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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 23:20:50 优秀作文


①??. .举例子:具体真切地说明了事物的××特点。②.分类别:条理清楚地说明了事物的××特

点。对事物的特征/事理分门别类加以说明,使说明更有条理性。使说明的内容眉目清楚,避免重复交叉的现象。③.列数字:具体而准确地说明该事物的××特点。使说明更有说服力。④.作比较:突出强调了被说明对象的××特点(地位、影响等)。⑤.下定义:用简明科学的语言对说明的对象/科学事理加以揭示,从而更科学、更本质、更概括地揭示事物的特征/事理。⑥.打比方:打比方就是修辞方法中的比喻。生动形象地说明该事物的××特点,增强了文章的趣味性。 ⑦.画图表:使读者一目了然,非常直观形象地说明的事物的××特点。⑧.作诠释:对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。 下定义与作诠释的区别是:定义要求完整,而诠释并不要求完整,对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。可以颠倒。⑨.摹状貌:对事物的特征/事理加以形象化的描摹,使说明更具体生动形象。 ⑩.引资料:能使说明的内容更具体、更充实。用引用的方法说明事物的特征,增强说服力,如引用古诗文、谚语、俗话。引用说明在文章开头,还起到引出说明对象的作用。

①?? 举例论证(例证法) 事实论据记叙 ②道理论证(引证法和说理)道理论据 议论 ③对比论证(其本

身也可以是举例论证和道理论证) ④比喻论证比喻 在说明文中为打比方,散文中为比喻。 ⑵分析论证过程: ① 论点是怎样提出的; ②论点是怎样被证明的(用了哪些道理和事实,是否有正反两面的分析说理); ③联系全文的结构,是否有总结。

第一卷 利立浦特(小人国) 外科医生格列佛随航程途遇险,死里逃生,漂到利立浦特(小人国),被小人捆住献给国王。格列佛温顺的表现逐渐赢得了国王和人民对他的好感,他也渐渐熟悉了小人国的风俗习惯。在格列佛帮助下打败了同样是小人国的“不来夫斯古”,但是格列佛不愿灭掉不来夫斯古帝国,使皇帝很不高兴。这时,皇后寝宫失火,格列佛情急生智,撒了一泡尿把火扑灭,谁知却让皇后大为恼火。于是,小人国君臣沆瀣一气准备除掉格列佛。格列佛听到风声,赶快逃出不来夫斯古帝国,后来平安回到英国。 第二卷:布罗卜丁奈格(大人国)游记。 格列佛在利立浦特人的心目中是个庞然大物,但一到布罗卜丁奈格,他就象田间的鼬鼠一般小了。格列佛被当作小玩艺装入手提箱里,带到各城镇表演展览。后来,国王召见他,他慷慨陈辞,夸耀自己的祖国的伟大,政治的贤明,法律的公正,然而均一一遭到国王的抨击与驳斥。 格列佛在该国的第三年,陪同国王巡视边疆.由于思乡心切,他假装生病,来到海边呼吸新鲜空气.天空中的鹰错把他住的箱子当成乌龟叼了起来.几只鹰在空中争夺,箱子掉进海里,被路过的一艘船发现,格列佛获救后,乘船回到英国. 第三卷:勒皮他、巴尔尼巴比、拉格奈格、格勒大锥、印度(飞岛国)游记。 主要描述格列佛在勒皮他(飞岛)和格勒大锥(巫人岛)的游历。这些人的相貌异常,衣饰古怪,整天沉思默想。在科学院里,设计家们正在从事研究些荒诞不经的课题,结果造成全国遍地荒凉,房屋坍塌,人民无衣无食。在巫人岛上,岛主精通巫术,擅长招魂,他们博览古今,发现历史真相被权贵歪曲,娼妓般的作家在哄骗世人。格列佛又游览了拉格耐格王国,见到一种长生不老人"斯特鲁布鲁格"。离开该国后,格列佛来到印度,然后乘船回到英国。 第四卷:慧骃国游记。(贤马国) 格列佛被放逐到"慧骃国"。这儿马是该国有理性的居民和统治者。而"列胡"(雅虎、野胡、耶胡多种名称是翻译的问题)则是马所豢养和役使的畜生。格列佛的举止言谈在"慧駰"国的马民看来是一只有理性的"列胡"。 在"慧骃"各种美德的感化下,格列佛一心想留在"慧骃"国.然而"慧骃"国决议要消灭那里的列胡.所以格列佛的愿望无法实现。无奈之下,格列佛只好乘小船离开该国打道回府。格列佛怀着对"慧骃国"的向往,一辈子与马为友.并且厌弃了世俗,决心不与他人同流合污。将慧骃与列胡作对比,凸显了理智、仁慈、友谊的人性的可贵和贪婪、无信,嫉妒的丑陋。


①??. .举例子:具体真切地说明了事物的××特点。②.分类别:条理清楚地说明了事物的××特

点。对事物的特征/事理分门别类加以说明,使说明更有条理性。使说明的内容眉目清楚,避免重复交叉的现象。③.列数字:具体而准确地说明该事物的××特点。使说明更有说服力。④.作比较:突出强调了被说明对象的××特点(地位、影响等)。⑤.下定义:用简明科学的语言对说明的对象/科学事理加以揭示,从而更科学、更本质、更概括地揭示事物的特征/事理。⑥.打比方:打比方就是修辞方法中的比喻。生动形象地说明该事物的××特点,增强了文章的趣味性。 ⑦.画图表:使读者一目了然,非常直观形象地说明的事物的××特点。⑧.作诠释:对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。 下定义与作诠释的区别是:定义要求完整,而诠释并不要求完整,对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。可以颠倒。⑨.摹状貌:对事物的特征/事理加以形象化的描摹,使说明更具体生动形象。 ⑩.引资料:能使说明的内容更具体、更充实。用引用的方法说明事物的特征,增强说服力,如引用古诗文、谚语、俗话。引用说明在文章开头,还起到引出说明对象的作用。

①?? 举例论证(例证法) 事实论据记叙 ②道理论证(引证法和说理)道理论据 议论 ③对比论证(其本

身也可以是举例论证和道理论证) ④比喻论证比喻 在说明文中为打比方,散文中为比喻。 ⑵分析论证过程: ① 论点是怎样提出的; ②论点是怎样被证明的(用了哪些道理和事实,是否有正反两面的分析说理); ③联系全文的结构,是否有总结。

第一卷 利立浦特(小人国) 外科医生格列佛随航程途遇险,死里逃生,漂到利立浦特(小人国),被小人捆住献给国王。格列佛温顺的表现逐渐赢得了国王和人民对他的好感,他也渐渐熟悉了小人国的风俗习惯。在格列佛帮助下打败了同样是小人国的“不来夫斯古”,但是格列佛不愿灭掉不来夫斯古帝国,使皇帝很不高兴。这时,皇后寝宫失火,格列佛情急生智,撒了一泡尿把火扑灭,谁知却让皇后大为恼火。于是,小人国君臣沆瀣一气准备除掉格列佛。格列佛听到风声,赶快逃出不来夫斯古帝国,后来平安回到英国。 第二卷:布罗卜丁奈格(大人国)游记。 格列佛在利立浦特人的心目中是个庞然大物,但一到布罗卜丁奈格,他就象田间的鼬鼠一般小了。格列佛被当作小玩艺装入手提箱里,带到各城镇表演展览。后来,国王召见他,他慷慨陈辞,夸耀自己的祖国的伟大,政治的贤明,法律的公正,然而均一一遭到国王的抨击与驳斥。 格列佛在该国的第三年,陪同国王巡视边疆.由于思乡心切,他假装生病,来到海边呼吸新鲜空气.天空中的鹰错把他住的箱子当成乌龟叼了起来.几只鹰在空中争夺,箱子掉进海里,被路过的一艘船发现,格列佛获救后,乘船回到英国. 第三卷:勒皮他、巴尔尼巴比、拉格奈格、格勒大锥、印度(飞岛国)游记。 主要描述格列佛在勒皮他(飞岛)和格勒大锥(巫人岛)的游历。这些人的相貌异常,衣饰古怪,整天沉思默想。在科学院里,设计家们正在从事研究些荒诞不经的课题,结果造成全国遍地荒凉,房屋坍塌,人民无衣无食。在巫人岛上,岛主精通巫术,擅长招魂,他们博览古今,发现历史真相被权贵歪曲,娼妓般的作家在哄骗世人。格列佛又游览了拉格耐格王国,见到一种长生不老人"斯特鲁布鲁格"。离开该国后,格列佛来到印度,然后乘船回到英国。 第四卷:慧骃国游记。(贤马国) 格列佛被放逐到"慧骃国"。这儿马是该国有理性的居民和统治者。而"列胡"(雅虎、野胡、耶胡多种名称是翻译的问题)则是马所豢养和役使的畜生。格列佛的举止言谈在"慧駰"国的马民看来是一只有理性的"列胡"。 在"慧骃"各种美德的感化下,格列佛一心想留在"慧骃"国.然而"慧骃"国决议要消灭那里的列胡.所以格列佛的愿望无法实现。无奈之下,格列佛只好乘小船离开该国打道回府。格列佛怀着对"慧骃国"的向往,一辈子与马为友.并且厌弃了世俗,决心不与他人同流合污。将慧骃与列胡作对比,凸显了理智、仁慈、友谊的人性的可贵和贪婪、无信,嫉妒的丑陋。




1) 人物背景:例如姓名,身份,职业,与理由有关的细节1句

2) 故事因为本段理由逐步发展的过程。2~3 何人何时何人及其感受

3) 故事的结局(回到全文观点)1~2






1 设计谁?


① 高中生②大学生③工作者

2 如何设计呢?


① 高中生:the example of my little brother Tom, who is studying in the high school attached

to the Tsinghua University, can support my idea.

句型:the example(case/fact/instance) of…, who is studying in…., can support my idea(opinion/viewpoint/standpoint)

The example of my confidante Alice

② 大学生

This provides(proves/offers/shows)a good(typical/concrete/notable/striking)in(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)stace of a student called….., majoring in….in/at……University of California at Los Angeles

③ 作者(smith)

Take my uncle Smith as an example. He is in charge of business while working in the Microsoft Corporation.

Take …as an example/instance. He/she is in charge of (is responsible for/manages/takes charge of)…while working in the corporation (company/firm) of….

花样例子 让例子更丰富

① 人物背景→曾经情况→变化过程→结果

② 人物对比(有共性)



Sports→healthy→happy→beneficial to life


Grandpa retired from Microsoft Corporation and aunt work in university

A not like playing sports but instead watching TV at home→every day spent 12 hours on various TV programs t→turn into a couch potato→unhealthy

In a team, those who do not accept others’ criticism cannot succeed.

To begin with, there is no doubt that people can improve themselves, when they accept team members’ criticism. In a group, humans who are not good at listening to others’ advice can know about their own strength and weakness more completely. Thus, they have enough capacity to achieve success through promoting themselves. The example of my friend Alice, who is studying in University of California at San Diego and majoring in microeconomics, can support my standpoint. Last semester, she was a leader in an academic team conducting a research on aging population. At first, she was too pretentious, refusing any advice. Such the paper, merely consisting of her own view, definitely failed to satisfy her professor. Later, the whole team gathered and discussed the research topic together. Unlike the previous performance, she adopted their suggestions this time, deleted useless contents and added a key point of the aging impacts on the industrial upgrade. Finally their essay achieved a high score thanks to Alice’s taking suggestions.



Which way do you think is the best way for a student to make new friends? A. joining a sports team.

To begin with, there is no doubt that students can cooperate with teammates and learn more about each other during sports game. In a sports game, taking the basketball game for example, players have to communicate and exercise together, thus winning the game. The instance of my friend Tommy, who is studying in the University of California at San Diego, can support my view perfectly. He is the international student and had a quite miserable time for everything was new and no friend could lend him a hand when he was new here. Nevertheless, he participated in the school basketball team. As a team member, doing exercises with partners was an everyday routine and he had no choice but had to follow. During this process, the relationship between him and the team members gradually got improved. Soon he made friends with his teammate, having a brilliant time in a foreign country.

Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past.

To begin with, there is no doubt that the promoted medical technology is a critical ingredient to help citizens maintain good health. Medicine and medical technology are no longer what they used to be. So considerable is the medical progress that a great number of deadly diseases in the past cannot contribute to deaths currently. My great-grandfather, died from the cardiovascular disease 20 years ago. Such a disease is not absolutely incurable nowadays. If he could accept brilliant treatment and took the synthetic medicine at that time, chances were that he could have enjoyed a longer life-span. By contrast, the example of my grandfather, an 85-year-old pensioner as vigorous as an 18-year-old teenager, can support my opinion vividly. He has been suffering diabetes for fifteen years. However, thanks to the progressive medicine, such a miserable disease does not bother him at all. In addition, he now is still active and even participated in an international marathon race with a crowd of young guys last year. It is the tremendous increase in the medical level that brings my grandfather good health.

To begin with, there is no doubt that the promoted medical technology is a crucial ingredient to help citizens maintain good health. The improvement of medicine, medical instrument and treatment results in a higher quality of medical and health service. Patients are able to recover more quickly and easily, and thus maintaining a good condition easier. The example of my grandfather, an 85-year-old pensioner, can support my standpoints vividly.





对方观点+对方理由(好处/evidence)+反驳对方的理由(不可行,不是好处,坏处,无效,替代方案)+(可举例) 转回我方观点

【子】 undoubtedly, it is generally accepted that increasing teacher’s payment will to

some extent improve their work efficiency(对方观点). Since satisfactory

payment could serve as an effective engine driving people to strive for more

excellent performance in their career. (对方理由)But one problem with

focusing on money while imparting knowledge is that teachers will pay less

attention to children’s comprehensive capabilities.(反驳理由) Therefore, the

quality of education in a country does not simply depend on the increase of

teachers’ salaries. (转回我方观点)

【1】审题 直译





In a team, those who do not accept others’ criticism cannot succeed.

Admittedly, some people argue that people refusing others’ criticism can succeed, since refusing to accept advice enables people to follow their own idea and helps them to stick to their belief, which is a crucial ingredient for any achievement. However, people seem to fail to take into account the fact that no one in the world is Mr. Right. No people on earth can avoid making mistakes. Once something wrong appears, it is the best policy for one to listen to sincere

suggestions and correct the mistake in order to succeed. Taking my friend Alice, who is studying in the University of California at San Diego and majoring in mathematics. She is of unbelievable talent and always achieves a full score in the examinations. Once she helped her professor conduct a research and unconsciously missed a decimal point in the paper, despite the

suggestions from her teammates, she still held on to her calculation stubbornly. However, this time she did make a mistake, which caused a heavy loss for their academic research. Since then, Alice have been modest all the time and listened to others’ advice carefully. Accordingly, such miserable accidents never happen once more. As a result, it is of considerable significance to accept others’ criticism so as to succeed.



To conclude, for what has been discussed above, I insist that arts, music and drama should be good subjects for the early education of children. (总结)They will help children develop intelligence and hobbies as well as a bright.(展望)

In a word, from what has been discussed above, I insist that


With the rising concerns about (题目中的关键字) in the modern society, hardly can the significance of (题目中的关键字) can be understated. Recently, a fierce debate is taking place,(题目的反问)?Quite a few contend that (反方观点),while others conceive differently. Individually, 正方观点

To begin with, there is no doubt that 主体理由。解释。The example of my friend

Alice, who is studying in the University of California at San Diego and majoring in 根据题目选(或者,my uncle Tony, who is the director of sales in the National City Bank of New York). 例子。As a result, it is that(强调句型+观点)

Admittedly, some people prefer that 反方观点,since 反方原因. However, people seem to fail to take into account the fact that 反驳反方。Taking …as an example, 例子。Consequently, 正方观点(用it 形式主语)

In a word, from what has been discussed above, I insist that ….(重复观点)。展望(有利于)(be beneficial to/promote/encourage)
