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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:33:26 英语作文

篇一:中英文作文介绍广州 A Brief Introduction of Guangzhou

介绍广州 A Brief Introduction of Guangzhou

Ladies and gentlemen,


May I have your attention, please? We have a one-day tour plan for you in

Guangzhou. Now let me make a brief introduction of the city.


Guangzhou is the largest city in south China. It's so big and marvelous that most

visitors have not enough time to enjoy it. Guangzhou, a lifetime is not enough is even a saying for Cantonese.


Guangzhou is the culture center and the political center of Guangdong Province which is an excellent place that you shouldn't miss.


Guangzhou is a nice place, because the trees and flowers are planted everywhere. They can purify the waste gas and offer us the fresh air. Especially in spring days, the city is decorated with different kinds of beautiful flowers, so it can be regarded as a flower land.


Guangzhou is a civilized city. Most Cantonese are very kind-hearted. They are friendly and willing to help.

广州是一个文明城市。大多数广东人都是非常善良的。他们都是友好的,乐于助人的。 Guangzhou has an open-air museum. There is a great deal of tourist sites in

Guangzhou, such as Beijing Road Walking Street, Haizhu Square, Sun Yatsen's Memorial Hall, Yuexiu Park, Zhongxin Square, White Cloud Mountain, and so on. Maybe you will have a pleasant trip in Guangzhou.


Guangzhou is a melting pot, as urban sleekness and traditional quaintness highlight the city. When you are in Guangzhou, you can experience different kinds of cultures. And the Cantonese food is delicious and nutritious. Everyone likes it very much.


Guangzhou is a modernized city. Nowadays, the transportation is very convenient in the city, since there are so many subways. They are very fast and comfortable. While taking the subway, you can follow the fashion.


Welcome to Guangzhou. I believe you will have a wonderful time.



Guangzhou is located in the center of Guangdong province. She is not only the capital of Guangdong, but also the central city with strong attraction and influence in South China. She has jurisdiction over 10 districts and 2 county-grade cities. They are Yuexiu, Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe, Baiyun, Huangpu, Huadu, Panyu, Luogang, Nansha Districts, and Conghua, Zengcheng Cities. Guangzhou covers an area of 7434.4 km2 and has a total population of some 10,000,000. Affected by the subtropical marine monsoon climate, Guangzhou is green and has flowers all the year around, and is known as “the Flower City”.

Guangzhou is one of the first 24 national historic cultural cities of China. She has a history of over 2200 years, and is the cradle of the South Five Ridge Culture. There is a folklore about Guangzhou’s another name, “Goat City” and “Spike City”. Long long ago, five immortals, riding five goats holding spikes in their mouth, arrived in Guangzhou and presented the spikes to the people. They also wished the people no more famine. And then the five goats became five goat-shaped stones.

Guangzhou was known as one of the starts of the ancient Marine Silk Road of China and one of the sources of modern China revolution. Now she has become the frontline of the reform and opening-up of China. She has been making brilliant achievements in developing economy and improving urban aspects. Guangzhou, one of the important ports of foreign trade and fi(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)nancial centers, has become the focus of foreign investment. She is also an important hub of sea, land, and air transportation. Several expressways radiate from here. Guangzhou Port, Guangzhou Railway Station and Baiyun International Airport are always busy. Guangzhou is the paradise of sightseeing, dining and shopping. There are many beautiful and attractive scenic spots; such as Chen Clan Temple, Baomo Garden, Guangxiao Temple, Zhehai Tower, Original Site of Huangpu Military Academy, the White Cloud Mountain, Xiangjiang Safari Park, Sunflower Gardens, Guangdong Olympic Sports Center, Nightscape along the Pearl River, and Metro, etc. You can have authentic Cantonese food and many kinds of foreign food everywhere. You can also buy inexpensive but elegant goods. Guangzhou, the wonderful and ardent city, is holding out her friendly hands. Welcome to Guangzhou.







即将离开亲爱的母校,校长希望大家就三年的学习感受,向他提出对学校和对老师的建议。假如你是陈果,请你结合下表信息完成建议书(80 个词左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计算在内)。




Our School Our Teacher

1. 图书馆更多开放;1. 课堂更有趣;

2. 更多的课后活动;2. 堂上少讲 / 精讲;

3. 更多的运动时间;3. 少布置作业;

4. 更少的考试。4. 按时下课。

Dear Headmaster,

I’m glad to write you a letter. Here are some of my suggestions.

Hope my suggestions will help. Thanks for reading my letter!

Yours sincerely,

Chen Guo





Attention everybody:



注意:1. 词数80左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入词数);

2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。

Hi Ben,

Our class is planning to go to a student concert. As you weren’t at school today, I’

m sending you the information.


Li Ping


1. 你计划要做的事情(图中1-3项内容)及其原因或目的。

2. 你准备为来宾安排的1-2项活动。

注意:1. 词数80左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入词数);

2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。

Some UK high school students will come to our school during the summer holidays. To

你叫李华,你校将开展一个题为“All about me”的英文写作活动。请按要求写一篇英语短文。内容包括:

1. 你的爱好。

2. 你的优点和缺点。

3. 用具体事例说明你的某个优点和缺点。

注意:1. 词数80左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入词数);

2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。

All about me

My name is Li Hua and I’


注意:1. 词数80左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入词数);

2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。


2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。

Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn more about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.
