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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:28:35 写作技巧



Email communication has a pivotal role in business communication. The following tips will help you to make your email communication efficient and effective. 在商务往来中,电子邮件起到了关键作用。下面的建议可以使你的电子邮件事半功倍。

1. A Meaningful subject line

People receive a huge number of emails are present in the mailboxes every day. To get your email noticed among them, it is important to give your email a subject line that grabs the attention of the receiver. The subject should also associate closely to the content of the email. When replying remember to change the subject line rather than just let the mail program add “Re:” at the front.1.有力的主题:人们每天在收件箱里会收到大量的电邮。想让你的邮件脱颖而出,给它起一个吸引收件人眼球的主题就很重要了。主题还要和电邮内容密切相关。如果回复时能换个主题,就会比“回复:”好多了。

2. Cue it right

It is important to send the mail to the right recipients. No one wants to receive emails in their inbox that really do not concern them. You should use the cc and bcc options only where it is important. Moreover, emails should have a personalised touch to make people relate to them more. 2.正确地发送:把邮件发给正确的接收人是很重要的。没人想在收件箱中看到与自己无关的电子邮件。只有必要的时候才可以使用抄送和密送功能。此外,电子邮件还应该因人而异,这样更能使别人觉得与自己密切相关。

3. Grammatically correct

It is very annoying for people to find mistakes in an email. That is why you should

proofread your email after completing it to correct grammar and check spelling. The use of incorrect grammar would only reduce the reputation of your organisation and yourself in the eyes of the recipient.3.语法准确无误:在电子邮件中看到错误是很使人厌烦的。所以你要在写完后检查语法和拼写。使用错误语法只会降低你的公司和你自己在收件人眼中的公信力。

4. Simple and concise

The attention span of people is limited and they want to be able to read emails quickly. Therefore, use simple and plain English as much as possible in your emails. For example use “buy” instead of “purchase”. Avoid clichés such as “last but not least” and legalese such as “in reference to” and “please contact the undersigned”.4.言简意赅:人们的注意力是有限的,所以想尽快读完邮件。因此,尽可能在你的电邮中使用简单明了的英语。比如,用“buy”而不要用“purchase”。避免陈词滥调,像是“最后但并非最不重要的",还有法律术语像“参考”或者“请于签字人联系”。

5. Appropriate Format

Your email should not have all the text in just a single paragraph as this makes it difficult for a reader to understand your meaning. Also avoid long and complex sentences with multiple clauses. Organise the content of your message logically and include bullet points, headings and subheadings for clarity.5.适当的格式:你邮件的所有内容不应该都放在一段,这会使读者很难理解你的意思。还要避免有很多从句的长句复杂句。有逻辑地组织你的文章,包括要点,标题和用于说明的副标题。

6. Appropriate Diction

Words like urgent and important are meant for grabbing the attention of the reader. If these words are used unnecessarily, it will only contribute to making your email seem worthless to recipients. Therefore, use urgent sparingly and resort to other such words only when absolutely necessary. 6.适当的措辞:像紧急、重要这类的词旨在抓住读者的注意力。如果在不必要的时候使用这些词,你的邮件对收件人来说就会显得没有价值。所以,慎重使用“紧急”,只在真正必要的时候才选取这类词汇。

7. Know the target audience

It is important that you know whom your email is supposed to convince and target. For this purpose, you should know your audience well and must have a clear idea of what they are anticipating before you start writing them an email.7.了解目标群体:你要清楚你的邮件是要写给谁的。出于这个目的,你应该十分了解你的读者,在你写邮件之前必须清楚地知道他们想要看到什么。

8. Use of links and attachments

The effective use of attachments and hyperlinks helps you communicate your message in an efficient manner and allows your email to be concise. Use links rather than copying and pasting large sections of text. 8.使用链接和附件:有效地使用附件和超链接会帮助你以高效的方式传达信息,还可以使你的邮件引起注意。使用链接而不要复制粘贴大段的内容。

9. Give a deadline for reply

If a reply to your email is required, then the email should clearly state the deadline for the respondent to reply. This makes it easy for the receiver to understand what actions are intended. 9.给出回复的截止日期:如果你的邮件需要回复,那么邮件中应该给回复人明确指出截止时间。这使收件人更容易理解你想让他做什么。

10. A clear action call

If your email requires the reader to perform some action or task, then the call to action should be clear and simple. Mention it more than once, so that the reader does not miss it




Email communication has a pivotal role in business communication. The following tips will help you to make your email communication efficient and effective.


1. A Meaningful subject line

People receive a huge number of emails are present in the mailboxes every day. To get your email noticed among them, it is important to give your email a subject line that grabs the attention of the receiver. The subject should also associate closely to the content of the email. When replying remember to change the subject line rather than just let the mail program add “Re:” at the front.


2. Cue it right

It is important to send the mail to the right recipients. No one wants to receive emails in their inbox that really do not concern them. You should use the cc and bcc options only where it is important. Moreover, emails should have a personalised touch to make people relate to them more.


3. Grammatically correct

It is very annoying for people to find mistakes in an email. That is why you

should proofread your email after completing it to correct grammar and check spelling. The use of incorrect grammar would only reduce the reputation of

your organisation and yourself in the eyes of the recipient.


4. Simple and concise

The attention span of people is limited and they want to be able to read emails quickly. Therefore, use simple and plain English as much as possible in your emails. For example use “buy” instead of “purchase”. Avoid clichés such as “last but not least” and legalese such as “in reference to” and “please contact the undersigned”.




5. Appropriate Format

Your email should not have all the text in just a single paragraph as this makes it difficult for a reader to understand your meaning. Also avoid long and complex sentences with multiple clauses. Organise the content of your message logically and include bullet points, headings and subheadings for clarity.


6. Appropriate Diction

Words like urgent and important are meant for grabbing the attention of the reader. If these words are used unnecessarily, it will only contribute to making your email seem worthless to recipients. Therefore, use urgent sparingly and resort to other such words only when absolutely necessary.


7. Know the target audience

It is important that you know whom your email is supposed to convince and target. For this purpose, you should know your audience well and must have a clear idea of what they are anticipating before you start writing them an email.


8. Use of links and attachments

The effective use of attachments and hyperlinks helps you communicate your message in an efficient manner and allows your email to be concise. Use links rather than copying and pasting large sections of text.


9. Give a deadline for reply

If a reply to your email is required, then the email should clearly state the deadline for the respondent to reply. This makes it easy for the receiver to understand what actions are intended.


10. A clear action call

If your email requires the reader to perform some action or task, then the call to action should be clear and simple. Mention it more than once, so that the reader does not miss it out.




当我们谈到外贸英语邮件的写作技巧的时候,我们一定要牢记我们的写作原则。下面我们首先从文章组织结构上浅谈一下外贸英语邮件写作技巧。这里我们推荐的是著名的3W文章组织结构即:Why do you write the letter?(第一部分);What’s the detailed reason?(第二部分);What do you expect your reader to do?(第三部分)。

第一部分(Why do you write the letter?):在邮件的一开头就要目的明确、简明扼要告诉客户你写这封邮件的目的。例如:I am writing in response to a phone call I received from your company this morning 或者 Will you please send me information about your dress style no.,I am replying to your letter of April15 .这样的开头直接提出要求和询问,可以使得读信人立刻知道写信的意图,在读信的时候可以把注意力集中在问题的重点上.

第二部分(What’s the detailed reason?),在这个部分里你要把事情或者愿意的详细情况告诉对方,此部分务必做到有条理。最好能有1,2,3,这样的格式出现。例如:1,For the price , we have to say that is most competitive we can offer , considering our excellent quality . 2, For the payment , our usual way is T/T, 30%deposit 70%balance .3,As to the lead time , usually it is around 30 days for 3,000 pieces . 这样一条一条的说,既思路清晰又方便客户回复,因为有经验的客户直接就会在你的1,2,3的基础上改用其他颜色的字体进行回复了。

第三部分(What do you expect your reader to do?),在这一部分通常都是直接写客气的结束语就可以了,因为你主要的意思已经在第二部分表达过了,为了节省自己和客户的时间这一部分都很短。例如:Should you have any inquiry , please kindly feel free to let us know . 或者简洁的说Please contact us if you have inquiry . 更为直接的就是邮件系统自设的BEST REGARDS /Have a nice day .


第一 称呼

1.客户的名字千万不要错.老一辈的看到名字错就干脆撵去垃圾桶.,外国客户也会将其视为尊重问题。在这里笔者温馨提示:假如你英文不好,至少你要把客户名字拼写写正确;假如你发音一般,那至少你要把客户名字念正确、最好你能对客户的公司背景家乡资料加以熟悉,这样的沟通会更流畅。笔者就曾经因为提前研究了一位德国客户资料,临时抱佛教的学了几句:Guten morgen , Guten tag. Ich liebe dich 等常用德语,结果商谈的时候额外顺利,后

来才知道德意志名族有着强烈的民族自豪感,简单的几句德语问候起到了很好的沟通效果。另外,客户的头衔都不要错. 头衔或学位,任择其一吧.例如:Howard E. Wyatt, Dr Howard E. Hyatt

2.多过一个男人,用Messrs,就是Misters的意思,不过不要跟名字,跟姓就行啦.例如:Messrs. Smith, Wyatt, and Fury.女人呢? 用Mesdames, Mmes., or Mses. 同样不要跟名字. 例子:Mses. Farb, Lionel, and Gray男女一齐呢? 弄清楚称呼就行.例如:Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wright Mr. Harold Wright and Dr. Margaret Wright

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams-Quinn





例:I think that you did a good job in selling our products.

You did a good job in selling our products in your area.




例1.Your immediate attention would be appreciate.

例2. Please note that our contract will be valid until August.

在例1中,使用了appreciate积极词汇。在例2中句子采用了valid而避免使用否定词terminate, 因为后者有失恭敬。当然了,这个不能一概而论。如果生气和否定客人有时候能起到更好的效果的话不妨试试,毕竟现在在工厂为王的外贸大环境里,拒绝客户的不合理要求已经不是什么新鲜事了。


模糊限定词的功能之一就是通过程度的变化将所修饰的词的词义增强或减弱。在商务信函中,如一方发生了令人不愉快的事,贸易另一方可以运用如 sort of, kind of等程度模糊限制语,缓和语气。通过副词unfortunately, hardly等来弱化否定的语气。

例:It seems to me that we are giving up too much in this case.


1.过去时态时运用。用过去时能淡化动作的及时性,减少潜在的面子威胁。在这个例子中,用了助动词did更加礼貌,因为did 强调了过去时,使得请求听起来更加的遥远。例如:I did wonder whether you could lower the price.



例:We should be grateful if you would change the invoice and let us have a correct copy.



I was wondering whether you could lower the price.



在商务信函中,用被动句则说明我们这么做是不得已而为之,提醒对方遵守达成的协议。 例:You deliver the goods in error.

The goods were delivered in error.

英语的被动句强调的是动作的承受者,在商务信函上,使用被动语态是防止责备口气的一个最好的办法。 分析例句发现,第一句人做主语,说话有责备的口气。第二句话将主语换成物,重点从发出动作的人转移到接受动作的对象上去了,这样对方也就摆脱了尴尬的境地。

5. 运用疑问句


例:Can you send us a copy of your latest catalogue?


复合句的使用能够避免居高自傲,体现双方的平等地位,如我们常用“I wish? ”,“I hope? ”,等句型来提出要求或表达意愿,语气委婉,观点鲜明,暗示了如果你不愿意的话,那也没关系的。

例1:We should be most grateful if you could dispatch the goods as soon as possible.

通过使用if从句带来了很好的礼貌效果,比直接要求对方效果要好很多。使用I am afraid, I am sorry等构成复合句在拒绝对方的请求时缓和语气,在给对方提要求时表达对对方的信任。

例2:I am sorry we can’t advance the time of shipment.





1.样和句子长度不要太单调. 千篇一律的subject-verb-object会闷死人的.有时短句跟着长句可以化解一下,但是原则还是简约而不简单。

2.弱软的词(e.g. was, were, is, are...)可以加强一点. 例如:The products are highly effective in ... 改为: The products product excel in 就有力很多了.

3.亲切,口语化是比较受欢迎! 用宾词和主动的词,让人家受落. 例如: 1. This information will be sincerely appreciated.” 2. We sincerely appreciate your information. 明显地,我们会喜欢第2句..原因很简单就是之前我们说过的,表达意愿感情等东西时要用主动语态,简单的客观的陈述一个事情的时候用被动语态。


1、切忌主客不分或模糊。例如:Considering the long time relationship , the goods will be shipped soon .应改为:Considering the long time relationship ,we will ship the goods soon .(Considerer这个动作是We发出的而不是the goods )

2、句子不要零碎。例如: He decided not to audit the last ten contracts. Because of our previous objections about compliance. 应该连在一起.He decided not to audit the last ten contracts because of our previous objections about compliance

3、结构对称,令人容易理解.例如:The owner questioned the occupant’s lease intentions and the fact that the contract had been altered with ink markings. 应改为: The owner questioned the occupant’s lease intentions and ink alterations of the contract。

4、单复数不要搞混。例如: An authorized person must show that they have security clearance.

5、时态和语气不要转变太多,正规的外贸信函通篇不能用过多的时态,因为商务信函更类似与新闻稿件而不同于小说,所以过多的时态和语气会让读者觉得太啰嗦而且意思表达不够精确,当然了,适当的为了加强语气更好表达自己对事情的理解、不满时是需要用到Absolutely , of course 等词的,所以我们要区别的对待这一点。




9、回复技巧:因为外贸邮件要经常围绕一个订单的某个问题(质量、色差、货期、赔偿等)进行不断的邮件往来,所以就需要在原来客户的邮件基础上进行相关的回复,笔者建议用字体颜色来加以区分。比如你可以在客人需要回复的邮件基础上按照不同的1,2,3下面写上 TONY 8 15TH : 后面的内容用蓝色字体区分出来,这样的话客户一定会为你的细心和专业



1.可读性.对象是大学程度的话,用高中的英文就行,不要以为人人都是语言大师.多用短句(15-20字吧), 技术性的字,就更加要简单易明.

2.注意段落的开头.一般来说,重要或强调的事情都放在信件或段落的开头,而句子就放在最尾. 例如: 1.Because he was unable to attend the meeting personally, he forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape. 2.He forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape because he was unable to attend the meeting personally. 两者强调的事情就有分别了

3.轻重有分. 同等重要的用and来连接,较轻放在次要的句子里.

4.意思转接词要留神. 例如: but (相反), therefore (结论), also (增添), for example (阐明). 分不清furthermore和moreover就不要用啦.

5.句子开头不要含糊不清的主词. 例子: These decisions have been a big disappointment to the committee members. They have delayed further action. They是指什么呀?开头少用this, that, it, they, 或 which.

6.修饰词的位置要小心,例如: He could only reimburse the cost after July 15. 应为 He could reimburse the cost only after July 15.

7.用语要肯定准确.切忌含糊. 例如:The figures show a significant increase.” 怎样significant? 改为: The figures show an increase of 19%.当然了这些Significant 、Splendid、Excellent等词在某些场合为了达到某种效果是可以用的,比如一个新客户刚接触的时候你可以在邮件末尾写:Hoping a splendid cooperation with you in coming days .至于到底怎么样个Splendid并不很重要,所以我们的原则是虚实结合,该用数字说话的时候就一定要用数字说话,该用一些略显夸张的形容词时,也不要吝啬你的赞美之词。千万不要忘了世界上最廉价的礼物就是赞美,在这一点上英美商务人士可谓是其中的表率。笔者就曾经在一个外贸工厂辞职时候,收到了一个并不十分熟悉的客户的送别信,信中客户毫不吝啬他的赞美之词“Thank you for everything what you did to us , and we really appreciate it .”同样当2008年汶川地震发生后,笔者立即收到了来自美国、英国、日本、土耳其等国客户的问候:“HI , Torry How are you ? we just got the information about the earthquake in China , Hoping you and your families are all fine . God bless you .”想想看,虽然没有机会一一去过上述国家,但是在地震发生后能有这么多外国朋友关心你,不失为做外贸的额外收获啊!

8.立场观点一致. 少用被动语. 例如: Partial data should be submitted by April. 改为: You should submit partial data by April.就很好了.因为被动语态更多的是客观事实的陈述,所以当你陈述一件事情的时候笔者建议用被动语态为好。比如:The sample you need has been sent via DHL Express , and the courier no. is 31845267 , pls kindly advise once receipt .



本厂已迁移到上述地址, 特此通知。

I inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address.

我方已在本市开设贸易与总代理店, 特此通知。同时, 恳请订购。

Having established ourselves in this city, as merchants and general agents, we take the liberty of acquainting you of it, and solicit the preference of your order.

本公司于5月1日将改为股份有限公司, 特此奉告。

We are pleased to inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on the 1st
