to admit 不好意思地承认

no exception 毫不例外

manage to squeeze some time 尽量挤出一些时间

An Honest and Humorous Teacher


Gregory, an American, teaches English in Zhengzhou University. He was born in October 1951. After graduating from a university in 1972, he went to South Africa. Twenty years later, he came

to China and became a teacher in Zhengzhou University.

He loves China and Chinese students very much. He also takes great intrest in educational cause. He has a lot of ways to make his classes lively and interesting. In the past eight years, he has put his heart and soul in his work and study.

He is considered as an honest, humorous teacher, and he is respected and loved by the students and the teachers.

Zhengzhou University 郑州大学

graduate from 从……毕业

South Africa 南非

take great intrest in 对……充满兴趣


She is excited with joy at my success.她为我的成功而欣喜。

I couldn’t restrain my excitement.我抑制不住激动的心情。

He is never bored with teaching.他对教学工作从不感到厌烦。

I was in a state of confusion.我不知所措。

He is puzzled about my words.他对我的话感到不解。

He has acquired a taste in music.他很爱好音乐。

He showed great enthusiasm in pursuing the new learning.


I never slack off in study.我学习从不松懈。

I was awarded special scholarship for a good scholastic record.


He has great ability to express himself in writing.他有极强的书面表达能力。

He played the piano with skill.他钢琴弹得熟练。

He attained skill through practice.他通过练习达到熟练。

He is frank and straight-forward.他坦白率直。

She is modest in her behavior.她言行谦逊。

He is a man of perseverance.他是个有毅力的人。

thin (瘦)slim (苗条)skinny (非常瘦)

skin and bones (皮包骨的瘦)bony (皮包骨的瘦)

scrawny (骨瘦如柴,有点惨不忍睹的瘦)

lean (清瘦而健康——用于有运动习惯的人)

chubby (圆圆的; 胖胖的)round (圆圆的)

overweight (超过标准体重的——形容人「圆」较有礼貌的词之一)

fat (胖——较没有礼貌的词)

tall(高)leggy (腿细长的——用于形容女性) big (高——但不瘦)

short (矮)petite (娇小——指女子) small (娇小——指女子)


a fair complexion (皮肤白晢) a dark complexion (肤色黑)

tan (褐色/古铜色皮肤) a perfection complexion (好皮肤)

freckles (雀斑——复数) pimples (痘痘——复数)

wrinkles (皱纹——复数)

babe 帅哥; 美女

The boy has a strong character. 这孩子个性很强。

He is of a liberal disposition. 他性格开放。

She’s slim. 她身材苗条。

He has a good bodily form 他的体型很好。

The fella has a moderate stature. 这个小伙子中等个头儿。

He is all skin and bone. 他骨瘦如柴。

She is graceful and enchanting, good to be a dancer.


We see the lake reflecting her pretty figure. 我们看到湖水倒映着她的倩影。Sick and weak as Grandma is, she has taken on all the housework in the family.祖母虽体弱多病,却承担了家里所有的家务。
