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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:34:51 英语作文

篇一:insecurity中国人的无安全感意识 八百字英文作文


When SARS flooded to China eight years ago, each of Chinese people was as jittery as the prisoner in the concentration camp. In their eyes, air, water, and food were all polluted by SARS. They were eager to find out some of efficient medicine to protect themselves. As a result, as soon as a rumor came that garlic could prevent SARS from invading their immune system, garlic sold out at an amazing speed.

Today after eight years, a rumor still has a great effect on Chinese people’s mind. Some days ago, a magnitude 9 earthquake in Fudao, Japan killed more than 10 thousand people, and created a tsunami. More seriously, a nuclear power station directly affected exploded, which obviously led to nuclear slipping. Japanese people were all calm while Chinese people living along the coast felt anxious about being radiated. Some salt dealers and businessmen leaped at the opportunity to assiduously propagate that salt efficiently resists radiation. Following a calculated publicity buildup, salt became hot sale in the market, as if a life-saver.

When ordinary daily use in the life, such as garlic and salt should cause quite a stir, I begin to think that what happened to Chinese people, what made them so insecure from the bottom of their hearts.

Last year, the national economy maintained good momentum and a new high was scored in economics aggregates. With the rapid

development of domestic and international business, china has even surpassed Japan, and rank the second in the world, following the US. It is obviously seen that China is growing more and more powerful in every aspect, let alone daily use supplement. As a matter of fact, the richer china is, the less secure they feel. Why are they so? As far as I am concerned, there are two reasons for it.

On the one hand, before reform and opening-up in 1978, China has always been in a turbulent period, being confronted with many difficulties, such as economic depression, instable political situation. As a result, the infrastructure and production were backward so that food and daily use were in the short for a long time. Under this circumstance, Chinese people were always living under an extremely low standard of living. What they did every day was just to exchange corresponding food cards or pork cards or other cards. During the era of reform and opening-up, politics, economy and culture all developed steadily and rapidly, many Chinese families took the chance to go into business and lived a well-off life eventually. Nothing is so simple as earning a good living. Compared to other nations, Chinese people value their happiness more because it is not that easy for them to pursue it. Their life, once threatened, they will do whatever they can do to protect it. It is insecurity flowing in their blood that makes them crazily scramble for the salt.

On the other hand, more importantly, one feels insecure mostly

because of the environment he lives in being unsafe. So are Chinese people living in China. Despite that China occupies an important position in the world stage of economy, politics and culture, its inner administrative system is still perfect. Especially the management system of food and drug is closely related to daily life and national health. This trend is likely to develop more seriously. For example, the events of disqualify pharmaceutical, poisonous milk and hogwash oil have recently been disclosed by the media one followed another, involving many major fields in daily life. What Chinese people eat, wear and use every day are not taken safe for granted any more. Living in China needs great courage to get out of various traps. There is no doubt that no one will feel secure with basic safety of life takes risk. The relationship between the public and the government tends to be more intense in the present posture of any efficient measure being not taken. To scramble for salt reflects what Chinese people would rather believe in what they are able to do than trust their great motherland which can protect them. Insecurity not only reflects human’s attributes but also explains a philosophical theory that external cause has a greater influence than expected. For Chinese people, first of all, to be strong within heart is more than earning much money. Security comes from powerful spirits, so having a belief is a good choice. Besides, Chinese management system reform is a matter of great urgency. Only when country is strong can people be stronge(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)r!

Kelsi: the topic is quite hot and thoughtful. Using the examples of SARS as the leading-in, then you transfer the focus on the issue of rushing for salt naturally. And later you give us your idea of the causes of the phenomenon. But you should pay more attention to your diction. It is a little chinglish.

Lisa: it is very good and necessary for us to keep up with the current new as English majors. Depend on the reality and have our own thinking is a very good way to develop our independent thinking. Try to keep it.

Eshell: your essay is quite profound. I like your natural introduction a lot. It seems that people do have a strong sense of insecurity. Your examples well verify this fact. At last you give out your own profound opinion. It is very nice.




去年6月以来,重庆市共抓获涉黑涉恶人员3348人,立案查办涉黑团伙案件63个、涉恶团伙案件235个,摧毁了14个重大黑社会性质组织的团伙,同时打掉了一批黑恶势力的“保护伞”。 打黑期间,龚刚模案、李庄案、黎强案疑点重重引发轩然大波。今年4月14日,在重庆打黑中落马的最高级别官员,原重庆司法局局长文强被一审法院判处死刑。这被认为是重庆扫黑接近尾声的一个重要信号。虽然各界对于重庆打黑,议论颇多,但在本地,深得重庆市民认同却是不争事实。大多市民皆表示,较打黑之前,安全感大大提升。









