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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 19:40:17 作文素材



1. 称呼:指送卡人对受贺人的称呼,一般写在卡片的左上方,称呼前可加可不加“to”,如:

(To) my dear friend

(To) Mr and Mrs Black

2. 贺词:一般写些固定的贺词用语。如:

Happy Teachers' Day!

With best wishes for a Happy New Year敬祝新年快乐


Happy Mothers' Day !母亲节快乐!

3. 祝贺人的签名:写在贺卡的右下方,姓名前常加from(也可不加),如: (From) your friend Tom你的朋友汤姆


To Sir with love :

We all like having you as our friend. Thank you very much for teaching us so well.

Happy Teachers' Day ! From all your students


Good luck for your future!


Good luck with you!


I wish you a happy life.


Warmly greeting to you!


All the best!


You have our good wishes.


Wishing you all the luck in the world.


Every success with you!


Hope things go all right with you!


Wish you the best of health and success!

祝你身体健康,事业成功!May peace and happiness be with you. 愿平安和幸福伴随着你。

The best of everything to you.




Miss you!


Wishing you happiness.


Best wishes.




Hoping you have a good holiday! 希望你过个愉快的假日。

Best wishes for passing the examination! 预祝你考试通过。

National Day 国庆节



编辑: admin| 作者: 希望英语| 发布日期: 2002-10-10 10:59:38

Have you seen a picture of a little bride and groom?So it's for weddings.In China we send wedding cards as well. Often we're enclosed with money. And then this one is happy

anniversary.And if you know someone, especially at that time, if you're remembering their wedding or if you were in thei r wedding perhaps, you might send them a card to remind them. And what's the right thing to write?

Well if somebody is getting married, we always s ay "Congratulations", don't we?

"Congratulations on your happy day or on your wedding!". And "Congratulations on your anniversary!"

After the wedding comes the next card. "Congratulations on your new baby!"

This one says "a little boy". But anytime there's a birth of a child, you could write "Congratulations on the birth of your new baby" or "On the birth of your child."

There're other kinds of congratulations that you might want to do. For example, if someone moves to a new home, you might write someone a little card and say " Congratulations on your new home", or……

Or your new job. That's very common because people do change jobs. Usually you change for the better, get a better job. So it's nice to remember somebody with a card. This one just says "Congratulations". I recently sent it to a young man who graduated from school. And I think this is a standard note. My whole family signed it and we told him "good luck in the future", since he had just finished school.

The last category is very important for those crazy foreigners who are always saying "thank you".

In Western culture, one of the most important thing is to say "please" and "thank you". So in a "thank you" card you might begin by saying, "Dear……" good friend, good

neighbor, their name. And then say thank you for whatever it was, you buying me dinner, helping me with something.

when you write a "thank you " card you don't have to write a lot. And inside it's bland;

"thank you" is on the outside. You just write "Thank you for the lovely dinner "; "Thank you for the wonderful outing";"Thank you for the lovely gift. ."

Those are all good.And you should have at least two "thank you's" in the note, at the beginning and at the end. So it does seem like too much. But we want to go over how to close these. Some endings would be……You might end a love card with "I love you " or "Much love". But you might end a friendship card with "fondly", which means fondness and friendship, or "Your friend,Jack", or "I'm thinking of you,Rose ." And "thank you", you would end with "Thanks again".

Yes, this is a good one to remember, because in a "thank you" card, at the beginning you might say "Thank you for


the wonderful evening", "We had such a good time being with you", and whoever, "in your new house." Thanks again.

And a more formal one you might say, say it's your boss's son who graduated, you don't know him well. He is not a personal friend. But you send a card, you might say "Best regards" or "Best wishes" or "All the best". Those are all good ways to finish the note and then sign your name.

So if you have to write a card and you need to write it to an English speaker, now this should give you some good ideas on what to say inside your cards.





