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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:56:48 英语作文


Topic: My Sister’s Office Life

Interview essay

On the morning of April 27th, the second day after I got back home, I woke up amid noises made by my sister when she got up, who was readying herself for another workday. The first ray of sunshine pouring in, I couldn’t fall asleep anymore. After a quick dress, I went out with my sister to head to her office, in the hope of exploring something new there.

With a bright sky and golden sunshine, it couldn’t have been a better day to go out. As her office was on the outskirts of our city, there was hardly a soul in sight and my sister drove quickly all the way. Being half asleep, I leaned back in the passenger seat listlessly watching the moving trees outside the window. Without the knowledge of when we would get to our destination, I was suddenly awakened by a voice “here we are,” and I opened my sleepy eyes, only to find a high-rise building standing in front of me.

The lift took us to the 8th floor where my sister’s office was on. It was a medium-side office for 3 people to work in. As we entered, a girl who had already arrived was watering the flowers on the windowsill. Later I learnt that girl, newly recruited this year, was a graduate from one of the most prestigious universities in China. As a matter of fact,


I had known the fierce competition in securing a position in this company as my sister beat almost 100 candidates to be the chosen one. This time, my perception was confirmed again. After some casual greetings, we directly walked to my sister’s cubicle which was parallel with the window. A seemingly heavy computer and stacks of files on the desk made this already cramped space even more crowded. Seeing this, I asked her my first question offhand, “Are you that busy every day? What’s your everyday job? ” She gave me a shrug, with an air of resignation, and said, “Very busy! I collect, retrieve, and analyze data that flow in everyday, and then draw diagrams, which could usually take half a day’s time. What’s more, there are all kinds of meetings we have to attend. Overtime is a common occurrence.” Her words poured out like a flood. “Wow,” I couldn’t conceal my surprise after hearing all these, for I had heard none from her before. Even there sprang a thrill of self-accusation in my heart that I hadn’t given her much care in the past.

Then I proceeded to ask her whether with so much workload she enjoyed her work life there. “I enjoyed it very much,” she replied without any hesitation, explaining that she liked her working environment in which efficiency flourished and her colleagues were all very nice with some of whom she made close friends. To prove that work life there, though busy, was colorful, she added that her company often held different sorts of activities, such as Fun Games, in spare time. I had known a little about it, for the cooker, the juicer, the kettle in my house were all her “spoils” from the games.

Taking about the salary and benefits, she said with a smile playing on her lips. “Well, not bad.” Along the line, I prompted her to talk about her motivation for joining the company, wanting to know that whether the “not bad” salary had played an essential part. At first she nodded but then shook her head, saying, “It’s not all

about money.” She mentioned that it was a state-owned enterprise, which, I guessed, implied an iron rice bowl—a stable lifelong job. “Is the reputation another factor?” I questioned, for I knew the company was renowned throughout the country. “Yeah, its good reputation makes it seem a decent job,” she responded succinctly. At that time, I thought to myself, if a job which could provide a generous salary, good reputation and stability presented itself to me, I would also make an all-out effort to get it.

When I asked my sister whether she was optimistic about the company’s future, a short, amused laugh wafted from a man’s part. He was the third person sharing a seat in the office and just arrived. Maybe the serious-sound question coming out from a girl who pretended to be professional made him couldn’t refrain from laughing. Seeing I was a little embarrassed by his laughter, he jumped in to answer this question, “Well, I am quite optimistic. We have a large number of clients who are very satisfied with our service; our technology is in the lead; we are constantly improving. So there is no reason for us not to be optimistic,” but my sister interrupted adding that they also faced fierce completion. “But you are state-owned enterprise” escaped my lips. This time, it was my sister’s turn to laugh. She explained, “State-owned enterprises are also under much pressure nowadays. Maybe only back to the late 1980s, there was no competition. ”

At this time, the telephone rang and my sister picked it up. Looking around, I found the other two persons also got started their job. For them, another busy just kicked off. In order not to disturb, I wrapped up my interview and said farewells.

On the way back home, I tried to review all that I had learnt this morning. Thinking that I didn’t fail to attain my hope to explore something new, I was quite delighted and fulfilled.
















12分样板作文--“内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点,表达基本清楚,但结构和用词错误较多,有少数是严重错误,文章的长度符合要求”。这里的“严重错误”一般指的是搭配关系出错,比如“depend on”被错写成“depend at”.

















篇三:英语新闻采访 范文


How do you feel if you could rewind the clock some years ago? Well, yesterday I interviewed Mr. Branagh, a psychologist in Harvard and learned his provocative experiment in which people feel as if their body clock has turned back to their young age because of the special surroundings Branagh offered.

I recorded all the details about the interview. (J=Journalist, B= Branagh)

J: Mr. Branagh, how do you do this experiment?

B: Well, the experiment took place in an isolated old England hotel, which had been retrofitted to like what it was like 20 years ago. Then, a group of men----in their 70s----were told not to reminisce about the past, but to actually act as if they had traveled back to 20 years before. Also, we have a control group for comparison.

J: That’s interesting! What’s the purpose of this experiment? B: Uh, I want to see if changing the men’s mindset about their own age could lead to actual changes in health and fitness. J: So, what did you find in the experiment?

B: Oh, the findings were stunning. Two weeks later, the men in the experimental group had more joint flexibility, increased dexterity and less arthritis in their legs comparing to the control group. What’s more,

their mental sensibility had risen measurably, and they had improved posture. I n other words, the aging process had been reversed in some degree. When I showed the outsiders the men’s pictures, they judged them to be obviously younger than the controls. The result is so exciting. J: Wow, this reminds me of what I saw in a book about psychology. It says that we are all victims of our own stereotypes about aging and health. We mindlessly accept negative cues about disease and old age, and these cues shape our self-concepts and our behavior. Do you think so?

B: Yes, although we are sure to encounter illness, bad moods or a stiff back, we can try to embrace uncertainty and understand that the way we feel today may or may not connect to the way we will feel tomorrow.

J: I think what you said just now would inspire a lot of people, Thank you so much.

B: You are welcome.
